Week of January 11

Cindy Walker
Lesson Plans 7th Language Arts Week of January 11
Important Notice: Students will begin a new novel study on Monday, January 18. Each
student will need to have a copy of the novel, The Pearl, written by John Steinbeck in
class on that date. Thanks!
Monday, Jan. 11
Objective: L.7.1 Identify prepositional phrases, helping verbs, actions verbs and linking
verbs in a sentence.
Procedures: Students will identify sentence parts in given sentences.
Homework - None
Tuesday, Jan. 12
Objective: L.7.1 Students will complete Mica practice test.
Procedures: Students will identify linking verbs, action verbs, subjects, and
prepositional phrases in sentences from Ex. 4 on p. 95
Homework - None
Wednesday, Jan. 13
Objective: L.7.1 Identify and differentiate linking and action verbs in sentences.
Students will also differentiate between predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives.
Procedures: Students will identify linking verbs, action verbs, subjects, and
prepositional phrases in sentences from Ex. 4 on p. 95
Homework - None
Thursday, Jan. 14
Objective: L.7.1 Identify subjects and verb phrases in sentences.
Procedures: Students will do practice sentences and identify prepositional phrases,
verb phrases and subjects in sentences.
Homework - Study for test.
Friday, Jan. 15
Objective: Students will complete test over subjects, verbs, and prepositional phrases.
Objective: L.7.1 Identify prepositional phrases, verb phrases, and subjects in sentences,
standard parts used in an independent or subordinate clause.
Procedures: Students will identify subjects and verbs on test.
Homework - No homework.
Note: Students should have the book, The Pearl, in class on Monday.