Post ICD Patient information

Post Implantable Cardioverter
Defibrillator (ICD) & ICD with bi-vent
pacemaker (CRT-D)
Patient Discharge Leaflet
Wound care - You may bathe but keep the wound dry & the dressing on. Do not rub the wound. Avoid wearing tight-fit clothes
or undergarments until the wound is healed.
Patient Discharge Information
The wound is sometimes tender, a little swollen and bruised for a few days. Taking regular painkillers will help but do not
exceed the recommended dose.
If the wound area becomes more swollen, red and / or warm to touch please contact us immediately on 01792 618 849
Monday to Friday (8.30 - 4.00pm)
Activity – For about four to six weeks avoid carrying heavy weights or lifting your arm above shoulder level. Remember to do
gentle shoulder movements / rotations to prevent shoulder, back and neck stiffness.
You can resume sexual activity whenever you wish but use positions that won’t affect the wound.
Mood – You may feel emotional or low in mood; this is normal. You may call the BHF nurse to discuss this-see below.
Electronic and magnetic items – Keep mobile phones, ipods/MP3 players at least 15 cms/6 inches from your ICD. You can
walk through shop/airport security gates but do not linger.
Driving – Tick as appropriate:
 If you had the defibrillator (ICD) because you were at risk of an irregular heart pattern, you must not drive for one month.
You must inform your car insurance however DO NOT inform the DVLA.
If you had the defibrillator (ICD) because you had a very irregular heart pattern or a cardiac arrest, you must NOT drive
for six months. You MUST inform your car insurance AND the DVLA.
Support groups – we have support groups in Pembrokeshire & Swansea – you are advised to join your nearest group as they
offer practical support, meetings & newsletters - please ask staff for more details or refer to your blue ICD information file.
Clinic follow-up – it is important that you attend your ICD clinic appointments. Your first appointment is approximately six
weeks after you go home. An ICD check is painless – similar to an ECG recording.
Your specialist nurse will be available to answer any queries you may have. Future appointments will be combination of clinic
and home monitoring “check ups”. In addition, your local cardiologist or GP will see you periodically.
Contacting the team – For ICD clinic appointments or a technical query, including receiving ‘shock’ therapy ring:
01792 618 849 Monday to Friday (8.30am - 4.00 pm)
For other queries telephone the BHF Nurse 01792 618 843 Monday to Friday (8.30am - 4.00pm)
You will probably get an answer phone, but please leave a message stating your name, address & telephone number; we will
contact you as soon as possible.
What to Do If You Have an ICD Shock
A “shock” is a treatment delivered by the ICD to restore your normal heart pattern.
Here are instructions reminding you what to do.
1 or 2 Shocks
- if you feel OK, ring the ICD clinic on 01792 618 849 between
8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday, leave a message and we will get back to you.
If out of hours, telephone 01792 702222 & ask to speak to the on-call Cardiology
Do not drive until you have consulted with us.
3 or more Shocks
over a short period or 1 Shock and feeling unwell (dizziness,
palpitations, ‘black out’)
Telephone 999
You will need to go to hospital.
Have your Magnet & information sheet ready for the ambulance staff (if you have one).
Try to keep calm and ask someone to stay with you.
Note: Always store the magnet away from bank/credit cards.
(G:\Cancer&Tertiary\Cardiac\Arrhythmia Nurse Specialist\Patient leaflets - WAC Aug 2012)
(Kindly modified from UHW hospital)