medication - Madison County Schools

Prescription and Over-the counter Medication
Under exceptional circumstances, medication may be administered by school personnel. If a student is
required to take oral medication during normal school hours in order to remain in school, the
medication may be administered under the following guidelines.
A. The medication will be delivered to the principal’s office in its original container by a parent or
guardian along with a signed Consent Form for Administration of Medication, which can be
obtained on the school website, school office or school nurse. A physician’s order is required
for all medication, both over-the-counter and prescription.
B. Parents must transport medication to and from school. No medication will be accepted from
C. Parents are responsible for informing the school office of any changes in their child’s health or
D. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school that the child needs to take prescription or
over-the-counter medication.
E. Any child with a temperature of 100 degree, vomiting, or suffering diarrhea must be picked up