GP career resources

GP career resources
BMJ Careers:
BMJ Careers - weekly features on career issues and
events; job ads
Working for the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency within DoH
Revive your career -
What to do with a medical degree if you don’t want to work in the NHS – Part 1:
Becoming a freelance GP -
THE ADVICE ZONE I studied law and worked in the city before starting medicine. I am now almost two
years postgraduate, but know that I don't want to practise clinical medicine or work in the NHS. I
don't want to leave medicine entirely, but I don't know where to go to find out what my career
options are. Can you help?
GP retainer scheme – on the way out but some are working locally, contact Dr Honor Merriman and see
Medical careers, general:
 – run by KSS deanery for DoH. Plenty of detailed info on career paths and
prospects, and though aimed at primarily at Foundation doctors, it includes potentially useful items
on working abroad, and non-traditional career paths. Also includes self-assessment exercises to help
you build up a view of your strengths and priorities. Has calendar of career events.
NHS – where all NHS jobs are advertised . Centre for Workforce Intelligence – has factsheets on every specialty inc GP with
predictions for future workforce requirements. GP is at – helpful articles on career issues and work/life balance
Books to help identify career priorities – though generalist, these have many good tips and exercises:
Lees, John (2009) How to get a job you’ll love, McGraw Hill
Houghton, Anita (2007), Finding Square Holes, Crown House Publishing (AH is a former doctor and
now a coach)
Bolles, J. (2010) What color is your parachute? (This book is updated every year)
Oxford Deanery Career Development Unit – . Free career dilemma
support for Deanery trainees but also offers one-to-one career help for established doctors working
or living in the Deanery area, for which there is a charge; coaches are GPs and consultants
Medical Forum - - career planning service for doctors, run by an ex-doctor
(as I understand, to cover costs only). Costs several hundred pounds for a personalised assessment
process, however some taster exercises are now on their website
Barbara Wallis, Oxford Deanery Careers lead May 2011