CAS Mins 11-13-07 - North Seattle Community College

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
President’s Boardroom
Acting Chair—Michaelann Allen
Business and Engineering Technologies— Lynda Wilkinson
Health and Human Services—Loretta Ryan
Humanities— Steve Quig, Howard Xie, Sara Stapleton
Science and Math and Social Science—Scott Rausch, Ann Murkowski,
Tracy Furutani
Advising Center—Alice Melling
Credentials – Jane Oberlander
Counseling—Jenny Mao
Institutional Research—Jack Bautsch
Library—Elinor Appel
Student Representative—
Vice President for Instruction—Mary Ellen O’Keeffe
GUEST(S): Patricia Cheadle, Bill Brockway, Melissa Grinley, Tom Drummond
Call to Order
The Acting Chair, Michaelann Allen, called the meeting to order.
Minutes of October 23
Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes with edits; motion carried.
Mary Ellen mentioned that the US Cultures sub committee has not been functioning for several years. CAS will address this issue at a later meeting.
Course/Program Updates
ENG 229
This course has been withdrawn.
NANO – Tracy Furutani
Tracy presented a year long 30 credit Nanotechnology certificate that prepares
people with work or academic experience in micro-electronics, biotechnology,
optics or similar technical fields to become familiar with nanoscience and proficient in nanotechnological protocols. The Nano technical advisory committee
recommended developing this certificate and stated that they could match the
CAS Minutes 11-13-07
current number of students in the program with their own employees, many of
whom already have bachelor’s degrees and thus would not be pursuing the AAST degree. After State Board approval they need this certificate in place by spring
2008. There was discussion regarding AAS-T – this may confuse students; it
does not transfer; only where we have an agreement. Use the AAS-T degree as
written on certificate. A sentence was removed from the description. Motion was
made and seconded to approve the Nanotechnology certificate with edits; motion
PSY 255 (Melissa Grinley)
This is an elective course – transfers to the UW. There was discussion regarding
keeping PSY 110 as a prerequisite, add the word “and” ENG 101. There should
be an outcome to Natural World if this designation will be used and if so to use
General Education Outcome #10 instead of #3; Melissa will review this and make
that decision. Motion was made and seconded to approve PSY 255 with edits;
motion carried.
IT and HC (Loretta Ryan)
Loretta presented the IT for Healthcare 15 credit certificate. There was an addition and a deletion. Motion was made and seconded to approve the 15 credits IT
for Healthcare certificate; motion carried.
The IT for Healthcare Certificate of Achievement is 37 – 42 credits. I-Best students need more skills. There was a change on the credits. Motion was made
and seconded to approve the IT Healthcare Certificate of Achievement with edits;
motion carried.
The IT for Healthcare Associate of Applied Science – T Degree had additions
and deletions. More technical courses were added per the request of the TAC.
Mary Ellen questioned the high number of credits – 112. This will be put on hold;
Mary Ellen will work with Loretta on this and return to CAS at a later date.
HVAC revisions (Lynda Wilkinson and Bill Brockway)
Bill is a new instructor and will be offering a new course, HVC 210. It covers areas not covered in HVC 211 and 212. There was a question as to how we assessed this. Grades information will be listed under Methods of Assessment and
add the words “exams, assignments and hands on competencies” (or something
similar). Motion was made and seconded to approved HVC 210 with edits; motion carried.
HVC 101 is changing credits from 2 to 5. This created a slight change in the content. HVC 211 is a title change and credit change from 4 to 5. Add the word
“Systems” Service on the coding approval form and spring 2008. HVC 212 had a
title change and the credit change from 4 to 5. Motion was made and seconded
to approve HVC 101, 211 and 212 with edits; motion carried.
CAS Minutes 11-13-07
The HVAC Service Certificate is 40 credits; it originally was 43. The word “degree” should be deleted at the bottom of the certificate. Motion was made and
seconded to approve the HVAC Service Certificate with edits; motion carried.
BIO 290 (Ann Murkowski)
This is a new course. It had been taught at Central. Students indicated interest
in this course; it has a transfer agreement. Motion was made and seconded to
approve BIO 290; motion carried.
CCE 200 (Tom Drummond)
This is a new course. It is team taught, no prerequisites. This course is aimed at
teaching providers. Motion was made and seconded to approve CCE 200; motion carried.
PEC 118
A non voting change to PEC 118 taking out the word “co-ed” in the title; this is a
tennis course offered at north and the title now matches the same course offered
at other colleges.
AHM (Michaelann Allen)
AHM 228 is being deleted from the inventory. This content is in other courses.
AHM 231 is a new course; variable 1 – 3 credits. Patti Larson will teach this
course on campus or on site as requested by community partners. The Technical Advisory Committee wanted this added. It is designed for those who have
graduated an accredited medical assisting program and who are eligible to sit for
the National CMA (Certified Medical Assistant) exam offered through the AAMA
(American Association of Medical Assistants). This course is given in a lecture
format that can be offered either on campus or onsite at a facility that requests
review for their employees. Motion was made and seconded to approve AHM
228 and 231; motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:45pm.
Next scheduled meeting is November 27th.