November 23, 2010 - City of Palos Heights, IL

Municipal Grounds and Property Committee
Meeting Minutes
November 23 a, 2010
Call to Order
Chairman Basso called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. In attendance were Aldermen
Kramarski, Phillips, and Prestinario, Public Works Director Jerry Martin, MVM Director Bob
Draves, City Administrator Dan Nisavic, and Recording Secretary Pat Sheppard.
Approval of Minutes
Chairman Basso moved to approve the minutes of October 26, 2010, seconded by Alderman
Phillips. All in favor. Motion Carried.
Building and Grounds Report: Jerry Martin
 Trees were removed and re-planted in the planter boxes on Harlem Avenue. Some of the
decorative block around the planter beds that was deteriorated was removed and replaced.
Approximately a dozen trees will also be planted north (124th Street) and south (122nd
Street) of the Business District to fill in some bare spots.
 The crushed flagstone in the south median on Harlem Avenue was removed, which was
damaged and deteriorated by the salt, and will be replaced with a new buff colored
concrete material. The north median will be done in the spring. Public Works crews have
been doing the work on Harlem Avenue.
 Holiday lights were put up on the trees in the Business District and holiday decorations
were put up throughout the City.
 The Adopt-A-Pot program pots were removed in the Business District and put in storage.
 The building at 12217-19, which is the future site of the Municipal Parking Lot, had the
asbestos removed and was demolished by Tri State Demolition. Asphalt will be laid by
Crowley-Shepard and the lot will be striped by PermaSeal by the end of the week. The lot
will provide approximately 36 parking spots. Alderman Prestinario asked if there was a
design plan for the lot. Jerry said there was a concept plan that was reviewed by this
committee at a previous meeting. He explained that the concept plan included electric,
ballards, 2 lights in the parking lot, and planting areas, but the final plan is yet to be
determined. For now, until spring, a binder course in going to be laid with some pots and
planting at the entrance for aesthetics.
 A new security door was installed in City Hall and some renovations to Building
Department will start soon. This work will be done by Public Works.
 An engineering firm was preparing specifications for the new City Hall HVAC and will
be ready to go out to bid within a week or so. A grant was received for this work.
 The swimming pool had been winterized. The final report for water usage at the pool and
municipal building will be done in mid-December, but Jerry felt there was considerably
less water usage at the pool this year.
A new aerator was installed at Lake Katherine and the new carpet and blinds were
installed at the clubhouse
New Business
Jerry distributed copies of the Salt Storage Facility Program Manual/Concept which was
prepared by Morris Engineering. No action was required, but Jerry asked committee members to
review it. Jerry noted there were two conceptual drawings in the manual. He was also going to
contact Mike Lombard with the Lombard Company regarding the storage facility and pre-fab
concrete panels. There was some discussion on the preliminary designs. Chairman Basso asked
Jerry if he would prepare an analysis on the cost of salt vs. the building expenditure. Jerry said he
felt salt storage facilities were going to mandated by the EPA within the next couple of years for
environmental reasons (rain runoff). He estimated that the City loses approximately 10% of its
salt not being in an enclosed area/building. Jerry is researching to see if there is any grant money
available to help pay for the building. Alderman Phillips asked the City Administrator which
budgets the money would come out of for the building and Dan said Water & Sewer and Capital
Improvements budgets. From what he could tell by looking at the 2011 budget figures and
projects, there would be enough in both of those budgets to absorb the cost.
Motor Vehicle Maintenance Report: Bob Draves
Bob reported they had to replace the axles on one of the trailers. All of the trucks were
ready for the snow season and snow tires will be put on all the squad cars next week.
Aldermen’s Questions/Comments
Alderman Phillips had several items:
1. He inquired about the racks of tires in the PW yard and whether they are locked up.
Bob explained they were mostly the rotating tires for the squad cars and PW vehicle
tires. When they are finished rotating the tires, they will be covered with tarps.
2. He inquired about the dirt pile in the PW yard and Jerry said it was from water main
breaks. Jerry said the City gets 10 free dumpsters from Allied per month. A crew goes
through the pile and separates the concrete and asphalt from the dirt for recycling
which is then hauled away by Allied. Alderman Prestinario suggested asking Lake
Katherine if they could use the dirt and Jerry said he would ask.
Alderman Prestinario had several items:
1.) Inquired about the tree that needed to be trimmed at 12634 Navajo Drive E. and
Jerry said it had been trimmed.
Chairman Basso inquired about the Navajo Tree Program and Jerry said he had not yet
met with Ed Dombrowski regarding that. He also asked Jerry if the company that does the tree
trimming was done for the year. Jerry said Homer Tree Service only comes out when they are
called. Jerry normally accumulates a list (a day’s worth of trimming) before calling them out.
Alderman Kramarski told Jerry that the Ginnodo’s, 76th Ave & Coach Road, expressed
their thanks for the tree.
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There being no further business, Chairman Basso moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 pm,
seconded by Alderman Phillips. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia M. Sheppard
Recording Secretary
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