VITA - English - The University of Iowa

Brooks Landon
(January 2014)
Office: English Department
376 EPB
University of Iowa
Iowa City IA, 52242
(319) 335-0454/335-0641
Home: 505 Oakland
Iowa City, IA 52240
(319) 338-8233
(319) 270-9310
FAX: (319) 335-2535
BA, Centre College of Kentucky, 1970
MA, University of Texas at Austin, 1973
PhD, University of Texas at Austin, 1978
Military Service: US Army, 1970-72
2013 University of Iowa Honors program Honors Thesis Advisor Mentor Award
Faculty Speaker, Honors Award Program, May 2013
2011 Awarded Herman J. and Eileen S. Schmidt Endowed Professorship
Faculty Commencement Speaker, Liberal Arts Commencement, December 2010
2010 Appointed University College Miller Teaching Scholar
2003 Collegiate Fellows Award (Reappointed 2008)
2001 Alumnus Election to Phi Beta Kappa, Centre College
2001 International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA) Distinguished
Scholarship Award
1996 Recipient of the M. L. Huit Teaching Award.
Faculty Commencement Speaker, Liberal Arts Commencement, December 1996
Teaching at Iowa:
Appointed Assistant Professor, English Department, 25 Aug 78;
Associate Professor, Spring 1984;
Professor, Spring 1990
Courses taught in Contemporary American Fiction, Literature and Culture of Twentieth Century
America, Modern Fiction, Postmodern Fiction, Hypermedia Fiction and Scholarship, Science
Fiction, Science Fiction Film, Prose Style, Nonfiction Writing, Theory of Teaching Literature,
Electronic Textuality.
Recent Teaching (Number of students in parentheses):
Spring 2014: 8:2 Postmodern Fiction (42), 8N:102 Prose Style (21)
Fall 2013: New Gen Ed Course, 8:6 Technologies and Literatures of the Future (45),
8:136 Topics in Popular Culture: Dead is the New Alive: The Zombie Metaphor
in Literature, Film, and TV (55)
Spring 2013: 8:2 Postmodern Fiction (54), Senior College Course: The Imagination of
Mars—in Science Fiction and in Science (25)
Fall 2012: 8:98 Honors Proseminar: Pillars of Postmodernism (17), 8:136 Topics in
Popular Culture: Dead is the New Alive: The Zombie Metaphor in Popular
Fiction, Film, TV, and Video Games (60); Colloquium: Teaching Literature (24).
Spring 2012: 8:2 Postmodern Fiction (54); 8N:102 Prose Style (18).
Fall 2011: 8:240 Readings in American Fiction: History and Theory of SF (13); 8G:1
Honors (taught as a voluntary overload-11) Interpretation of Literature
Spring 2011: 8:2 Postmodern Fiction (54); 8N:102 Prose Style (22)
Fall 2010: 8G:1 Honors Interpretation of Literature (22)
Spring 2010: 8:2 Postmodern Fiction (32), 8N:102 Prose Style (31)
Fall 2009: 8G:1 Honors Interpretation of Literature (for University Honors Program)
Spring 2009: 8:2 Postmodern Fiction, 8N:102 Prose Style
Fall 2008, 8G:1 Honors Interpretation of Literature (for University Honors Program)
Spring 2008, 8:1 Modern Fiction, 8N:102 Prose Style
Fall 2007, 8G:1 Honors Interpretation of Literature (for University Honors Program)
Spring 2007, 8:98 Honors Proseminar: Ulysses, 8N:102 Prose Style
Fall 2006, 8G:1 Interpretation of Literature
Summer 2005, 8N:102 Prose Style
Spring 2005: 8:1 Modern Fiction (large lecture class)
Fall 2004: 8G:1 General Education Literature
Summer 2004: 8:182 The Science Fiction of Otherhood
Spring 2004: 8:1 Modern Fiction (large lecture class)
Fall 2003: 8G:1 General Education Literature
Summer 2004: 8:182 Feminist Science Fiction
Spring 2003: 8:1 Modern Fiction (large lecture class)
Fall 2002: 8:1 Modern Fiction (large lecture class)
Summer 2002: 8:182 Contemporary Science Fiction/SF on the Web
Spring 2002: 8N102 Prose Style
Fall 2001: 8:1 Modern Fiction (large lecture class)
Summer 2001: 8:182 Contemporary Science Fiction/SF on the Web
Recent Dissertations directed: 11
Dissertation Defended in 2013: Wanda Raiford
Directed Dissertations in Progress: Rob Albanese,
Elizabeth Lundberg, Cassandra Bausman, Robert Gillespie
Dissertations defended in 2010: Joshua Raulerson, Douglas Dowland
Recent Honors Theses directed: 15
Honors Theses in Progress: Jessica Nelson, Hannah Theisen
Total MA with Emphasis in Expository Writing Theses Directed: 12
MFA in Nonfiction Writing Theses Directed: 1
Total PhD Dissertations Directed: 14
While I remain an active director of PhD dissertations my primary classroom commitment is to
undergraduate education. The most significant aspect of this commitment is my continuing
service as Director of the General Education Literature Program. All of my courses are designed
for and open to undergraduates, particularly including my focus on hypertext/multimedia/internet
in new courses.
Departmental Service:
Chair, Stephen Voyce Third Year/Contract Renewal Review
Associate Director, Nonfiction Writing Program
Chair, Loren Glass Promotion Review
Director, Gen Ed Lit (Fall 2006-2013)
Member CLAS Committee to Review the Gen Ed Lit Program, Fall 2012
Member American Search Committee (Shadowing in Fall 2008/replacement Spring 2009)
Member, Outcomes Assessment Committee (2007)
Program Administrator, AAWS, 2004-06
General Education Literature Faculty Mentor (one of six)
Chair, 1999-2005
Director, Undergraduate Writing Program, 1998-1999
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, 1997-98
Assistant Director, Undergraduate Studies, 1996-97
English Department Webmaster, 1995-98
Member, Contemporary British Search Committee, 1995
Chair, Computer Committe/Coordinator EPB ITC 1994-98
Chair, Contemporary Search Committee, 1994
Chair, Honors Committee, 1991-94
Director, Undergraduate Program, 1985-90
Executive Committee, 1983-86, 1988-89, Spring 1992Director, MA/W Program 1980-1985
University Service:
Humanities Iowa Presentation and Workshop on Building Great Sentences. Washington, Iowa
Public Library. October 1, 2013.
Humanities Iowa Invited Talks on Science Fiction, Pella City Library, July 2006, Kirkwood
Community College, November 2006, Council Bluffs Public Library and St. Albert High School.
Invited Panelist: October 22. University Capitol Center: Room 1117. Panel Discussion on Open
Access and Scholarly Publishing. Russell Ganim, Director of the Division of World Languages,
Literatures & Cultures will moderate the conversation between Professor Ramsay, James McCoy
(Director, University of Iowa Press), Professor Colin Gordon (History), Professor Brooks
Landon (English), and Assistant Professor Stephen Voyce (English).
Member, University of Iowa Press Editorial Board, Fall 2012-Member, Ad Hoc Promotion to Professor Committee for Kembrew McCloud, Fall 2012
Chair, Ad Hoc Promotion to Professor Committee for Carol Severino, Rhetoric, Fall 2011
Member, Ad Hoc Promotion to Professor Committee for Kembrew McCloud, Comm
Studies (Candidate Withdrew application) Fall, 2011
University College Faculty Member, 2010-CLAS General Education Advisory Committee (GEAC) 2007-2008
Executive Committee: UI Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institute,
Fall 2006-African American World Studies Advisory Council (ex officio)
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Humanities and Social Science Building
Committee, 2004
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Review Committee, 2002-2003
Provost’s Humanities Initiative Committee, 2002
College of Liberal Arts Task Force on Writing/Communication Resources, 2001
College of Liberal Arts Task Force on Implications of Learning Technologies, 1998
Undergraduate Honors Award Program Speaker, May 1997
Faculty Commencement Speaker, Liberal Arts Commencement, December 1996
University of Iowa Faculty Representative to CIC ITTL (Web Learning Tools)
Conference, Spring 1997
Planning Committee for the Iowa Symposium on Learning Technologies (Learning
Opportunities in a Digital Age), 1996-97
Board Member, Iowa Center for the Book, 1995Electronic Literacy Initiative Committee, College of Liberal Arts, 1995University of Iowa Faculty Representative to CIC Conference on Learning
Technologies, Spring 1995
Panelist, Center for Recent United States History multi-media seminar, Information
Arcade, 24 February 1995
Student Computer Fee Advisory Committee, 1993-96
Review Committee for the Writers' Workshop, 1993
Search Committee for the Director of Information Technology, 1992
Search Committee for the Director of the Information Arcade ,1992
IILC (Information Arcade) Advisory Committee, 1991-95
University Task Force on Parenting, 1989-90
Professional Service:
External Reviewer, Promotion to Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Nov
External Reviewer, Promotion to Associate Professor Review, Rochester Institute of
Technology, August 2013
External Reviewer, Promotion to Professor, School of Literature, Communication, and Culture,
Georgia Tech, August 2011
External Reviewer, Gary Snyder Endowed Chair in Science and the Humanities, UC Davis, Dec
External Reviewer for Chanceller’s Research Chair, Brock University, Canada. January, 2011
External Reviewer for Promotion to Professor, English Dept Texas Christian University,
Fall 2010
Manuscript Reader for Routledge: Across the Screens: Science Fiction Television and
Film. J. P. Telotte and Gerald Duchovnay, April 2010.
Manuscript Reader for Wesleyan UP: The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction. Istvan
Csicsery-Ronay. 2007.
NAEP/ACT Reading Test Alignment Panelist, July 2009
Member, R.D. Mullen Research Fellowship committee, Science Fiction Studies/Eaton Science
Fiction and Fantasy Collection, University of California, Irvine, 2008, 2009, 2010
Promotion to Associate Professor Review, English Department, University of California, Davis
University, Summer 2008
Promotion to Professor Review, English Department, University of Florida, Fall 2007
Promotion to Associate Professor Review, English Department, West Virginia
University, Fall 2006
Award of University Professor Review, DePauw University, Fall 2006
Promotion to Professor Review, English Department, University of Indiana, 2004
Promotion to Associate Professor Review, LaTrobe University, Australia, 2004
Promotion to Associate Professor Review, English Department, University of Indiana,
Review of D. L. Toole Chaired Professor, Univ of South Carolina at Aiken, 2001
Promotion to full professor evaluation for English Department, University of Oregon,
Promotion to Associate Professor Review for English Department, Villanova University,
Judge (one of five) for the 1997 Philip K. Dick Award--a national award for the best
original paperback work of science fiction
Manuscript reader for Palgrave Press, PMLA, Cambridge University Press, Indiana
University Press, University of North Carolina Press, Wesleyan UP, Popular
Press, SUNY Press, Kent State University Press, and University of Iowa Press
Promotion to full professor evaluations conducted for English Departments at
Rensselaer Polytechnic, Georgia Tech, and the University of Idaho. Tenure
evaluations for DePauw and Vassar.
Committee Member, Pioneer Award Selection Committee, Science Fiction Research
Association, 1991- , Chair, 1994-95 (Annual award for best scholarly article on science
fiction during the year; Committee has three members appointed by SFRA)
Guest Co-Editor, American Book Review ; Special Double Issue on "Tech-Lit," April/May
1992 & June/July 1992
Editorial Consultant, Science Fiction Studies
Member, Editorial Board, Science Fiction and Film (Liverpool University Press), Journal of
the Fantastic in the Arts; Guest Editor, JFA Special Issue on SF Film, Summer
Professional Development/Leadership:
Participant, Learning Portfolios Workshop, January 2007
Participant, I School Outcomes Assessment Workshop, August 2006
Host, ADE Summer Seminar Midwest, Held at the University of Iowa, June 2004
Co-chair, New DEO Workshop, ADE Summer Seminar, June 2003
Participant, MLA Meeting for Chairs of Large Phd Granting English Departments, December
Participant and Session Chair, Association of Departments of English Summer Seminar, June
Participant and Session Co-Chair, Association of Departments of English Summer Seminar, July
Participant, University of Iowa Summer Administrative Institute, 2000
Participant, MLA Meeting for Chairs of Large Phd Granting English Departments, December
Participant, Association of Departments of English Summer Seminar, 1999
Campus Publications and Presentations:
“It’s Not Your Father’s English Department Anymore.” Presentation to the Dean’s Advisory
Council, September 9, 2005.
“First Contact,” Arts & Sciences, Fall 2003
Webmaster 1994-1998 English Department WWW Home Page
Handbook for the Iowa English Major. June 1989.
A Viewer's Guide for Watch the Sky: The American Science Fiction Movie. A 100
page booklet. Univ. of Iowa, 1983. Continuing Education,
Appointed Herman J. and Eileen S. Schmidt Professor, 2011
Appointed University College Miller Teaching Scholar, Spring 2010.
1997/98 Coordinator (along with Tim Barrett) and Teacher of the English
Department/Centre for the Book U of I Libraries Electronic Text Seminar, a seminar built around
campus visits and presentations by four nationally prominent experts in electronic textuality-Stuart Moulthrop, Nancy Kaplan, Michael Joyce, and Jay David Bolter.
I was one of several teachers who provided units for the Spring 98 LSA course on
cloning: 033:153 Hard Cases: Science, Policy, and Values. I presented the way cloning has
been constructed in science fiction. Course repeated in Fall 1998.
1996 Recipient of the M. L. Huit Teaching Award. This is an award for contributions to
student life at the University of Iowa and is made by the student members of Omicron Delta
1994 Council on Teaching Grant ($3900) for establishing multimedia stations for selfpaced tutorial work for 8:106 Literature and Culture of 20th C America in the EPB ITC
1994 Weeg Equipment Grant (Macintosh AV Computer with 24 M of RAM for
"Hypertext on Wheels" proposal for making EPB 107 a mobile computer classroom.
Multimedia/Electronic Publication
Building Great Sentences: Exploring the Writer’s Craft. A 24 lecture series on DVD and CD for
The Teaching Company. Released Summer, 2008. Nationally advertised in NY Times, New
Yorker, Harper’s, Atlantic Monthly, The Week, The Economist, etc. Six minute preview online at
Citation in Interactions Magazine:
Building Great Sentences: How to Write the Sentences You Love to Read. Viking/Plume (2013)
Reviewed In Washington Post:
One hour Interview about Building Great Sentences, NPR Station KERA, Kris Boyd’s “Think”
radio program, Dallas, TX, July 18, 2013.
Podcast at:
Understanding Thomas Berger. University of South Carolina Press, Understanding
Contemporary American Literature Series, Matthew J. Bruccoli, ed. (May 2010).
Science Fiction After 1900: From The Steam Man to the Stars. Routledge Paperback , Spring
Science Fiction After 1900: From The Steam Man to the Stars. February 1997. Twayne Genre
Series. (Selected by Locus Magazine as one of its Non-Fiction Recommended Readings for
The Aesthetics of Ambivalence: Rethinking Science Fiction Film in the Age of Electronic
(Re)Production. October 1992. Greenwood Press.
Thomas Berger. June 1989. Twayne United States Authors Series.
Continuing Book Project: “Here Comes Trouble: The Cultural Functions of First Contact
Narratives.” A study of narratives about first contact with new peoples and/or species, whether
in conventional science fiction, discovery/exploration narratives, and the reciprocal relationship
between these narratives and “scientific” rhetoric of first contact used by NASA, SETI, etc.
Grants and Grant Participation
Co-PI Iowa Social Science Research Center and Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Institute
NSF 1.4 million dollar Grant Proposal: Social Implications of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology, Fall 2006, Kevin Leicht PI
Participant, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institute IGERT Grant Proposal, Fall 2006, Vicki
Grassian, PI
Participant (representing Gen Ed Lit Program) Exploring Human Rights Across the Humanities
(EHRAH) Curriculum Grant Proposal, University of Iowa Center for Human Rights (UICHR),
Fall 2006
Invited speaker and science fiction consultant, University of South Carolina Imaging and
Imagining Nanoscience and Engineering Conference, March 3-7, 2004. This conference is one
of an ongoing series of events at South Carolina focusing on the implications of nanotechnology
and is funded by a major NSF grant.
Introducer and panel moderator, “Voices from the Prairie: Celebrating Writers As Visual
Artists--Max Allan Collins and Paul Conrad.” September 19, 2003. University of Iowa.
Humanities Iowa 4th Annual Iowa Writers’ Celebration
Co-Writer, Lecturer, and Discussion Leader. "Journey to the Future: A Science Fictional
World." A Cedar Rapids Public Library Reading and Discussion Series supported by a
Humanities Iowa grant. Six public lectures and discussions: Feb 11, 2002; Feb 25, 2002;
March 11, 2002; March 25, 2002; April 8, 2002; April 22, 2002
Participant in Center for the Book NEH Grant 1998-99.
Along with Professor Lauren Rabinovitz I have received an Obermann Center for Advanced
Studies Interdisciplinary Research Grant for Summer 1998. Our project, "Text and Time
Machine: The World's Columbian Exposition," will use the World Wide Web and CD-ROMs to
construct an interactive multimedia essay arguing the cultural centrality of the 1893 Columbian
Primary Consultant for the Kirkwood Community College English Department NEH Seminar on
Fiction and Technology, Summer 1997. I helped draft the Kirkwood Proposal and was
responsible for leading two of the four weeks of sessions.
Television Series
"Watch the Sky: The American Science Fiction Movie." This was a 13 week series on
science fiction film shown produced and broadcast in Fall 1983 by Iowa Public
Television (and subsequently rebroadcast three times). I researched, wrote, hosted, and coproduced this series.
Book Introductions
"Introduction," Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
edition of William Gibson's Neuromancer. Norwalk: Easton, 1990, iii-xi.
"Introduction," Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition of Thomas Berger's Little Big Man, Dell,
September 1989, xi-xviii. Dell editor Bob Miller commissioned this introduction at the
suggestion of Thomas Berger.
Book Chapters
“’For the Snark was a Boojum, you see’: Constructions of Extrapolation and Speculation in
Science Fiction,” Oxford Guide to Science Fiction, ed. Rob Latham (in press)
“Science Fiction Tourism,” Routledge Companion to Science Fiction, eds. Mark Bould and
Sheryl Vint. (January 2009)
“Computers in Science Fiction,” Reading Science Fiction, eds. James Gunn and Marleen Barr.
Palgrave, October 2008, 85-95.
A translation of my "Diegetic or digital? the convergence of science fiction literature and
science fiction film in hypermedia, Alien Zone II: The Spaces of Science Fiction Cinema (the
sequel to Alien Zone: Cultural Theory and Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema), Verso,
1990) ed. Annette Kuhn, Verso, 1999 was published in a Russian anthology Theory of Science
Fiction Film, edited by Natalia Samutina (New Literary Observer Publishing House, 2007). My
chapter is found on pages between 257 and 273 and I cannot even cite my name and the title as
they appear in cyrilic.
"Less is More: Much Less is Much More: The Insistent Allure of Nanotechnology Narratives in
Science Fiction Literature," in Nanoculture: Implications of the New Technoscience, ed. N.
Katherine Hayles. Intellect Books, 2004, pp. 131-146.
"Bodies in Cyberspace," in Fantastic Odysseys: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Conference
on the Fantastic in the Arts, ed. Mary Pharr, Greenwood Press/Praeger, 2003 (This is another
published form of my 2002 IAFA Distinguished Scholar address.)
"Synthespians, Virtual Humans, and Hypermedia-Emerging Contours of Post-SF-Film," in
Edging into the Future: Science Fiction and Contemporary Cultural Transformation, eds.
Veronica Hollinger and Joan Gordon. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002.
"Diegetic or digital? the convergence of science fiction literature and science fiction film in
hypermedia, Alien Zone II: The Spaces of Science Fiction Cinema (the sequel to Alien Zone:
Cultural Theory and Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema), Verso, 1990) ed. Annette Kuhn,
Verso, 1999.
"Ain't No Fiber in Cyberspace: A Metonymic Menu for a Paratactic Potpouri," Food of the
Gods: Food in Science Fiction and Fantasy, George Slusser and Gary Westfahl eds. Univ of
Georgia Press, 1996.
"The Literature of Information," In Memoriam to Postmodernism: Essays on the Avant-Pop.
eds. Lance Olsen and Mark Amerika. San Diego: San Diego State U Press, 1995. (available at This essay previously appeared in Surfing Tomorrow: Essays
on the Future of American Fiction, Lance Olsen, ed. Potpourri Press, 1995
"Solos, Solitons, Info, and Invasion in Science Fiction Film," Fights of Fancy: Armed
Conflict in Science Fiction and Fantasy, George Slusser and Eric S. Rabkin, eds. University
of Georgia Press, 1993. 194-208.
"Not What It Used To Be: The Overloading of Memory in Digital Narrative," Fiction
2000: Cyberpunk and the Future of Narrative. George Slusser and Tom Shippey, eds. Univ
of Georgia Press, 1992. 153-167.
"Styles of Invisibility: Sustaining the Transparent in Prose Semblances," Styles of Creation:
Aesthetic Technique and the Creation of Fictional Worlds, George Slusser and Eric S. Rabkin
eds. University of Georgia Press, 1992. 245-257.
"'There's Some of Me in You': Blade Runner and the Adaptation of Science Fiction
Literature into Film," Retrofitting Blade Runner: Issues in Riddley Scott's Blade Runner
and Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. ed. Judith B. Kerman.
Popular Press, 1991, 90-102.
""Thomas Berger's Arthur Rex," Arthur Through the Ages, ed. Valerie Lagorio. Garland,
1990, 240-254.
"The Insistence of Fantasy in Science Fiction Film," The Shape of the Fantastic, ed.
Olena H. Saciuk. Greenwood Press, 1989, 249-256.
"Science Fiction in the Movies," Handbook for Science Fiction Teachers, ed. Marshall B.
Tymn, Starmont House, 1988, 65-95.
Science Fiction Film." The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, ed. James Gum, Viking,
1988, 165-172. "Music and Music Video." The New Encvclopedia of Science Fiction, 323326.
"Eve at the End of the World: Formula Inversions in the Novels of Angela Carter,
Joanna Russ, and Thomas Berger," in Erotic Universe: Sex and Sexuality in Fantasy
Literature, ed. Donald Palumbo, Greenwood Press 1986, 61-74.
“That Light at the End of the Tunnel: The Plurality of Singularity.” Science Fiction Studies.
March 2012, 2-14. (March, 2011 Science Fiction Studies Symposium) Delivered as one of three
keynote papers, February 10, 2011 at UC, Riverside.
“Slipstream Then, Slipstream Now: The Curious Connections between William Douglas
O’Connor’s ‘The Brazen Android’ and Michael Cunningham’s Specimen Days.” Science
Fiction Studies. Special Issue on Slipstream, #113 Volume 38, Part 1 March 2011, 67-91.
(Major Reference Work Entry) “Thomas Berger,” Critical survey of Long Fiction, Fourth
Edition. Ed. Carl Rollyson. Salem Press, 2010, 444-456.
"Bodies in Cyberspace," Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, 12:2 (Fall 2001), 201-212.
"Not Your Father's Olds: Subverting the Semblance in the Age of Avant-Pop," Paradoxa:
Studies in World Literary Genres (Special Issue on the future of narrative, ed. Lance
Olsen, Spring 1999). This is a print journal, but its web site is worth a visit at
"Rethinking Science Fiction Film in the Age of Electronic
(Re)Production: On a Clear Day You Can See the Horizon of Invisibility," Post
Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities, Fall 1990, 60-71.
"The Measure of Little Big Man," Studies in American Fiction, Winter 1989, 131-145.
"Bet on It: Cyberfilm/video/punk," Mississippi Review, Summer 1988, 245-251.
(Reprinted Mondo 2000, Fall 1989, 142-145; Reprinted Storming the Reality Studio.
Larry McCaffery, ed. Duke Univ Press, 1992, 239-244.
"Sliming Technology: The Achievement of H. R. Giger," Cinefantastique, May 1988.
"MAX HEADROOM," Cinefantastique, December 1987, 29, 58.
"Future So Bright They Gotta Wear Shades: Cyberpunk Film,"
Cinefantastique, December 1987, 27-31.
"The Whole Kit and Caboodle: Language as Irony in Thomas Berger's Sneaky People
and Neighbors." Studies in American Humor, October 1983, 61-71.
"Gertrude Stein," Critical Survey of Long Fiction , ed. Frank Magiil, Salem,
1983, 2505-2517.
"Thomas Berger," Critical Survey of Long Fiction, 247-261.
"Evan S. Connell," Critical Survey of Long Fiction, 573-583.
"Language and the Subversion of Good Order in Thomas Berger's Regiment of Women,"
Philological Quarterly, Winter 1983, 21-30.
"'Not Solve It But Be In It': Gertrude Stein's Detective Stories and the Mystery of
Creativity," American Literature, Nov 81, 487-498.
"Thomas Berger," Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook: 1980, 12-17. Other DLB
Yearbook 1980 & 1981 entries include: "Larry McMurtry," "Richard Yates,"
"Herbert Gold," "Evan S. Connell," and "Richard Price."
"The Radical Americanist," Nation, 20 Aug 77, 151-153. (On the novels of Thomas
Invited Presentations
Invited Speaker. Science Fiction and Technology Symposium. “Teaching Science Fiction,” UC
Riverside. 18 May 2012.
Invited Speaker. 2011 Sinclair Lewis Literary Conference, Sauk City, Minnesota, October 8,
2011. One of four speakers, including MacArthur Fellowship Winning writer Patricia Hample.
Information at:
Invited Speaker. “That Light at the End of the Tunnel: The Plurality of Singularity.” Science
Fiction Studies Symposium, UC Riverside, February 10, 2011
Invited Speaker. “Building Great Sentences.” English and Creative Writing Department. Colby
College, March 2011
Invited Contributor Roundtable Discussion on Proto/Early Science Fiction. Science Fiction
Studies, Vol 36, Part 2. July 2009, 193-204.
Invited Panelist for Eaton Conference on Science Fiction and Fantasy, “Extraordinary Voyages:
Jules Verne and Beyond,” UC Riverside, April 30-May 3, 2009. Multimedia Presentation:
“Anticipating the Airship in Early/Proto- Science Fiction”
“Minding the Gap: Map/Territory Distinctions in the Discourse of Nanotech.” One of four
invited and featured lectures at the Literature and Nanotechnology Conference, University of
Massachusetts, Lowell, December 7-8, 2007.
"Less is More: Much Less is Much More: The Insistent Allure of
Nanotechnology Narratives in Science Fiction Literature" Invited Public lecture at the Pella
Public Library in connection with Humanities Iowa. July 2006.
“The Fifth Story of Ulysses.” Invited audition lecture for The Teaching Company, Chantilly,
VA, October 8, 2005.
Invited Speaker. “Inventing the 21st Century: Many Worlds, Many Histories.” 21st Annual
Eaton Conference, The Science Fiction Museum, Seattle Washington, May 5-7 2005
Invited Speaker. 2004 MLA Special Session on "Evaluating Teaching and Scholarship in New
Media." My paper was titled "Learning Tech from Hype to Ho Hum: One Department's Digital
Dreams, Deceptions, and Occasional Disappointments." I was invited by session organizer
University of Nebraska Professor Kenneth Price to join UCLA Professor Kate Hayles and UVA
Press administrator David Sewell on this panel.
Invited speaker. “Self-Organizing Systems: rEvolutionary Art, Science, and Literature”
Conference, April 30, 2004, EDA, Kinross Building, UCLA, Organized by Nicholas Gessler and
Katherine Hayles
International and Interdisciplinary Conference at the University of South Carolina, Columbia,
SC, March 3-7, 2004
"Less is More: Much Less is Much More: The Insistent Allure of Nanotechnology Narratives in
Science Fiction Literature," Invited Guest Speaker, Nanotech@UI, University of Iowa
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium on November 12th, 2003 sponsored by the OSTC
and co-sponsored by the CLAS, COE and VPR Office.
Invited Guest Scholar Lecture for International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, Ft.
Lauderdale, Florida, March 2001. Recent ICFA Guest Scholars include Kate Hayles, UCLA
English Department, Eric Rabkin, University of Michigan English Department, and Nina
Auerbach, University of Pennsylvania English Department
Invited Presenter (Along with Padmini Srinivasan), "Aspects of Full Text and SGML Session,"
University of Iowa Libraries Symposium on Building Digital Collections, December 11-12,
Invited Panelist for Eaton Conference on Science Fiction and Fantasy, UC Riverside, April 1214, 1996.
Invited Panelist for New Langton Arts Conference on Cyber-Narrative, New Langton Arts
Center, San Francisco, November 4-5, 1992
Invited speaker, 1991 Eaton Conference, "Food of the Gods." April 19-21.
Invited University Seminar speaker, along with Kate Hayles
and David Porush (RPI), seminar on postmodernism at DePauw University, April 5-7,
Invited speaker, Fiction 2000 Conference, University of Leeds, June 28-July 1, 1989
Invited Paper, "Solos, Solitons, Info, and Invasion in Science Fiction Film," Eaton
Conference on Science Fiction and Fantasy, UC Riverside, April 15-17, 1988.
Invited speaker, 1988 Award Conference at the University of Kansas. The conference
topic was "Science Fiction as Art: After Cyberpunk."
Invited speaker, 1985 Campbell Award Conference at the Univ. of Kansas. The conference
topic was: "Science Fiction Film: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly."
"Watch the Sky," 30 minute IPTV videotape shown as part of
main program, Science Fiction Research Association 1984 Convention.
Review Essays
“Reading the Red Planet: Crossley’s Imagining Mars and Hendrix/Slusser/Rabkin’sVisions of
Mars.” Science Fiction Studies. #117 = Volume 39, Part 2 (July 2012), 313-326
What I Didn’t See and Other Stories. Karen Joy Fowler. Easthampton, MA. Small Beer Press.
For Online Magazine: LA Review of Books. 29 August 2011
“A Cultural History of a Hybrid Genre.” Review of Science Fiction, by Roger Luckhurst (Polity
Press, 2005). Science Fiction Studies 98( March 2006), 161-173.
“A Secret Too Good to Keep” (Review Essay of Thomas Berger’s Best Friends. Simon &
Schuster, 2003 and an overview of his career) in Book World, The World & I: The Magazine for
Lifelong Learners, October 2003. 203-213.
Review of Parrinder, Patrick, ed. Learning from Other Worlds: Estrangement, Cognition, and
the Politics of Science Fiction and Utopia. Durham: Duke University Press, 2001. In Journal of
the Fantastic in the Arts, spring 2003.
“Two Primo Takes on Pomo's Pathological and Technological Sublimes” (Review of Mark
Dery’s The Pyrotechnic Insanitarium: American Culture on the Brink. Grove Press (212 6147850), 1999 and of David E. Nye’s Narratives and Spaces: Technology and the Construction of
American Culture. Columbia UP (800 944 8648), 1997. Science-Fiction Studies, 28(July 2000).
"Dazzle and Disappointment in the BFI Modern Classics" (Review of Sean French's The
Terminator, Anne Bilson's The Thing, and Scott Bukatman's Blade Runner in the British Film
Institute's Modern Classic series). Science-Fiction Studies, 25(July 1998), 361-370.
"Flickers in the Darkness: Sarah Canary and Searoad: Chronicles of Klatsand," American
Book Review, April/May 1992, 10-11.
Slam. Lewis Shiner. Iowa Review, Fall 1990, 155-161.
Romantic Fantasy and Science Fiction. Karl Kroeber. Comparative Literature Studies, Fall
"Genres in Collision: Phillip Glass's 1000 Airplanes on the Roof and Science Fiction
Music Theater," New York Review of Science Fiction, December 1988
"Moralist in Mirrorshades: Bruce Sterling's Islands in the Net, New York Review of
Science Fiction, September 1989
"On Evan Connell," (Review of Mrs. Bridge, Mr. Bridge, and Saint Augustine's Pigeon)
in Iowa Review, Winter 1982, 148-154.
The Pursuit of Crime by Dennis Porter and The Literature of Terror by David Punter.
Philological Quarterly, Summer 1982.
Film and Book Reviews
Mock Up on MU (DVD). Craig Baldwin. Jounal of Science Fiction Film and Television.
4:2(Autumn 2011): 151-153.
Five Strands of Fictionality: The Institutional Construction of Contemporary American Fiction.
Daniel Punday. Modern Fiction Studies 57:4(Winter 2011): 779-782.
Science Fiction Cinema. Christine Cornea. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television
31:1(March 2011):144-147.
Matters of Gravity. Scott Bukatman. Science Fiction Studies 93 (July 2004).
Zeitgeist: A Novel of Metamorphosis. Bruce Sterling. Artbyte Online Magazine (November
Tracking King Kong: A Hollywood Icon in World Culture. Cynthia Erb. Science-Fiction
Studies (Spring 1999)
Wax or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees. (film) David Blair. American Book Review
Fall 1994.
Feminist Fabulation. Marleen Barr. American Book Review. Fall 1993.
In Memoriam to Identity. Kathy Acker. American Book Review October/November 1990,
p. 7.
Predator 2 (film) Cinefantastique, June 1991
Hardware (film) Cinefantastique, April 1991
Aurora Encounter (film). In Cinefantastique, July 1986.
Lifeforce (film). In Cinefantastique, November/December 1985.
The Totem. David Morrell. In Fantasy Newsletter, Sept 82. "David Morrell's The Totem:
The Link is Control." Reprinted in Shadowings: The Reader's Guide to Horror Fiction
1981-82." Edited by Douglas E. Winter.
Exact Resemblance to Exact Resemblance: The Literary Portraiture of Gertrude Stein.
Wendy Steiner. In Philological Quarterly, Winter 1980.
David Blair, WAX, Hypertext, and the Internet," 30 minute live interview/discussion
on "Late Night," Australian Public Radio, 5 June 1994
"David Blair," an interview conducted in November 1992 along with Larry McCaffery
and Scott Bukatman. (In press in McCaffery's untitled next collection of
"Bruce Sterling," an interview conducted in June 1988 along with Larry McCaffery.
Across the Wounded Galaxies: Interviews with Contemporary American
Science Fiction Writers. Urbana: Illinois, 1990, 211-232.
Conference Participation and Papers Delivered
(please ask if you need information on papers delivered before 2001)
Attendee, Harry Ransom Center Flair Symposium: Visions of the Future, The Tenth Biennial
Flair Symposium, University of Texas at Austin, Nov 1-Nov 3, 2012.
New Chair Workshop participant, ADE Summer Seminar Midwest, June 2004 and ADE East
June 2004. Session Organizer: Teaching Nonfiction Writing, ADE Summer Seminar Midwest,
June 2004.
Panelist and Session Leader, Communicating Science and Technology Conference, University
of Iowa, Jan 17, 2003
"Technological Contours of Electronic Science Fiction," paper delivered at Science Fiction
Special Session, 2001 MLA, Dec 30, 2001.
Co-leader, Theory and Science Fiction Plenary Session, International Conference on the
Fantastic in the Arts, March 2001
Editorial consulting for American College Testing 1980Consulting/Expert Witness for Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, 1998 (Movie
Intellectual Property case that did not go to trial)
Consulting/Expert Witness for Loeb & Loeb, 2004 (Movie Intellectual Property Case that did not
go to trial)