SESSION 4.1: PROTECTION OF AT-RISK GROUPS Time allotted for Session 4.1: 1 hour ______________________________________________________________________________ POWERPOINT PRESENTATION Time allotted for PowerPoint presentation: 45 minutes Slide 1: Introduction Slide 2: Overview Introduction: Disaster and vulnerable groups Selected examples of vulnerability: o Gender o Children o Poverty o Disability Facilitator note: You can ask participants to name vulnerable groups and express why they think those groups are vulnerable. Slide 3: Introduction: Disasters and Vulnerable Groups Disasters = natural hazard + human vulnerability Affected communities differ in their: o Resistance o Resilience o Self-reliance The position of groups within society impacts: o Power dynamics and leverage o Marginalization vs. integration o Needs and priorities Slide 4: Gender and Vulnerability Especially non-western social contexts, gender affects: Needs Skills/capacities Level of risk _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Promoting and Protecting Rights in Natural Disasters: Workshop Modules and Facilitator’s Guide Page 1 of 5 December 2010 Gender is a cross-cutting issue with implications for all sectors, for example WATSAN – water and sanitation – health, education, shelter. Upholding gender equity in disaster response requires special attention Slide 5: Gender Roles: Maldives examples Women: Childcare Home-keeping and household food preparation Home-based enterprise (fish processing, food production) Gardening Men: Fishing and work for cash Interfacing with the local authorities Paper work and household spending How were these roles affected by the tsunami? Slide 6: Gender in the Relief phase Women: May not receive necessary health care (Could be pregnant, menstruating) May be at increased threat of sexual violence of abuse May be denied adequate relief aid or compensation for their losses May experience ongoing sexual vulnerability, fear, terror May experience ongoing economic vulnerability Are usually excluded from a voice in rebuilding and reconstruction efforts Slide 7: Gender in the Recovery Phase Women may experience: Increased workload Loss of basic facilities and household goods -> loss of income Changes in family and gender roles Men: May migrate to find work Reconstruction can provide income opportunities Psychological consequences of having been unable to protect his family _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Promoting and Protecting Rights in Natural Disasters: Workshop Modules and Facilitator’s Guide Page 2 of 5 December 2010 Slide 8: Barriers to using a Gender Lens Gender Blind: simply don’t see the issues or think that they are being exaggerated Women forgotten in immediate impact assessment, then lose out when it’s considered too late “No more assessments” People are fed up with repeated questions Disaster response workers claim: Not our responsibility Not enough time Not the right time Not enough money Disaster workers not trained and uncomfortable with the realities of gender inequalities. Lack of capacity of local organizations Slide 9: Gender: What is to be done? Gender training for disaster workers Documentation of gender abuse in disaster settings (not swept under the carpet) Collect gender-disaggregated data Equal participation and representation in decision making and planning Inclusion and practical utilization of women’s organizations, organizing abilities Important to work with men to prevent neglect, marginalization and abuse of women Slide 10: Gender: What is to be done? Work through existing women’s organizations and community groups Recruit local women and men for assessment teams; equal men and women on teams Put codes of conduct in place Heightened not reduced discussion on GBV Seek out information from women and men Develop gender accountability measures Slide 11: Children and Disasters: Vulnerabilities • • • • • Family separation Difficulty in finding food, clothes, other basic needs and care Lack of emergency education Physical injury and mental trauma Children may be forced to live on the street if families not provided with adequate support _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Promoting and Protecting Rights in Natural Disasters: Workshop Modules and Facilitator’s Guide Page 3 of 5 December 2010 • Vulnerable to child labour, trafficking, exploitation (especially separated and unaccompanied children) following disaster Slide 12: Poverty and Disasters: Vulnerabilities • • • • Poor people often live in high-risk areas so are more likely to be hit by disasters. Buildings might be less resilient than in more affluent areas. Have less resources and no access/money for insurance therefore: Disasters can accentuate and deepen poverty and lead to reductions in food consumption, health expenditures, and school enrollment Lack of resources might force poor people to migrate Assistance, especially for reconstruction, and livelihoods (cash-for-work programs, livelihood projects) help households to recover some of their losses from the disaster. Still, the shock makes households start at a lower baseline and aggravates the risk of falling again into poverty, particularly for families living close to the poverty line Slide 13: Sequence of Socio-Economic Vulnerability Disasters often cause a socio-economic shock for households leading to a sharp fall in household incomes that is often also coupled with a social-services shock at the same time Disaster-affected households need time to adapt to the decreased household income Assistance, especially for reconstruction, and livelihoods (cash-for-work programs, livelihood projects) help households to recover some of the losses they had during the disaster. Still the shock makes households start at a lower baseline and aggravates the risk especially for families living closely above the poverty line to fall again into poverty Slide 14: Poverty: What is to be done? Before the disaster: Measures aim to avoid the risk from occurring (risk prevention), or, if this is not possible, to reduce its impact (Investment in Mitigation; Insurance) After the disaster: Coping strategies are designed to relieve the impact of the risk once it has occurred (Individual savings or borrowing; relief assistance; recovery and reconstruction programs) Slide 15: Mechanisms and Instruments for Social Protection _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Promoting and Protecting Rights in Natural Disasters: Workshop Modules and Facilitator’s Guide Page 4 of 5 December 2010 Microfinance (Credit, savings, and insurance): They provide liquidity to the poor to reduce the volatility in income and consumption. Limited in their outreach by their focus on credit and high cost of capital Food Transfer: Arranged through relief, food stamps, and food-for-work programs Service Fee / Tax Waivers: Waivers of land revenue, electricity and water charges, education fee, debt / interest waivers Cash transfer programs: they provide direct assistance in the form of cash to the poor (Sri Lanka) Public works programs: they can act as important inventions for ensuring basic entitlements Social funds: Rapid disbursing mechanisms. Allow poor people to become actively involved in the development of their communities by supporting small projects identified by the communities (Honduras Social Investment Fund; Second Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund) Slide 16: Assisting People with Disabilities: The Example of Turkey Turkey Emergency Earthquake Recovery Loan (EERL): Cash transfers to earthquake victims who suffered property damage; Cash transfers to survivors and newly disabled persons who were not covered by social security; and Cash transfers to survivors and disabled persons covered by social security. Slide 17: Social Protection policies and programs should: Strengthen assets and livelihoods Be flexible according to needs Be implemented transparently Be supported by communications and outreach strategy Include mechanisms of redress Slide 18: Thank you and Questions Facilitator note: This session is planned as a working group with 1 hour and 45 minutes allocated for the working groups and the subsequent plenary session. Using the PowerPoint presentation should take about 45 minutes and with 15 minutes for questions the session should take about 1 hour. PLENARY DISCUSSION AND Q & A Time allotted for plenary discussion: 15 minutes ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Promoting and Protecting Rights in Natural Disasters: Workshop Modules and Facilitator’s Guide Page 5 of 5 December 2010