Protocol for Summative Assessment Development Purpose: To develop a new summative assessment task based on Graduation Proficiencies, Performance Indicators, and Scoring Criteria. Time frame: 1 hour, 15 mins Materials: Graduation Proficiencies and Performance Indicators--content area and Transferrable Skills, Scoring Criteria for assessed Performance Indicators (from prior day’s work), Summative Assessment Task Design Criteria chart Roles: Facilitator, Timekeeper, Record keeper Process: 1. Identify the appropriate graduation proficiency/ies and performance indicator(s) for this assessment. Begin with the performance indicators for which you developed scoring criteria yesterday. (5 min.) 2. For the primary indicator(s) you chose in step 1, using the scoring criteria you developed, define how students can demonstrate this knowledge/skill. Brainstorm and choose a type of product that will allow them to do so: (10 mins) (use attached chart, p 3) Example: Indicator What skills must What content lends What products would students itself to allow students to demonstrate? demonstrating this? demonstrate this? read and non-fiction critical essay of a This work by Great Schools Partnership is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 1 January 12, 2015 Protocol for Summative Assessment Development Draw evidence from comprehend literary or literary/informational informational texts to texts support analysis, reflection, and develop an analysis of those texts research. (9)* reading/research work of literature critical analysis research paper articles about literature, film, oral presentation of a drama, etc. literary or historical analysis VT ELA standard 3-- select relevant works of literature, Writing, indicator c. evidence from those drama, etc. *refers to CCSS texts anchor and grade specific standards Debate--written or oral explain and connect that evidence to support an analysis 3. Refine the expectations of the summative assessment and create a specific prompt, and directions to align with the identified performance indicator(s) (and the scoring criteria you have from yesterday). (20 min) 4. Consult the content area Graduation Proficiencies and Transferrable Skills. Discuss other Performance Indicators your assessment could be used to evaluate. (Try to keep this number of indicators small--3-5 total per assessment.) (10 mins) 5. Carousel review of assessment tasks a. Each group posts the Summative Assessment Brainstorm chart, the prompt they created in step 3, and a piece of chart paper for warm and cool feedback This work by Great Schools Partnership is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 2 January 12, 2015 Protocol for Summative Assessment Development b. Using the Summative Assessment Task Design Criteria chart, independently and silently review each group’s work and share warm and cool feedback with the designers via sticky note (15-20 mins). 6. Back in your design group, review the feedback and identify next steps/revisions to the task to ensure it meets the criteria of the Summative Assessment Task Design Criteria Chart. (10 mins) This work by Great Schools Partnership is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 3 January 12, 2015 Protocol for Summative Assessment Development Summative Assessment Brainstorm Indicator What skills must What content What products students lends itself to would allow demonstrate? demonstrating students to this? demonstrate this? This work by Great Schools Partnership is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 4 January 12, 2015 Protocol for Summative Assessment Development This work by Great Schools Partnership is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 5 January 12, 2015