Poster Contest On September 12th, 2015 – The Sayville Chamber of Commerce along with South Bay Wellness and Spellman Studios will be transforming Sayville - “The Friendliest Town in America”, into Wellville - “The Healthiest Town in America”. To kick-off this celebration of wellness, South Bay Wellness, Spelman Studios and Mini Monet will be holding the first annual Wellville Poster Contest. This contest is open to all elementary, middle and high school students. All entries will be on display at the Wellville celebration on Sept. 12th from 10a-5p at the Sayville common grounds. Winners will be announced at the event. All art work should focus on the theme of Wellville “Be the Best You”. For more information about Wellville and the planned activities for families, please visit Contest Rules 1. There will be a first, second and third place winner for each age group. The age groups are: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. 2. All first place winners will have their artwork displayed in the South Bay Wellness Children’s brochure. All winners will have their work shared on social media and other venues. 3. All first place winners will receive a prize of a one hour class at Mini Monet and a $25 Sayville Town Giftcard. 4. All entries must be turned in to the South Bay Wellness table at Wellville September 12th between 10am-12pm. Posters will go on display from 12:30 - 4:15pm. Winners will be announced at 4:30pm (attendance not required). 5. All entries must be on poster board no larger than 11in x 17in. 6. Artists are encouraged to include emotional health and wellness and well as physical wellness in their work. 7. Winners will be selected by the staff of South Bay Wellness, Spelman Studios, and Mini Monet. 8. All artwork must have the portion of this flyer below the dotted line securely attached to the back of the artwork. For questions please contact Alyson Ryan at 855-552-9355 ext 101 or ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Name: _________________________________________________________ 2. Phone number (to be used only to contact winners): _________________________ 3. Grade: __________ School/Teacher: ___________________ 4. I give permission for my artwork to be used in South Bay Wellness printed material: ___Yes ___No 5. I give permission for my artwork to be used on any of the sponsors social media sites:___Yes ___No 6. I give permission for my child’s name to be used on their art work when published: ___Yes ___No 7. Parent Signature: __________________________________________________________________