
Race/Ethnicity (Check all that apply):

RIT Counseling & Psychological Services (CaPS)

Client Information Form

Date:_____________________________ RIT/University ID #_____________________________________________

Have you been to RIT Counseling and Psychological Services before? □ Yes □ No

Who referred you to Counseling and Psychological Services?

□ Friend □ Family □ Self □ Faculty/Staff □ Conduct □ Other

First Name:______________________________ MI:_______ Last Name:____________________________________

Preferred Name:____________________________________________________________________________________

Local Phone_____________________________ Email: ________________________________________________

Any reason we should not contact you via phone or email?___________________________________________________

Local Address______________________________________________________________________________________

(include residence hall and room number or apartment / off campus address)

Home (Permanent) Address___________________________________________________________________________

Date of birth: ______________ Age: ___ Gender Identity:

Woman □ Man □ Transgender □ Self-Identify

Race/Ethnicity (Check all that apply): □ African American/Black □ American Indian or Alaskan Native

□ Asian American/Asian □ White (non-Hispanic)

□ Hispanic/Latino(a)

□ Multi-racial

□ N ative Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

□ Other:____________________________

Check all that apply to you: □ Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing

□ International Student

□ Student-Athlete

□ Greek Member

□ Transfer Student

□ Military Veteran

If yes, preferred communication?________________

If yes, which country?_________________________

If yes, which sport?___________________________

If yes, which organization?_____________________

If yes, which school?__________________________

If yes, which branch?__________________________

Academic Classification (Year): □ First □ Second □ Third □ Fourth □ Fifth □ Graduate Student

Current GPA:_________ Total Credit Hours:_________ Major:____________________________________________

Enrollment status:

Full-time □ Part-time □ Non-matriculated

Are you in a significant relationship (dating, engaged, married/partnered)?



Person to contact in case of emergency__________________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________ Relationship to you: _____________________________________

Briefly describe why you chose to seek Counseling and Psychological Services:







□ African American/Black

□ Hispanic/Latino(a)

List members of your immediate family, caregivers, or primary support system.

Relationship Name Relationship Name

Are you currently receiving or have you previous received mental health services? □ Yes □ No

Please list dates and locations:



Please list any medical conditions you have or believe you might have:



Please list any medications that you are currently taking:




Please check all the RIT Supports Services you have used:

□ Academic Support Center□ Center for Women and Gender □ Disability Services

□ English Language Center

□ International Student Srv.□ Leadership and Community Service □ Spectrum Support □ Student Wellness

RIT Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS) provide short-term personal counseling (individual, couples, and groups), consultation, and referral services, which are confidential and require no additional fee. Only currently enrolled

RIT students are eligible for services. Depending upon the nature of your concern, current service demands or other circumstances, your counselor may refer you to another health care provider who can better meet your needs.


Records maintained by Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS) are considered medical records and protected health information. As such, your counseling records are kept separate from all other student records. This means what you tell or otherwise share with your counselor and the counseling staff will remain confidential. Consultation with individuals or organizations outside CaPS, including RIT faculty and staff, family, or friends requires your written consent. There are, however, some exceptions and limitations to confidentiality as required by law. Please carefully review the Client Consent Form and speak with your counselor if you have any questions.

I have read the Client Consent Form and agree to the terms of Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS).

_______________________________________________ __________________________________

Student Signature Date
