ASTA NINDANIYA PURUSHA AND ANESTHETIC OUTCOME *Dr shailendra singh **Dr DN pande Acharya charak has described this concept of asta nindaniya purusha viz.atisthoola-atikrisha,atihrshwaatidirgha,aloma-atiloma,atigaura-atikrishna,and has claimed that these patients are associated with bad therapeutic outcome. This seems to be true not only for medical conditions but anaesthesia as well. here are some possible explanation of this concept in relation to anaesthesia. 1.ATISTHOOLA(OBESE PTIENTS)-obesity has been challenge for medical field. This has been explained in ayurveda earlier. Some problems of obese persons which interact with anaesthesia are as followsRELATED PROBLEMS Cardiovascularcardiomyopathies hypertension ischemic heart disease i.v.canulation AirwayLarynx interiorly placed Reduced Oropharyngial space Preoxygenation Risk of aspiration Breathing & RespirationFRC Lung compliance Airway resistance IPPV Ventilator drive O2 saturation PEEP GastrointestinalIncreased intraabdominal pressure Prone for GERD Metabolic & indocrinalFatty liver Increased BMR NIDDM Post opWound healing infection 2.AITKRISH ASSOCIATED ANESTHETIC PROBLEMS Intra operative cardiovascular collapse and mortality. Difficult because of more subcutaneous fat. Difficult intubation -doLess effect Increased Decreased Decreased Increased Requires more positive pressure Decreased Apnoeic At least 10 to 15(more than normal) Increased chance of aspiration Decreased drug transport & metabolism Increased energy demand Autonomic neuropathy-decreased compensatory response. Delayed More prone for infections Ventilator effort Poor Infections Prone for nosocomial infections Mortality 8 times higher Less subcutaneous fat Chance of perioperative hypothermia Cardiovascular Chance of fluid overload hyperthyroidism Hypertention,tremors 3.ATIHRASHWA- Our experience indicates that the most common problem seen clinically originates from the high incidence of spinal and foramen magnum stenosis.These patients present with sleep apnoea andnocturnal airway obstruction which is probably related to brainstem compression.6"8Patients with sleep apnoea tend to have apnoeic spells followed by periods of hyperventilation.Therefore,carbondioxide retention has not been a problem. Most ofthe patients for suboccipital craniectomy wereunder 12 years old and pulmonary function was notevaluated. Other problems associated with spinalstenosis include chest deformity and upper cervicalmyelopathy.9'10 Some of the patients have such severe spinal stenosis that they present with longtract signs and need decompression to preserveperipheral neurological function. Hypotonia Increased response to muscle relaxants Pituitary insufficiency Problem in autoregulation Macroglossia Difficult intubation Small chin Difficult intubation Micrognethia Difficult intubation Crowling of teeth in jaw Difficulty in extension of neck Short neck Difficult intubation Achondroplesic childs-risk of hydrocephalus risk of apnoea Small chest carefull ventilation Scoliosis difficult for spinal & epidural anesthesia Trouble in joint flexibility & early arthritis difficulty in intubation and positionong 4.ATIDIRGHAHyperpitutary status Perioperative instability Prominent jaw Difficult intubation Increased sweating Heat loss,dehydration Weakness Poor post op outcome hyperglycemia -do5.ATILOMA-may be because of systemic illness or because of drugsSystemic illnessesDermatomylitis Contraindication for spinal & epidural anesthesia. Advanced HIV infection Imuune compromise,respiratory compromise Hypothyroidism Perioperative hypothermia & cardiovascular collapse Porphyria cutanea tarda Bleeding tendency Some CNS disorders Intraoperative ? DrugsMinoxidil Arteriolr dilator-perioperative cardiovascular instability Phenatoin Intra operative precipitation of seizures( anesthesia stress induced) Anabolic steroids Adrenal shutdown in anesthetic stress condition HersutismExcessive androgens ? Adrenal tumour Hypertensive crisis OCPs ? Use of danazole,steroids Adrenal suppression-perioperative cardiovascular collapse 6.-ALOMASkin diseases C/I for spinal,epidural & local anesthesia Hypothyroidism Hypothermia, hypotension Stress Tachycardia,hypertension Chemotherapy Drug interaction,low immune status, Chronic uremia Post operative renal failure 7.&8.ATIGAURA & ATIKRISHNA-it includes not only complete white or complete blacks but all the diseases which affect skin color and hence interect with anesthesia also.this can be explained as followsGeneralised palenesssevere anemia rednessfever viral infection sunburn dermatitis flushing yellow skinhyperbilirubinaemia orange skincarotinaemia cyanosis(blue skin)abnormal haemoglobin respiratory diseases cyanotic heart diseases hyperpigmentation(dark skin)anti malarials minocyclin Perioperative hypoxia, heart failure Increased intraoperative drug metabolism Poor post op outcome C/I for spinal,epidural & local anesthesia C/I for spinal,epidural & local anesthesia C/I for spinal,epidural & local anesthesia Perioperative hepatorenal syndrome ? Hypoxia C/I for general anesthesia C/I for general anesthesia ? ? brown discolourationhaemosiderin ? haemochromatosisbronze colour skin with liver, heart, adrenal Multi organ failure cannot tolerate anaesthesia. gland, kidney, pituitary, testesfailure , pancrease failure-bronze diabetes dermatomyositis-skin discolouration along with Problem with neuromuscular blocking agent. inflammation skin and muscle, muscle weakness, Difficult reversal breathing & swallowing problem More chance for respiratory depression in anesthesia SLE-butterfly rashes(malar rashes)on skin along withFever,weight loss,arthritis, seizures,strokes Precipitation of seizures and stroke perioperativally. Apart from above descriptionbrown skin persons are more prone for hypertension,diabetes and heart disease , BLACKS are more prone for allergic reactions( Summary and conclusion Thus we find that ashta nindhya purusha explained in ayurveda are very much important in sangyaharan practice. *anaesthetist Varanasi **HOD ,de ptt of sangyaharan,bhu, varanasi