Mary Seacole Development Awards

Mary Seacole Development Awards 2015/16
for Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors
Funded by Health Education England
And awarded in association with
Royal College of Midwives, Royal College of Nursing,
Supported by the Department of Health and NHS Employers
For the second year, Health Education England is funding these annual awards for nurses, midwives and
health visitors in England. The focus of the award is on undertaking a specific health care project, or other
educational/development activity, that benefits and improves the health outcomes of people from black and
minority ethnic communities. The work undertaken for an award is expected to contribute to the NHS
Commissioning Boards’ joint work around equality and diversity and health inequalities.
The awards were first set up in 2004 by the Department for Health and were named after Mary Seacole in
recognition of the work she did during the Crimean war. By 2014 a total of 30 Development and 24
Leadership awards had been completed and the alumni continue to provide evidence that the awards
enhance career opportunities for professionals from BME communities at a time when they are underrepresented in leadership and management positions.
Awards Available
Development Awards – Four annual awards of up to £6,250 each
The Mary Seacole Development Awards are worth up to £6,250 each and provide an opportunity for
nurses, midwives and health visitors to make positive and lasting contributions that promote high quality
patient/client-focused care and will provide the winners with an excellent gateway to:
Strategically influence Health Education England (HEE) & NHS England’s work around equality and
diversity and health inequalities develop leadership skills and harness potential
select and concentrate on a specific health care project
develop skills for innovative practice to enhance delivery of care or services
acquire or expand programme management skills and techniques
develop presentation skills
demonstrate ability to plan and implement change in keeping with current health policy initiatives
expand their abilities to engage more fully in operational management
The award scheme also provides Leadership Awards of up to £12,500 each that emphasise Mary
Seacole’s pioneering role in leadership. Further information is available from or
Eligibility & Award Criteria –Development Award
Key Eligibility Criteria
An individual nurse, midwife or health visitor in clinical and professional
practice in England.
An employee working in publicly funded services, involved in delivering
and influencing care or involved in work that informs healthcare
practice within the NHS
Holds current registration on the NMC register on parts 1 to 3
The applicant has the support of his/her employer
The project, or other educational/development activity benefits and
improves the health outcomes of people from black and minority ethnic
Application Form
Application Form
Application Form
Application Form
Application Form
Additional Criteria
A project/activity proposal that briefly sets out the title, aims and
objectives, methods and outcomes, key questions, benefits of the
project, training and preparation and timescales (1000 words excluding
references )
A project/activity design that is appropriate, efficient and ethical
Knowledge of the key challenges facing the NHS/local health economy
How the project/activity will support the work of the Health Education
England (HEE) & NHS England’s Strategy & its aim to take systematic
action to ensure that promoting equality and diversity and in reducing
health inequalities lies at the heart of the NHS – its values, processes
and behaviours.
An appreciation of how the project/activity outcome could be linked into
the improvement plans of an organisation in particular the Quality,
Innovation, prevention, & productivity (QIPP) agenda 6C’s of Nursing &
NHS Constitution
How the project/activity outcome supports the NHS Equality Delivery
System (EDS) and your organisation’s work around the Equality Act
2011/Workforce Race Equality Standard 2015
A clear outline showing how the award money will be used to further
the work should you win the award
Prior to the interview provide a brief abstract in line with the project
outline (200 words) to the panel – to support a presentation
Ability to demonstrate verbally that the proposal is likely to be a
practical and cost-effective initiative, suitable for application to other
organisations or health settings across the UK
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Application Form
Application Form
Application Form/Interview
Application Form
How the project/activity outcome will enhance mutual understanding
between clinicians and non clinicians of different disciplines of their
roles and the combined contribution they make to achieve better clinical
outcomes for BME patients
Stakeholder engagement – an outline of how you will harness the use
of diverse media outlets including social media and the Personal Fair &
Diverse (PFD) campaign to engage with key stakeholders (100 words)
A valid dissemination strategy for the outcomes including how the work
could be adopted for the benefit of patients and staff more widely
across the NHS after completion between Sept 2016 and March 2017
A sustainability strategy to ensure that the work is integrated into the
wider work of an organisation’s improvement plans after completion
between Sept 2016 and March 2017
Be prepared to commit to and commence the project, in autumn 2015
and complete it by July 2016
Application Form
Conditions of Acceptance of an Award
The Awards will be presented at a ceremony in London on completion of the project. The Mary Seacole
Award Steering Group (MSASG) will maintain contact with and provide support by a range of professional
bodies to winners for the duration of the project. In addition, winners will be required to:
Supply a letter of support/ commitment from employer
Mary Seacole will not pay for any proportion of time allocated to the project, i.e. salaries
Mary Seacole will not pay for any overspend on the allocated bursary
Attend regular meetings at agreed intervals with the Mary Seacole Award Steering Group and named
mentors / supervisors and meet deadlines agreed at those meetings
Submit a joint winner/mentor progress report to the Mary Seacole Award Steering Group three times
during the year, or as requested
Submit regular financial breakdowns as requested
Complete the study within the timescale agreed with the Mary Seacole Award Steering Group
Submit an end of year final report on their work to the required standard
Give a presentation on completion of their study at a future award ceremony
Write a paper for the Organisation newsletter or intranet
Write a 250 word summary for the Mary Seacole and professional websites
Identify a conference through which to present findings
Within a year of completion submit an abstract and writing schedule to Mentors
Agree that intellectual property rights arising from the project outcome/outputs is the property of the
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How to apply
Applicants are asked to
Fully complete the application form
Return one signed original of the entire application form within the deadline
Applications must arrive by 29 May 2015. Applications received after this date will not be accepted.
We regret we are unable to accept applications by fax. Please send your completed application to:
Mary Seacole Awards
c/o Amy Cole
Room 209
Royal College of Nursing
20 Cavendish Square
London W1G 0 RN
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by 26th June 2015.
The Royal College of Nursing is processing applications on behalf of applicants from all the health trade
Interviews for all awards will take place on the following dates: 1 and 2 July 2015 and candidates, if
shortlisted, will be required to attend.
If you require clarification on any aspect of this information, please contact Amy Cole by emailing, or if you are a member of any membership organisation listed below please contact
them direct.
RCM members contact Janet Fyle at;
RCN members contact Tom Sandford at
UNISON members contact Gail Adams on 020 7551 1317/
Unite CPHVA members contact Obi Amadi on 07780 955936/
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Mary Seacole Development Awards 2015/16
Application form Part 1
1.1 Details of Project/Activity
Title of project:
Start date:
Finish date:
Specify how the outcomes from the project/activity will contribute to improving
health outcomes of people from black and minority ethnic communities
( 50 words only)
Have you applied for financial help elsewhere?
If so, where?
With what results?
Are you undertaking any other form of academic study?
If yes, please provide details of
course and education institute
1.2 Employment Details: Current Post
Job Title:
Name and address of your current line manager and employer:
Start date of current role/post:
1.3 Do you hold current registration on the NMC register on parts 1 to 3?
1.4 Membership Organisation Details
Are you a member of RCM?
Unite CPHVA?
Please tick if appropriate and give your membership number:
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Mary Seacole Development Awards 2015/16
Application form Part 2
Note: This section should be completed in consultation with your immediate line manager or their
equivalent and their signature is required.
2.1 Study Leave
What actual study leave has been granted over the period of the project to carry out the work
associated with completing your proposed project?
2.2 Manager’s Supporting Reference
Please comment on:
1. The applicant’s suitability to receive funding.
2. How do you see the award contributing to the strategic needs of the organisation?
3. How will you support the applicant to complete the project/activity? (For example,
agreed study leave to be granted over the period of the project/activity.)
4. In what ways can you help the sustainability of the project once completed in
July/August 2016?
5. Nomination of a workplace mentor for the duration of the project
Manager’s Name and Job Title (please print):
Manager’s Signature:
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Mary Seacole Development Awards 2015/16
Application form Part 3
Note: We would urge you to discuss any project/ activity with your immediate line manager or
equivalent as well as any senior staff who could act as project mentors or support your work
through integrating your plans in their work or providing access to resources.
In addition please refer to the and how your project potentially support the work of HEE
Project /activity Proposal
Briefly set out the title, aims and objectives, methods and outcomes, key questions, benefits of the project,
training and preparation and timescales (1,000 words excluding references )
Key challenges for the NHS – Summarise what they are and how you intend to address these in
your project – (50 words maximum)
NHS Equality & Health Inequalities - What are the key areas of focus and how will your
project/activity feed into its aims of promoting equality and reducing health inequalities (100 words
QIPP Agenda - How does your project/activity link into the improvement plans of your organisation
in particular the Quality, Innovation, Prevention and Productivity (QIPP) agenda? (100 words
Health Education England (HEE) – How does your project/activity contribute to the three
pillars that underpins the work of HEE in particular (1) our understanding of the global drivers of
change in health and healthcare, based upon a review of international evidence (2) Our judgment of
the impact these drivers are likely to have on people and patients of the future, and how this will
shape their characteristics and needs; and (3) Our view of the characteristics of the future workforce
that will be needed in order to meet the anticipated needs of people and patients. (100 words
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Equality Delivery System (EDS2) - In what ways does your project/activity support the delivery of
the NHS Equality Delivery System (EDS) and your organisation’s work around the Equality Act
2011? (50 words maximum)
Does your project or activity contribute to the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (2015)
if so how & which metric?
(50 words maximum)
Ethical approval - indicate if the project requires ethical approval
Draft Budget for completion of your project – Please note that the final budget is subject to
discussion with and approval by the mentors that are assigned to successful applicants. Examples
of appropriate and inappropriate use of funds are given below:
Examples of appropriate use of funds
Venue hire costs for work undertaken externally (not employer premises)
Transport costs for users to attend meetings
Reasonable hospitality costs for focus groups
Conference attendance (as agreed with MSASG / mentors)
Vocational course attendance to develop specific skills (as agreed with MSASG / mentors)
Cost of producing education media / materials
Cost of advertising the project activities
Cost of printing the final report
Travel and accommodation costs for attending the Mary Seacole Award ceremony in London
in October 2015 and October 2016
j) Travel and accommodation costs for attending the induction day for awardees in London on
Tuesday 8 September 2016
k) Project related IT equipment where this is additional to equipment already supplied by the
employer (up to £500)
Examples of inappropriate use of funds
a) Academic course fees
b) Backfill costs for research assistants
c) Travel costs for your guests to attend the ceremony
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Timeline - insert a Gantt chart providing a timeline from September 2015 to August 2016
for the project
Project Stakeholders – Identify which stakeholder groups will be affected by the project,
describe how you will work with them, what they will contribute and how they will benefit.
Outline how you will make use of diverse media (including social media)to consult, share
and inform and how you will use the Personal Fair & Diverse ( PFD) campaign as an online
community to make things happen (100 words maximum)
Outputs – What will be the material outputs e.g. research report, articles, etc (50 words
Dissemination & Sustainability – How do you intend to disseminate and sustain the
outcome/ outputs of your project. For example integration into organisation wide
improvement strategies, Quality Accounts reports, NHS Operating Framework? (50 words
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Mary Seacole Development Awards 2015/16
Application form Part 4
4.1 Personal Information
Last name:
First name:
Home address:
Tel No: (work)
Tel No: (home)
Mobile No:
4.2. Application Agreement
I now enclose the following in support of my application:
Completed application form including original signed, supporting statement from
my line manager.
In submitting this application I confirm that I will be available to attend an interview on
Wednesday 1 July or Thursday 2 July 2015 in London, an induction day on Tuesday 8
September 2015 in London, submit quarterly progress reports and the final report within
the required deadlines, and present my final project at the awards ceremony in October
The information contained in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, correct. As
an applicant, I understand I must comply with the conditions stated and that the making of
false statements may lead to the withdrawal of my application. I acknowledge that the
decision of the Selection Panel is final. I agree that intellectual property rights from the
outcome/outputs remain the property of the NHS.
Signature of Applicant:___________________________________
Date: _______________________
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4.3 Protected Characteristics - This information is required to ensure that we are aware of the
communities applying for this award and assist the implementation of equal opportunities. Please
note this information will not be passed to the selection panel.
What is your ethnic group? (please tick one category only)
Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Any other White background
Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other mixed background
Asian / Asian British
Any other Asian background
Black / African/ Caribbean / Black
Any other Black / African /
Caribbean background
Other ethnic group
Any other ethnic group
Age scale range (please tick one category only)
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? The Disability Discrimination Act defines a
person as disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and longterm adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities.
If yes, please describe what reasonable adjustment you
would require to carry out your award:
What is your sexual orientation? (Please tick one category only)
Gay man
Gay woman/lesbian
Prefer not to say
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What is your religion? (Please tick one category only)
No religion
Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian
Any other religion (please describe)
Prefer not to say
4.4 Please help us to promote these awards effectively by indicating below how or where
you heard about them:
Please specify which website
Please specify which journal
Please specify
Please specify
Would you like to see them advertised anywhere else? (Please specify)
The data provided on this form will be processed in compliance with the Data Protection Act.
For office use only:
Mary Seacole Development Awards 2015/16
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