Mycorrhizal associations of dominant trees influence nitrate leaching responses to N deposition Biogeochemistry Meghan G. Midgley* and Richard P. Phillips Department of Biology, Indiana University *Corresponding author. Tel.: (812) 856-1563; E-mail address: Table S2. Full bibliographic references for publications from which data were extracted for this meta-analysis. Adams MB, Kochenderfer JN, Edwards PJ. 2007. The Fernow Watershed Acidification Study: ecosystem acidification, nitrogen saturation and base cation leaching. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus 7(2-3): 267-273. Bergkvist B, Folkeson L. 1992. Soil acidification and element fluxes of a Fagus-Sylvatica forest as influenced by simulated nitrogen deposition. Water Air and Soil Pollution 65(1-2): 111-133. Christ M, Zhang YM, Likens GE, Driscoll CT. 1995. Nitrogen-retention capacity of a northern hardwood forest soil under ammonium-sulfate additions. Ecological Applications 5(3): 802-812. Corre MD, Beese FO, Brumme R. 2003. 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