RECOMMENDATIONS-FIFTH RE-CONSTITUTED EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PROMOTION AND POPULARIZATION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY (ECPPB) HELD ON 15THOCTOBER, 2015 (Proposals received from 09-09-2015 to 11-10-2015by DBT - CTEP Management Cell - TERI - New Delhi) A. Conference Proposals for Financial Assistance to hold National/International Conference/ Seminar/ Symposium/ Workshop S.No Proposal Type, Title of the event, Organization Name, Convenor Name, Total Assistan Code Date and Place Address, Email ID Designation, Email ID Budget ce requeste d from DBT C1 DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1464 Conference | Workshop on Advances in Paediatric Urology 05-12-2015 - 06-122015 , at Ramalingaswami Board Room, Directors Office Complex AIIMS, Ansari Nagar New Delhi Asian Society for Paeditric Urology Department of Pediatric Surgery, AIIMS, Ansari Nagar , New Delhi childurology@gmail. com ;harikishan2@rediff Prof. M. Bajpai, Professor childurology@gmai ;bajpai2b@gmail.c om 485000 280000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT None Yes UC/SE status for previous grant Submit ted Remarks Recommendations of the committee PC008 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 1 S.No C2 C3 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1555 Seminar on RECENT ADVANCES AND SCOPE IN HERBAL TECHNOLOGY: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECT 21-012016 - 22-01-2016 , at ASSAM UNIVERSITY, SILCHAR(A CENTRAL UNIVERSITY), BIPIN CHANDRA PAL AUDITORIUM, SILCHAR-788011, ASSAM Assam University, Dept. of Pharmaceutical sciences ASSAM UNIVERSITY, SILCHAR(A CENTRAL UNIVERSITY), SILCHAR-788011, ASSAM -788011 itspartha_p@yahoo .com ; Dr. Partha Palit, Assistant Professor itspartha_p@yaho 190000 ;youngbestscientist m DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1532 International conference on developments in Microbiological research 2015 22-122015 - 23-12-2015 , at AYYA NADAR JANAKI AMMAL Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College(Autonomou s),Sivakasi,Tamilnad u AYYA NADAR JANAKI AMMAL COLLEGE,(Autonomo us) , SIVAKASI , Tamil Dr.T.Sivakumar, Assistant Professor sivasadhana@yaho 130000 ;jayasathana@gmai Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee 165000 None No Not Applica ble PC015 Not Recommended 100000 "UGC" : Rs 30000; No Not Applica ble PC015 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 2 S.No C4 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1493 Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID COLLEGE,(Autonomo us) SIVAKASI Tamil Nadu Nadu -626124 sivasadhana@yahoo International Conference on Radiation Research: Imapct on Human Health and Environment (ICRRHHE 2016) and First Biennial Meeting of the Society for Radiation Research (SRR) 11-02-2016 13-02-2016 , at Convention Centre, Anushakti Nagar, Bhabha Atomic Reserach Center Mumbai Bhabha Atomic reserach Centre Molecular Biology Division, Bhabha Atomic Reserach Center , Mumbai n Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Dr Badri Narain Pandey, Scientific Officer 'G' ;icrrhhe2016@gma Total Budget 1950000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 100000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT NPCIL, Mumbai : 100000; BRIT, Mumbai : 50000; BRNS : 400000; AERB, Mumbai 200000; DST": 100000; ICMR : 100000; Registration fee from delegates : 400000; Exhibition and advertisement : 500000; Prev ious gran t from DBT No UC/SE status for previous grant Not Applica ble Remarks Recommendations of the committee PC008 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 3 S.No C5 C6 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1437 Conference on Emerging Trends in Plant Science 10-032016 - 11-03-2016 , at Department of Plant Science Bharathidasan University Palkalai perur Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu Bharathidasan University Palkalai perur , Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu -620024 ; Prof. B. D. Ranjitha Kumari, Professor ranjithakumari200 ;prof.rklab@gmail. com 395000 DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1522 Seminar on 18th Indian Agricultural Scientists & Farmers Congress on Prospects of Skill Development in Agriculture and Rural Development - A step towards Make in India 20-02-2016 21-02-2016 , at Bioved Krishi Prodyogiki Bioved Research Institute Of Agriculture & Technology 103/42 Moti Lal Nehru Road , Allahabad , Uttar Pradesh bioved2003d@yah Dr. B. K. Dwivedi, Director bioveddirector201 ;bioved2003d@yah 1820000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant 250000 "INSA" : Rs 90000; "Bharathidasan University" : Rs 25000; No Not Applica ble 975000 None Yes Submit ted Remarks Recommendations of the committee Recommended Rs 50000 PC008 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 4 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID C7 National Symposium on Antiviral Research and Therapies 15-12DBT/CTEP 2015 - 16-12-2015 , /01/20150 at Closed 1565 Auditorium Theatre Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi Jharkhand Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra , Ranchi , Jharkhand -835215 registrar@bitmesra Dr. Barij Nayan Sinha, Professor and Head bnsinha@bitmesra. C8 National Workshop on Recent Trends in Environmental Science and Carbon Management 05-112015 - 06-11-2015 , at Central University of Himachal Pradesh, TAB, Chattri, P.O Shahpur, Kangra, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamsala Central University of Himachal Pradesh, TAB, Chattri, P.O Shahpur, Kangra, HP Dharamshala ;dpant2003@yahoo. Dr. Deepak Pant, Associate Professor dpant2003@yahoo .com ;deepakpant1@red Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee PC015 Not Recommended Gram,Moharab,Sring verpur, Allahabad UP DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1463 900000 575000 550000 "Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi835215" : Rs 200000; 330000 "Department of Science and Technology" : Rs 150000; No Not Applica ble No Not Applica ble Recommended Rs 50000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 5 S.No C9 C10 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Himachal Pradesh Dharamshala com Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID International Conference on Materials for the Millennium 14-012016 - 16-01-2016 , DBT/CTEP at Department of /01/20150 Applied Chemistry, 1448 Cochin University of science and Technology, Cochin682 022, KERALA Cochin Kerala Cochin University of science and Technology, Cochin- 682 022, KERALA -682022 n Prof. K. Girish Kumar, Professor matcon2016@gmai ;drkgirish@gmail.c om Conference on 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Free Radical ResearchIndia (SFRR-India) 0701-2016 - 09-01-2016 , at College of College of Medicine & JNM Hospital, WBUHS, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal; -741235 principal.comjnmh.k Dr Tanmay Saha, Assistant Professor drtanmaysaha01@ ;dr.tanmaysaha@y DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1474 Total Budget 2350000 705000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant 200000 MOEF : 50000; DAE : 100000; DST: 200000; KSCSTE : 200000; ICAR : 100000; DRDO : 100000; KHEC : 150000; AICTE : 50000; MNRE : 150000; MOES : 50000; NABARD: 200000; AYUSH : 100000; BRNS : 150000; No Not Applica ble 250000 "ICMR" : Rs 50000; "DAEBRNS" : Rs 100000; "CSIR" : Rs 100000; "SERB" : Rs Yes Submit ted Remarks Recommendations of the committee PC008 Not Recommended Recommended Rs 75000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 6 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Medicine & JNM Hospital, WBUHS, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal C11 Symposium on Impact of climate change on plantmicrobe interactions DBT/CTEP and its implications /01/20150 18-12-2015 - 19-121584 2015 , at Department of Botany, BHU Varanasi UP Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee 100000; Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005 , UP n Prof. R.S. Upadhyay, Professor upadhyay_bhu@ya 620000 250000 "Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi" : Rs 200000; No Not Applica ble Recommended Rs 50000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 7 S.No C12 C13 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1503 Workshop on Phytochemistry for health and Environment 18-012016 - 01-02-2016 , at Department of Environmental Biotechnology School of Environmental Sciences Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu Department of Environmental Biotechnology School of Environmental Sciences Bharathidasan University , Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu -620024 ndiradeebi@yahoo.c om ;ramaswamybr@gm Dr.Vasanthy muthunarayanan, Assistant Professor drvasanthy02@gm 625000 ; n DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1572 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECO-WASTE MANAGEMENT AND NANOBIOLOGY 1102-2016 - 12-02-2016 , at DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY - DDE, ANNAMALAI Department of Physics Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar Tamil Nadu India , Chidambaram physicskannappan Dr. J. PRAKASH SAHAYA LEON, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR ncen2016@rediffm ;sleon435@gmail.c om 800000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT 600000 "Bharathidasan university" : Rs 25000; 200000 "TAMILNADU STATE COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY" : Rs 100000; "INDIAN COUNCIL OF MEDICAL Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee No Not Applica ble PC002 Not Recommended No Not Applica ble PC015 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 8 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT UNIVERSITY, ANNAMALAINAGAR CHIDAMBARAM Tamil Nadu C14 International Conference on "Cutting-Edge Pharmacology: Contemporary Issues and Future Challenges" & 48th Annual Conference DBT/CTEP of Indian /01/20150 Pharmacological 1560 Society 18-12-2015 20-12-2015 , at To, The head of Department, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot 360005 (Gujrat) Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee RESEARCH" : Rs 100000; Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot. To, The head of Department, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot 360005 (Gujrat) , Gujarat -360005 navin_sheth@yaho ;headpharmacy@ya Dr. Sachin K. Parmar, Assistant Professor headpharmacy@g 4100000 ;ipscon2015@gmail .com 675000 "Department of Sciences & Technology" : Rs 100000; "Indian Council of Medical Research" : Rs 75000; "GUJCOST" : Rs 100000; No Not Applica ble Recommended Rs 75000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 9 S.No C15 C16 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1504 Conference on 11th Annual INDO-US World Conference of Emergency Medicine INDUS-EM 2015• 2809-2015 - 04-10-2015 , at JLN Auditorium Complex, AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi Director office, Main building, AIIMS , new delhi , Delhi 110029 nandkm2001@gmail .com ;hinasharma09.hs@ DR SANJEEV BHOI, ADDITIONAL PROFESSOR sanjeevbhoi@gmail 6900000 .com ; DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1578 Conference on HARMONY WITH NATURE IN CONTEXT OF BIORESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (HARMONY2015) 23-11-2015 25-11-2015, at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad-431004 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. Maharashtra India 431004 daulat.sonawane@r ;daulatsonawane1@ Prof.D.L.Sonawane, Professor daulat.sonawane@ ;daulatsonawane1 440000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 100000 0 0 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT None None Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee No Not Applica ble PC008 Not Recommended No Not Applica ble PC008 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 10 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT C17 DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1465 Pre Conference Workshop | 7th National CME on Eye Banking 09-10-2015 09-10-2015 , at Room# 481, 4th Floor, Dr Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, AIIMS, New Delhi Eye Bank Association of India Plot No.12, BNR Colony, Road No. 14, Banjara Hills, , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500034 ganshu67@hotmail. com ; Namrata Sharma, Professor of Ophthalmology namrata.sharma@ ;office.drnamratas 350000 350000 None C18 Workshop on Hands on Various Tools & Techniques in Bioinformatics & Biostatistics 24-02DBT/CTEP 2016 - 25-02-2016 , /01/20150 at Faculty of 1576 Pharmacy, Dharmsinh Desai University, College Road, Nadiad Gujarat Faculty of Pharmacy, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad Gujarat -387001 deanpharmacy@dd ;bnsuhagia@rediff Dr. Mehul N. Patel, Associate Professor ;mehul1982@gmail .com 158000 158000 None Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee No Not Applica ble PC013 Not Recommended Yes Submit ted PC002 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 11 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C19 DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1487 Workshop on Diagnostic techniques in medicine and its applications 14-122015 - 20-12-2015 , at Govt. degree college (Men), Srikakulam Andhrapradesh GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE FOR MEN Govt. degree college (Men), Srikakulam , Andhra Pradesh 532001 m Mr. M. PRADEEP, Lecturer in Biotechnology mpsep15@gmail.c om C20 3rd International Conference on Nanostructured Materials and DBT/CTEP Nanocomposites /01/20150 (ICNM-2015) 12-121495 2015 - 14-12-2015 , at Agra-Delhi Highway(NH#2), Farah, Mathura Hindustan College of Science & Technology AgraDelhi Highway(NH#2), Farah, Mathura , UP ;mulayamgaur@gm Pror. Mulayam Singh Gaur, Professor and Head mulayamgaur@red 950000 ;mulayamgaur@gm 242000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT 242000 None 250000 "DRDO, New Delhi" : Rs 100000; "DST, New Delhi" : Rs 300000; "INSA, New Delhi" : Rs 100000; Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee No Not Applica ble PC015 Not Recommended No Not Applica ble PC015 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 12 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID C21 Workshop on Exploitation of Plant and Microbial Resources of North Bengal 14-12-2015 DBT/CTEP 16-12-2015 , at /01/20150 Immuno 1451 phytopathology Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of North Bengal Siliguri Immuno phytopathology Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of North Bengal , Siliguri , West Bengal -734013 ; Prof. B.N. Chakraborty, Professor m ; C22 International Conference on Bioinformatics and DBT/CTEP Systems Biology 04/01/20150 03-2016 - 06-031593 2016 , at Deoghat, Jhalwa Allahabad Uttar Pradesh Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad Deoghat, Jhalwa , Allahabad , UP conference.iiita@g ; Dr. Pritish Kumar Varadwaj, Assistant Professor conferance.iiita@g ; Total Budget 180000 440000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 113000 140000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT "DST, Govt. of India" : Rs 60000; Yes Submit ted No Not Applica ble None UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee Recommended Rs 60000 PC015 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 13 S.No C23 C24 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Workshop on Big and Open Data Evolving Data Science Standards & Citation Attribution DBT/CTEP Practices 05-11/01/20150 2015 - 06-11-2015 , 1505 at Indian National Science Academy (INSA), Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1516 Symposium on FRONTIERS IN MODERN BIOLOGY 2015 05-12-2015 06-12-2015 , at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata Mohanpur Campus, P.O. BCKV campus main office Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Indian Institute of Public Administration, I.P. Estate, Ring Road , New Delhi ;titichatterjee@gm Dr. Usha Mujoo Munshi, Head, L&IS m ;bigdatacitprotocol Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata Mohanpur Campus, P.O. BCKV campus main office Mohanpur: 741252, Nadia, West Bengal, in Dr. Rahul Das, Assistant Professor rahul.das@iiserkol. acin ;rahuld382@gmail. com Total Budget 1675000 725000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT 500000 "DST" : Rs 500000; 250000 "DST" : Rs 200000; "Sponsors" : Rs 50000; "IISER Kolkata" : Rs 175000; "Registration" : Rs 50000; Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee No Not Applica ble Recommended Rs 50000 Yes Submit ted Recommended Rs 50000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 14 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali IISER Mohali, Knowledge city, Sector 81, , SAS Nagar , Punjab registrar@iisermoha Dr Ram Yadav, Assistant Professor ryadav@iisermohal ;kishor.ram@gmail. com Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee Mohanpur: 741252, Nadia, West Bengal, Conference on Arabidopsis Research Conference 2016 2003-2016 - 22-03-2016 , at IISER Mohali, Knowledge city, Sector 81, SAS Nagar Punjab C25 DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1591 C26 Conference on Cellular Organization and Dynamics 06DBT/CTEP 12-2015 - 08-12/01/20150 2015 , at Rajiv Gandhi Center for 1498 Biotechnology Thiruvananthapura m Kerala Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapura m College of Engineering Trivandrum (CET) Campus , Kerala ;ramesh@iisertvm. Prof. Srinivasa Murty Srinivasula, Professor ;murty.srinivasula 540000 4650000 440000 "IISER Mohali" : No Rs 100000; Not Applica ble PC015 Not Recommended 500000 "BRNS, DAE (Requested)" : Rs 500000; "KSCET (Requested)" : Rs 500000; "SERB, DST (Requested)" : Rs 500000; Not Applica ble PC015 Not Recommended No PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 15 S.No C27 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Symposium | Conference on ChEmference 2015: A Sixth National Level Annual Symposium for Chemical Engineering DBT/CTEP Research Scholars /01/20150 05-12-2015 - 06-122015 , at Indian 1434 Institute of Technology Hyderabad Ordnance Factory Estate Yeddumailaram 502205 Andhra Pradesh Organization Name, Address, Email ID Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Ordnance Factory Estate Yeddumailaram 502205 Andhra Pradesh, INDIA 502205 Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Dr. Chandra Shekhar Sharma, Assistant Professor n ;chans2k2@gmail.c om Total Budget 1159950 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 400000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT "IIT Hyderabad" : Rs 100000; "DST" : Rs 475000; "Parees Tech Instruments" : Rs 50000; "Anton-Paar" : Rs 50000; "Toshniwal Bros." : Rs 37500; No UC/SE status for previous grant Not Applica ble Remarks PC008 Recommendations of the committee Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 16 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID C28 Conference on Biennial Indian Drosophila Research Conference, InDRC DBT/CTEP 21-12-2015 - 23-12/01/20150 2015 , at Indian 1548 Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur Uttar Pradesh Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur , Uttar Pradesh 208016 PROF PRADIP SINHA, PROFESSOR C29 DBT/CTEP Workshop on /01/20150 Musculoskeletal disorders: from 1519 bench to bedside Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur , Uttar Pradesh 208016 Prof. Dhirendra S. Katti, Professor Total Budget 1200000 260000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 150000 160000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT "The Wellcome Trust-DBT Indian Alliance, Hyderabad" : Rs 300000; "DST, New Delhi" : Rs 100000; "By Advertisement (Private Sponsors)" : Rs 50000; "Registration: (Student Registration Fee)" : Rs 200000; "CoHost Institution (BHU Varanasi)" : Rs 400000; Yes Submit ted Recommended Rs 100000 No Not Applica ble Recommended Rs 75000 None UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 17 S.No C30 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID 14-12-2015 - 16-122015 , at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Kanpur Uttar Pradesh ; IFOM-inStem Conference on Inflammation and Tissue Homeostasis 03-02-2016 - 05-02DBT/CTEP 2016 , at Institute /01/20150 for Stem Cell Biology 1538 and Regenerative Medicine NCBS-TIFR Campus,GKVK Post,Bellary Road Bangalore Karnataka Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine NCBSTIFR Campus,GKVK Post,Bellary Road , Bangalore , Karnataka -560065 ; Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Dr. Colin Jamora, Associate Investigator colinj@instem.res.i n Total Budget 2622500 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 500000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT "DST [Requested]" : Rs 250000; "Company of Biologists [Requested]" : Rs 500000; "FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology, Milan Italy [Committed]" : Rs 500000; Prev ious gran t from DBT No UC/SE status for previous grant Not Applica ble Remarks Recommendations of the committee Recommended Rs 75000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 18 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place C31 Conference on Computational Intelligence and Soft DBT/CTEP Computing 19-12/01/20150 2015 - 20-12-2015 , at Hotel Palm Beach, 1558 Beach Road, Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh C32 International Conference on Biotechnological Advancements in DBT/CTEP Free Radical Biology /01/20150 and Medicine 14-112015 - 16-11-2015 , 1513 at Integral University, Dasauli, P.O. Bas-ha Kursi Road. Lucknow Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Institute of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, MIG-68, 2nd floor, Sector11, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam530017, AP divakar_c@yahoo.c om ; Dr P Satheesh, Professor satish@mvgrce.ed ;patchikolla@yaho 435000 Integral University, Dasauli, P.O. Bas-ha Kursi Road. , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226026 ; Dr. Saheem Ahmad, Associate Professor ;ahmadsaheem@g 1200000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant 170000 "DST" : Rs 200000; Yes Submit ted 450000 ICMR : 150000; SERB : Rs 75000; UP-CST : 50000; Nucleus Bioscience : 15000; "Eppendorf India" : 25000; INSA : Rs 50000; No Not Applica ble Remarks PC015 Recommendations of the committee Not Recommended Recommended Rs 50000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 19 S.No Proposal Code Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID C33 47th Annual Conference of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, India 0312-2015 - 06-12DBT/CTEP 2015 , at /01/20150 Department of 1599 Nuclear Medicine, Dhanvanteri nagar, JIPMER Puducherry6 Puducherry Tamil Nadu Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate medical education and research Department of Nuclear Medicine, Dhanvanteri nagar, JIPMER Puducherry-6 , TN ;dhanapathih@gma Dr.Dhanapathi Halanaik, Associate professor dhanapathih@gma ;drnandinipandit@ C34 National Conference on Clinical Research and Personalized Therapy 29-12-2015 31-12-2015 , at JIPMER, DHANVANTRI NAGAR, PUDUCHERRY Tamil Nadu JAWAHARLAL INSTITUTE OF POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION JIPMER, DHANVANTRI NAGAR, PUDUCHERRY , TN director@jipmer.ed Dr. S. Sandhiya, Assistant Professor sandhiyaselvarajan 1450000 ;sandhiyaselvarajan DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1554 Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Total Budget 350000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT 300000 None 450000 "NAMS" : Rs 75000; "ICMR" : Rs 200000; "DST" : Rs 200000; Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant No Not Applica ble No Not Applica ble Remarks PC008 Recommendations of the committee Not Recommended Recommended Rs 75000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 20 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID C35 Hands on Workshop on Analysis of Human Exome Data DBT/CTEP 18-01-2016 - 22-01/01/20150 2016 , at Kasturba 1570 Medical College, Madhav Nagar, Manipal Karnataka Kasturba Medical College, Madhav Nagar, Manipal576104 , Karnataka office.kmc@manipa Dr Girisha KM, Professor and Head girish.katta@manip ;girishkatta@gmail. com C36 Seminar on Bioinspired Nanoscale Materials for Biomedical and Energy Applications DBT/CTEP 18-12-2015 - 19-12/01/20150 2015 , at Department of 1438 Mechatronics Engineering , Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai-638052 Erode Tamilnadu Kongu Engineering College School of Communication and Computer Sciences Department of ECE Perundurai, Erode638052 Tamil Nadu -638052 .in Dr. B.Meenakshipriya, Associate Professor b.meenakshipriya ; Total Budget 535000 100000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 100000 100000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT "Science and Engineering Research Board" : Rs 100000; "Indian Council of Medical Research" : Rs 100000; Yes Submit ted No Not Applica ble None UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee Recommended Rs 50000 PC016 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 21 S.No C37 C38 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1450 Workshop on Computational techniques in dynamic modeling, simulation and optimization of food and biotechnological processes 11-02-2016 - 12-02-2016 , at Department of Food Technology, School of Chemical and Food Sciences, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode, Tamilnadu-638052 Kongu Engineering College School of Communication and Computer Sciences Department of ECE Perundurai, Erode638052 Tamil Nadu 638052 in DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1489 Seminar on Recent Trends and Challenges in Phytochemistry and Biosorption 11-012016 - 11-01-2016 , at Kongu Engineering Kongu Engineering College School of Communication and Computer Sciences Department of ECE Perundurai, Erode638052 Tamil Nadu - Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT Mr.J.Jony Blessing Manoj, Assistant Professor 108000 .in ; 100000 None Yes Submit ted Dr.P.N.Palanisamy, Professor hod_chemistry@ko ;asppavithran@gm 85000 None Yes Submit ted 85000 UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks PC016 Recommendations of the committee Not Recommended Recommended Rs 25000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 22 S.No C39 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID College School of Communication and Computer Sciences Department of ECE Perundurai, Erode638052 Tamil Nadu 638052 in Seminar on Biologically Inspired Micro Fabrication Techniques for Analyzing Cell Mechanobiology 08DBT/CTEP 01-2016 - 08-01/01/20150 2016 , at Department of 1518 Mechanical Engineering, Kongu engineering college,Perundurai 638052 Erode Tamil Nadu Kongu Engineering College School of Communication and Computer Sciences Department of ECE Perundurai, Erode638052 Tamil Nadu .in Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT Dr. R. RAJASEKAR, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR rajamech@kongu.a ;rajasekar_cr@yah 85000 85000 None Yes UC/SE status for previous grant Submit ted Remarks Recommendations of the committee PC016 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 23 S.No C40 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1535 Seminar on Computational and Mathematical Modelling in Biomedical Signal and Image analysis for Clinical Decision Support Systems 0502-2016 - 06-02-2016 , at Jawaharlal Nehru Seminar Hall / ECE Block, Kongu Engineering College School of Communication and Computer Sciences Department of ECE Perundurai, Erode638052 Tamil Nadu Kongu Engineering College School of Communication and Computer Sciences Department of ECE Perundurai, Erode638052 Tamil Nadu in Dr.T.MeeraDevi, Professor meeradevi@kongu. ;tmeeradevi@gmai 60000 52000 None Yes UC/SE status for previous grant Submit ted Remarks PC016 Recommendations of the committee Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 24 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C41 DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1563 Workshop on NATIONAL LEVEL SHORT-TERM HANDS ON TRAINING IN RECENT ADVANCES IN MARINE ECOTOXICOLOGICAL TESTING “ RAMETOX2015 0312-2015 - 09-12-2015 , at Department of Marine and Coastal Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Ramnad District PUDUMADAM Tamil Nadu Madurai Kamaraj University Palkalai Nagar, Madurai, , Tamil Nadu -625021 ;moite2cool@yahoo. Dr.C.M.Ramakritina n, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR ramakritinan@gma 935000 ;cmrseen@mkuniv C42 Symposium on DBT/CTEP SYNAPSE 2k16 /01/20150 Symposium in Neuro Ophthalmology : 1580 Afferents Plus Efferents 09-01- MEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION No.18 College Road Nungambakkam , Chennai , Tamil DR S AMBIKA, Director - Neuro Ophthalmology ;synapse2016@sn 3212000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT 135000 "TNSCST" : Rs 50000; "DST" : Rs 80000; "UGC" : Rs 100000; "ICMR" : Rs 75000; "MOES" : Rs 175000; "ISRO" : Rs 100000; "MoEF&C" : Rs 70000; "DRDO" : Rs 70000; "Registration" : Rs 80000; 250000 "CSIR" : Rs 250000; "ICMR" : Rs 200000; "DST" : Rs 250000; Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Yes Submit ted Yes Not Applica ble Remarks Recommendations of the committee Recommended Rs 50000 PC008 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 25 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID 2016 - 10-01-2016 , at No.18 College Road Nungambakkam Chennai Tamil Nadu Nadu -600006 ;rmanjula@snmail. org C43 Workshop on 2nd Plant Proteomics Workshop /Training DBT/CTEP Programme 21-12/01/20150 2015 - 26-12-2015 , at DEPARTMENT OF 1542 BOTANY, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, DELHI DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, DELHI110007 -110007 m Prof. Renu Deswal, Professor ;deswalr@hotmail. com C44 Conference on 3rd International DBT/CTEP Congress of Society /01/20150 for Ethnopharmacology 1571 19-02-2016 - 21-022016 , at Pt. Ravishankar Shukla National Center for Natural Resources, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India National Center for Natural Resources Prof A. K. Pati, Professor in Bioscience m ;sfec2016raipur@g Total Budget 3250000 4300000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant 100000 0 "DST" : Rs 800000; "DRDO" : Rs 850000; "Delhi University" : Rs 600000; Yes Submit ted 500000 INSA : 200000; DST : 500000; MoEF : 500000; "Chhattisgarh Council of Science & Technology (CCOST)" : No Not Applica ble Remarks Recommendations of the committee Recommended Rs 100000 PC008 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 26 S.No C45 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1497 Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID University (PRSU), Raipur Raipur Chhattisgarh (NCNR) Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University (PRSU), Raipur , Chhattisgarh ; m Conference on 15th annual convention of Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology 14-012016 - 16-01-2016 , at National Dairy National Dairy Research Institute , Karnal , Haryana 132001 Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee 100000; NMPB : 1000000; AICTE: 300000; " (DRDO)" : Rs 500000; ICMR : 40000; "University Grant Commission (UGC Unassigned) from the Host Institution – PRSU, Raipur" : Rs 100000; Dr. Dheer Singh, Principal Scientist drdheer.singh@gm 410000 ;isvpt2015@gmail.c om 255000 "SERB" : Rs 120000; No Not Applica ble PC015 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 27 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant National Engineering College, K.R Nagar, Kovilpatti , Tamil Nadu -628503 n ;bparamasivan@ya Dr. B.Sankaragomathi, Professor & Head ;sankara_gomathi 88000 63000 None Yes Submit ted National Environmental Science Academy 206 Raj Tower-1, Alaknanda Dr. Prashant Singh, Organising Secretary prashantraj86@ya 200000 "CSIR" : Rs 110000; "DST" : Rs 330000; "DRDO" : Rs 220000; "ICAR" Yes Submit ted Remarks Recommendations of the committee Research Institute Karnal Haryana Seminar on Recent trends and research issues in Gadgetry Embedded based Medical devices for disease prognosis 0601-2016 - 08-01-2016 , at National Engineering College, Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering K.R Nagar, Kovilpatti Tamil Nadu C46 DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1525 C47 National Conference DBT/CTEP on Monitoring and /01/20150 Management of 1564 Drinking Water Quality (MMDWQ) 1200000 PC015 Not Recommended Recommended Rs 50000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 28 S.No C48 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID 21-12-2015 - 23-122015 , at Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology (UCOST) Vigyan Dham, Jhajra, Dehradun Uttarakhand Community Center ;nesapublications@ New Delhi-110019 - 110019 nesasilverjubilee@y ;nesapub@yahoo.c : Rs 330000; National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu 620015 ; "BHEL Trichy" : Rs 160000; "National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli" : Rs 50000; Conference on Challenges in Commercializing Microalgae DBT/CTEP Technology in India /01/20150 28-12-2015 - 29-122015 , at National 1484 Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Dr.M.Premalatha, Associate Professor and Head ;manic_prem@yah Total Budget 360000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 150000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT No UC/SE status for previous grant Not Applica ble Remarks PC015 Recommendations of the committee Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 29 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID C49 Conference on Current Status of Stem Cells and Cell based Therapy with Emphasis on DBT/CTEP Orthopaedic /01/20150 Applications 03-102015 - 04-10-2015 , 1444 at K S Hegde Medical Academy, Deralakatte Mangalore Karnataka Nitte University 6th floor, University enclave,Medical sciences complex, Deralakatte , Mangalore , Karnataka -575018 ; .in Dr. Jayaprakash Shetty, Professor nucsrem@nitte.ed ; C50 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MEDICINAL PLANTS AND HERBAL DRUGS IN HUMAN AND LIVESTOCK WEALTH A GLOBAL PROSPECTIVE 2015 11-12-2015 - 13-122015 , at EVR PACHAIYAPPA\'S COLLEGE EVR PERIYAR HIGH ROAD, SHENOY NAGAR , CHENNAI , pachaiyappas@gm ;tsekar_bot@yahoo .com Dr T SEKAR, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR tsekar_bot@yahoo .com ;tsekar_2005@yah DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1476 Total Budget 1300000 800000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 100000 215000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT ICMR : 200000; DST : 100000; "Board of research in nuclear sciences" : Rs 150000; CSIR : 100000; MCI : 100000; KSTA: 50000; None Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant No Not Applica ble No Not Applica ble Remarks PC013 Recommendations of the committee Not Recommended Recommended Rs 50000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 30 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post graduate Institute of medical sciences PGIMS, Rohtak, , Haryana -124001 directorpgims@gm Dr Veena Singh Ghalaut, Head of Department veenaghalaut@yah ;ambiconrohtak@g Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee PERIYAR HIGH ROAD, SHENOY NAGAR CHENNAI Tamil Nadu C51 Conference on AMBICON 2015 1911-2015 - 22-11DBT/CTEP 2015 , at /01/20150 Department of 1454 Biochemistry, PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana C52 Conference on 30th Carbohydrate Conference, CARBOXXX 29-12-2015 DBT/CTEP 31-12-2015 , at /01/20150 Department of 1433 Chemistry Pondicherry University, Kalapet Puducherry TN Pondicherry University Kalapet ,Puducherry , Tamil Nadu -605014 m ; Prof. Tharanikkarasu Kannan, Professor tharani.che@pondi ; m 4000000 1170000 500000 "MCI" : Rs 100000; "ICMR" : Rs 40000; No Not Applica ble 200000 "DRDO" : Rs 200000; "Pondicherry University" : Rs 50000; "BRNS" : Rs 200000; "ICMR" : Rs 200000; "SERB (DST)" : Rs 200000; Yes Submit ted Recommended Rs 75000 PC012 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 31 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID C53 Conference | Workshop on Update in Clinical Microbiology-II 2702-2016 - 28-022016 , at DBT/CTEP Department of /01/20150 Microbiology Sanjay 1435 Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareli Road Lucknow Uttar Pradesh Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareli Road , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh 226014 n Prof K N Prasad, PROFESSOR updatemicrobiolog ;kashinprasad@gm C54 Conference on Nanotechnology: DBT/CTEP Drug Design to /01/20150 Formulation Development 12-121589 2015 - 13-12-2015 , at Sapience Bioanalytical Sapience Bioanalytical Research Lab Run by Daridra Narayan Seva Avam Kalyan Samiti Sapience Bioanalytical Research Lab, C-58, Dr. Kundalik Ghirepunje, Head (Research) sekhar.subhendu@ ; Total Budget 400000 530000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT 200000 ICMR: 50000; DST: 100000; 345000 "Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology (MPCST) Bhopal, MP" : Rs 50000; Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant No Not Applica ble No Not Applica ble Remarks Recommendations of the committee Recommended Rs 50000 PC015 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 32 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Research Lab, C-58, II Floor, Indrapuri Bhopal Madhya Pradesh II Floor, Indrapuri , Bhopal , MP sekhar.subhendu@ ; Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID C55 Conference on Biodiversity and Bioresource DBT/CTEP Management 15-01/01/20150 2016 - 16-01-2016 , at Department Of 1458 Zoolpgy, Shivaji University Kolhapur Maharashtra Shivaji University Kolhapur , Maharashtra 416004 registrar@unishivaj ;sryadavdu@rediff Prof. G. P. Bhawane, Professor drgpbhawane@red C56 Conference on Innovations In DBT/CTEP Pharmaceutical /01/20150 Sciences 27-02-2016 - 28-02-2016 , at Sri 1562 Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy, SAIMS Campus, Indore- Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy, SAIMS Campus, IndoreUjjain Highway, Near MR-10 Crossing , Madhya Pradesh -453555 Prof. S. C. chaturvedi, Director chaturvediscdr@re ;intconsaip2016@g Total Budget 535000 905000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 100000 905000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT "CSIR" : Rs 100000; "ICAR" : Rs 100000; "MOEF" : Rs 100000; None Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee No Not Applica ble PC015 Not Recommended No Not Applica ble PC015 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 33 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee Ujjain Highway, Near MR-10 Crossing ; INDORE Madhya Pradesh C57 DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1494 Seminar on Proforma for submission of proposal under the scheme SEMINAR, SYMPOSIUM AND WORKSHOP GRANT 17-12-2015 - 18-122015 , at SRI VASAVI INSTITUTE OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,PEDATADE PALLI,TADEPALLIGUD EM,WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT,ANDHRA PRADESH ,TADEPALLIGUDEM ,Andhra Pradesh 534101 TADEPALLIGUDEM sri institute of pharmaceutical sciences of pharmaceutical siences SRI VASAVI INSTITUTE OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,PEDATADE PALLI,TADEPALLIGU DEM,WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT,ANDHRA PRADESH ,TADEPALLIGUDEM ,Andhra Pradesh 534101 -534101 m ;kollisrinivasphd@g SRINIVAS KOLLI, professor & principal drks8@rediffmail.c om ;svipsseminar@gm 130000 100000 "SRI VASAVI EDUCATIONS SOCIETY" : Rs 29500; No Not Applica ble PC008 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 34 S.No C58 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1517 Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Andhra Pradesh Workshop on Database Development and Docking studies on Medicinal Plant based chemical compounds used to treat diabetes. 17-122015 - 23-12-2015 , at SRI VASAVI INSTITUTE OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,PEDATADE PALLI,TADEPALLIGUD EM,WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT ,TADEPALLIGUDEM ,Andhra Pradesh sri institute of pharmaceutical sciences of pharmaceutical siences SRI VASAVI INSTITUTE OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,PEDATADE PALLI,TADEPALLIGU DEM,WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT,ANDHRA PRADESH ,TADEPALLIGUDEM ,Andhra Pradesh m ;kollisrinivasphd@g Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID DR K SRINIVAS, professor & principal drks8@rediffmail.c om ;svipsseminar@gm Total Budget 245000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 200000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT "sri vasavi educational society" : Rs 45000; Prev ious gran t from DBT No UC/SE status for previous grant Not Applica ble Remarks PC012 Recommendations of the committee Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 35 S.No C59 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID DBT/CTEP /01/20150 1527 Seminar on CHALLENGES IN DISCOVERING BIOACTIVE MOLECULES FOR PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY 23-122015 - 24-12-2015 , at SRI VASAVI INSTITUTE OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,PEDATADE PALLI,TADEPALLIGUD EM,WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT,ANDHRA PRADESH ,TADEPALLIGUDEM ,Andhra Pradesh sri institute of pharmaceutical sciences of pharmaceutical siences SRI VASAVI INSTITUTE OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,PEDATADE PALLI,TADEPALLIGU DEM,WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT,ANDHRA PRADESH ,TADEPALLIGUDEM ,Andhra Pradesh m ;kollisrinivasphd@g Dr.K.Srinivas, Proffesor & Principal drks8@rediffmail.c om ;svipsseminar@gm Total Budget 120000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 20000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT None Prev ious gran t from DBT No UC/SE status for previous grant Not Applica ble Remarks PC012 Recommendations of the committee Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 36 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C60 Conference on Applications of modern biotechnology 0701-2016 - 08-01DBT/CTEP 2016 , at Sri /01/20150 Venkateswara College of 1514 Engineering, Post Bag No 3, Pennalur, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur Chennai Tamil Nadu Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Post Bag No 3, Pennalur, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur , Chennai , Tamil Nadu -602117 n Prof.M.Sivanandha m, Director Research drresearch@svce.a ; 250000 C61 National Workshop on Molecular Cytogenetics 29-10DBT/CTEP 2015 - 31-10-2015, /01/20150 at Kattankulathur (Near Chennai), 1446 Kancheepuram District. Tamil Nadu - 603 203 Chennai SRM University Kattankulathur (Near Chennai), Kancheepuram District. Tamil Nadu - 603 203 -603203 Dr Sarada D.V.L, Assistant Professor sarada.dvl@ktr.srm ;dvlsarada1@gmail .com 600000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant 50000 "DST" : Rs 50000; "ICMR" : Rs 50000; "UGC" : Rs 50000; "MOFPI" : Rs 50000; Yes Submit ted 200000 "DST" : Rs 200000; Yes Submit ted Remarks PC007 Recommendations of the committee Not Recommended Recommended Rs 50000 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 37 S.No Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place C62 Workshop on Biotechnology and Conservation of the DBT/CTEP Plant Bio-diversity. /01/20150 22-11-2015 - 23-112015 , at Vaishya 1461 Seminar Hall Near of NH-30, Gandhi Hatt Road, Maner,PATNA C63 Conference on 1st Indian C. elegans Meeting & Workshop 28-012016 - 02-02-2016 , DBT/CTEP at Fountainhead/01/20150 Alibaug and Tata 1594 Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Tarusakha House No: 53, Sarai Mohalla, Basti Road, Maner, PATNA tarusakha.patna@g ;skbhaskar27@gma Sri S. K. Bhaskar, Secretary tarusakha.patna@g ;skbhaskar27@gma Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai Prof. Sandhya Koushika, Associate Professor ;conference.cell@ti Total Budget 125000 1450000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT 100000 "Tarusakha (NGO)" : Rs 25000; 0 "Wellcome‐DB T India Alliance" : Rs 400000; "TIFR" : Rs 400000; "The Company of Bilogists" : Rs 500000; Prev ious gran t from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remarks Recommendations of the committee No Not Applica ble PC012 Not Recommended No Not Applica ble PC012 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 38 S.No C64 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Symposium on Computer Aided Drug Designing & Molecular Modeling 02-12-2015 - 03-122015 , at DBT/CTEP UNIVERSITY CENTRE /01/20150 OF 1583 BIOINFORMATICS, P.G. BOTANY CAMPUS, T.M. BHAGALPUR UNIVERSITY Bhagalpur Bihar Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget UNIVERSITY CENTRE OF BIOINFORMATICS, T.M. BHAGALPUR UNIVERSITY, BHAGALPUR 812007 UNIVERSITY CENTRE OF BIOINFORMATICS, P.G. BOTANY CAMPUS, T.M. BHAGALPUR UNIVERSITY , Bihar botanyakr@yahoo. Prof. A.K. Roy, Director/Pro VC TM Bhagalpur botanyakr@yahoo. 290000 ;tmbuniv.btisnet@ Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 200000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT None Prev ious gran t from DBT No UC/SE status for previous grant Not Applica ble Remarks PC012 Recommendations of the committee Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 39 S.No C65 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIGHT QUANTA: MODERN PERSPECTIVES AND DBT/CTEP APPLICATIONS 14/01/20150 12-2015 - 16-121479 2015 , at PHYSICS DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF ALLAHABAD ALLAHABAD Organization Name, Address, Email ID University of Allahabad, Allahabad , Uttar Pradesh -211002 registraraualld@gm ;raviaualld@gmail.c om Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID Prof. RANJANA PRAKASH, HEAD OF PHYSICS DEPARTMENT prakash_ranjana19 ;iclqmpa15@gmail. com Total Budget 1500000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 400000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Prev ious gran t from DBT "BRNS; requested 500000; committed nothing so far" : 500000; "DRDO committed" : 100000; "ISRO; requested 100000; nothing comitted so far" : 100000; "SERB; requested 400000; committed 150000, as we understand" : 150000; "OPTICAL SOC. OF INDIA committed" : 20000; Yes UC/SE status for previous grant Submit ted Remarks PC008 Recommendations of the committee Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 40 S.No C66 Proposal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place National symposium on biotechnology in crop improvement: Prospects and DBT/CTEP constraints 29-01/01/20150 2016 - 29-01-2016 , 1486 at ZAKIR HUSAIN COLLEGE Jawaharlal Nehru Marg New Delhi Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convenor Name, Designation, Email ID UNIVERSITY OF DELHI ZAKIR HUSAIN COLLEGE Jawaharlal Nehru Marg New Delhi 110002 revisitingdarwin@g ;principal@zakirhus DR. Malti Gupta, Associate professor dr.maltigupta@gm ;nsbci2016@gmail. com Total Budget 150000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 150000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT None Prev ious gran t from DBT No UC/SE status for previous grant Not Applica ble Remarks Recommendations of the committee Recommended Rs 25000 (Cont…. PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 41 RECOMMENDATIONS–FIFTH RE-CONSTITUTED EXPERT COMMITTEEON PROMOTION AND POPULARIZATION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY (ECPPB) HELD ON 15THOCTOBER, 2015 (Proposals received from 09-09-2015 to 11-10-2015 by DBT - CTEP Management Cell - TERI - New Delhi) Travel Support Proposals for Travel Support for attending International Seminars/ Symposium/ Conference / Workshop SI.N Propos Applicant Name, Organization Name, Title, Place & Date of the Mode of Whether o al Code Age, Designation Address, Email ID Conference/Event presentation,Author the type and Title of the findings proposed paper being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme T1 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50148 8 HITENDER GAUTAM , 36 years, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR drhitender@gm AIl India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar , New Delhi ,anu.vit07@gmail.c om THE 46th UNION WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG HEALTH Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) Convention Square,1 Lower Long Street, Cape Town,8001, Western Cape, Cape Town South Africa 02-12-2015 - 0612-2015 Poster "Coauthor" "Expediting the diagnosis of Intra-thoracic, multi drug resistant Tuberculosis" No Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 125300 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs "SERBDST",2 0-112013,R s.1329 25.00; Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources SERB-DST 125300 Requested Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded No Remarks Recommendation of the committee PC006/ PC009 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 42 SI.N o T2 T3 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50148 1 Dr. Kavneet Kaur , 29 years, Senior Resident doc.kavzz@gmai All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar , New Delhi anu.vit07@gmail.c om 20th Annual Meeting of Society for NeuroOncology MARRIOT RIVERCENTER SAN ANTONIO TEXAS USA 19-11-2015 - 22-112015 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50157 5 PARVEZ ALAM , 26 years, Ph.D student parvezalam777 ;parvezbiotecha Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University , UP -202002 usmanikamil94@g; ncids2013@gmail.c om 60th Annual Meeting Biophysical Society 60th ANNUAL MEETING, BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, CONVENTION CETER, LOS ANGELES California USA 27-02-2016 - 0203-2016 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "Adult medulloblastomas : Molecular subgrouping and correlation with clinicopathologica l characteristics, and expression of miR-379/miR-656 cluster (C14MC)" Poster "Lead author" "Menadione suppresses amyloid fibrillogenesis and cytotoxicity: Implication in the treatment of Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 108128 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 88018 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded ICMR - Rs. 108128.00 Requested DST - Rs. 108128.00 Requested No None Yes Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended PC015 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 43 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes Remarks Recommendation of the committee systemic amyloidosis." T4 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50158 1 Ranjith R , 28 years, Senior Research Fellow ranjithr@aims.a ;ranjithtouchriv AMRITA VISHWA VIDYAPEETHAM, AMRITA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH CENTRE, AIMS - PONEKKARA P. O, EDAPPALLY, KOCHI, KERALA m; 4th Nano Today Conference (Nanotoday 2015) JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Dubai, UAE DUBAI UAE 06-12-2015 - 10-122015 Poster "Lead author" "Engineered theranostic nano-fiber implant for sustained drug delivery in brain" T5 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50151 0 Dr. Shivi Jain , 30 years, Service Senior Resident shivijain1103@g Banaras Hindu University , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh -221005 101st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) McCormick Place Oral "Lead author" "Color Doppler Evaluation Of Utero-Ovarian Circulation In Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 18663 No Total air fare by shortest route in econom y class None None Recommended DST - Rs. 86647.00 Requested No PC008 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 44 SI.N o T6 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50154 5 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper ;drpmjain@redif Convention Centre, Chicago Chicago Illinois United States of America 29-11-2015 04-12-2015 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Its Correlation With Hormonal and Biochemical Parameters" DIVYA DASAGRANDHI , 27 years, RESEARCH SCHOLAR divya.dasagrand ;divyadasagrand International conference on Clinical and Experimental cardiology-2015• Hilton San Antonio Airport 611 NW Loop 410 San Antonio, Texas, 78216 USA 30-11-2015 - 0212-2015 Bharathidasan University Palkalai perur , Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu -620024; Poster "Lead author" "Variations in Electrocardiogram and heart function: A clue to analyze upshot of high fat diet induced guinea pigs." Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded DST - Rs. 135000.00 Requested Yes Remarks Recommendation of the committee 83517 Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 99000 None PC015 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 45 SI.N o T7 T8 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50152 4 Ms. R. Sruthi , 27 years, PhD Scholar shrutiramagiri@ ;snc.sridhar@g DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50151 1 Ansie Martin , 27 years, PhD Scholar ansiemartin@g ;anmrtn@gmail. com Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Birla Institute of Technology and Science , Pilani , Rajasthan -333031 3rd Middle East & Africa Stroke Conference Intercontinental Dubai Festival City Dubai UAE 22-10-2015 - 23-102015 Poster "Lead author" "Neuroprotective effect of HDAC inhibitor against cerebral ischemic reperfusion injury" Birla Institute of Technology and Science , Pilani , Rajasthan -333031 23ri International Conferenceon Current Trends in Computational Chemistry (CCTCC) Hilton Hotel Jackson City Mississippi United States of America 1311-2015 - 14-11-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Evaluation of metal nano-oxide stress in building a Nano QSAR model for prediction of toxicity." Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 28649 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 142001 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No None Recommendation of the committee Recommended None None Remarks No Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 46 SI.N o T9 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50151 2 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Dr. N. Mathivanan , 52 years, Associate Professor prabhamathi@y ;narayanasamy. mathivanan@g Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event CAS in Botany, University of Madras Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany University of Madras Guindy Campus , Chennai , Tamil Nadu 600025 raaman55@gmail.c om International Symposium on MicrobeAssisted Crop Production - Challenges, Opportunities and Needs & the Satellite Workshop on Applications of Endophytes and Their Secondary Metabolites to Combat Phytopathogens University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Muthgasse 18, 1190 Vienna, Austria 23-11-2015 - 26-112015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Single author" "Successful adoption of Trichoderma viride by farmers in India for sustainable management of crop diseases - A journey from lab to land" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme No Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 71609 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No Remarks Recommendation of the committee PC004 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 47 SI.N o T10 T11 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50155 1 Mr. Sanketkumar M. Pandya , 28 years, Senior Research Fellow sanket.niper@g ;sanket_pandya1 Central Drug Research Institute, B.S. 10/1, Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road , Lucknow , UP Drug Delivery to the Lungs (DDL26) Edinburgh International Conference Centre, The Exchange, 150 Morrison St Edinburgh Scotland United Kingdom 09-122015 - 11-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Inhalable Glucagon-like Peptide 1 Porous Particles Prepared by Spray Freeze Drying Technique" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50152 1 Dr. Syed Musthapa M , 40 years, Scientist EI s.musthapa@cdr ;syedmusthapa@ Central Drug Research Institute, B.S. 10/1, Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road , Lucknow , UP Ageing 2016 Cineworld: The O2 Peninsula square London United Kingdom 09-02-2016 11-02-2016 Oral "Single author" "Epigenetics of age-associated diseases: Interventions by bioactive diets" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 86105 Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 69724 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes CICS ,06-112014,R s.2388 8.00; None DST-SERB Rs. 100000.00 Requested Remarks Recommendation of the committee PC009 Not Recommended PC015 Not Recommended No PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 48 SI.N o T12 T13 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50147 2 jyotsana singh , 30 years, Senior Research Fellow biotechjyotsna ;yansh111@gm Central Drug Research Institute, B.S. 10/1, Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road , Lucknow , UP New Horizons in Cancer Research Conference: Bringing Cancer Discoveries to Patients Shanghai Marriott Parkview Hotel Shanghai, P.R.China Abstract submission d Shanghai China 12-112015 - 15-11-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Hyaluronic acid coated paclitaxel nanocrytal formulation (HAPTX) showed improved targeted delivery, anti-tumor efficacy with reduced toxicity" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50144 3 Mr. Yarra Durga Prasad , 27 years, Project Junior Research Fellow niperdp@gmail. com ;yarradp@gmail. Central Drug Research Institute, B.S. 10/1, Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh 226031 20th NORTH AMERICAN ISSX MEETING Hilton Bonnet Creek Resort and Conference Center, 14100 Bonnet Creek Resort Lane, Orlando, Florida, Poster "Lead author" "LC-MS/MS determination of Aspirin and Clopidogrel along with their metabolites: Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 35618 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No Remarks None None Recommendation of the committee Recommended DST152955 Requested ICMR 152955 Requested No PC007 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 49 SI.N o T14 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50155 6 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper com director@cdri.res.i n; 32821 United States Of America 18-10-2015 22-10-2015 Application to human pharmacokinetic study " Mr. Vasanth Ragavan K , 29 years, CSIRSenior Research Fellow bioragavan@gm ;vasanth.rf0392 Poster "Lead author" "Microwave Central Food 4th Nano Today assisted novel Technological Conference JW synthesis of Research Institute, Marriott Marquis Hotel Graphene Mysore 570 020, Dubai, Sheikh Zayed Copper oxide (CSIR) India , Road, Business Bay, nano-composite Karnataka -570020 Dubai United Arab and its catalytic; Emirates 06-12-2015 application for 10-12-2015 enhancement of chemiluminescen ce signals" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes Remarks Recommendation of the committee 120000 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 38423 None Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 50 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper T15 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50152 0 Mr Pramod Kumar , 25 years, National Junior Research Fellow pramod2013_ph in ;bijarniyasadtm Central University of Rajasthan City Road, , Kishangarh, Dist. Ajmer , Rajasthan -305802 manikrao.salunkhe; mmsalunkhe@hot 4th Nano Today Conference JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Dubai, Sheikh Zayed Road Business Bay Dubai United Arab Emirates 06-12-2015 10-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Tamoxifenloaded phospholipidbased nano micelles for topical delivery of tamoxifen: formulation, characterization and dermatokinetic studies" T16 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50155 2 Ms. Shivani Rajivkumar Pandya , 26 years, PhD Scholar shivpan02@gma Centre for Nanosciences, Central university of Gujarat , Gandhinagar 382030 4th Nano Today Conference The JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Dubai United Arab Emirates 06-12-2015 - Poster "Lead author" "Synthesis and Characterization of Metallodendrimer and Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 21324 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No Remarks None Recommended None None Recommendation of the committee Yes PC015 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 51 SI.N o T17 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50153 4 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper ;shivani.pandya 10-12-2015 their impact on anticancer drug binding and release processes" premjeet singh sandhu , 34 years, research fellow pssandhu.rgtu@ ;premjeetsandh Centre of Excellence in applications of Nanomaterials, Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites, Panjab University, Chandigarh .in; premjeetsandhu27 fourth NANO TODAY (ELSEVIER) JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Dubai, UAE DubaiUAE 06-122015 - 10-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Quality by design driven development of novel biosurfactan based self nanoemulsifying drug delivery system of tamoxifen implications on cytotoxicity & biopharmaceutica l attributes" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None None Yes Remarks Recommendation of the committee my class 23805 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 70000 Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 52 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper T18 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50156 9 Dr Dukhabandhu Naik , 38 years, Associate Professor drnaik2000@gm Christian Medical College, Vellore Tamil Nadu 632002 research@cmcvello; princi@cmcvellore. BRITISH ENDOCRINE SOCIETY CONFERENCE 2015 EDINBURGH, UK EDINBURGH UK 02-112015 - 04-11-2015 Poster "Lead author" "EVALUATION OF HYPOGLYCEMIA UNAWARENESS INDIVIDUALS WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS USING CONTINIOUS GLUCOSE MONITORING IN A TERTIARY CARE CENTER" T19 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50155 7 Dr. K. Kovendan , 33 years, Young Scientist gokulsuryah@g ;melgibson83@ CONSERVATION BIOLOGY-ZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT Bharathiar University Coimbatore - 641 XXI World Congress on Parkinson Disease and Related Disorders OIC s.r.l. Viale G. Matteotti 7 50121 Florence,Italy Florence Milan Italy Poster "Lead author" "Occupational exposure to Organic solvents and welding Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 79397 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded Remarks None None Yes PC008 None Yes None Recommendation of the committee Not Recommended Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 53 SI.N o T20 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50154 3 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper 046 Tamil Nadu, m; 06-12-2015 - 09-122015 fumes and risk of Parkinson\'s disease" Ms Deepika Soni , 32 years, Research Scholar deeps.soni22@g ;deepika.bioche CSIR - National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) Nehru Marg Nagpur440020, np_thacker@neeri.; director@neeri.res. in FutureTox III”Bridges for Translation: Transforming 21st Century Science into Risk Assessment and Regulatory DecisionMaking Hilton Crystal City at Washington Reagan National Airport, 2399 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington Virginia US 19-11-2015 - 20-112015 Poster "Lead author" "Genotoxicity of Silver Nanoparticles in Human Promyelocytic Leukemic Cells (HL-60) and Human Blood" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes Remarks Recommendation of the committee my class 52297 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 100764 None Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 54 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper T21 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50154 4 Ms Deepa Gandhi , 31 years, Senior Research Fellow deepagandhi@y ;d_gandhi@nee CSIR - National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) Nehru Marg Nagpur440020, np_thacker@neeri.; director@neeri.res. in FutureTox III”Bridges for Translation: Transforming 21st Century Science into Risk Assessment and Regulatory DecisionMaking Hilton Crystal City at Washington Reagan National Airport, 2399 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington Virginia Washington 19-11-2015 - 20-11-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Global gene and protein profiling revealed molecular insight of endosulfan induced neurotoxic effects in human neuroblastoma cells" T22 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50158 6 Pranay Srivastava , 31 years, CSIRSenior Research Fellow pranaydehradun CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow , M.G. Marg, Post Box 80 , Lucknow , XXI World Congress on Parkinson Disease and Related Disorder Centro Congressi MiCo, Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1 Milan, Italy Oral,Poster "Lead author" "Role of dopaminergic receptor and post-synaptic signaling in Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 100764 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes None None Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended Internation Yes al Associatio n of Parkinsoni sm and Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 55 SI.N o T23 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50157 7 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper UP; Milan Italy 06-12-2015 - 09-12-2015 arsenic induced neurotoxicity: Ameliorative role of curcumin" Ms Richa Gupta , 27 years, PhD scholar richa1771@gma CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, M.G. Marg, Post Box 80 , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001; XXI World Congress on Parkinson disease and Related Disorders MiCo “ Milano Congressi Congress Centre (Fiera Milano) Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1 , Milano Italy 06-122015 - 09-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Deciphering the Mechanism of Cadmium Induced Brain Dopaminergic Dysfunctions and Assess the Protective Potential of Quercetin in Rats" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs my class 30000 Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources No Remarks Recommendation of the committee Related Disorders Rs. 26000.00 Committed None Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 52766 Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 56 SI.N o T24 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50149 9 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Prof.Ram chandra , 53 years, Head & Sr. Principal Scientist rc_microitrc@ya ;ramchandra@iit Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, M.G. Marg, Post Box 80 , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001; The 4th International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering Orchid Room (Excelsior Tower, Level L), Peninsula Excelsior Hotel Singapore Singapore Malaysia 11-12-2015 13-12-2015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Single author" "Role of Bacterial Manganese Peroxidase (MnP) and Laccase for Pulp Paper Mill Effluent Decolourisation and Detoxification" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme No Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 32660 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended (50%) PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 57 SI.N o T25 T26 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50144 9 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50155 0 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Dr N Rajeswari , 47 years, Associate Professor m ;rajeswaribt@dayanandasa Dayananda Sagar Institutions ShavigeMalleshwara Hills Kumaraswamy Layout , Bangalore , Karnataka -560078 .in; prem@sagarhospita Cancer Genomics, EMBL Conference EMBL Advanced Training Centre on the Heidelberg campus EMBL Meyerhofstraße 1 69117 Heidelberg Baden-wurttemberg Germany 01-11-2015 04-11-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Analysis of gene expression and DNA methylation profiles of Notch signalling pathway genes in human glioblastoma" DR. PRADEEPKUMA R P.I. , 40 years, ASSOCIATE PROFESSSOR;pr adeep@chem.iit Department of Chemistry Indian Institute of Technology Bombay , Mumbai , n; Pcificchem 2015 Conference on Oligonucleotide Therapeutics: From Base Pairs to Bedsides Sheraton Waikiki,2255 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu Hawaai USA 15-12-2015 - 20-122015 Oral "Single author" "Toward the rational design of chemically modified siRNAs endowed with drug like properties" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 89214 Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 93306 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources DST - Rs. 89214.00 Requested IIT Bombay - Rs. 57110.00 Sanctioned None Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded No Remarks Already receive d grant from DST Recommendation of the committee Not Recommended Yes Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 58 SI.N o T27 T28 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50153 9 Mr Vikas Saini , 28 years, Ph.D Scholar vikas.acbr@gma ;vikassaini.du@ Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi (North Campus) Delhil - 110007 bcdas48@hotmail. com; An evaluation of anticancer activity of diallyl disulfide analogs, an active principle of garlic The DoubleTree BaltimoreBWI Airport, 890 Elkridge Landing Road Linthicum Maryland USA 02-11-2015 - 0411-2015 Poster "Lead author" "An evaluation of anticancer activity of diallyl disulfide analogs, an active principle of garlic" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50150 6 Mr. Mohit Vashishta , 33 years, Senior research fellow mohitp.biotech ;mohit.immuno Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi (North Campus) Delhi 110007 bcdas48@hotmail.c om; Cell Symposia: Cell death and Immunity Claremont Hotel & Spa 41 Tunnel Road Berkeley, CA 94705 USA Berkeley California United states of America 08-11-2015 - Poster "Single author" "Pneumococal Surface Protein A (PspA) Regulates Programmed Death Ligand 1 Expression on Dendritic Cells in a Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 80765 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 110592 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes None Recommendation of the committee Recommended None None Remarks No Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 59 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper directoracbr@gmail. com 10-11-2015 Toll-Like Receptor 2 and Calcium Dependent Manner" AACR-NCI-EORTC International conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center, 900 Boylston Street. Boston Massachusetts USA 0511-2015 - 09-11-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Esculetin induces antiproliferative and apoptotic response in PANC1 cells by directly binding to Keap1" Translational Medicine Elkridge Landing hotel, Baltimore, Marryland USA Baltimore Poster "Lead author" "Association of CTLA-4 gene 49 T29 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50143 6 Ms Rashi Arora , 28 years, Student rashi28121987@ ;rashi_28121987 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi (North Campus) Delhil 110007 bcdas48@hotmail.c om; directoracbr@gmail. com T30 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50149 Ms Sushma Chinnapaka , 30 years, Research Scholar Dr.Pratibha Nallari, Professor, Dept. of Genetics, Osmania University, Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 80687 No Total air fare by shortest route in Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No None None Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended indo american cancer hospital ( No Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 60 SI.N o T31 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper 0 sushma_venkat ;only1sushma@ Hyderabad-500 007 , Andhra Pradesh -500007 prathinallari@yaho Marryland USA 26-102015 - 28-10-2015 G/A polymorphism in breast cancer patients with invasive ductal carcinoma" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50159 2 Ms. Priyanka Sharma , 31 years, PhD scholar its.priyanka.shar Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Dwarka, Sector- 16C, New Delhi110078registrar@i; Noncoding RNAs and Cancer: Mechanisms to Medicine Boston Renaissance Waterfront Hotel Boston, Massachusetts, USA Boston Massachusetts USA 04-12-2015 - 0712-2015 Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs excursio n/econo my class 85328 Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 80726 Remarks Recommendation of the committee charity Hospital ) Rs. 50000.00 Requested None Poster "Lead author" "Evaluation of a miRNA-mRNA panel for esophageal cancer detection" Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 61 SI.N o T32 T33 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50152 8 Dr Anuradha Ayyar , 46 years, MD, FICO ayyar.anuradha ;ayyar.anuradha Hyderabad Eye Research Foundation, L V Prasad Eye Institute, Banjara Hills Road No. 2, Hyderabad 500 034 AP; dbala@operamail.c om ASOPRS 46th Annual Fall Scientific Symposium and American Academy of Ophthalmology 2015 conference Casears Palace, Las Vegas Las Vegas Nevada United State of America 1211-2015 - 17-11-2015 Oral "Lead author" "Orbital involvement in periocular sebaceous gland carcinoma: clinical profile and outcomes" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50156 6 Shankarachar M Sutar , 44 years, Senior Scientist sutar.iict@gov.i n ;shankar_sutar Indian Institute of Chemical Technology,Tarnak a, Uppal Road, Hyderabad- 500 607 , AP ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition ASME 2015 IMECE will be held at the Hilton Americas and the Oral "Lead author" "An experimental study of flow induced vibration of elastically restrained pipe conveying fluid" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 86800 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 100000 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No None IICT 120000 Requested None Remarks Recommendation of the committee PC008 Not Recommended PC008 Not Recommended Yes PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 62 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No Remarks Recommendation of the committee George R. Brown Convention Center. Hotel Address: Hilton Americas 1600 Lamar Street Houston, TX 77010 Houston Texas USA 13-11-2015 - 1911-2015 T34 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50150 9 Narmada Sambaturu , 46 years, PhD student narmada.samba m ;narmada.samb aturu@biochem Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 diroff@admin.iisc.e IEEE Bio-informatics and Bio-medicine Hyatt Regency Bethesda One Bethesda Metro Center Bethesda MARYLAND United States of America 0911-2015 - 12-11-2015 Oral "Lead author" "EpiTracer - an algorithm for identifying No epicenters in condition-specific biological networks" Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 115486 None Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 63 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Poster "Lead author" "A network approach to monitor progression of treatment in tuberculosis" Poster "Single author" "Engineering structural interconversion and ion channel T35 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50150 7 Ms. Awanti Sambarey , 29 years, PhD student awanti@mbu.iis Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 diroff@admin.iisc.e RECOMB/ISCB CONFERENCE ON REGULATORY AND SYSTEMS GENOMICS WITH DREAM CHALLENGES Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hotel, 201 North 17th Street Philadelphia Pennsylvania United States of America 1511-2015 - 18-11-2015 T36 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50158 5 Mr.Muralikrishn a Lella , 28 years, PhD Student murali@iiserb.a Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal, ITI (Gas Rahat) Building, The 7th International Peptide Symposium 2015 Auditorium, Matrix Biopolis, Biopolis Way, Singapore-138668 09- Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 125518 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No None Recommendation of the committee Recommended None None Remarks Yes Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 64 SI.N o T37 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50146 7 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper ; Govindpura , MP 12-2015 - 11-12-2015 n; activity in a membranebreaker peptide" Mr. Mintu Chandra , 34 years, Senior Research Fellow .in ;mintuju@gmail .com Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal, ITI (Gas Rahat) Building, Govindpura , MP n Biophysics in the Understanding, Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases Spier Wine Estate Stellenbosch, Western Cape South Africa Stellenbosch Western Cape South Africa 1611-2015 - 20-11-2015 Poster "Single author" "Insights into molecular switch: crystal structure analysis of wild type and fast hydrolyzing mutant of EhRabX3, a tandem Ras superfamily GTPase from Entamoeba histolytica" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No Remarks Recommendation of the committee my class 50000 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 230560 None Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 65 SI.N o T38 T39 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50159 5 Dr. Thomas Pucadyil , 39 years, Assistant Professor pucadyil@iiserp ;pucadyil@gmail .com Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune Pashan Road , Maharashtra 411021 ls.shashidhara@iiser; lsshashidhara@gmai Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology San Diego Convention Center San Diego California United States 12-12-2015 - 1612-2015 Poster "Coauthor" "Mechanism of Vesicle Release at the Endocytic Recycling Compartment" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50160 0 Ms Srishti Dar , 29 years, Research Scholar srishtidar@stud ents.iiserpune.a ; Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune Dr. Homi Bhabha Pashan , Pune , kn.ganesh@iiserpu Annual Meeting of The American Society for Cell Biology 2015 San Diego Convention Centre San Diego California United States of America 1212-2015 - 16-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Dynamincatalyzed membrane fission in the absence of a pleckstrinhomology domain" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 155219 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 155219 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded Remarks Yes PC006 None DST - Rs. 187539.00 Requested None American Society for Cell Biology Yes Rs. 32388.73 Committed Recommendation of the committee Not Recommended Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 66 SI.N o T40 T41 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50143 2 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50154 0 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Ms Saumya Bajaj , 31 years, PhD Student saumyaverma11 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi Hauz Khas , New Delhi -110016 sundar@dbeb.iitd.; Shalini Srivastava , 26 years, PhD student (JRF) in ;snatak.shalini1 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Department of BioSciences and Bioengineering I.I.T. Bombay, Powai , Mumbai , Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Polymers and SelfAssembly: From Biology to Nanomaterials Windsor Excelsior Hotel Rio de Janeiro Brazil 2510-2015 - 30-10-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Nanoencapsulated assemblies derived from a non-enveloped virus capsid protein for targeted therapy" The American Society for Cell Biology San Diego Convention Center 111 W Harbor Dr San Diego California USA 12-12-2015 - 1612-2015 Poster "Lead author" "A centrosomal protein FOR20 regulates microtubule assembly dynamics: Evidence of a possible role of FOR20 in cell Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme No No Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 107708 Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 152900 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes None None Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended IIT BOMBAY Rs. 100000.00 Sanctioned Yes Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 67 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 90000 None None Yes No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo None None Yes Remarks Recommendation of the committee migration" T42 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50156 1 Mr Bhushan N Kharbikar , 30 years, PhD Scholar k.bhushan.rao@ ;kharbikar.bhus Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT B, Powai , Mumbai SPIE Micro+Nano Materials, Devices, and Systems 2015 The University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia 06-122015 - 09-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Hollow silicon microneedle array based transepidermal antiemetic patch for efficient management of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting" T43 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50155 9 Mr. MOHD FAHEEM KHAN , 25 years, STUDENT mfkhan@iitg.ern Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati IIT Guwahati , Assam 781039 MGMS Exploring Mechanisms in Biology: Theory and Experiment Bioinformatics Institute (BII) A*STAR, 30 Biopolis Street, Matrix Poster "Coauthor" "In silico prediction of protein stability at extreme temperature Recommended PC006 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 68 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID ;mohd.faheem.k m Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Building, Singapore 138671. Singapore 2511-2015 - 27-11-2015 through machine learning methodologies" Oral "Lead author" "Fabrication of microbes based masters for preparing microlenses for outcoupling enhancement of organic light emitting diodes" Oral "Lead author" "Investigation of Size Effect in Polystyrene T44 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50156 8 Sunita Mehta , 30 years, PhD Student n ;sunitamehta09 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur , Uttar Pradesh 208016 MRS Fall Meet-2015 Hynes Convention Center 900 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02115 Boston Massachusetts USA 29-11-2015 - 0412-2015 T45 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50144 1 Mr. Guruprasad T , 32 years, PhD Student tgprasad@iitk.a Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur , Uttar Pradesh 208016 2015 Society of Engineering Science (SES) Technical Meeting and Fifth International Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded Samtel Center for Display Technologi es, IIT Kanpur Rs. 30000.00 Requested Yes None No Remarks Recommendation of the committee my class 32538 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 76815 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio None None Recommended PC015 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 69 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID ;tguruprasad@g T46 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50148 2 Raj , 29 years, RESEARCH SCHOLAR raj_kumar_rao @students.iitma Indian Institute of Technology Mandi Indian Institute of Technology, Vallabh College Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Indentation Workshop TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER, College Station and Texas Instruments Auditorium,The University of Texas at Dallas, United States of America College Station and Dallas Texas USA 26-10-2015 - 05-11-2015 Micropillars through In-Situ SEM Testing" n/econo my class 126882 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANOTECHNOLOGY IN MEDICINE 2015 NANOSMAT One Oral "Co-author" "Solid Lipid nanoparticles for controlled delivery of non- Total air fare by shortest route in excursio No Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded IIT MANDI - Rs. 35000.00 Requested IIT MANDI No Remarks PC015 Recommendation of the committee Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 70 SI.N o T47 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50148 0 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper ;rk7410@gmail. com Campus , Mandi , Himachal Pradesh 175001 director@iitmandi. Central Park Northampton Road Manchester M40 5BP MANCHESTER, UK. MANCHESTER United Kingdom 23-11-2015 25-11-2015 steroidal antiinflammetary drugs" n/econo my class 81211 - Rs. 35000.00 Requested Poster "Lead author" "Small intestine targeted vaccine for prevention of shigellosis in humans" Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 25411 None Nadim Ahamad , 29 years, Research Scholar n ;nadeemahmd8 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur , Uttar Pradesh -208016; 4th Nano Today Conference JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Dubai Sheikh Zayed Road Business Bay Dubai United Arab Emirates 06-12-2015 10-12-2015 Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Yes Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded Remarks Recommendation of the committee No Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 71 SI.N o T48 T49 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50158 7 Sunny Kataria , 30 years, Research Scholar(PhD Student) ;skataria2005@g Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine NCBS-TIFR Campus,GKVK Post,Bellary Road , Bangalore , vijayoffice@ncbs.res .in; 2105 cell biology ascb annual meeting San Diego Convention Center 111 W Harbor Dr San Diego California United States of America 12-12-2015 16-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Role of Mindin in fibroblast activation and chemotaxis during fibrogenesis" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50156 7 Dr Rania Zaarour , 41 years, Postdoctoral researcher raniafz@instem. ;raniazaarour9 Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine NCBSTIFR Campus,GKVK Post,Bellary Road , Bangalore , Annual American Society For Cell Biology meeting San Diego Convention Center 111 W Harbor Dr, San Diego California United States 12-12-2015 - 1612-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Transcriptional regulation of collagen secretion in a mouse model of cutaneous fibrosis" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 148000 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 120000 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Amercal Yes Society of Cell biology Rs. 32432.00 Committed None None Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended Yes Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 72 SI.N o T50 T51 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50147 3 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50146 6 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Ms. Vrushali Kulkarni , 28 years, Research Scholar vrushali1409@g Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , m IchemE Awards Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore Address: 22 Orange Grove Rd, Singapore 258350 Singapore 22-10-2015 22-10-2015 Oral "Single author" "Mangiferin products and black gold" Asian Congress of Biotechnology 2015 (ACB 2015) Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 73 Jalan Raja Chulan, 50200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia South east Asia 15-112015 - 19-11-2015 Oral "Co-author" "Biodegradation of anthraquinone based dye Reactive Blue 4 using an isolated strain Staphylococcus hominis subsp. hominis DSM 20328" Miss Neha Parmar , 27 years, SRFResearch Scholar 06nehap@gmail .com Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400019 m Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme No Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 52000 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No None No None Recommendation of the committee Recommended None Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 60000 Remarks No Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 73 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T52 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50146 2 Mr. Avishek Kumar Singh , 34 years, SRF avi.hbv@gmail.c om American Association Institute of Liver for the Study of Liver and Biliary Sciences Disease, The Liver D-1 vasant Kunj, Meeting 2015 New Delhi 110070 Mascone West 110070 Convention Centre San Francisco California m; USA San Francisco trehanpati@gmail. Caifornia USA 14-11com 2015 - 17-11-2015 T53 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50146 Mr Sheetalnath Babasaheb Rooge , 32 years, Ph D Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences D-1 vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070 - American Association for the Study of Liver Disease, The Liver Meeting 2015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Coauthor" "Genome wide miRNA: mRNA Integrome Analysis reveals key pathways, biological processes and gene families in Dendritic cells (DCs) that differentiate various stages of HBV Infection" Poster "Coauthor" "Growth Factor Mobilized CD34+ Bone Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded Remarks Recommendation of the committee Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 119658 "Depar tment of Science and Techno logy",2 2-042015,R s.7494 4.00; None No PC006/ PC009 Not Recommended No Total air fare by shortest route in None None No PC006 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 74 SI.N o T54 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper 0 Student sheetalnath.roo 110070 m; trehanpati@gmail. com Mascone West Convention Centre San Francisco California United States of America 13-11-2015 17-11-2015 Marrow Stem Cells (BMSCs) Rescue the Loss of Regenerative Microenvironme nt in Decompensated liver Cirrhosis" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50153 0 Mr. Gaurav Sharma , 24 years, Senior Research Fellow gaurav.amit30@ ;gaurav.amit@i Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39A, , Chandigarh 160036 director@imtech.r; sahni@imtech.res.i n Gordon Research Conference and Seminar: Sensory Transduction in Microorganisms Ventura Beach Marriott Ventura California United States of America 1601-2016 - 22-01-2016 Poster "Lead author" "Comparative analysis of diverse chemosensory systems in order Myxococcales" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes Remarks Recommendation of the committee excursio n/econo my class 119658 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 150889 None Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 75 SI.N o T55 T56 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50157 3 Dr Umakanta Subudhi , 33 years, Scientist usubudhi@imm ;u_subudhi@re Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, (CSIR) Formerly RRL, Acharya vihar, Bhubaneswar DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50153 7 Dr. Richa Ahuja , 28 years, Research Associate richa18ahuja@g ;rahuja@icgeb.r International Centre for Genetic Engineering an Biotechnology Aruna Asaf ali Marg Vasant Kunj New Delhi -110067 director@icgeb.res. in Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper EMN Meeting on DNA & RNA BEST WESTERN PLUS The President Hotel Istanbul Beyazıt Turkey 09-11-2015 - 1211-2015 Oral "Lead author" "Rareearth induced conformation changes in branched DNA" Frontiers in Cancer Science 2015 UNIVERSITY CULTURAL CENTRE National University of Singapore 50 Kent Ridge Crescent Singapore 119279 0211-2015 - 04-11-2015 Poster "Single author" "The HBx Oncoprotein Hijacks the Cellular Functions of Nucleophosmin and AP-1 factors to Promote Ribosome Biogenesis, Cellular Transformation Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme No No Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 65106 Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 29000 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded CSIR - Rs. Yes 50000.00 Committed CSIR - Rs. 50000.00 Committed Conferenc e Organizers - Rs. 10000.00 Sanctioned Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended (50%) Yes Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 76 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes Remarks Recommendation of the committee and Oncogenesis" T57 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50153 3 Bharathkumar Inturi , 29 years, Ph.D Student bharatinturi@g ;chandumedha JSS Medical College Sri Shivarathreeshwar a Nagar , Mysore , Karnataka -570015 m; hbgowda@gmail.c om 16th Tetrahedron Symposium Asia Edition-2015 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC) Shanghai China 10-112015 - 13-11-2015 Poster "Single author" "Investigating the structural basis of 4-hydroxy-2pyridones to improve potency against M. tuberculosis using molecular dynamics simulations" T58 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50151 5 Dr. K.B.Jayanthi , 43 years, Professor jayanthikb@gm ;jayanthikb@ya K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode - 637 215, Namakkal District, Tamil 3rd IEEE Global conference on Signal and Information Processing Buena Vista Palace Hotel 1900 E Buena Vista Drive, Oral "Co-author" "Contour Based Segmentation of Chromosomes in G-Band Metaspread No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 35893 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo None Recommended None None No Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 77 SI.N o T59 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50152 6 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Nadu. -637215 Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830 Orlando Florida USA 14-12n 2015 - 16-12-2015 Dr. John Abraham , 42 years, Assistant Professor johnabe21@gm ; in Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Pookode, Lakkidi PO, Wayanad -673576 .in Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event International Conference on Agriculture and Animal Sciences Hotel Jen Peneng, Penang Magazine Road, george Town, Penang, Malaysia. George Town Penang Malaysia 03-12-2015 - 04-122015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No Remarks Recommendation of the committee my class 106000 Images" Oral "Lead author" "Biodiesel Production from Broiler Chicken waste" Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 30000 None Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 78 SI.N o T60 T61 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50149 6 Dr. B. Mahendran , 39 years, Associate Professor bmnchowdary@ ;drmahi_bt@klu Koneru Lakshmaiah University K L University, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, A.P. registrar@klunivers 4th Nano Today Conference 4th Nano Today Conference December 6-10, 2015 | JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Dubai, UAE Dubai UAE 06-12-2015 - 10-12-2015 Poster "Single author" "Identification and Characterization of Self-Assemble Biodegradable Polymers from Nutraceutical plant for drug/DNA delivery" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50144 5 Dr. Aditi Varshney , 28 years, Junior Resident kooladi99@gma Lady Hardinge Medical College C604, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Road, Diz Area, Connaught Place , New Delhi directorlhmc@gma RSNA 2015 Annual Conference McCormick Place Convention Center 2301 S. Lake Shore Drive Chicago Illinois USA 29-11-2015 - 04- Poster "Lead author" "\"Prevention of Iatrogenic Premmaturity in Intrauterine Growth Restriction Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 33623 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded DST - Rs. 80000.00 Requested DST - Rs. 80000.00 Requested No None No Remarks Recommendation of the committee Applica nt informe d that he doesn’t want grant PC008 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 79 SI.N o T62 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50147 7 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Dr Losiana Nayak , 33 years, UGC PostDoctoral Fellow (Women) losiananayak@g ;losiana_t@isica Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper 12-2015 (IUGR): Role of Doppler UltrasonographyThe Obvious and Not So Obvious Changes to Look For\"" Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute 203 B T Road , Kolkata , West Bengal 700108 n The IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM2015) HYATT REGENCY BETHESDA One Bethesda Metro Center (7400 Wisconsin Ave) Bethesda Maryland USA 09-11-2015 - 1211-2015 Oral "Lead author" "A Module tree of Wnt Signaling Pathways" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded IEEE BIBM - Rs. 53157.00 Requested DST - Rs. 126321.00 Requested No Remarks Recommendation of the committee 70000 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 68989 None PC015 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 80 SI.N o T63 T64 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50144 0 Ms Poulomi , 31 years, PhD student poulomibanerje ;poulomi.banerj ee1@learner.m DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50154 9 Ms Farah Haque , 28 years, Research Scholar ;farahhaque87 Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Manipal Life Sciences Center, Manipal University. , Karnataka -576104 ksatyamoorthy@ma; ksatyamoorthy@ya SCSS Symposium2015;Opport unities & Challenges in Stem Cell Based Medicine Biopolis,Singapore Singapore Singapre Singapore 17-11-2015 18-11-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Dysregulation of Wnt-signaling and a candidate set of miRNAs underlie the effect of metformin on neural crest cell development" National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, GKVK, Bellary Road , Bangalore , Karnataka -560065 American Society for Cell Biology Annual meeting San Diego Convention Center, 111 W Harbor Dr San Diego California United States of America 1212-2015 - 16-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "A new humanized mouse model for studying inherited cardiomyopathies caused by mutations in the MYH7 gene" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 28348 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 125000 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No None None Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended American Yes Society for Cell Biology Rs. 32800.00 Committed Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 81 SI.N o T65 T66 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50145 6 Ms. Prachi Umbarkar , 28 years, UGC SRF/Ph.D. candidate prachiu37@gma National centre for cell science NCCS,pune university complex,Ganeshkhi nd road, , Maharashtra 411007 gcmishra@nccs.res.i n 22ND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY FOR FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE WESTIN BOSTON WATERFRONT 425 Summer Street Boston Massachusetts United States 18-112015 - 21-11-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Monoamine Oxidase A contributes to oxidative stress and is associated with development of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 124750 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50145 5 Ms Sarojini Singh , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow- UGC sarojinisingh10 ;sarojini10@ncc National centre for cell science NCCS,pune university complex,Ganeshkhi nd road, , Maharashtra 411007 gcmishra@nccs.res.i n 22nd Annual Meeting of The Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine Westin Boston Waterfront, 425 Summer Street Boston Massachusetts United Sates of America 18-112015 - 21-11-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Protective role of Nrf2 against hyperglycemia No induced oxidative damage in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy" Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 124750 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No None Recommendation of the committee Recommended None None Remarks No Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 82 SI.N o T67 T68 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50145 3 Mr. Deepak Khuperkar , 27 years, CSIR-SRF (PhD Student) deepakkhuperka ;deepakk@nccs.r National centre for cell science NCCS,pune university complex,Ganeshkhi nd road, , Maharashtra gcmishra@nccs.res.i n American Society of Cell Biology (ASCB) Annual Meeting 2015 San Diego Convention Center,111 W Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101.USA 12-122015 - 16-12-2015 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50145 2 Mr. Vikrant Piprode , 28 years, Senior Research Fellow-UGC vikk.0521@gmai ;vikrant@nccs.r National centre for cell science NCCS,pune university complex,Ganeshkhi nd road, , Maharashtra 411007 gcmishra@nccs.res .in Australian New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society Annual Meet 2015 Hotel Grand Chancellor 1 Davey Street, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Hobart Tasmania Australia 01-11-2015 04-11-2015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Intercellular Transport of Ran GTPase" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme No Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 145961 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No None PC015 None Poster "Single author" "Antiosteoclastic effect of interleukin-3 is conserved in rats" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 127032 None Remarks Recommendation of the committee Not Recommended No Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 83 SI.N o T69 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50153 6 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Monika Saini , 27 years, PhD Student saini.abtc@gmai ;monika_saini88 Organization Name, Address, Email ID National Dairy Research Institute , Karnal , Haryana 132001 Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event 42nd Annual Conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) The Galt House Hotel Louisville Kentucky USA 23-01-2016 - 2601-2016 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Effect of Trichostatin A and 5-aza-2deoxycytidine treatment of donor cells, fused embryos or both on the developmental competence, quality and epigenetic status of buffalo cloned embryos" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme No Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 109471 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 84 SI.N o T70 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50147 5 Applicant Name, Age, Designation NAVEENA N , 28 years, PhD Scholar natarajan.navee Organization Name, Address, Email ID NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NUTRITION JAMAIOSMANI (PO) HYDERABAD500007 , Andhra Pradesh -500007 saarcfoods@gmail. com; m Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event 6th International Conference on Food Factors IcoFF 2015 (Room 605) 22, Teheran-ro 7-gil, Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 135-704, Korea Seoul Korea 22-11-2015 - 2511-2015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Oral "Lead author" "Comparison of invitro bioaccessibility of polyphenols and their antioxidant potential from coriander No (Coriandrum sativum L.), mint (Mentha spicata L.) and curry (Murraya koenigii L.) leaves processed by different drying methods" Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 69318 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded Indian Council of Medical Reserach Rs. 90100.00 Requested DST-ITS Rs. 90100.00 Requested No Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 85 SI.N o T71 T72 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50153 1 Dr Vinay Kumar , 35 years, Research Associate-III vinayktyagi@ya ;vinayktyagi07@ National Institute of Plant Genome Research NIPGR, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Campus, New Delhi - 110067 36th New Phytologist Symposium Eden Hotel Wolff, Munich, Germany Munich Bavaria Germany 2911-2015 - 01-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Improving nutritional quality and fungal tolerance in soybean by expressing an oxalate decarboxylase from Flammulina velutipes." DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50148 3 Ms Anupam Kumar , 30 years, PhD student anu.vit07@gmai Neurobiochemistry Neuroscience Centre All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi -110029 svivek_aiims@yaho 20th Annual Scientific Meeting and Education Day of the Society for Neuro-Oncology Marriott Rivercenter Hotel, San Antonio, Texas, USA San Antonio Texas United Poster "Single author" "Downregulation of miR-379/miR656 cluster (C14MC) in Oligodendroglio mas with Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 51296 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes None Recommendation of the committee Recommended None None Remarks No Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 86 SI.N o T73 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50150 1 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Dr Aanchal Kakkar , 33 years, Senior Research Associate aanchalkakkar@ Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event States 19-11-2015 - 22- suggestive mechanistic and 11-2015 clinicopathologic al insights" Neurobiochemistry Neuroscience Centre All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi -110029 svivek_aiims@yaho 20th Annual Scientific Meeting and Education Day of the Society for Neuro-Oncology Marriott Rivercentre Hotel San Antonio Texas United States of America 19-11-2015 22-11-2015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "Study of clinicopathologic al characteristics, BRAF V600E mutation, and mTOR signaling pathway activation in dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (DNET)" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded "Depar tment of Science and Techno logy (SERB)" ,19-112013,R s.1217 17.00; None No Remarks Recommendation of the committee 115000 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 108128 PC009 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 87 SI.N o T74 T75 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50144 7 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50154 1 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Dr.KANAMARLA PUDI MANOJ , 26 years, JUNIOR RESIDENT;srikan thanne.mooney Neurobiochemistry Neuroscience Centre All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi -110029 svivek_aiims@yaho 18TH GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF LIMB SALVAGE SURGERY J.W MARRIOT ORLANDO FLORIDA U.S.A 06-102015 - 10-10-2015 Poster "Lead author" "nanomechanical investigation of extracorporeal irradiation and reimplantation therapy in malignant bone tumours" Mr Sumit Arora , 27 years, PhD Scholar sumit0607@gm ;sumit0607@ya National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Sector-67, S.A.S Nagar (Mohali) Punjab kkbhutani@niper.a; Drug Delivery to the Lungs 26 Edinburgh International Conference Centre, The Exchange, 150 Morrison St Edinburgh Scotland United Kingdom 09-12-2015 11-12-2015 Oral "Lead author" "Surface Modified Voriconazole Dry Powder Inhalable Formulation for the Treatment of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 87256 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 68882 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded ICMR - Rs. 85000.00 Requested No None PC013 None None Remarks Recommendation of the committee Not Recommended Yes Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 88 SI.N o T76 T77 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50150 8 Mr. Ganesh Shete , 30 years, Ph.D. student ganeshshete@y National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Sector-67, S.A.S Nagar (Mohali) Punjab n AAPS annual meeting and exposition Orange county convention centre Orlando Florida USA 25-10-2015 - 2910-2015 Oral "Single author" "Stabilizers used in nano-crystal based drug delivery systems" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50150 2 Chander Parkash , 32 years, Ph.D Scholar chanddora@gm ;cparkash_ptfp3 NIPERMOH National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Sector-67, S.A.S Nagar (Mohali) Punjab n 4th Nano Today Conference JW Marriott Marquis Hotel, Sheikh Zayed Road Business Bay Dubai United Arab Emirates 06-12-2015 10-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Preparation, characterization, in vitro and in vivo evaluation of nanoparticles of erlotinib" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 72915 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 29221 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No None None None Remarks Recommendation of the committee PC015 Not Recommended PC015 Not Recommended No PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 89 SI.N o T78 T79 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50144 2 Mr ASHWANI KUMAR , 33 years, PhD student ashumicrobio@ ;ashupgimer@g PGIMER chandigarh Depat of Nephrology,BlockC,nehru Hospital,PGIMER Sector-12 , Chandigarh Kidney Week 2015, Annual Meeting American Society of Nephrology (ASN) San Diego, CA San Diego CA USA 05-11-2015 - 0811-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Actinin4, Synaptopodin, Nephrin And Neph-1 Expression in Protienuric Patients" Ms VAISHALI AGGARWAL , 29 years, PhD STUDENT vaishali.pgi@gm PGIMER, Chandigarh Dept of experiemental medicne& biotech, research block-b, Sector-12 , chandigarh 160012 m 57th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition ORANGE COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER ORLANDO FLORIDA USA 04-122015 - 08-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Mutational Spectrum of Stromal Genes by Whole Exome Sequencing and Stromal-cellular Interaction in Diffuse Large Bcell Lymphoma" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50157 4 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme No Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 84074 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No None No None Recommendation of the committee Recommended None Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 84184 Remarks Yes Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 90 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper T80 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50159 0 Mr Malay Kumar Sannigrahi , 30 years, PhD Student malaysannigrahi ;malaysannigrah Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh Postgraduate Institue of Medical Education and Research, sector12 , Chandigarh 160012 nehapgi2010@gma AACR special conference on Noncoding RNAs and Cancer: Mechanisms to Medicine Boston Renaissance Waterfront Hotel, l606 Congress St, Boston, MA 02210, United States Boston Massachusetts USA 0412-2015 - 07-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Role of noncoding RNAs in regulating Human papilloma virus16 (HPV16) induced oncogenesis in Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)" T81 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50146 8 Ms Janki K. Patel , 26 years, PhD student janki23patel@g Prof. Arun Arya, Head Dept. of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of MICROBE-ASSISTED CROP PRODUCTION OPPORTUNITIES, CHALLENGES & NEEDS Schloss Schönbrunn Tagungszentrum | Poster "Lead author" "Diversity, characteristics and plant growth promoting Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 110901 Yes Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes None Recommendation of the committee Recommended None None Remarks No Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 91 SI.N o T82 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50154 7 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Sukesh Edavalath , 32 years, Senior Resident , DM clinical Immunology sukeshe@gmail. com Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Baroda Vadodara39002 , Gujarat 390002 aryaarunarya@redi Apothekertrakt | Schönbrunner Schloßstrasse “ Entrance | 1130 Vienna Austria 23-112015 - 25-11-2015 effects of diazotrophic endophytic bacteria colonizing Poaceae family plants" Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareli Road , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh 226014 n ACR / ARHP Annual Meeting, 2015 MOSCONE CENTRE San Fransisco CALIFORNIA USA 06-11-2015 - 1111-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Correlation of peripheral blood Th-1 and Th-17 with synovitis and osteitis by MRI in recent onset Rheumatoid arthritis" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes Remarks Recommendation of the committee my class 46634 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 90898 None PC008 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 92 SI.N o T83 T84 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50158 2 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50155 3 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Ms.Pratibha Chanana , 29 years, Senior Researh Fellow chananapratibh School of Biotechnology,Jaw aharlal Nehru University[SES,JNU] ,SBT, JNU , New Delhi , Delhi rakeshbhatnagar@j; 2015 Cell Biology ASCB annual meeting San Diego Convention Center 111 W Harbor Dr San Diego California United States of America 12-12-2015 16-12-2015 Ms AJEENA RAMANUJAN , 31 years, PhD STUDENT ramanujanonlin ;aneejar@gmail. com AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR CELL BIOLOGY School of (ASCB 2015) ASCBBiotechnology,Jaw 2015 San Diego aharlal Nehru Convention Center 111 University[SES,JNU] W Harbor Dr San ,SBT, JNU , New Diego, CA 92101 Delhi United States SAN prof.rakeshbhatnag DIEGO CALIFORNIA USA 12-12-2015 - 1612-2015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Poster "Lead author" "Altered Peroxiredoxin 4 (Prdx4) levels in No muscle myopathy with rimmed vacuoles" Poster "Single author" "Integrity of LxCxE motif in FZR1 is essential for interaction with Retinoblastoma protein" Yes Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 83761 Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 110466 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources American Yes Society for Cell Biology Rs. 33050.00 Committed ASCB-2015 - Rs. 30000.00 Requested None Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended Yes Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 93 SI.N o T85 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50149 1 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Dr Rajiv Ranjan Singh , 36 years, Postdoctoral Fellow rajssai@gmail.c om ;rajssai@nii.res.i n Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology CCP4 school: From data processing to structure School of refinement and Biotechnology,Jaw beyond November 2 aharlal Nehru November 7 2015 University[SES,JNU] Okinawa Institute of , SBT, JNU , New Science and Delhi , Delhi Technology CCP4 110067 school 2015, 1919-1 rakeshbhatnagar@j Tancha, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun; Okinawa, Japan 9040495 Tancha, Onna, Kunigami Okinawa Prefecture Japan 0211-2015 - 07-11-2015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Single author" "OISTCCP4 school: From data processing to structure refinement and beyond" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme No Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 91309 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No Remarks PC002 Recommendation of the committee Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 94 SI.N o T86 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50157 9 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Mr. Anup Satish Ramdhave , 29 years, PhD Research Fellow anup_ramdhave ;aramdhave112 School of Pharmacy and technology Management SVKM's NMIMS University SVKM NMIMS UNIVERSITY VL MEHTA ROAD, JVPD SCHEME, VILE PARLE (w), MUMBAI , varsha.parab@nmi Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center San Antonio Texas USA 0812-2015 - 12-12-2015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Preventive effect of Metformin in combination with Atorvastatin on 7,12Dimethylbenzant hracene induced breast cancer in high fat diet fed C57BL/6 mice" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme No Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 150900 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded SERB - Rs. 208020.00 Requested ICMR - Rs. 208020.00 Requested Yes Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 95 SI.N o T87 T88 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50147 1 DR SANDEEP KUMAR PANIGRAHI , 33 years, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR dr.sandeepvss@ ;sandeepkumarp anigrahi@soauni Siksha O Anusandhan University, ATKalinga Nagar, PoGhatikia , BHUBANESWAR , Orissa -751003 president@soaunive; sanghamitran@yah 9th Vaccine and ISV Congress Lotte Hotel, Seoul, South Korea Seoul South Korea 1810-2015 - 20-10-2015 Poster "Lead author" "OPEN VIAL POLICY IN INDIA - AN EVIDENCE BASED REVIEW OF POLICY" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50159 6 Dr. Tamanna Anwar , 39 years, Scientist a.tamanna@yah ;a.tamanna@gm School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi manish96_sls@stu Target Validation using Genomics and Informatics Wellcome Genome Campus Scientific Conferences Hinxton Cambridge CB10 1RQ UK 08-122015 - 10-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "From genome to phosphatome: Comparative insight into the phosphatomes of parasitic protozoa" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 54800 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 53633 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No None None None Remarks Recommendation of the committee PC008 Not Recommended PC015 Not Recommended Yes PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 96 SI.N o T89 T90 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50154 6 Ms.Anuttama Bhalchandra Kulkarni , 28 years, Senior Research Fellow anuttamakulkarn ;sumanakulkarni Sophia College for Women Bhulabhai Desai Road , Mumbai ,anandarscj@gmail. com; sophiacollegemumb Annual meeting of American Society For Cell Biology San Diego Convention Center 111 W Harbor Dr San Diego, CA 92101 United States San Diego California United states 12-122015 - 16-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Molecular mechanism of Axonal transport of Acetylcholinestera se" 4th Nano Today Conference JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Dubai Sheikh Zayed Road Business Bay Dubai United Arab Emirates 06-12-2015 10-12-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Development of Fluorescent ZnO nanoparticle based Immunoassay Technology for the detection of HIV-1 (P24) Antigen" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50159 7 Mr. L A Avinash Chunduri , 26 years, Junior Research Fellow cladinarayanaav inash@sssihl.ed Sri Sathya Sai Institute Of Higher Learning , Prasanthi NiIayam , Andhra Pradesh 515134 registrar@sssihl.ed Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme No Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 152900 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources No Remarks Recommendation of the committee ASCB - Rs. Yes 26212.00 Committed None Recommended None Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 57780 Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None Yes Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 97 SI.N o T91 T92 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50149 2 Ms Saibadaiahun Nongrum , 36 years, Assistant Professor saibadaiahun@g ;afryngksai@gm EPR Biodose St. Anthony\'s Conference 2015 College St. Dartmouth College Anthony\'s College Hanover, New Bomfyle Road East Hampshire 03766 USA Khasi Hills, Shillong Hanover NEW Meghalayaprincipal HAMPSHIRE United States of America; 10-2015 - 08-10-2015 Poster "Lead author" "Genomic search of bio-marker for molecular biodosimetry of the future" Mr. Atul P. Sherje , 34 years, Assistant Professor sherjeap@gamil .com SVKM's Dr.Banuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy Gate No.1, Mithibai Campus, 1st Floor, V.M.Road, Vile Parle (west), Mumbai Poster "Lead author" "Formulation and Evaluation of pH triggered in situ gel for nasal delivery of an antipsychotic drug" DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50145 7 Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event The Asian Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (AFPS) 2015 Conference Rama Gardens Hotel, Bangkok Bangkok Thialand 25-11-2015 27-11-2015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 87000 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 43300 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources EPR No BioDose 2015 - Rs. 56100.00 Committed None None Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded Remarks PC013 Recommendation of the committee Not Recommended No Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 98 SI.N o Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No Remarks Recommendation of the committee m; svkmcollegeofphar m T93 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50146 9 Dr. Swati Kulkarni , 55 years, Scientist C swatiskulkarni@ ;swatiskulkarni The Director National Institute of Immunohaematolo gy 13th floor, New Multistoreyed Bldg KEM Hospital Campus Parel , Mumbai shrimatishetty@g Second Granulocyte practitum and 26th Regional Congress of International Society of Blood Transfusion Bali International Convention Centre, Westin Resort Nusa Dua Bali Indonesia 1211-2015 - 16-11-2015 Poster "Lead author" "NONINVASIVE FETAL RHD No GENOTYPING BY MULTIPLEX REALTIME PCR" Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 62000 None Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 99 SI.N o T94 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50147 0 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID The Director National Institute of Ms Harita Gogri Immunohaematolo , 27 years, gy 13th floor, New Senior Research Multistoreyed Bldg Fellow KEM Hospital harita_08@yaho Campus Parel , Mumbai , ;harita.gogri@g Maharashtra 400012 shrimatishetty@g Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Second Granulocyte Immunobiology Practicum and 26th Regional Congress of the International Society Blood Transfusion Bali International Convention Centre. Westin Resort Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia Kawasan Pariwisata Nusa Dua, BTDC Lot N3 Bali, Bali, 80363 Indonesia Nusa Dua Bali Indonesia 12-112015 - 16-11-2015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended Poster "Lead author" "FREQUENCY OF HUMAN NEUTROPHIL ANTIGEN-2 AMONG INDIAN BLOOD DONORS" No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 62000 None PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 100 SI.N o T95 Propos al Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50150 0 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Ms. Abhi Parimalkumar Shah , 25 years, Ph.D. student abhishah70@g ;god_abhi@yah Organization Name, Address, Email ID The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Near Foods Drugs Lab, Fatehgunj , Vadodara , Gujarat goyalrk@msubarod; Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Ecology of soil Microorganisms 2015 TOP HOTEL Conference Centre, Prague, Blazimska 1781/4, Prague 4 Prague Czech state Czech Republic 29-11-2015 - 03-122015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "MICROBIAL ACTIVITY ALONG A CONTINUOUS SUBSURFACE CORE FROM AN AGRICULTURE FIELD AT THE ESTUARINE REGION OF MAHI RIVER: CORRELATION WITH SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS " Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme No Amount requeste d from DBT Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 45162 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded None No Remarks Recommendation of the committee Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 101 SI.N o T96 T97 Propos al Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50152 9 Ms Anuradha , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow pharmaword@g ;anur.sharma87 UIPS, Panjab University, , Chandigarh sinha_vr@rediffma; XXI World Congress on Parkinson Disease and Related Disorders MiCo-Milano Congressi Congress Centre (Fiera Milano), Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1, 20149 Milano, Italy Milan Italy 06-12-2015 - 0912-2015 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 50147 8 Anamika Mubayi , 36 years, Research Associate anamika.mubayi ;anamikamubayi University of Allahabad Allahabad , Uttar Pradesh -211002 kps29@rediffmail.c om; 2nd Biomedical Engineering Conference and Expo Hilton San Antonio Airport 611 NW Loop 410 San Antonio Texas United States 30-112015 - 02-12-2015 Mode of presentation,Author type and Title of the proposed paper Poster "Lead author" "Improvement of cognitive performance and cholinergic transmission by development of novel acridinepiperazine hybrids" Oral "Co-author" "Nano based Advancement in oxidative stress management" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/pr ogramme Amount requeste d from DBT No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 52169 No Total air fare by shortest route in excursio n/econo my class 125000 Travel assistan ce received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None "ICMR" ,12-112013,R s.1000 00.00; Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Lette r of acce ptan ce uplo aded Remarks Internation Yes al Associatio n of Parkinsoni sm and Related Disorders Rs. 43000.00 Sanctioned None Recommendation of the committee Recommended No PC009 Not Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 102 Exhibition S.No E1 E2 Recomm endation of the committ ee Title, Place & Date of the exhibition Stall Rate Per Square meter (In Rs.) Stall Space Options DBT/CTEP Mr. Vinod Kumar Jain /03/20150 64 years CEO 1523 NNS Events & Exhibitions Pvt Ltd Meri Delhi House 25/10, East Punjabi Bagh New Delhi 110026 ; Vibrant India 2015 & Meri Dilli Utsav Dilli Haat, Pitampura New Delhi -1146867500 91-0-9873167586 31-10-2015 - 02-11-2015 12000 24 sqm, 27 sqm, 36 sqm 18 sq. mtr. DBT/CTEP Mr Shobhit Srivastava /03/20150 41 years Regional 1588 Director Center for Agriculture & Rural Development 306, Rohit House Tolstoy Road , New Delhi , Delhi -110001 ; m Agro Tech 2015Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research ,Raibareilly Road Cant. Area Lucknow-10 011-23731128 91-09621361577 09-12-2015 - 1112-2015 9000 1. Covered furnished stalls in Pavillion (min 12 and standard 24 Rs. 9,000/per 2. Covered bare stalls in Pavillion (min 24 and standard 48 Rs. 8,000/per 18 sq. mtr. Proposal Code Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Remarks PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 103 Popular Lectures S.N o PL1 Proposal Code DBT/CTEP /04/2015 01598 Appicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Dr DOMINIC RAJKUMAR S 44 years Senior Lecturer St. Andrew's College, Gorakhpur ST. ANDREW'S COLLEGE (PG), GORAKHPUR 273001, UP , Uttar Pradesh -273001 ;dominicrajkumar1@gm Title & Date of Lecture(s) Title/Topic Expected No. of Audience Previo us grants receive d from DBT Amount Request ed from DBT 550 Yes 24000 Remarks Recommendation of the committee Date BIOTECHNOLOGY AND AGRICULTURE 22-01-2016 BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIODIVERSITY 22-01-2016 BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE 22-01-2016 Recommended PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes/In-house activities ; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC 010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC 011-Lacks relevant Expertise; PC 012 Incomplete information; PC 013-Event is over: PC 014-Not Eligible; PC 015-In the present form it is not recommended. However improvement in the R&D may be useful for future support: PC 016-Another/Similar Programme already supported. PC 017 – Due to various commitments unable to participate in this event. Note: 1. "There may be some delay in releasing the grant due to paucity of budget. However, the release will be made as recommended after receiving required documents." 2.“Participation in the exhibition will be subject to formal approval from the Department". 104