NEWSLETTER European Languages Day Just to remind you that next week we will be celebrating European Languages Day in School on Thursday 26th September. Please could you dress your child in the colours of the country they will be studying. For our European Languages day we will have a Themed day in the dining hall: Monday: We will be having our Italian day Tuesday: we cross the English Channel and have our French Day Wednesday: will be St. Patrick’s version of the Great British Bake Off Thursday: we will be enjoying a taste of Ireland If your child usually has a packed lunch then they are more than welcome to join us for a school lunch, as long as we know by Friday morning. Please let the office or your child’s class teacher if they would like to stay for the week. Parents’ Lunch Days I am sure many parents would like the opportunity to be able to come into school and have a school meal with their child. Each half term we will be inviting parents to join their child and have a school lunch For this half term, if you have a child in Class 2 or Class3 you are more than welcome to come in to school on Wednesday October 16th to have lunch in school. If you would like to have lunch then could you please pay for the meal and notify the office no later than Thursday 10th October. Taster Evenings On the week of Parent Consultation Evenings, Tuesday 25th November and Wednesday 26th, a selection of goodies will be available in the school hall for you to try – just to get a taste of school dinners. Please call into the hall for your testing session. Taster Lunchtimes – Exotic Fruits and Vegetables To help the children try and experience new foods we are introducing ‘Taster Days’. In the school hall, during lunchtime we will have an area set up where the children can come over and try some new foods with their friends. Bread Baking with Class 1 We may not have Mary Berry or Paul Hollywood, but we do have our fantastic kitchen crew. They would like to work with some of the children to teach them about how to cook and eat healthily. On Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 19th November they will be working with Class 1 to bake fresh bread. If you are lucky they may even bring some home for you to try. Holidays Your child has been given a handy, plastic credit card sized holiday term dates card. This should be something you can easily keep in your purse or wallet just to check on holiday dates when you are out and about. I hope you find it useful. Can I say a big thank you to the vast majority of parents who completely understand the school policy on parents taking their children out of school for a holiday during term time and only permitting a maximum of 5 days holiday in any academic year. The Government are quite clear to schools about attendance and I know many local schools now will not permit any holiday to be taken during school time. I am sure you want your child to attend an ‘Outstanding’ school. Ofsted, as part of their inspection process will also grade the school taking attendance into account. It is important to realise that schools must authorise any absence – parents cannot do this. As many of you are now aware, parents can be fined for taking their child from school without authorisation or even prosecuted and their place at the school can be removed. Once again, a big thank you to the vast majority of parents who support us with attendance and holidays - it is greatly appreciated. Mr Ryan Head Teacher 18th September 2013