Process for Pay Deduction File Upload

Pay Deduction and Meghdoot schedule File Upload
Pre-requisites for successful file upload:
1) Pay Deduction and Meghdoot cash files are to be uploaded separately. If a single file has policies
for pay deduction and cash, the policies will be reported in error.
2) The PAO code of the pay deduction file should be correctly updated in the pay deduction file.
3) Prior to uploading Pay Deduction file, collection for the special group should be done through
the collection module.
4) Naming convention to be followed before uploading any file, so that any particular file can be
identified easily. Every file should be named as ‘Office name_Schedule month_PAO Code (PAO
code or Meghdoot)_XX(running number from 01).csv
5) In policies requiring Revival, same cannot be done through file upload. The policies will have to
be revived through McCamish system by indexing the revival request.
6) In Case of pay deduction file upload the policy should be a part of the special group, any policy
which is not a part of special group will be error out. Special group search to be done before
creating a new special group.
7) In cases of Death, Maturity, Surrender, Survival claims it is advised to ascertain the premium in
the respective policies and in case premium has been either deducted through pay deduction or
entries are present in PRB, then the user first makes use of File upload functionality to upload
the premium and once the premium is updated in McCamish the user indexes the above said
8) The policies premium must be upto date before the month of schedule uploading if not then
update the same with UPC in McCamish.
9) List of Error codes with description is enclosed:
Error Codes for Bulk
Upload v0 1.xlsx
Pay Deduction File upload:1. The schedule format (CSV) should be as attached above and upload without heading.
2. The policy number should be in prescribe format only and corrected before uploading.
3. In case of pay/special group policy schedule uploading Please go to -----select collection- mode
Premium collection --Speical Group collection---renewal ---speical Group number—book
adjustment or cheque/demand draft---- book adjustment id---book adjustment amount(Total
amount of the pay schedule) –date and submit.
4. The one copy of the receipt keept in the hard copy of schedule.
The user can upload the pay Deduction and Meghdoot file from the ‘Bulk Policy Upload/Group
Policy Maintenance’ icon present on the system administrator’s dashboard.
Two options will be provided to the user to go ahead with the file upload process,
1. Special Group Number/Pay PAO Code – If the user clicks on special group search and enters a
special group number, the load file screen along with the transaction details of the special group
will appear.
From here the user can upload the pay deduction file.
2. If the user enters the office code and clicks search, then the user can upload the Meghdoot file(
Cash and RPLI schedule only & no need for collection).
3. The office code will be 11 digit( RPLI code) allotted for that HO/CPCs in office hierarchy.
Process for Pay Deduction File Upload
Search the special group by name or number.
The transaction details of the collection made against the special group will appear in a grid below.
The user can proceed to upload file by clicking on the Load File Screen button.
On the load file screen the user has to enter the billing dates and upload the pay deduction file which
has to be in CSV format only.
On clicking the submit button, the upload file request will be submitted and a confirmatory message will
be displayed to the user. Next day a batch process will process this file.
After running the successfully batch , the user can view the historical files by clicking on the View History
button. The status will be changed from pending to complete once the batch is executed. The upload,
success and error files can be viewed by clicking on the hyperlinks respectively.
Sample Upload file
Sample Success File
Sample Error File
Meghdoot File upload( Cash and RPLI Schedule)
To upload Meghdoot file, the user has to search by office code.(11 digit code)
The load file button will appear, on clicking the button, the user will be taken to the file upload screen.
The user can upload the Meghdoot file which has to be in CSV format only. On clicking the submit
button, the CSV file upload request will be submitted. A batch process will upload and process the
collections mentioned in the CSV file.
The user can see the historical files from the History tab on next day after a successfully batch run.
 Download the error files and correct the same as per error code in last column and then
upload the remaining corrected files with different file name. The error files will in CSV
format please open the same in excel format.
 In case of Policy not in McCamish prepare a separate CSV files of these policies
(PLI/RPLI/Pay) and sent it to circle office for further compilation and updation in NIC.
 Circle office will compile all files received from CPCs category (3 files -PLI/RPLI/Pay) and
months wise and sent to NIC for uploading.
Transferring from one special Group to another special group
In case the special group of the policy is changed, the same can be updated in the system by the pay
Deduction file.
The new PAO code can be entered in the pay deduction CSV file and the system will change the PAO
code of the policy.