Canyon West ARTICLE IX Construction Covenants

Canyon West Homeowner's Association
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCR's)
Article IX - Use of Lots – Protective Covenants
Preliminary and final design plans shall be submitted for review in duplicate (two
copies) to the CWHOA Architectural C ont rol Committee (ACC). Construction may
NOT begin until all plans are approved by the ACC. If, during the building process,
there are any design or material changes, approval is required from the ACC.
To assist in understanding building requirements at Canyon West, please review and
answer the following questions. Responses must be able to be verified from the home
design plans. Both builder and homeowner need to sign the document to show
acceptance and approval of the information.
Article 9.35 of the new deed restrictions requires that all trash from construction be placed
in a commercial container, (i.e., dumpster, roll off container).
Site assessment of $300.00 due prior to start of construction.
1. Construction Site location
a. Lot number _______________
b. Address _______________________________
2. How far does the residential structure set back from property lines? (9.4
Building Setbacks)
Front __________________ (Faces Main Road)
Rear __________________
Left __________________
Right __________________
3. What is the main structure square footage? (9.41 Size)
What is the air conditioned square footage? (9.41 Size)
5. What is the garage Sq. Ft., and how many vehicles are intended to be parked
in the garage? (9.17 Garages and Porte Cocheres)
Number of Vehicles
6. What is the roof pitch? (9.37 Roofs)
7. What is the height of the residential structure above the original grade
excluding chimney elements? (9.19 Height of Structure
8. What is the height of retaining walls? (9.43 Walls and Fences)
9. What construction materials will be used:
a. On the home's exterior wall surface? If more than one type of
material, what is the percentage of each? (9.15 Exterior Surfaces)
b. On the chimney exterior? (9.1 7 Chimneys and Outdoor Fires)
c. On the roof? (9.6 Roofs)
d. On the foundation material (above grade veneer), if needed?
(9.16 Foundation)
e. On any building projection? (9.3 Building Projections)
On the mailbox? (9. 22 Mailboxes)
g. On the driveway surface? (9.10 Access Drives)
h. On structural retaining wall? (9.43 Walls and Fences)
On a fence, if applicable? (9.43 Walls and Fences)
On the A/C Compressor Screens (9.12 Eq. and A/C Compressors)
Detail plan MUST be shown on required detailed drawings. State
Materials to be used.
10. What is the design and location of the mailbox?
(9.22 Mailboxes)
11. PRIOR to the beginning of installation of the following, plans for
construction and/or placement MUST be approved by the ACC.
12. Builder will adhere to Upper Trinity guidelines for residential wells. New wells will be
50' from property lines and 150' from existing wells, whether registered on not.
Builders Initials
Show on plat!
All items should be shown on the plat to the best possible detail. We
recognize that placement may vary slightly during the construction
process. Major deviations must be reported to the ACC.
Driveway location and size. (Show on Plat)
Fence and wall locations, if applicable. (Show On Plat)
Septic tank location. (Show On Plat)
LP storage tank location. (Show On Plat)
Air-conditioning compressor location. (Show On Plat)
13. After benching the Lot, silt fences must be installed to prevent runoff to roadways,
adjacent Lots, and the Golf Course. Builder Initials _____________
14. After forms are placed, & prior to pouring the foundation, a forms site survey must
be provided to the CWHOA Architectural C ont rol Committee (ACC) to insure
that all setbacks are within required specifications. Builder Initials __________
Required minimum building setbacks from property lines:
Front (applicable to portion of building which faces main road)... 35 feet
Side.................................................. ............................................... 25 feet
Rear ............................................................. on Golf Course. 50 feet
……………………………………… Golf Course 25 feet
All setbacks from the Golf Course property line …….............50 feet
NOTICE! Failure to provide a forms site survey prior to pouring concrete
may result in a significate fine, or project disapproval.
Residential Builder
Phone #:
Phone #:
Check #:
Pre-Approved by:
Disapproved By:
Reason for Disapproval:
Site Survey reviewed by:__________________________ Date: __________
Final Approval By: ______________________________ Date: ______________
April 2013- Revised September 17, 2015
Canyon West ARTICLE IX Construction Covenants
Building plans must be approved by the Architectural
Control Committee before construction begins.
 Plans will be submitted to the Committee drawn to a scale of
1ft. to 1/4 inch. Plans will show the buildings location on
lot {setbacks and driveway), elevation of all sides
(surface material, roof pitch, height of building).
 9.3 Building Projections.
o All building projections must be contained within the
building setbacks.
 9.4 Building Setbacks.
o Front- 35 ft.(face main road)
o Side - 25ft.
o Rear - 25ft. (50 ft. on golf course)
o 50 ft. – All setbacks from the Golf Course property line.
 9.6 Chimneys and Outdoor Fires.
o Chimney elements are subject to the same material
requirements as established by Section 9.9 and must be
equipped with an approved U.L. or I.C.B.O. spark
o All fire pits, whether propane, ethanol, gel fuel, and
those using ceramic pieces or glass marble beads,
must be approved by the Board.
 9.7 Commencement of Construction.
o Construction cannot commence before 6:00AM local
 9.10 Driveways
o Each lot shall be accessed by a single driveway. Double
entry loop drive- ways must be approved. The driveway
surface must be approved and shall not be asphalt
 9.12 Equipment and Air-Conditioning Compressors.
o All equipment, air- conditioning compressors and similar
items must be located in areas designated by the
Committee and must be entirely screened and shall not
be visible from any residential street, any Adjoining Lot
or the golf course. If plant material is used to screen
equipment from view, the plant material must entirely
screen equipment at planting. Construction materials and
design must be indicated on submitted plans.
 9.14 Exterior Colors.
o All color schemes must be approved.
 9.15 Exterior Surfaces.
o Eighty percent (80%) of the exterior
shall be constructed of brick or stone
 9.16 Foundation.
o Look at section 9.16 for possible veneer
requirements to foundation walls.
 9.17 Garages
o Garages shall not directly face a
residential street or the golf course.
Garage space will accommodate a
minimum of two automobiles.
 9.19 Height of Structure.
o Roofs of residential structures shall not
exceed a height of 35ft. or 40 ft. above the
natural grade directly below. The front of a
flag lot residential structure shall not
exceed one story.
o Landscaping plans must be approved by the
Committee. All lawns will be sodded or sprigged with
Bermuda like grass (check 9.20 for exceptions).
 9.23 Mechanical Equipment.
o No roof or wall mounted mechanical equipment
will be permitted. All mechanical equipment will be
screened from view.
 9.29 Pool Equipment
o No pool may be installed without the consent of the
Committee. Pool service equipment shall be located in
a side or rear yard and shall not be visible from any
residential street, alley, or any adjoining Lot, or the
Golf Course.
 9.37 Roofs
o Pitch 6/12 minimum, 12/12 maximum.
material must be approved by the
 9.38 - Septic Tanks.
o All septic systems plans will be submitted to the
Committee for approval and must comply with Parker
County & State of Texas requirements. "All service
and sanitation facilities must be enclosed within
fences, walls or landscaping so as not to be visible
from any residential street."
 9.41 Size of home.
o Air conditioned floor space, 2800 sq.ft.
minimum for an off golf course lot, 3000
sq.ft. minimum for an on golf course lot.
 9.43 Walls & Fences.
o Maximum height of any wall is 4ft. Structural retaining
walls will not exceed a height of 6ft. and shall be
constructed of approved material. Fencing material will not
be wire, chain link or wood. Maximum height of a fence is
4ft. (check 9.43 for Canyon West perimeter fencing) No
fence or wall will be built nearer to any street than the
minimum building setback. Fencing must be recessed
10ft. from the dwelling's front building line.
 9.45 Windows, Doors, & Skylights.
o Highly reflective glazing material and raw metal
components are prohibited
NOTE: Silt fences must be installed to prevent runoff to
roadways, adjacent Lots, and the Golf Course.
(See Canyon West Homeowner's Association Covenants, Conditions and
Restrictions (CCR's) Article IX, Use of Lots - Protective Covenants , Item
number 12.)
The proper installation is to dig a trench approximately 6" deep along the line where the silt
fence will be placed. The silt fence material lines the trench and then filled with dirt to anchor
the bottom of the fence. Then the post/stakes are installed no more than 4' apart and to a
depth or 1 1/2 to 2 feet, minimum, to prevent the stakes from pulling out of the ground. Then,
lastly, the fence material is secured to the posts/stakes with wire or zip ties at the top, middle,
and bottom to ensure there isn't a fence failure.
Builder will adhere to Upper Trinity guidelines for residential wells.
New wells will be at least 50' from property lines and 150' from existing
wells, whether registered on not. Well location should be shown on plat.