19th Annual Golf Tournament Schedule 8:00 a.m. Shotgun Start 4 Player Scramble Lunch, awards and prizes to follow. Silent Auction in the club house. St. Therese Catholic School Established 1947 St. Therese is a pre-kindergarten through 8th grade Catholic School in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The curriculum stresses academic achievement within a Christian community where the child feels they are loved and respected by their peers and teachers. St. Therese School is dedicated to assisting families with passing on the Catholic faith, morals and values to the students. The school is a community outside the home, where religious values and truths may be integrated with daily life. The school provides a quality education in a Christian environment and to help each student develop his/her own potential through creative expression, hands on learning, self discipline and the opportunity to participate in liturgy, prayer, sacraments and community service. St. Therese Catholic School “Go For The Green” 19TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT FRIDAY, MAY 8TH, 2015 DESERT GREENS GOLF COURSE PARADISE HILLS, ALBUQUERQUE Please join us for golf, food and fun! ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TOWARDS Visit our website at: Thank you for supporting St. Therese Catholic School. www.stthereseschoolabq.org (505)-344-4479 UPGRADING AND ENHANCING OUR TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM AT ST. THERESE CATHOLIC SCHOOL. PROVIDING HOPE FOR THE FUTURE GENERATIONS. Player Registration Registration Deadline is May 1st, 2015 (#)____Individual Player $125 *Please print clearly Player 1 Name_________________________________ Sponsorship Opportunities Gold Sponsor - $1500 Date: Friday, May 8th, 2015 Includes a team of 4 golfers Name on event materials and signage Signage on one golf hole Time: 8:00 a.m. Shotgun Start _____ Gold Sponsor $1500 (Includes team of 4) City_________________State____Zip_______ Player 2 Name_________________________________ Location: Desert Greens Golf Course Recognition at awards luncheon Address________________________________ Phone______________Email________________ Yes! I want to be a part of the 19th annual St. Therese School Golf Tournament. Silver Sponsor - $1000 ____ Silver Sponsor $1000 Name on event materials and signage Signage on one golf hole Recognition at awards luncheon ____ Bronze Sponsor $500 Address________________________________ City_________________State____Zip_______ Phone______________Email________________ Player 3 Name_________________________________ Bronze Sponsor - $500 Name on event materials and signage Recognition at awards luncheon Address________________________________ Player 4 Hole Sponsor - $250 Signage on one golf hole Name_________________________________ Address________________________________ City_________________State____Zip_______ Phone______________Email________________ *If you do not have a complete team (4 players), fill out the number of golfers you have and you will be paired accordingly. ____ Monetary Donation $______ City_________________State____Zip_______ Phone______________Email________________ ____ Hole Sponsor $250 *Monetary donations or prizes for silent auction are greatly appreciated! *All sponsor opportunities include recognition in tournament program, the St. Therese School Newsletter and St. Therese School website. Thank you for your support! Any Amount Welcomed!