July 6, 2015


Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the

Corporation of the Township of Pelee held at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall on July 6, 2015

Deputy Mayor:



Mayor: Richard Masse

Dave DeLellis

Darlene Wiper

Dayne Malloch

Peter Letkeman


1.) Agenda

Wayne Miller, CAO

Katrina DiGiovanni, Deputy Clerk

Kyle Davis, Environmental Services Manager

Mayor Masse presented the agenda for adoption with the following addition:

4. a) Don Pardo and Sharon McCormick regarding drainage on McCormick Road.

Moved by: Dave DeLellis

Seconded by: Dayne Malloch

2.) Minutes

Carried. a.) The minutes for the Regular Meeting of Council held on June 15, 2015 were presented and adopted.

Darlene Wiper Moved by:

Seconded by: Dayne Malloch


July 6, 2015

Regular Meeting of Council


3.) Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


4.) Petitions and Delegations a.) Don Pardo & Sharon McCormick: Drainage on McCormick Road

Mayor Masse introduced Mr. Pardo, who stated an issue with drainage on McCormick Road that was near the end of the road and has been sitting stagnant for some time. Mr. Pardo stated that the previous construction of the drain is jeopardizing the road and the drainage in the area. Mrs.

McCormick stated that during the last storm the water was pouring in across the road onto her property and stated that north of her property the canal was full and not draining. She stated that something was blocking this drain and causing it to drain very slowly. Mrs. McCormick further outlined her concerns and situation.

Mayor Masse stated that this situation needed to be investigated. Councillor Letkeman stated that some discussion had come up in the drainage committee about drains and ditches that needed to be cleaned and suggested that maybe theirs could be added to the list. Mrs. McCormick stated that she would like someone to investigate it and get back to her with a solution. Mayor Masse stated that it would be investigated and that the drainage superintendent would look into it and an engineer would be involved if necessary.

5.) Old Business


6.) New Business

(a) CAO Report on Trailer Licensing

The CAO outlined his report on Trailer Licensing and stated that the by-law would be for licensing and regulating trailers. The CAO highlighted the situations that would not require a license, such as being stored or in a trailer park, or having the trailer on a property that already has a residence.

The CAO also stated that only one trailer would be allowed per residential property, he further outlined the fees and comparisons between cottages and lots that would be comparable to having trailers on them. The CAO outlined the timeframe that trailers would be allowed, which would be from May-November.

The CAO stated that enforcement was a difficult area, and outlined the proposed fines and further

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Regular Meeting of Council stated that they would not be approved until reviewed by the Ontario courts. The CAO outlined certain questions that Council would have to consider before passing the by-law. The CAO stated that it may be necessary to enact a grandfathering clause to deal with existing trailers or the allowance to deal with certain situations on a case by case basis. The CAO also outlined that the owner of the trailer would also have to display how they would be handling sewage.

The CAO stated that the Mayor would read out related correspondence.

Mayor Masse opened the floor to the public to make further comments on the trailer by-law and use. Sherry Smith stated her concerns with the disposal of sewage and stated her support on charging a fee to help support the community and reflect residential tax rates.

Further discussion continued and Marlene Pierce and Leanne Stollar stated concerns about the bylaw allowing situations to occur that were not intended, such as trailers on consecutive lots. The

CAO further clarified that there was a provision in the by-law to have one trailer per residential lot, not used for commercial purposes.

Barbara Koch Donga stated that it was a way to allow people into the community that cannot afford large cottages, such as students.

Michelle Feltz outlined the amount of taxes currently being paid on Herb Feltz’s vacant lot with the trailer in comparison to the proposed charges. Paul Feltz agreed that something had to be done about the trailer situation and that a fee did need to be paid, but the proposed fee was too high.

Roger Poisson stated that it may be necessary to have more standards in place, such as sewage disposal and setbacks. Mayor Masse agreed that there should be distances set out for trailer placement. Marlene Pierce asked about the possibility of people moving in mobile homes on foundations as a residence. Mayor Masse stated that this was a separate issue. Councillor

Malloch stated that this would be dictated by the building code. Further discussion ensued on the provisions of the by-law and further clarification was given on the by-law.

Deputy Mayor DeLellis addressed the provision about having trailers allowed without licenses on a residential lot with a home and stated that it should be considered that it be written in the by-law that the trailer cannot be lived in if next to a residence. Councillor Malloch stated that this by-law may need to be a livable document until all parties and situations can be addressed.

Mayor Masse suggested that the minutes be reviewed for the meeting to take into considerations and advised the Deputy Clerk to prepare a report on questions and suggestions to be reviewed at the next meeting. Councillor Malloch agreed but stated that he believed the by-law and fees were close to being passable. Councillor Wiper agreed to have the minutes of the meeting to be

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Regular Meeting of Council reviewed and to keep an open ended document to allow for amendments to be made.

7.) Correspondence

(a) Muriel Ryersee-Occupancy and Maintenance Standards By-Law

The correspondence was read, noted and filed.

(b) Zane Hooper- Occupancy and Maintenance Standards By-Law

The correspondence was read, noted and filed.

(c) Linda Sinasac-Trailer Licensing By-Law

Mayor Masse read the letter aloud, that outlined Linda Sinasac’s situation and trailer use, including sewage handling. Mrs. Sinasac also stated that she would pay a fee to leave her trailer on Pelee for the year.

(d) Mike Hartle- Trailer Licensing By-Law

The correspondence was read, noted and filed.

(e) Mary Schweiger- Trailer Licensing By-Law

The correspondence was read, noted and filed.

(f) Feltz-Trailer Licensing By-Law

The correspondence was read, noted and filed.

(g) Gail Crossman-Transport Canada

Mayor Masse addressed Gail Crossman’s letter about the Scudder wharf being for sale by

Transport Canada and that an expression of interest needed to be made.

The following Resolution was passed:

Resolution 2015-78:

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Regular Meeting of Council

Moved by:

Seconded by:

Pete Letkeman

Dayne Malloch

“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby agrees to present an expression of interest to Transport Canada for the possible purchase of Scudder wharf”.


8.) Disbursements

The Mayor presented disbursements to Council.

The following resolution was passed:

Resolution 2015-79:

Moved By: Pete Letkeman

Seconded By: Dayne Malloch

“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby resolves to pay disbursements as presented and attached in the amount of $234,245.64”.


9.) Boards and Committees a/b) Tourism Committee Minutes

The following resolution was passed:

Resolution 2015-80:

Moved By:

Seconded By:

Dayne Malloch

Pete Letkeman

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Regular Meeting of Council

“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby accepts the

Tourism Committee Meeting Minutes”.

Carried. c) Drainage Meeting Minutes

The CAO pointed out recommendations included in the drainage meeting minutes, and advised that Council would have to make a resolution on the recommendations.

The following resolution was passed:

Resolution 2015-81:

Moved By:

Seconded By:

Dayne Malloch

Darlene Wiper

“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby accepts the

Drainage Committee Meeting Minutes and that, in accordance with recommendations contained in the June 18, 2015 minutes of the Drainage Committee, the Environmental Services Manager be directed to obtain costing to:

1.) Rearrange the west and east pump fans at the North Pump Station so that both pull in the same direction, thereby reversing the direction of engine #1;

2.) Alter the roof panels to allow them to be opened in order to release heat from the building; and

3.) Install a screening system for the garage door facing North Shore Road in order to reduce the debris clogging the fans.

And further that Item #1 above be completed as an interim measure”.

10.) Councillor and Miscellaneous Reports

Carried. a.) Stone Arch

Councillor Letkeman asked if the stone arch should be put back up at Scudder Marina. The CAO asked if it could be put on a concrete slab and secured. Councillor Letkeman commented that he would look into it.

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Regular Meeting of Council b.) Shore Protection

Mayor Masse addressed shore protection on McCormick Road, West Shore Road and on the East side after recent storms. Mayor Masse asked administration to look into what it would take to protect these areas and what funding would be able to be obtained. The CAO stated that a call had already been put into ERCA. Deputy Mayor DeLellis stated that he had spoken to the Pelee

Quarry’s and that they would not be crushing stone until the fall, but that they would try to accommodate critical projects. c.) Transfer Station

Mayor Masse addressed Transfer Station hours on American holidays and asked the

Environmental Services Manager to look into changing hours around when the American boat leaves.

11.) In Camera


12.) By-Laws

(a) By-Law 2015-22; Official Plan Amendments CIP and Property Maintenance

The following resolution was passed:

Resolution 2015-82:

Moved By: Dayne Malloch

Seconded By: Darlene Wiper

“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby adopts By-

Law 2015-22 being a By-law to adopt amendments to the Official Plan for a Community

Improvement Plan and Maintenance and Occupancy Standards”.


(b) By-Law 2015-23; Zoning By-Law Amendment for Trailers

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July 6, 2015

Regular Meeting of Council

The following resolution was passed:

Resolution 2015-83:

Moved By:

Seconded By:

Dayne Malloch

Dave DeLellis

“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby adopts By-

Law 20158-23 being a by-law to adopt amendments to the Zoning By-Law for the use of trailers”.


(c) By-Law 2015-24; Trailer Licensing By-Law

It was decided by Council that this By-Law be deferred until the next meeting for further discussion.

(d) By-Law 2015-25; Off Road Vehicle By-Law

The CAO outlined the by-law stating it was to allow for a wider array of off road vehicles and

ATV’s if the municipality passed a by-law to allow them in conjunction with the Highway Traffic


The following resolution was passed:

Resolution 2015-84:

Moved By:

Seconded By:

Dayne Malloch

Law 2015-25 being a by-law to regulate the operation of Off-Road Vehicles”.

Pete Letkeman

“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby adopts By-


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Regular Meeting of Council

(e) By-Law 2015-26; Maintenance and Occupancy Standards By-Law

The CAO outlined the Property Standards By-Law and stated that it was the same as the previous by-law but now it was being passed under the correct authority.

The following resolution was passed:

Resolution 2015-85:

Moved By:

Seconded By:

Darlene Wiper

Pete Letkeman

“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby adopts By-

Law 2015-26 being a by-law to prescribe for the maintenance and occupancy standards of buildings and properties”.



(f) By-Law 2015-27; Utilities Crossing By-Law & Agreement

The following resolution was passed:

Resolution 2015-86:

Moved By:

Seconded By:

Dayne Malloch

Pete Letkeman

“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby adopts By-

Law 2015-27 being a by-law to enter into an agreement with Benny and Doreen Feltz for a utility crossing”.


(g) By-Law 2015-28; Confirming By-Law

The following resolution was passed:

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Regular Meeting of Council

Resolution 2015-87:

Moved By:

Seconded By:

Dayne Malloch

Dave DeLellis

“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby adopts By-

Law 2015-28 being a by-law to confirm proceedings for this July 6, 2015 meeting”.


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