Comments to the list of indicators August 11 2015 First part Goal Target Indicators Comment There is no doubt that poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon which includes aspects related to living conditions that affect the dignity of people, limit their rights and freedoms, hamp the fulfillment of their basic needs and obstruct their full social integration. Considering only an income component neglects other dimensions of poverty, which are equally important for poverty eradication and to protect and fulfill all human rights. A multidimensional poverty measure has place within the frame of the Agenda, not only as a means to operationalize the achievement of Goal 1 which takes into account the concept of “poverty in all its forms”, but also as part of the shared principles and commitments which guide the Agenda, which recognize that to address effectively integrated solutions a new approach is needed (page 4, point 13). Based on the foregoing, it is proposed that the indicator for Target 1.2 traced for Objective 1 could be stated as: “By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions.” This proposal comprehends two essential aspects of Target 1.2: i) it recognizes the multidimensionality of poverty, and ii) favors each country with their specific needs. Also, allowing each country’s particular definitions would take into account the specific contexts of poverty and the availability of sources of information in each one of them." We realize there are still missing three indicator proposals for Targets 1 and 8, which we ask to be included. Those are: Percentage of women who own the house where they live (Target 1) 1 1.3 Percentage of population covered by social protection floors/systems, disaggregated by sex, composed of the following: a) Percentage of older persons receiving a pension; b) Percentage of households with children receiving child support; c) Percentage of working-age persons Population occupied by labor income quintiles by sex (Target 8) The proposal does not adequately measure the associated goal because not all seniors and households with children or people with disabilities, etc., are vulnerable and/or poor. This may encourage indiscriminate use of resources to meet the goal. An alternative could be: Percentage of poor and vulnerable Comments to the list of indicators August 11 2015 1 1.4 2 2.b without jobs receiving support; d)Percentage of persons with disabilities receiving benefits; e) Percentage of women receiving maternity benefits at childbirth; f) Percentage of workers covered against occupational injury; and g) Percentage of poor and vulnerable people receiving benefits. Proportion of the population living in households with access to basic services. Agricultural Export Subsidies 3 3.4.1. “Probabilidad de morir por enfermedades cardiovasculares, cáncer, diabetes y enfermedades crónica respiratoria, entre los 30 y 70 años de edad”. 3 3.9 5 5.6 6 6.4 Population in urban areas exposed to outdoor air pollution levels above WHO guideline values [Proportion (%) of countries with laws and regulations that guarantee all women and adolescents access to sexual and reproductive health services, information and education (official records) Percentage change in water use efficiency over time. population with social protection or that are beneficiaries of one or more social programs. The indicator does not measure the associated target correctly. The interpretation of the term "basic services" is too broad and closer to the concept of "opportunities". If Target 1.4 is referring to this concept, an indicator such as the Human Opportunity Index of the World Bank could be more accurate. It is suggested to include the OECD “Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI)” as a Trade restrictiveness alternate indicator to assess the impact of commercial policy measures that restrict services trade. It is suggested that such indicator be included in the following: Target 17.10 Promote a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization, including through the conclusion of negotiations under its Doha Development Agenda Indicator 17.10.1 Stock of potentially traderestrictive measures in WTO members (CBB) Even though clear emphasis is placed in premature and non-transmissible diseases, it could be interpreted as discrimination against individuals over 70 years old, ignoring the mortality causes in that range of age and the implementation of ad hoc public policies. The indicator observes air quality but disregards hazardous chemicals, and water and soil pollution. The indicator proposed does not adequately measure the associated goal. The existence of laws does not guarantee that the right is exercised effectively. It is suggested to include an indicator of water treatment. The indicator is already calculated without taking environmental water requirements into account. Comments to the list of indicators August 11 2015 7 7.2.2 10 10.2 11 11.1 Indicator 7.2.2 is not really an indicator of renewable energy outcomes, but rather a measure of the effort that policy makers are putting into creating a regulatory environment for renewable energy. While this is important and valuable, we do not feel it belongs as an SDG indicator. Proportion of people living below 50% of median income disaggregated by age and sex Proportion of urban population living in slums 11 11.7.1 Area of public space as a proportion of total city space 11 11.7.2 Proportion of residents within 0.5 km of accessible green and public space. Cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants that implement urban and regional development plans integrating population projections and resource needs Percentage of cities implementing risk reduction and resilience policies that include vulnerable and marginalized groups. 11 11 .a 11 11 .b It is suggested to include an indicator about the percentage of subsidies given to the development and enhancement of renewable energies. The indicator does not adequately measure the associated goal as it is limited to economic inclusion. Regarding the access to housing, it would be relevant to consider the percentage of the population that has access to financial support for housing or that benefit from a public program for the rental. The public space area includes recreational facilities, as well as the streets. It is recommended a disaggregation of the concept in these two categories, since it is important to measure or identify if citizens have enough space for both recreation and mobility without conflicts. It is suggested to include an indicator of the percentage of green space. If this indicator is not improved by including quality thresholds or criteria to evaluate the plan's design and implementation, progress could be overestimated. If this indicator is not improved by including quality thresholds or criteria to evaluate the plan's design and implementation, progress could be overestimated. It is suggested to include an indicator of the percentage of zones of risk in the urban areas. Comments to the list of indicators August 11 2015 Second part Goal Target 1.5 1.a. 2.2 2 2.5 3 3.7 4 4.2 5 5.2 Indicator Comments The verification of the behavior of these indicators will be Number of deaths, missing people, carried out through an analysis of information for a period injured, relocated or evacuated due of 15 years, as established in The Sendai (Japan) to disasters per 100,000 people. Framework for Action to Reduce Disaster Risk. Share of total overall government spending (incl. subnationals) on The estimations could be done just as a proxy indicator programs directed to bottom 40% using national household surveys. of population of country (%). Prevalence of stunting (height for age <-2 SD from the median of the We don´t have prevalence; we can calculate proportion of WHO Child Growth Standards) stunting among children under five years of age. among children under five years of age Mexico only has information about maize and wheat Ex Situ Crop Collections collections through the International Maize and Wheat Enrichment index Improvement Center. The indicator is feasible for adolescents aged 15-19 years, but not for girls between 10 and 14 years, because the household surveys don´t ask for sexual or reproductive Adolescent birth rate (10-14; 15health children under 15 years old because of ethical 19) per 1,000 women in that age considerations. This would also grow the survey sample group size significantly what could be impractical. However, it could be possible to get the data from Vital Statistics with the necessary fit. Percentage of children under 5 years of age who are developmentally on track in health, A methodological definition is required for the calculation, learning and psychosocial wellas well as the variables involved, in order to determine the being possibility of its measurement and periodicity. Disaggregation: sex, location, wealth (and others where data are available) Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls (aged 15-49) subjected to physical and/or sexual The data available does not specify the moment of the violence by a current or former event. intimate partner, in the last 12 months It is suggested to review the data considered in national surveys about forceful acts of sexual violence committed by perpetrators being other than an intimate partner, in Proportion of women and girls order to standardize information, since there are (aged 15-49) subjected to sexual noteworthy differences among countries. For example, the violence by persons other than an approach given in Mexico includes acts such as sexual intimate partner, since age 15 harassment and sexual intimidation, as well as rape and rape attempt. However, in other countries there are surveys where only rape and rape attempt are considered, Comments to the list of indicators August 11 2015 which may result in a lower prevalence. Additionally, the data available does not specifies the moment of the event. 5.4 5.6 5.b. 6.5 8.6 8 8.7 It is not possible to calculate the indicator as such request, but can provide the means for people 12 years of age and older, by sex, age groups and rural-urban, with the National Time Use Survey (ENUT). We consider at least two drawbacks in the original proposal: 1) First, in some countries like Mexico, it is not used a daily 24-hour time to capture activities on time use surveys, but what is called a "simplified daily" with precoded activities on a weekly reference period, divided in Average daily (24 hours) spent on two periods: Monday to Friday, and Saturday and Sunday, unpaid domestic and care work, by given the differentiation of activities between weekdays sex, age and location (for and the weekend. Therefore, to calculate the proposed individuals five years and above) indicator would be an additional calculation, which would disregard the difference that naturally exists in the way activities are performed between those two groups of days. 2) Second, we believe that there are serious difficulties associated with capturing information for individuals 5 to 11 years of age, since it has been observed that this information tends to be provided or biased by parents or older people present at the interview; moreover, experience shows that people in that range of age has no notion of the concept of time. This indicator is "not suitable" since the elements to be considered for its construction are not specified. It is necessary to define the kind of decisions to be minded. Proportion of women (aged 15-49) Agree with the proposal of UNFPA about the items to who make their own sexual and consider: first, capability to say no to sexual intercourse as reproductive decisions. a critical condition of sexual autonomy; second, measuring women’s decision concerning using or not contraceptive methods; third, measuring women’s decision about getting sexual and reproductive healthcare for themselves. We suggest to change this indicator for the one included in The minimum set of gender indicators STATCOM: Proportion of individuals who own a "Proportion of individuals using a mobile-cellular mobile telephone, by sex telephone, by sex”, since this is not the same as use of a mobile phone. Degree of integrated water resources management (IWRM) This program has not been implemented in Mexico. implementation (0-100) The Ministry of Labor proposes to calculate this rate based Percentage of youth (15-24) not in on information generated by the Child Labor Module education, employment or training Survey, however, this module does not contain information (NEET) on the worst forms of child labor. The Ministry of Labor proposes to calculate this rate, Percentage and number of children based on information generated by the Child Labor aged 5-17 years engaged in child Module Survey biannually. However, this module does not labor, per sex and age group contain information on the worst forms of child labor. Comments to the list of indicators August 11 2015 (disaggregated by the worst forms of child labor) 10.7 10.a. 11.c 11.3 11 11.4 11.5 11.7 12.a. 12.b. 13.a. 13 13.b. It is required to establish the methodology, data sources and the dimensions of the indicator. The number of zero-tariff lines could be an indicator of the implementation of the Duty-Free Quota-Free compromise, Share of tariff lines applied to however it does not necessarily indicate the degree of imports from LDCs/developing utilization of that measure. In that regard, it is important to countries with zero-tariff know the amount and destiny of exports for those same tariff lines. We may not have this detailed information but we do Percentage of financial support that agree with the specification of the indicator. We would ask is allocated to the construction and to add: "Percentage of financial support that is allocated to retrofitting of sustainable, resilient the construction and retrofitting of sustainable, resilient and resource-efficient buildings and resource-efficient buildings and areas suitable for human development". We consider that the proposal can be interpreted in many Efficient land use ways and therefore the results could quite diverse and non- comparable. Share of national (or municipal) budget which is dedicated to Information about preservation, protection and preservation, protection and conservation of national natural heritage does exist. It is conservation of national cultural necessary to define what does "cultural" mean for its natural heritage including World possible inclusion within the indicator. Heritage sites The verification of the behavior of these indicators will be Number of deaths, missing people, carried out through an analysis of information for a period injured, relocated or evacuated due of 15 years, as established in The Sendai (Japan) to disasters per 100,000 people. Framework for Action to Reduce Disaster Risk. The average share of the built-up We suggest to redefine the proposed indicator since it is areas of cities in open space in not clear to understand its objective nor the sources that public ownership and use. would be used. Number of qualified green patent There is no defined methodology for green patents. applications Residual flows generated as a result of tourism direct GDP We have to develop first a conceptual framework in order (derived from an extended version to establish the minimum elements of a strategy of this of the System of Environmentalnature. Economic Accounting (SEEA) for tourism) Mobilized amount of USD per year More specific counting principles are needed in order to starting in 2020 accountable harmonize country by country expenditures towards the towards the USD 100 billion target. commitment Number of LDCs that are receiving specialized support for mechanisms for raising capacities More specific counting principles are needed in order to for effective climate change related harmonize country by country expenditures towards the planning and management, target. including focusing on women, youth, local and marginalized communities International Migration Policy Index Comments to the list of indicators August 11 2015 15 15.7 16.1 16.2 16 16.4 16.6 16.7 Proportion of detected trade in wildlife and wildlife products that is illegal National information on illegal trade has serious limitations. Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 It is not possible to identify deaths due to this cause from people (disaggregated by age, sex the statistics of death by homicide (vital statistics). The and cause) indicator is not suitable. It is quite important to harmonize information sources among countries. We suggest that the source of this indicator should be the prosecutorial authority (the one Number of detected and nonwho begins with the investigation and integrates the detected victims of human corresponding investigation file). The verification of the trafficking per 100,000; by sex, age statistical capabilities of the authorities who will be the and form of exploitation sources is another important issue that must be taken into account in order to guarantee the adequate data provision. Regarding this last suggestion, the participation of the National Statistical Offices must be considered. Data availability will be an issue which will be restrictive for the indicator. It is quite important to harmonize information sources among countries. The verification of the statistical Total value of inward and outward capabilities of the authorities who will be the sources is an illicit financial flows (in current important issue that must be taken into account in order to US$). guarantee the adequate data provision. Regarding this last suggestion, the participation of the National Statistical Offices must be considered. It is quite important to harmonize information sources Percentage of seized and collected among countries. The verification of the statistical firearms that are recorded and capabilities of the authorities who will be the sources is an traced, in accordance with important issue that must be taken into account in order to international standards and legal guarantee the adequate data provision. Regarding this last instruments suggestion, the participation of the National Statistical Offices must be considered. Percentage of recommendations to strengthen national anti-corruption By its nature, this indicator is not part of INEGI-Mexico. frameworks (institutional and Besides, there is no available report (Implementation legislative) implemented, as Review Mechanism) for Mexico. It is quite important to identified through the UNCAC clearly define the variables of this indicator and to Implementation Review harmonize the information sources among countries. Mechanism. Proportions of positions (by age, INEGI-Mexico currently provides the information to sex, disability and population calculate the data of the local public service and of the groups) in public institutions judicial branch at local and national levels. Nevertheless, it (national and local legislatures, is considered that information at all levels will be available public service, and judiciary) over a five-year period. compared to national distributions. Proportion of countries that Despite the existence of this information for Mexico at the address young people's multiUnited Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), INEGI-Mexico sectorial needs with their national does not produce it directly. It is quite important to clearly development plans and poverty define the variables of this indicator and to harmonize reduction strategies information sources among countries. Comments to the list of indicators August 11 2015 Percentage of members or voting 16.8 rights of developing countries in international organizations. Number of verified cases of killing, kidnapping, enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention and torture of journalists, 16.10 associated media personnel, trade unionists and human rights advocates in the previous 12 months Percentage of victims who report physical and/or sexual crime to law enforcement agencies during past 16.a. 12 months 16.b 17 17.9 Disaggregated by age, sex, region and population group Percentage of population reporting having personally felt discriminated against or harassed within the last 12 months on the basis of a ground of discrimination prohibited under international human rights law. Disaggregated by age, sex, region and population group The dollar value of financial and technical assistance, including through North- South, South-South, and triangular cooperation, committed to developing countries' designing and implementing a holistic policy mix that aim at sustainable development in three dimensions (including elements such as reducing inequality within a country and governance). It is quite important to harmonize information sources among countries. This sort of information can be provided by the UN and by Ministries of Foreign Affairs. It is quite important to clearly define the variables for this indicator and to harmonize information sources among countries. The verification of the statistical capabilities of the authorities who will be the sources is an important issue that must be taken into account in order to guarantee the adequate data provision. Regarding this last suggestion, the participation of the National Statistical Offices must be considered. It is suggested to replace: ["Percentage of victims who report physical and/or sexual crime to law enforcement agencies during past 12 months."] The disaggregated data is not available. INEGI-Mexico does not have a cross-sectional survey which measures the prevalence of population that is victim of discrimination over a year. It is suggested to develop and to test a methodology at international level that describes specific situations in order to ensure a greater understanding by respondents. Feasible in the medium/long term. South-South cooperation providers are not ready to produce statistics to monetize their technical assistance.