ADDIE Analysis Summary:
EDTC 5753
Jennifer Willis
Topic: Persuasion, Propaganda, and Faulty Reasoning.
Performance/Needs Assessment: Oklahoma students in grade 7 are expected to be able locate
a variety of sources, and to identify examples of persuasion, propaganda, and faulty reasoning.
The principle at my school site, East Central Junior High, has purchased a program called USA
Test Prep. This program allows the teacher to select the standards which will be taught or have
been taught, and then generates a sample assessment with questions formatted in a similar
fashion to the OCCT. I will use this assessment as my needs assessment tool. With this tool I
will be able to have all students take the assessment during class, or in their homes, and then
analyze the data to determine each student’s areas of strength and weakness.
Purpose Statement: At the end of this unit my students will be able identify examples of
persuasion, propaganda, and faulty reasoning in visual and written text. Students will then
apply this new knowledge to locate sources that contain valid information regarding a
nonfiction topic.
Instructional Goals:
1. Learners will identify examples of persuasion in written text.
2. Learners will identify examples of persuasion in visual text.
3. Learners will identify examples of propaganda in written text.
4. Learners will identify examples of propaganda in visual text.
5. Learners will identify examples of faulty reasoning in written text.
6. Learners will identify examples of faulty reasoning in visual text.
7. Learners will locate a variety of sources which contain valid information, free of faulty
reasoning, over a nonfiction topic.
Learner Analysis:
I have three separate classes of seventh grade students.
a. First Hour: Students are in class from 8:30-9:30 Monday – Friday. There are 24
students. Among these students there are 11 females, and 13 males. This is a low functioning
class where 10 students receive special education services, and 11 receive English Language
Learner services. 6 of these children receive both SPED and ELL services.
b. Third Hour: Students are in class from 10:35-11:35 Monday – Friday. There are 25
higher functioning students in this class; the course is listed as PRE AP/Accelerated. Among
ADDIE Analysis Summary:
EDTC 5753
Jennifer Willis
these students there are 9 females, and 16 males. Only 2 of the students qualify for SPED
services, and two different students qualify for ELL services.
c. Sixth Hour: Students are in class from 2:20-3:20 Monday – Friday. There are 27
higher functioning students in this class; the course is listed as PRE AP/Accelerated. 17 students
are female, and 10 are male. None of them qualify for SPED or ELL services.
Required Resources:
1. USA Test Prep
2. PowerPoint presentation containing descriptions of various modes of persuasion,
propaganda, and faulty reasoning techniques
3. I pads, or laptops for the students
4. YouTube access
5. 10-12 commercials containing the persuasion, propaganda, and faulty reasoning techniques
6. 10-12 examples of written text containing the persuasion, propaganda, and faulty reasoning
7. Access to TPS research database
Delivery System:
For the students in my classes I will use face to face teaching in regards to presentation of the
techniques, and samples to identify in both visual and written forms. I will also use some
Computer based training in regards to the creation of a web quest where students have to use
their laptops or i pads to complete tasks designed to teach the student how to locate a variety
of sources, and identify the techniques being used in these sources.
Project Management:
a. timeline: I believe that this unit of study should take my students no more than 5
class periods. This would include one day of direct face to face instruction on the various types
of persuasion, propaganda, and faulty reasoning techniques, as well as one day of class
discussion where students view, identify, and explain how and why the technique is being used
in visual and written forms. Students would complete the web quest at home, and then we
would spend 3 days locating sources on the topic, identifying if these techniques are being
used, and if the source is still valid for the research project.
ADDIE Analysis Summary:
EDTC 5753
Jennifer Willis
b. Potential Problems: Students attendance could be an issue, if they miss the first two
days of class where direct instruction is taking place, and then the final three days would be
very confusing, and would require assistance. Internet connectivity could also be an issue. In
the past there have been a few instances when multiple students have logged on to the net at
my school site and the internet crashed. This would not allow for the use of online databases,
or YouTube. A third potential problem would be student access to computers, or internet at
home. If they are unable to complete the web quest on their own time it could increase the
timeline in order to provide them the time to complete this part of the project.
c. Reporting Structures: At the end of the project I will be able to assess and report on
the student’s success or failures in two ways. The first is their final research. If the students are
able to locate source that are valid, and contain little or no propaganda or faulty reasoning then
there is proof that they have applied the skill correctly. I can also use USA Test Prep to create
another short post assessment which would give me statistical data regarding the new skill set.
I would then compare the pre assessment to the post assessment to report on the success of
this unit.