CMS Curriculum Guides 2011-2012 6th Grade Math Standard/Standard Plus Unit Title: How Likely Is It? Suggested Time: : 19 classes (suggested for March 19 – April 20) (see Pacing Suggestions on TE p.10) Enduring understanding (Big Idea): Students will understand that probabilities are useful for predicting what will happen over the long run and can help make decisions through determining both experimental probabilities and theoretical probabilities and developing an understanding of randomness and the Law of Large Numbers. (FOUND IN TEACHER’S EDITION ON MATHEMATICAL HIGHLIGHTS PAGE 2) Essential Questions: How can I determine possible outcomes in a situation? How can I determine the experimental probability of the outcomes in a situation? Is it possible to determine the theoretical probability of the outcomes in a situation and what are they? How can I use probabilities to answer questions and make decision about this situation? (FOUND IN TEACHER’S EDITION ON MATHEMATICAL HIGHLIGHTS PAGE 2) Unit Plans (FOUND IN TEACHER’S EDITION ON PLANNING FOR THE UNIT PAGE 8-9) Investigations and Problems with suggested assignments from ACE exercises included after each investigation. Suggested assignment guide appears on each “At a Glance” page for each investigation. Additional Practice exercises are available for each investigation in this unit for extension or reinforcement or review. Common Core Standards Alignment/Mathematical Practices Connection to 2003 Standards NOTE: All assignments are suggestions only. It is strongly recommended that teachers study and work carefully each problem, and exercise in the investigations. Teachers should adjust assignments accordingly for their students. There are no Common Core Standards for 6th grade (will move to 7th grade after 2011-2012) 4.01 Develop fluency with counting strategies to determine the sample space for an event. Include lists, tree diagrams, frequency distribution tables, permutations, combinations, and the Fundamental Counting Principle. 4.03 Conduct experiments involving simple and compound events. 4.04 Determine and compare experimental and theoretical probabilities for simple and compound events 4.01, 4.04 4.05 Determine and compare experimental and theoretical probabilities for independent and dependent events. Investigation 1 A First Look at Chance Problem 1.1- pages 19-20 assign: #1, 3-5, 19, 20 Problem 1.2- pages 21-24 assign: #6-8, 19, 21-23 Problem 1.3- pages 25-28 assign: #9, 10, 24, 25 Problem 1.4- pages 29-32 assign: #11-18, 26-28 Mathematical Reflections Investigation 2 Experimental and Theoretical Probability Problem 2.1- pages 37-40 assign #1,2, 13-16 Problem 2.2- pages 41-44 assign #3-6, 17-24 Problem 2.3- pages 45-48 assign #7-9, 25-31 Problem 2.4- pages 49-52 assign #10-12, 32, 33 Mathematical Reflections Mathematical Practices: 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Mathematical Practices: 3. Construct viable arguments. 6. Students will attend to precision. CMS Curriculum Guides 2011-2012 6th Grade Math Standard/Standard Plus 4.06 Design and conduct experiments or surveys to solve problems; report and analyze results. Investigation 3 Making Decisions With Probability Problem 3.1- pages 59-62 assign #1,3,4, 11-17, 18-21 Problem 3.2- pages 63-66 assign #7-9, 22, 23-25 Problem 3.3- pages 67-70 assign #10, 27, 30 Mathematical Reflections Mathematical Practices: Investigation 4 Probability, Genetics, and Games Problem 4.1- pages 76-78 assign #1, 2, 13-16 Problem 4.2- pages 79-82 assign #3-7 Problem 4.3- pages 83-86 assign #8-12, 20-25 Mathematical Reflections Mathematical Practices: NOTE: Permutations and Combinations are not directly taught. Teachers may use Holt Course 1, pp.578-579; Course 2 pp. 534-543 Mathematical Practices: 4.04, 4.05,4.06 4. Model with mathematics 5. Use appropriate tools strategically 4.01, 4.02, 4.04 4. Model with mathematics 4.01 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Prior Knowledge: 1. Performing operations with whole numbers; finding factors and multiples (Prime Time); developing understanding of ratio in fraction percent or decimal form (Bits and Pieces I) 2. Working with ratio and proportion (Bits and Pieces I) 3. Analyzing games or situations (Prime Time); Looking for patterns (Covering and Surrounding) 4. Working with fractions and ratios (Bits and Pieces I) (FOUND IN TEACHER’S EDITION ON CONTENT CONNECTIONS TO OTHER UNITS PAGE 8) CMS Curriculum Guides 2011-2012 6th Grade Math Standard/Standard Plus Essential Terms Developed in This Unit (FOUND IN TEACHER’S Useful Terms Referenced in This Unit EDITION ON PLANNING FOR THE UNIT PAGE 10) *All vocabulary is used when teaching honors. equally likely, fair game, experimental probability, outcomes, probability, simulation theoretical probability, tree diagram, organized list, event, trial, certain outcome, chances, favorable trials, favorable outcome, impossible outcome, possible, probable, random, result, trial, or and and in probability Resources (FOUND IN TEACHER’S EDITION ON PROGRAM RESOURCES IN EACH BOOK) Lab-Sheet Additional Practice/Skills Worksheets CMP2 Website –online & technology resources Formal Assessment Check-Ups Partner Quiz Unit Test Assessment Options Notebook check Multiple-Choice Question Bank ExamView CD-ROM Parent Guide-Unit Letters Spanish Assessment Resources TeacherExpress CD-ROM LessonLab Online Courses Unit Technology Tips PAGES 11-12 – BASICALLY THE SAME RESOURCES