Prentice Summer Program Medical The Required medical forms include: 1. Medical Treatment Consent Form REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS 2. Emergency/Medical Information Form REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS Parent/Guardian & licensed authorized health care provider/dentist Request for Medication REQUIRED for ANY student who takes PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION that needs to be administered by school staff for ANY REASON including: 1. During school hours 2. On an “as-needed” or emergency basis (including inhalers & EpiPens) 3. Please complete the forms and return to The Prentice School within 3 days of enrolling via fax (714-538-5004), email, mail, or drop-off at front desk. Prescription Medications: Medical treatment is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and an authorized health care provider. An authorized health care provider is an individual who is licensed by the State of California to prescribe medication. Both prescription and over the counter medication may be given at school when it is deemed absolutely necessary by the authorized health care provider that the medications be given during school hours. California Education Code, Section 49423 allows school personnel to assist in carrying out an authorized health care provider’s written orders. The parent/guardian is urged, with the help of your child’s authorized health care provider, to work out a schedule of giving medication at home whenever possible. Emergency medicine such as EpiPens or inhalers may be carried by the student (GRADES 5 – 8 ONLY) when recommended by an authorized health care provider and parent. Back-up medication should be kept at school for emergency use. Students who have a serious medical condition (diabetes, epilepsy, etc.) should have an emergency supply of their prescription medication at school with the appropriate consent forms in the event of a disaster. If medication is to be administered at school, all of the following conditions must be met: 1. Parent/guardian and an authorized health care provider must complete and sign the required form and return to the Prentice School. 2. Medication must be delivered to the school by the parent/guardian or other responsible adult. 3. Medication must be in your child’s original, labeled pharmacy container written in English. 4. All liquid medication must be accompanied by an appropriate measuring device. 5. Any tablets requiring partial doses (½ or ¼) must be sent to school already cut. 6. A separate form is required for each medication. Whenever there is a change in medication, dose, time, or route, the parent/guardian and authorized health care provider must complete a new form. MEDICAL TREATMENT CONSENT FORM Summer 2015 This is a mandatory form that must be completed for each student Student First Name: Student Last Name: Name of Medical Insurance Provider: □ I AUTHORIZE □ I DO NOT AUTHORIZE DOB: Grade: Policy/Contract/Group #: The Health Clerk or other designated staff to give my child the common medications (or generics) listed below, if needed, at school. ----- I HAVE CROSSED OUT THE MEDICATIONS THAT I DO NOT WISH MY CHILD TO RECEIVE. ----ANALGESICS INDIGESTION/DIARRHEA TOPICALS EYE Ibuprofen* Antacid/anti gas* Antibiotic Ointment Eyewash Acetaminophen* Antidiarrheal* Antiseptic Towelettes Eyedrops/Artificial Tears First Aid Antiseptic Pain Reliever Contact Lens Solution** **Students with contacts should bring both COLD/ALLERGY MOUTH Hydrocortisone Cream Antihistamine* Oral Pain Reliever Hydrogen Peroxide re-wetting and cleaning solutions along with Throat Lozenges Petroleum Jelly/Carmex an extra case and/or extra pair of lens (if disposable) Dental Wax Sting/Bite Relief *Available in liquid, tablet, or chewable forms (depending on stock) If you do not give consent, please provide instructions: □ YES □ NO my child requires prescription medication (including rescue inhaler or EpiPen) that needs to be taken during school hours AND/OR on an emergency or “as-needed” basis. If you answered “YES”, you MUST complete an ADDITIONAL form, “Parent/Guardian & Physician Request for Medication”, which requires BOTH a parent/guardian AND a licensed authorized health care provider/dentist to fill out and sign. NO PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS WILL BE GIVEN WITHOUT THIS FORM RELEASE OF LIABILITY, AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE: To the full extent permitted by law, I/we knowingly and voluntarily release and covenant not to sue The Prentice School, its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, coaches, volunteers (the Released Parties) from any and all claims and liabilities that arise out of, or relate to The Prentice School’s administration of medications (prescription or non-prescription) to my child consistent with the terms of this form, or my child’s self-administration of medications while on campus or at a School-related event, or the rendition of any medical treatment to my child that has been authorized by The Prentice School acting pursuant to this form. I understand however, that through this Agreement I am not releasing the Release Parties from any injury my child suffers as a direct result of the Released Parties’ intentional misconduct or gross negligence. I further agree to hold The Prentice School harmless and to defend The Prentice School for all costs, expenses, judgments or any other liability to any other person who shall assert any claim on behalf of themselves or my child that arises out of, or relates to, the Prentice School’s administration of medications to my child consistent with the terms of this form, or my child’s self-administration of medication while on campus or at a School-related event, or the rendition of any medical treatment to my child that has been authorized by The Prentice School acting pursuant to this form. By my signature below, I acknowledge that I have fully read and understand that I am releasing and covenanting not to sue The Prentice School on behalf of my child, myself or any other person and holding it harmless, according to the terms of this paragraph. CONSENT FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT & RELEASE FROM LIABILITY: In the event my child becomes ill or injured and, in the sole and unfettered discretion of any one of the Released Parties, requires immediate medical or dental care or attention at any School or School-related practice, game, program, trip, or similar event (on or off campus) or while otherwise on school premises, I authorize the School and their agents or employees to consent on my behalf to x-rays, examinations, anesthetic, medical or surgical procedure, treatment or hospital care, which are deemed advisable by and to be rendered under the supervision of any physician, surgeon, or dental surgeon licensed under the provisions of California state law, whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the scene of the event, the office of a physician or dentist, or at any hospital. I understand and agree that this consent to treatment in advance following the provisions of California Family Code §6910 does not relieve the parent or guardian for all financial responsibilities for such treatment. I understand that The Prentice School will make a reasonable effort to contact me to assist in any decision made by the school, but that the School will be compelled to use its best judgment should it not be possible to contact me. It is understood that this authorization is given in advance of any specific diagnosis, treatment or hospital care being required but is given to provide authority and power on the part of our aforesaid agent(s) to give specific consent to any and all such diagnosis, treatment or hospital care which the aforementioned physician or dentist in the exercise of his best judgment may deem advisable. ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I assume all risks arising out of, or relating to The Prentice School or any of the Released Parties providing prescription and/or non-prescription medication to my child consistent with the terms of this form/physician’s instructions. I have fully investigated the procedures by which The Prentice School and each of the Released Parties administers and supervises self-administration by students of medication, and I expressly agree that I am satisfied with them with regard to my child. I acknowledge that the risks to my child include, but are not limited to, failure of any such medication (so long as it has been authorized for sale and/or distribution in California by state or federal authorities) to be safe and/or effective, mild or severe adverse physical reaction to the prescription and/or non-prescription medication provided (including emotional/psychological harm), permanent and temporary disability, and death. I agree that my child will also assume these risks and any other risks arising out of, or relating to, The Prentice School or any of the Released Parties providing prescription and/or non-prescription medication to my child consistent with the terms of this form. USE OF HEALTH RECORD: All of the information I provided during online registration relating to the medical history and information regarding my child is complete, true, and correct. I hereby give permission for this information to become part of the student’s educational record and give permission to The Prentice School to share the student’s medical information with school personnel who have legitimate educational interests in this information and to provide any such information to any medical personnel in connection with any medical treatment provided to my child. I HAVE CAREFULLY REVIEWED THIS FORM AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS (INCLUDING THAT THIS FORM CONTAINS CERTAIN RELEASES OF LIABILITY AND OTHER PROVISIONS AFFECTING MY CHILD’S AND MY LEGAL RIGHTS AND DUTIES), AND AGREE THERETO. THIS AUTHORIZATION SHALL REMAIN EFFECTIVE FOR THE FULL SCHOOL YEAR UNLESS REVOKED IN WRITING AND DELIVERED TO THE PRENTICE SCHOOL AND A RECEIPT FOR THE REVOCATION IS ISSUED. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE DATE PARENT/GUARDIAN PRINTED NAME EMERGENCY/MEDICAL INFORMATION FORM Summer 2015 This is a mandatory form that must be completed for each student for each new school year. Complete All Sections Please PRINT STUDENT INFORMATION First Name: Last Name: Grade (SY 2015-16): Street Address: DOB: City: State: Zip: Home Phone: MOTHER/GUARDIAN INFORMATION FATHER/GUARDIAN INFORMATION: Name: Name: Cell: Cell: Employer: Employer: Home Address, City, State, Zip: Home Address, City, State, Zip: (If different from above) (If different from above) Work Phone: Work Phone: Email: Email: MEDICAL INFORMATION Please provide a brief medical history for Prentice to keep on file in the event of emergency medical treatment by medical professionals. Does student have any unusual health conditions? (If YES, please check below) ___Yes ___No Student's Blood Type: __ Asthma __ Kidney/Bladder __ Arthritis __ Wears Glasses/Contacts __ Headache/Migraine __ Convulsive Seizures __ Internal Irregularities __ Diabetes - Mild __ Diabetes - Severe __ Wears Hearing Aid __ Physical Handicap (Describe) Does student have any allergies? __ Other (Describe) __ Yes __ No __ __ Medication Allergy Bee Sting Allergy ___ Peanut Allergy __ Other: (Describe) STUDENT RELEASE INFORMATION I authorize the following people to pick up my child from school: Please list in order of priority Name: Relationship: Phone: Name: Relationship: Phone: Name: Relationship: Phone: Name: Relationship: Phone: I HEREBY AUTHORIZE PRENTICE STAFF TO RELEASE MY STUDENT TO THE ABOVE LISTED PERSON(S) PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: NOTE: If there is any legal reason for which an individual is Not allowed to pick up or interact with your child, please write the names(s) below and provide The Prentice School with a copy of legal documentation so that we may place it in your child's file Name: Relationship: PARENT/GUARDIAN & LICENSED AUTHORIZED HEALTH CARE PROVIDER/DENTIST REQUEST FOR MEDICATION Summer 2015 THIS REQUEST IS VALID FOR THE CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR. A SEPARATE FORM IS REQUIRED FOR EACH MEDICATION Student First Name: Student Last Name: DOB: Grade: PARENT/GUARDIAN REQUEST FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION California Education Code Section 49423 provides that pupils who are required to take prescribed medications during the school day can be and will be assisted by the Health Clerk and/or other designated School Personnel ONLY if the school receives the written request from said licensed authorized health care provider/dentist and the parent/guardian(s) of named student. Medication must be in the student’s original, labeled pharmacy container. I request that medication be administered to my child in accordance with our licensed authorized health care provider/dentist written instructions. I understand that designated school personnel will administer the medication. I will notify the school immediately and submit a new form if there are changes in medication, dosage, time of administration. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: DATE: Emergency medicine such as an EpiPen or inhaler may be carried by 5-8 grade students ONLY when recommended and signed by a licensed authorized health care provider/dentist and parent. Back up medication should be kept at school for emergency use. **** Prescribing physician must complete this section. **** Reason for medication (diagnosis): Medication: Dose: If PRN: Amount of time between doses: Route: Time: Maximum number of doses per school day: Possible medication reactions: Instructions for emergency care: Date of request: Date to discontinue medication: The above medication can’t be scheduled for other than school hours and may be administered by school personnel. Physician’s Printed Name: Date: Address: Phone: Fax: PHYSICIAN’S SIGNATURE: *****GRADES 5 – 8 ONLY***** Regarding EpiPens/Inhalers: It is my professional opinion that this student should be permitted to carry/self-administer this emergency EpiPen or inhaler. This student has been instructed in, and demonstrates an understanding of proper usage. Office Stamp Health Care Provider Initials: OFFICE USE ONLY: Health Office Staff: Date Form Received: Medication Name Received: Amount: Date Meds Received: