biographical sketch - UNM Cancer Center

Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Andrew R.M. Bradbury
Technical Staff Member; collaborator
EDUCATION/TRAINING Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.
if applicable
Merton College, University of Oxford, UK
Guys Hospital, University of London, UK
Guys Hospital, Lewisham Hospital, London, UK
B.A. / M.A.
M.B. B.S.
YEARs / date awarded
Physiological sciences
Medical/surgical intern
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology laboratory
1983-7 07/88
Molecular Immunology
& Trinity College, Univ. Cambridge, UK
MRC Lab of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
Molecular Immunology
CNR Institute of Neurobiology, Rome, Italy
Molecular Neurobiology
A. Personal statement.
My professional career began with the study and practice of medicine. A strong interest in immunology resulted in
a change in career focus towards the bench top, where I have developed significant expertise in phage display,
antibody engineering, fluorescent protein and directed evolution technologies. Since the beginning of the human
genome project in 1990, I realized that the time would come when there would be a need for a project of similar
scope to select antibodies against all human proteins, and much of my career has been spent building the
technology to respond to this challenge. In particular, I have been actively involved in the development of phage
display technology, including the design of new display vectors, helper plasmids and new recombinatorial ways of
making extremely large phage display libraries, as well as the development of applications for high throughput
selection approaches. More recently, my laboratory has combined phage and yeast display in a method that
exploits the advantages of each to select large numbers of specific high affinity high specificity antibodies against a
variety of different targets.
B. Positions and Honors.
Research experience
Visiting Professor, International School of Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy
1995-2003 Ricercatore Assistant Professor, International School of Advanced Studies SISSA, Trieste,
Italy. Tenured Dec 1998.
1999Technical Staff Member, Biosciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM
2008-2009 Visiting Professor, University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara, Italy
2009Adjunct Professor, University of New Mexico, NM
Clinical experience
House physician intern, Guys Hospital, London, UK.
House surgeon intern, Lewisham Hospital, London, UK. Fully registered physician.
1983-1989 Part time out-patient physician in General Medicine, Addenbrooks Hospital, Cambridge, UK.
Professional memberships
2007-2010 President The Antibody Society
Honors and fellowships
Postmastership undergraduate scholarship, Merton College, University of Oxford.
MRC clinical research fellowship
Research scholarship, Trinity College, University of Cambridge.
EMBO postdoctoral fellowship.
HFSP postdoctoral fellowship
C. Selected peer-reviewed publications in chronological order (of 111).
1. Bradbury A, Persic L, Werge T, and Cattaneo A. 1993. From gene to antibody: the use of living
columns to select specific phage antibodies. Biotech. 11:1565-1569.
2. Sblattero D and Bradbury A. 1998. A definitive set of oligonucleotide primers for amplifying human V
regions, Immunotechnology. 3:271-8.
3. Sblattero D and Bradbury A. 2000. Exploiting recombination in single bacteria to make large phage
antibody libraries. Nature Biotechnology. 18:75-80.
4. Siegel R, Allen B, Pavlik P, Marks JD, and Bradbury A. 2000. Mass spectral analysis of a protein
complex using single chain antibodies selected on a peptide target: applications to functional genomics.
J. Mol Biol. 302:285-293.
5. Marzari R, Sblattero D, Florian F, Tongiorgi E, Ventura A, Tommasini A, Not T, and Bradbury A.
2001. Molecular dissection of the tissue transglutaminase autoAb response in celiac disease. J. Imm.
6. Lou J, Marzari R, Verzillo V, Ferrero F, Pak D, Sheng M, Yang C, Sblattero D, and Bradbury A. 2001.
Antibodies in haystacks: how selection strategy influences the outcome of selection from molecular
diversity libraries. J. Imm Methods. 253:233-242.
7. Bradbury A, Velappan N, Verzillo V, Ovecka M, Chasteen L, Sblattero D, Marzari R, Siegel R, and
Pavlik P. 2003. Antibodies in proteomics I: selecting antibodies. TiBtech. 21:275-281.
8. Bradbury A, Velappan N, Verzillo V, Ovecka M, Chasteen L, Sblattero D, Marzari R, Siegel R, and
Pavlik P. 2003. Antibodies in proteomics II: screening and using antibodies. TiBtech. 21:312-317.
9. Kehoe JW, Velappan N, Walbolt M, Rasmussen J, King D, Lou J, Knopp K, Pavlik P, Marks JD,
Bertozzi CR, and Bradbury, A. 2006. Using phage display to select antibodies recognizing posttranslational modifications independently of sequence context. Mol. Cell. Proteomics. 5:2350-63.
10. Kiss C, Fisher H, Pesavento E, Dai M, Valero R, Ovecka M, Nolan R, Phipps L, Velappan N, Chasteen
L, Martinez J, Waldo GS, Pavlik P, and Bradbury A. 2006. Antibody binding loop insertions as
diversity elements. Nuc. Acids Res. 34:e132.
11. Chasteen L, Ayriss J, Pavlik P, and Bradbury A. 2006. Eliminating helper phage from phage display.
Nuc. Acids Res. 34:e145.
12. Ayriss J, Woods T, Bradbury A, and Pavlik P. 2007. High throughput screening of single chain
antibodies using multiplexed flow cytometry. J. Proteomic Res. 6:1072-1082.
13. Velappan N, Martinez JS, Valero R, Chasteen L, Ponce L, Bondu-Hawkins V, Kelly C, Pavlik P, Hjelle
B, and Bradbury A. 2007. Selection and characterization of scFv antibodies against the Sin Nombre
Hantavirus nucleocapsid protein. J. Imm. Meth. 321:60-69.
14. Velappan, N., Sblattero, D., Chasteen, L., Pavlik, P. and Bradbury, A.R.M. 2007. Plasmid
incompatibility: more compatible than previously thought? Prot. Eng. Design Selection, 20, 309-313
15. Goldsmith, M., Kiss, C., Bradbury, A.R.M. and Tawfik, D.S. 2007. Avoiding and controlling double
transformation artifacts. Prot. Eng. Design Selection, 20, 315-318
16.Lassen, K., Bradbury, A.R.M., Rehfeld, J.F. and Heegaard, N.H.H. (2008) Microscale characterization
of the binding specificity and affinity of a monoclonal anti-sulfo-tyrosyl IgG antibody, Electrophoresis,
29, 2557-64.
17. Dai, M., Temirov, J., Pesavento, E., Kiss, C., Velappan, N., Pavlik, P., Werner, J. and Bradbury,
A.R.M. (2008) Using T7 phage display to select GFP based binders, PEDS, 21, 413-24.
18. Velappan, N., Clements, J., Kiss, C., Valero-Aracama, R., Pavlik, P. and Bradbury, A.R.M. (2008)
Fluorescence linked immunosorbant assays using microtiter plates, J. Imm. Methods, 321, 135-41.
19. Temirov, J., Bradbury, A.R.M. and Werner, J.H. (2008) Measuring an antibody affinity distribution
molecule by molecule, Analytical Chemistry, 80, 8642-8.
20. Gabbard JD, Velappan N, Di Niro R, Schmidt J, Jones CA, Tompkins SM, and Bradbury A. 2009. A
humanized anti-M2 scFv shows protective in vitro activity against influenza, Prot. Eng. Design
Selection, 22, 189-98.
21. Ayriss, J., Valero, R., Bradbury, A.R.M. & Pavlik, P. 2009. Multiplexed flow cytometry: highthroughput screening of single-chain antibodies. Methods Mol Biol 525, 241-260, xiii
22. Velappen N, Fisher HE, Pesavento E, Chasteen L, D’Angelo S, Kiss C, Longmire M, Pavlik P, and
Bradbury A.R.M. 2010. A comprehensive analysis of filamentous phage display vectors for
cytoplasmic proteins: an analysis with different fluorescent proteins. Nucleic Acids Res 38: e22.
23. Di Niro, R., Sulic, A-M., Mignone, F., D'Angelo, S., Bordoni, R., Iacono, M., Marzari, R., Gaiotto, T.,
Lavric, M., Bradbury, A.R.M., Biancone, L., Zevin-Sonkin, D., De Bellis, G., Santoro, C., and
Sblattero, D 2010. Rapid interactome profiling by massive sequencing, Nucleic Acids Res. 38, e110.
24. D'Angelo, S., Velappan, N., Mignone, F., Santoro, C., Sblattero, D., Kiss, C. and Bradbury, A.R.M.
(2011) Filtering “genic” open reading frames from genomic DNA samples for advanced annotation,
BMC Genomics 12 Suppl 1:S5.
25. Ferrara F, Listwan P, Waldo GS, Bradbury ARM (2011) Fluorescent Labeling of Antibody Fragments
Using Split GFP. PLoS One 6: e25727.
26. Bradbury, A.R.M., Dübel, S., Sidhu, S.S. & McCafferty, J. 2011. Beyond natural antibodies: the power
of in vitro display technologies. Nat. Biotech. 29, 245-54.
27. Ferrara F, Naranjo LA, Kumar S, Gaiotto T, Mukundan H, Swanson B, Bradbury AR. (2012) Using
phage and yeast display to select hundreds of monoclonal antibodies: application to antigen 85, a
tuberculosis biomarker. PLoS One 11, e49535
D. Research Support
Ongoing Research Support
1. NIH (R01-HG004852-01A1)
Bradbury PI
Species-by-species dissection of microbiomes using phage display and flow sorting
The aim of this proposal is to use phage display to select antibodies that recognize different bacterial
species in the gut microbiome
2. NIH (P50-GM085273)
Oliver (PI), Bradbury co-PI of subaward
New Mexico Center for the spatiotemporal modeling of cell signaling
The aim of this proposal is to model cell signaling, in particular, that of the IgE receptor. My role is to
select specific monomeric antibody fragments that can be used in visualization.
Han (PI), Bradbury co-I
Los Alamos Laboratory Directed Research
Advanced metagenomic analysis to understand dynamics of soil microbial community under
conditions of climate change
The aim of this proposal is to understand the role of soil microbial communities in climate change. My
role is to develop methods to purify unculturable soil microbes using phage display.
4. NIH
Bradbury PI
A high throughput pipeline to select renewable recombinant polyclonal antibodies
The aim of this proposal is to develop a pipeline to select antibodies against all human proteins using a
combination of yeast and phage display.
Martinez (PI), Bradbury co-I
Los Alamos Laboratory Directed Research
Genetically encoded materials: libraries of stimuli-responsive polymers
The aim of this proposal is to develop libraries of genetically encoded polymers and select polymers of
biological interest.
6. NIH (P01-GM98177-01A1)
Terwilliger (PI), Bradbury co-PI of one project
Enhancing crystallization with binding partners, symmetry and diversity
The aim of this proposal is to improve protein crystallization using a number of different methods,
including the use of scFvs that are multimerized and so increase contacts.
Completed Research Support
Bradbury PI
The aim of this proposal was to use HSP60 chaperones to multimerize affinity reagents, so increasing
2. CDC
Bradbury co-PI
Preparation of mass spectroscopy standards and biological quality control materials
The aim of this proposal is to select antibodies against saxitoxin using phage display
Bradbury PI
Gene annotation by high-throughput identification of binding domains
The aim of this proposal is to identify genes encoding protein domains found in the genome of C.
thermocellum that are able to bind cellulose, and to develop advanced gene annotation tools
Bradbury co-PI
Los Alamos Laboratory Directed Research
Polymer libraries
The aim of this proposal is to create polymers based on elastin using phage display. My role is to
create the elastin libraries and overview
5. DOE
Bradbury co-PI
Evolving a thermostable cellulase by internal destabilization and evolution
The aim of this proposal is to evolve a thermostable cellulase derived from T. emersonii
Maciel (PI), Bradbury co-I
Discovery of ligands for identifying warfare agents using novel molecular display technologies
The aim of this proposal is to use molecular display technologies with combinatorial libraries for the
discovery of novel ligands against biological warfare agents. My role is to first create an extremely
stable antibody scaffold, and subsequently to create a phage scFv display library based on this scaffold
Bradbury PI
Fluorobodies for the identification of biological warfare agents and biomarkers
The aim of this proposal is to develop affinity reagents based on fluorescent proteins
Bradbury PI
Los Alamos Laboratory Directed Research
Evolving a thermostable cellulase by internal destabilization and evolution
The aim of this proposal is to evolve a thermostable cellulase derived from T. reesi
Swanson/Korber (PIs) Bradbury co-I
Los Alamos Laboratory Directed Research
Understanding drug resistance and co-infectivity in HIV and TB infections
The aim of this proposal is to select antibodies against TB and HIV proteins with diagnostic or
therapeutic potential using phage display
10. DTRA
Schmidt (PI), Bradbury co-I
Methods to Detect Exposure to CWA in Clinical Samples
The aim of this proposal is to develop affinity reagents to detect exposure to chemical weapons agents.
My role is to select antibodies against protein targets modified by chemical agents