Rock Bottom Farms

Rock Bottom Quarter Horses
Breeding Contract
This STALLION BREEDING CONTRACT for the breeding season of _____ is
made and entered into this ________ day of ________, _____ and is between Rock Bottom
Farms (Jessica Gilbert, Owner), hereafter designated Breeder, and ____________________
hereafter designated Mare Owner. Mare Owner agrees to breed the mare
_____________________, Reg. NO______________ to stallion YQH Frenchman Fly, Reg.
No. 5004378 for the fee of _________, for a live foal, subject to the following conditions.
There will be $5.00 per day mare care fee added to the breeding fee if no feed is provided,
$3.00 per day with feed. The mare will not be released to the Mare Owner until such time
as the stallion service fee, all veterinary expenses, board bills, and any other expenses
incurred on behalf of the mare have been paid.
1-Breeder agrees to provide suitable facilities for the care and feeding of the mare and/or foal while in their
custody. Mare Owner agrees to pay for the care and feeding of the mare. No breeder’s certificate will be issued until
account for Mare Owner has been paid in full.
2- Breeder agrees to diligently settle owner’s mare.
3- The Mare Owner agrees that the mare offered for breeding is in sound breeding condition and free from
infection and disease. A negative Coggins test is required along with all standard vaccinations – No exceptions. Please
present certificate when the mare is presented. Hind shoes must be removed from ALL mare’s being
live covered or mare will not be bred!
4- Breeder guarantees a LIVE FOAL, defined as one that stands and nurses within 24 hours of birth, without
any assistance. If a live foal does not result from this mating, the Mare Owner is entitled to a return privilege in the
next breeding season, only for the same mare or a substitute approved by the Breeder. If mare is sold then
contract becomes void. No Refunds of Breeding Fee or selling of breeding fee’s- No
-Live Foal Guarantee becomes void if the following practices are not accomplished:
a) Determination of pregnancy within 60 days of last service
b) Routine Rhinopneumonitis vaccination at 5, 7, 9 months of pregnancy
c) Removal of any forage containing Ky 31 fescue within a minimum of 45 days prior to foaling
d) Rock Bottom Farms must be contacted within 14 days after lost foal with a veterinarian
statement confirming death.
5- Both parties agree that Rock Bottom Farm, or their agents are not liable for death, sickness and / or
accidental injury, including consequential damages caused to the mare and / or foal unless such death, sickness and / or
accident was the willful and wanton negligence of the Breeder.
6- Shipping of semen requires all costs to be disclosed up front. Stallion Fee, Vet Fees, Shipping Charges,
and container deposit must be paid by Mare Owner before semen will be shipped. These charges will be outlined on
the following page.
7- This contract represents the entire agreement between the parties. No other agreements or promises,
verbal or implied are included unless specifically stated in this written contract.
8- This contract is entered into the State of Tennessee, and will be interpreted and enforced under the laws of
that state. If any clause in this contract is against State Law, then that clause shall become void.
When Mare Owner and Breeder sign this contract, it will be binding on both parties subject to the above terms and
Breeder’s Signature
Mare Owner’s Signature
(Or authorized agent)
Mare Owner’s Address
Mare Owner’s Home/Work Phone