2012-2013 Curriculum Checklist All Schools: Number of non-proficient students reduced by at least 10% Implement Common Instructional Framework in all classrooms CIF Strategies will be labeled on lesson plans Educational background signs, using approved template, are evident throughout school of each certified and non-certified staff member College banners and posters are evident throughout school, in addition to educational background signs Teachers will participate in The Tuning Protocol at least three times per semester Teachers will participate in the Rounds Model for Professional Development 2-4 times per school year, as planned by principal and achievement coaches School administration and other appropriate school personnel will participate in a quarterly review of SelfAssessment/SIP to show fidelity to the NCNSP Design Principles Schools will complete and submit Self-Assessment documents by the established deadlines Evidence of global education, literacy, and/or awareness in the school Evidence of a school data team, made up of representatives from grade levels or departments and administrators, with clearly defined roles and responsibilities and evidence the team meets on a regular basis. Evidence of common assessments being used by grade level or departments to measure student mastery Evidence all teachers have EVAAS logins and are proficient in its use Certificates printed from the Online Modules Evidence of using DCS Walk-Through document (details to be provided at later date) Teachers will use DCS Curriculum Guides to plan instruction February 9, 2016 2012-2013 Curriculum Checklist Pre-K: College adoption clearly evident for school/site Field trip participation, virtual or actual, with a college connection/theme High school students are invited to mentor/tutor students K-5: College adoption clearly evident for each grade level Evidence of guest speakers with topics related to colleges/universities (minimum of 3 per school) Field trip participation, virtual or actual, with a college theme (one per grade level) 6-8: College adoption clearly evident by teacher Evidence of guest speakers with topics related to colleges/universities (minimum of 3 per school) Field trip participation to a college, including live college classroom visits (one per grade level) Counselors and teachers educate students on college options (Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Arts/Sciences, Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree, Doctorate Degree, etc.) and different types of colleges (two year, four year, liberal arts, private/public, etc.) Implement affective support structures outlined in counselor action plans (Advisories, Seminar, Remediation, Pyramid of Interventions, etc.) Students explore career opportunities through CTE courses Students participate in Career Fair 8 graders complete Career Interest Inventor and College Readiness Inventory (i.e. EXPLORE), if th provided by DPI Host Parent Universities to discuss School Expectations, 21st Century Skills, Bullying, Internet and Social Media Safety, and/or other topics different from high school. February 9, 2016 2012-2013 Curriculum Checklist 9-12: College adoption clearly evident by teacher Evidence of guest speakers with topics related to colleges/universities (minimum of 3 per school) Field trip participation to a college, including live college classroom visits (minimum of 5 field trips per school) Counselors and teachers educate students on college options (Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Arts/Sciences, Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree, Doctorate Degree, etc.) and different types of colleges (two year, four year, liberal arts, private/public, etc.) Implement affective support structures outlined in counselor action plans (Advisories, Seminar, Remediation, Pyramid of Interventions, etc.) Sophomores take the PLAN assessment through ACT to determine college readiness (December) Juniors take ACT assessment to determine college readiness (March) Host Parent Universities to discuss graduation requirements, SAT/ACT testing procedures and dates, college application process, financial aid opportunities, CFNC support, Internet and Social Media Safety. February 9, 2016