2013 DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY 2 (WEDNESDAYS) All Lectures/Tutorials will be held in the Radiology Lecture Theatre - 2nd Floor, Combined Services Building (Room 2319) - Building on Cnr Royal Pde & Grattan St, Parkville DATE 2.15-3.15 3.15-4.15 4:30-5.30 5:30-6:30 20 G Lawler - Tutorial Alex Taylor - Tutorial Greg Fitt - Spinal Injuries Colin Styles - Thyroid & Testis 2 27 G Lawler - Tutorial Eddie Lau - Tutorial B Fabiny - Trauma 1 B Fabiny - Trauma 2 3 MARCH 6 Greg Fitt - MR Principles Greg Fitt - MR Principles Alex Taylor - Breast U/S Anthony Schelleman - Pulmonary embolism Cancelled 4 13 B Fabiny - M/skel Tumour 1 B Fabiny - M/skel Tumour 2 Rosemanda Zakhary - Tutorial Rosemanda Zakhary - Neuro-Emergency 5 20 R Dowling - Urinary Tract R Dowling - Prostate Phil James - Chest 1 6 27 G Lawler - Tutorial P Bhathal - Inflammatory Bowel Disease A/Prof Michael Gonzales - Non-tumour CNS Pathology - I A/Prof Michael Gonzales - Non-tumour CNS Pathology - II 3 G Lawler - Tutorial Eddie Lau - Tutorial A/Prof Michael Gonzales - Pituitary & Adrenals Alex Rhodes - Tutorial 8 10 G Lawler - Tutorial Kit Lee - GIT tutorial Charuta Dagia - Paediatric Oncology B Tress - CNS Infections 9 17 G Lawler - Tutorial C Dow Lung I Michael Hofman - Nuclear Med I Intro J Vrazas - General Interventional Techniques 10 24 G Lawler - Tutorial C Dow Lung II Michael Hofman - Nuclear Med II Incl Bone & Endocrine J Vrazas - PVD assessment 1 G Lawler - Tutorial Surekha Kumbla - Paediatric Trauma Ken Yap - Nuclear Med III Nuclear Cardiology Anthony Taranto - Tutorial 12 8 Gaurav Gupta - MSK tutorial Matthew Lynch - CVS I Martin Cherk - Nuclear Med V Lung &GI Pt I Tom Sutherland - Abdominal Imaging film tute 13 15 G Lawler - Tutorial Alex Taylor - Tutorial cancelled Alex Pitman - Nuclear Med IV PET Imaging AWAY Coral Tudball - Paed Nuclear Med C Bass - MSK Ultrasound and Injections 1 7 11 FEB APRIL MAY Phil James - Chest 2 DATE 2.15-3.15 3.15-4.15 4:30-5.30 5:30-6:30 14 22 G Lawler - Tutorial Gaurav Gupta - MSK tutorial Martin Cherk - Nuclear Med VI GI Pt 2 and Renal A Little - Sectional imaging of colon inc VC 15 29 G Lawler - Tutorial M Finlay - Kidney Tom Barber - Nuclear Med VIIBrain Gallium WBC & Sentinal Node Michael Ditchfield - Neonatal chest 5 G Lawler - Tutorial M Finlay - Male Genital M Finlay - Urinary Tract Renate Kalnins - Tumour CNS Path I 17 12 G Lawler - Tutorial Paul Bedford - CVS II P Bhathal - Oesophagus and Stomach Renate Kalnins - Tumour CNS Path II 18 19 P Phal - Tutorial P Phal - Spinal Trauma P Bhathal - Colorectal Cancer Michael Ditchfield – (Paed) - Congenital Heart Dis. 19 26 B Tress - Tutorial **3.30pm start** R Ptasznik - Dental radiology 101/ congenital tooth conditions R Ptasznik - Radiology of acquired Dental and mandibular Conditions Tom Sutherland - Abdominal Imaging film tute 3 Anand Murugasu - Breast Cancelled Richard Wood - OPG Arlene Mou - Renal Tract U/S D Nisbet - Gynae US 16 20 JUNE JULY 21 10 Diane Pascoe - Chest and Abdo Trauma I Diane Pascoe - Chest and Abdo Trauma II Coral Tudball - Paediatric Nuc Med P King - Carotid Doppler/Vascu 22 17 Moira Finlay - Lecture cont'd J Slavin - Gynaecology I late J Slavin - Gynaecology II D MacGregor - Thyroids & Parathyroids 23 24 P James - MSK US 31 Hannah Rouse - Cystic Lung Disease Gaurav Gupta - MSK tutorial cancelled Anand Murugasu - Breast R N Gibson - Interv US 24 Hannah Rouse - Fibrotic Lung Disease F Malara - Imaging in Sports Medicine P Robertson - Tutorial M Pahuja - O&G US film tute cancelled 25 AUG 7 A Moon - Paediatric Cranial / Renal Ultrasound cancelled Daniel Saddik - General MSK tutorial J Keating - VASC US Ricardo Palma Dias - O&G US Tim Cain (on behalf of Padma Rao) - Child Abuse J Slavin - Bone I 2.15-3.15 3.15-4.15 26 14 DATE Johnny Le (model) J Keene - O&G US P James - MSK US Johnny Le (model) 4:30-5:30 5:30-6:30 27 21 R Dowling - Urinary Tract A Moon - Paediatric Cranial / Renal Ultrasound J Slavin - Bone II S Esler - Abdominal CT Luminal GI S Esler - GI radiology fluoroscopic technique 28 28 Sanji Ramasundara - Pulmonary Infections Sanji Ramasundara - CILD finished early at 3.30 P Robertson - Arthritis M Fink - Paediatric Chest 4 F Malara - Approach to Basic Knee MRI R Gibson – Diffuse Liver dis & biopsy P Bhathal - Pathology of diffuse liver disease cancelled Anthony Schelleman - Pulmonary embolism 29 SEPT 30 11 Anand Murugasu - Breast Pramit Phal - Tutorial B Fabiny - The mediastinum and pleura R N Gibson - Hepatobiliary & Panc 1 M/skeletal Workshop – RMH P King and N Kerr 31 18 P Phal - Tutorial P Bhathal - Pathology of diffuse liver disease P Bhathal - Liver Tumours R N Gibson - Hepatobiliary & Panc 2 Con Tartaglia - Neuro 32 25 Pramit Phal - Head & Neck Tutorial Brian Tress - Tutorial R N Gibson - Hepatobiliary & Panc 3 Alex Rhodes - Tutorial 2 G Lawler - Tutorial Prue Russell - FNAB R N Gibson - Hepatobiliary & Panc 4 P Robertson - Intl joint derangements 34 9 G Lawler - Tutorial Kit Lee - Tutorial R N Gibson - Hepatobiliary & Panc 5 P Robertson - Metabolic bone disease 35 16 G Lawler - Tutorial P Bhathal - Pancreas R N Gibson - Hepatobiliary & Panc 6 L Coleman – Paediatric MSK Ultrasound 36 23 G Lawler - Tutorial J Slavin - Joints R N Gibson - Hepatobiliary & Panc 7 Alex Rhodes - Tutorial 37 30 G Lawler - Tutorial Patsy Robertson - Film tute P Phal - Low back pain Tim Cain - Paediatric GIT 6 G Lawler - Tutorial Sanji Ramasundara - Diseases of the Airways Sanji Ramasundara - Immunologic Lung Disease Tom Sutherland - Abdominal Imaging film tute 33 38 OCT Nov Outstanding lectures; Anthony Schelleman - Pulmonary embolism Monica Pahuja O&G US film tute Diagnostic Radiology 2 – Tuesday, 9 February 2016