BIOLOGY Endorsement Name Department License area [ State of Iowa] Required Education Minor Updated Biology Biology 5 – 12 Biology Secondary Education Minor 3/18/14 OPTION ONE: The student completes a Biology major at Luther College to include the following requirements. BIO 151: Principles of Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity BIO 152: Principles of Biology: Molecules, Cells, and Genes One of the following: CHEM 151: Chemical Principles I AND CHEM 152: Chemical Principles II OR CHEM 201: Advanced Chemical Principles One course from each category: Ecology or Evolution: BIO 245: Ecology of Ecuador BIO 354: Evolutionary Biology BIO 365: Ecology Microbiology, Genetics, or Physiology: BIO 243: Microbiology BIO 248: Genetics BIO 255: Human Physiology BIO 262:Environmental Animal Physiology Botany and Zoology: BIO 251: Entomology BIO 252: Botany BIO 253: Invertebrate Zoology BIO 258: Vertebrate Natural History Any 2 courses from the following: 4 4 4 4 4 12 8 CHEM 202 or higher CS 150 or higher PHYS 151 or higher MATH 140 or higher ENVS 134, 310, or 320 One biology course numbered between 300 and 368 4 OPTION TWO: This is for a student with a major in a different field, planning to teach Biology, in the State of Iowa, under the second teaching area provision. This student must complete the Secondary Education Minor. BIO 151: Principles of Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity BIO 152: Principles of Biology: Molecules, Cells, and Genes Four of the following courses including one from each category: BIO 252: Botany or BIO 365: Ecology BIO 243: Microbiology, or BIO 248: Genetics or BIO 255: Human Physiology BIO 251: Entomology, or BIO 253: Invertebrate Zoology or BIO 258: Vertebrate Natural History 4 4 16