Associate Professor Diann S Eley Publication & Research Record

Associate Professor Diann S Eley
Publication & Research Record
1. Walters L, Laurence CO, Dollard J, Elliott T, Eley DS. Exploring resilience in rural GP registrars –
implications for training. BMC Medical Education Accepted June 2015
2. Florian EM Herrmann, Markus Lenski, Julius Steffen, Magdalena Kailuweit, Marc Nikolaus,
Rajasekaran Koteeswaran, Andreas Sailer, Anna Hanszke, Maximilian Wintergerst, Sissi Dittmer, Doris
Mayr, Orsolya Genzel-Boroviczény, Diann S Eley and Martin R Fischer. A survey study on student
preferences regarding pathology teaching in Germany: a call for curricular modernization. BMC
Medical Education Accepted 22 May 2015
3. Eley DS, McAllister L, Chipchase L, Strong J, Allen S, Davidson B. Readiness for interprofessional
education in an intercultural context. Health professions as distinct cultures in interprofessional,
intercultural clinical placements. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social
Care. Accepted 13 April 2015
4. Eley DS, Wilkinson D. Building a teaching-research nexus in a research intensive university:
Rejuvenating the recruitment and training of the clinician scientist. Medical Teacher 2015, 37: 174-180.
5. Eley DS, Stallman H. Where does medical education stand in nurturing the 3 Rs in medical students:
responsibility, resilience and resolve? Letter to Editor Response Medical Teacher Accepted 3 Feb 2015
6. Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S, Eley DS, Ranmuthugala G, Chater AB, Toombs M, Darshan D,
Nicholson GC. Rural background and rural undergraduate clinical training are independent predictors
of rural medical practice that interact positively to enhance the rural medical workforce: Evidence
that Australia’s national strategy is effective. MJA 2015; 202 (1): 41-46.
7. Casey M, Eley DS. Diversity and consistency: a case study of regionalised clinical
placements for medical students. Australian Health Review 2015, 39; 95-100.
8. Stuetz A, Green W, McAllister L, Eley DS. Preparing Medical Graduates for an
Interconnected World: Current Practices and Future Possibilities for Internationalising the
Medical Curriculum. Journal of Studies in International Education 2015; Vol 19 (1): 28-45 DOI:
9. Eley DS, Brook KB, Zink TM, Cloninger CR. Personality profiles of rural longitudinal
integrated clerkship students who choose Family Medicine. Family Medicine 2015;47(3):194203.
10. Ball L, Eley DS, Desbrow B, Lee P, Fergusson M. A cross-sectional exploration of the
personality traits of dieticians. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2014, doi:
11. Eley DS, Stallman H. Where does medical education stand in nurturing the 3 Rs in medical
students: responsibility, resilience and resolve? Medical Teacher 2014; 36:835-837.
12. Casey M, Eley DS. Removing the interview for medical school selection is associated with
gender bias among enrolled students. Response to letter: Med J Aust 2014; 201(3):143-144.
13. Casey M, Wilkinson D, Fitzgerald J, Eley D, Connor J. Clinical communication skills learning
outcomes among first year medical students are consistent irrespective of participation in an
interview for admission to medical school. Medical Teacher 2014, 36: 640–642. DOI:
14. Iles, Richard A., Eley, Diann S., Hegney, Desley G., Patterson, Elizabeth, Young, Jacqui, Del
Mar, Christopher, Synnott, Robyn, and Scuffham, Paul A. (2014). Revenue effects of practice
nurse-led care for chronic diseases. Aust. Health Review 38, 363–369.
15. Eley DS, Brooks KB, Zink TM, Cloninger CR. Toward a global understanding of students who
participate in rural primary care longitudinal integrated clerkships: considering personality
across two continents. The Journal of Rural Health 2014, 30(2);164-174 doi:
16. Wilkinson D, Casey M, Eley DS. Removing the interview for medical school selection leads to
gender bias among enrolled students. Med J Aust 2014; 200 (2): 96-99.
17. Brooks K, Eley DS, Zink T. Profiles of rural longitudinal integrated clerkship students: A
descriptive study of six consecutive student cohorts. Medical Teacher 2014, 36: 148-154.
DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2013.849799
18. Eley V, Donovan K, Walters E, Brijball R, Eley DS. The antenatal anaesthetic interview assists
maternal decision-making but does not increase anxiety level or risk perception in pregnant
women who are obese. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 2014; 23, 118–124.
19. Strong J, Chipchase L, Allen S, Eley DS, McAllister L, & Davidson B. Learning from an
interprofessional, international fieldwork placement. International Journal of Practice-based
Learning in Health and Social Care 2014; 2(July) doi:10.11120/pblh.2014.00032
20. Eley DS, Cloninger CR, Walters L, Laurence C, Synnott R, Wilkinson D. The relationship
between resilience and personality traits in doctors: implications for enhancing well being.
PeerJ 2013, 1:e216; DOI 10.7717/peerj.216; copy available here:
21. Eley DS, Wilkinson D, Cloninger CR. Physician understand thyself, and develop your
resilience. BMJ, 18 Apr 2013. ISSN 1752-8526.
22. Brooks K, Eley DS, Pratt R, Zink T. Reply to Watts and Parker: Management of Professional
Boundaries in Rural Practice. Academic Medicine 2013, 88(5); 558-559.
23. Wilson I, Griffin B, Lampe L, Eley DS, Corrigan G, Kelly B, Stagg P. Variation in personality
traits of medical students between schools of medicine. Medical Teacher 2013, 35; 944-948.
24. Campbell N, McAllister L., Eley DS. Investigating personality and conceptualising allied health
as person or technique oriented. Australian Health Review 2013;
doi: 10.1071/AH13109, Published online 6 December 2013
25. Wilkinson D, Schafer J, Hewett D, Eley DS, Swanson D. Global benchmarking of Australian
medical student learning outcomes: Implementation and pilot results of the International
Foundations of Medicine Clinical Sciences Exam at The University of Queensland. Medical
Teacher 2014, 36; 1: 62-67. DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2013.
26. Jones M, Eley D, Lampe L, Coulston C, Malhi G, Wilson I, Kelly B, Talley N, Owen C,
Corrigan G, Griffin B, Humphreys J, Alba B, Stagg P. The role of personality in medical
students’ initial intention to become rural doctors. The Australian Journal of Rural Health
2013; 21(2):80-89.
27. Campbell N, Eley DS, McAllister L. What does personality tell us about working in the bush?
Temperament and character traits of Australian remote allied health professionals. The
Australian Journal of Rural Health 2013, 21, 240–248.
28. Graham S, Eley DS, Cameron I, Thistlethwaite J. Inclusion of rehabilitation medicine
concepts in school of medicine resources. Disability and Rehabilitation 2013 Early online 1-7.
29. Hegney DG, Patterson E, Eley DS, Young J, Mohamed R, The feasibility, acceptability and
sustainability of nurse-led chronic disease management in Australian general practice: the
perspectives of key stakeholders. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2013, 19; 1:54-59.
30. Hawthorne L, To A, Eley DS. The early migration and career trajectories of international
medical students qualified in Australia. Full report with executive summary: Study
commissioned by the Medical Deans of Australia. 2012: ISBN 978-0-646-90117-6
31. Eley R, Eley DS, Rogers-Clark C. Research Hub [online]. The Lamp, Vol. 67, No. 10, Nov
2010: 36-37. ISSN: 0047-3936. [cited 23 Jun 13]. Availability:
32. Eley DS, Eley R, Bertello M, Rogers Clark C. Why did I become a nurse? Personal traits and
reasons for entering nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2012, 68(7): 1546–1555
33. Brooks K, Eley DS, Pratt R, Zink T. Management of Professional Boundaries in Rural Practice.
Academic Medicine 2012, 87; 1091-1095.
34. Rosendahl C, Williams G, Eley DS, Wilson T, Canning G, Keir J, McColl I, Wilkinson D. The
impact of sub-specialization and dermatoscopy use on accuracy of melanoma diagnosis
among primary care doctors in Australia. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
2012, 67 5: 846-852.
35. Eley DS, Synnott R, Baker PG, Chater AB. A decade of Australian Rural Clinical School
graduates – where are they and why? Rural and Remote Health 12: 1937. (Online) 2012.
36. Eley DS, Patterson E, Young J, Fahey PP, Del Mar CB, Hegney DG, Synnott R, Mohomed R,
Baker PG, Scuffham P. Outcomes and opportunities: A nurse-led model of chronic disease
management in Australian general practice. Australian Journal of Primary Health. Published
online 08 May 2012.
37. Campbell N, McAllister L, Eley DS. The influence of motivation in recruitment and retention of
rural and remote Allied Health professionals: A literature review. Rural and Remote Health
2012, 12: 1900 (Online) Available:
38. Eley DS, Wilkinson D. Additional Perspectives on Transforming Science Into Medicine
[Goldstein, MJ, Kohrt, H. What Happened to the Concept of the Physician-Scientist?]
Academic Medicine 2012, 87:10.
39. Chipchase L, Allen, S, Eley DS, McAllister L, Strong J. Interprofessional supervision in an
intercultural context: a qualitative study. Journal of Interprofessional Care online on August
30, 2012. doi:10.3109/13561820.2012.718813
40. Eley DS, Eley RM. Personality traits of Australian nurses and doctors: Challenging
stereotypes? International Journal of Nursing Practice 2011; 17: 380–387.
41. Moffatt JJ, Eley DS. Barriers to the up-take of telemedicine in Australia - a view from providers.
Rural and Remote Health 11: 1581. (Online), 2011 Available from:
42. Hirst NG, Whitty JA, Eley DS, Synnott R, Scuffham PA. Predictors of government subsidised
pharmaceutical use in patients with diabetes or cardiovascular disease in a primary care
setting: Evidence from a prospective randomised trial. Journal of Medical Economics 2011,
14;6: 698-704.
43. Neville C, Hanagan K, Eley DS, Quinn, J, Weir J. The review and revision of Standards of
practice for mental health nurses in Australia. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health
Nursing 2010, 17; 87-93.
44. Eley DS, Eley RM, Young L, Rogers-Clark C. Exploring temperament and character traits in
nurses and nursing students in a large regional area of Australia. Journal of Clinical Nursing
2010, 20, 563–570. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.03122.x [IF=1.301]
45. Swayne A, Eley DS. Synergy and sustainability in rural procedural medicine – views from the
coalface. Australian Journal of Rural Health 2010, 18, 38–42
46. Eley DS. The Academic Rap. Medical Teacher 2010, Vol. 32, No. 6; 539-539, DOI
47. Lasserre K, Eley DS, Baker P, Kruesi, L. Medical students out of town but not out of touch: use
of personal digital assistants to improve access to clinical information and enhance learning at
the point of care in rural and remote Australia, Australian Journal of Rural Health 2010,18(2);
2:87–88. DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1584.2010.01131.x
48. Eley DS Junior doctors’ perceptions of their preparedness for hospital work: support for the
rural clinical school model as a key to better preparation. Medical Journal of Australia
2010;192, 2:109-110.
49. Eley DS. Why the fuss about Generation Y? Medical Teacher 2010; 32:4; 346–349.
50. Eley RM, Eley DS, Rogers Clark C. Reasons for entering and leaving nursing: an Australian
regional study. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 2010, 28:1; 6-13.
51. Young J, Eley DS, Fahey P, Patterson E, Hegney D. Enabling research in general practice:
Increasing functionality of electronic medical records. Australian Family Physician 2010, 39; 7:
52. Moffatt J, Eley DS. The reported benefits of telemedicine and telehealth for rural Australians.
Australian Health Review 2010, 34, 276-281.
53. Eley DS. Postgraduates’ Perceptions of Preparedness for Work as a Doctor and Making
Future Career Decisions: Support for Rural, Non-traditional Medical Schools. Education for
Health 10 (online), 2010: no. 374. Available from:
54. Eley DS, Young L, and Przybeck TR. Exploring temperament and character traits in medical
students; A new approach to increase the rural workforce. Medical Teacher 2009 31 3: e79e84.
55. Eley DS, Baker P. The value of a rural medicine rotation on encouraging students toward a
rural career: clear benefits from the RUSC program. Teaching and Learning in Medicine: An
International Journal 2009, 21; 3: 220 – 224.
56. Eley DS, Young L, Prysbeck T. Exploring the temperament and character traits of rural and
urban doctors; implications for retention of the rural workforce. Journal of Rural Health (USA)
2009, 25; 1: 43-49.
57. Eley D, Chater B, Baker P. The Rural Clinical School Tracking Project: more IS better confirming factors that influence early career entry into the rural medical workforce. Medical
Teacher 2009, 31:10, e454 - e459.
58. Eley DS, Zhang J, Wilkinson D. Self-sufficiency in intern supply: the impact of expanded
medical schools, medical places, and rural clinical schools in Queensland. Australian Health
Review 2009; 33 (3): 472-477.
59. Eley DS, Boyes J, Young L, Hegney D. Adults with intellectual disability in regional Australia:
incidence of disability and provision of accommodation support to their aging carers. Australian
Journal of Rural Health 2009, 17; 161-166.
60. Eley DS, Eley RM. How do Rural GPs manage their inactive and overweight patients? A pilot
study of rural GPs in Queensland. Australian Family Physician 2009, 38; 9: 747-748.
61. Eley DS, Boyes J, Young L, Hegney D. Accommodation needs for carers of and adults with
intellectual disability in regional Australia: their hopes and perceptions for the future. Rural
and Remote Health 9, 1239.
62. Partennan R, O’Brien M, Eley DS. Necessity breeds innovation: GP’s help prevent an
emergency department closure. Australian Health Review 2009; 33 (3): 467-471.
63. Eley DS. The Ethical Rap. Medical Journal of Australia 2009, 192: 11/12; 647.
64. Norris, T.E., Schaad, D.C., DeWitt, D., Ogur, B., Hunt, D.D., Jim Blackman, Campbell, D.,
Couper, I., Eley, D., Fraser, J., Halaas, G., Hansen, L., Hirsh, D., Hudson, N., Hunt, D.,
Linger, B., Murdoch, C., Norris, T., Pocock, J., Poncelet, A., Schauer, R., Worley, P.,
Zmijowskyj, T. Longitudinal integrated clerkships for medical students: An innovation adopted
by medical schools in Australia, Canada, South Africa, and the United States. Academic
Medicine 2009, 84; 7: 902-907
65. Eley DS, Young L, Baker P, Wilkinson D. Developing a rural workforce through medical
education: Lessons from down under. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2008, 20: 1; 53-61.
66. Eley DS, Young L, Shrapnel M. Rural temperament and character: A new perspective on
recruitment and retention of rural doctors. Australian Journal of Rural Health 2008; 16, 12-22.
67. Neville C, Hanagan C, Eley DS, Quinn J, Weir J. Mental Health standards for Australia: A
review of current literature. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 2008; 17: 136-144.
68. Eley DS, Young L. Long term rural GPs: Their original interest and considerations toward a
change in rural medicine. Australian Journal of Rural Health 2008, 16: 241-244.
69. Eley DS, Young L, Wilkinson D, Chater B, Baker P. Coping with increasing numbers of medical
students in Rural Clinical Schools: Options and opportunities. Medical Journal of Australia
2008; 188 (11): 669-671.
70. Eley DS, Del Mar C, Patterson E, Synnott R, Baker P, Hegney D. A nurse led model of
chronic disease care: An interim report. Australian Family Physician 2008. 37:12,1030-1032.
71. Eley DS, Young L, Shrapnel M, Wilkinson D, Baker P, Hegney D. Medical Students and rural
GPs: Congruent views on the reality of recruitment into rural medicine Australian Journal of
Rural Health, 2007; 15: 12-20.
Eley DS, Young L, Baker P, Hunter K, Hunter E, Hannah D. Perceptions of mental health
service delivery by staff and Indigenous consumers: it’s still about communication.
Australasian Psychiatry 2007; 15:2; 130-134.
73. Eley DS, Baker, P. Will the Australian Rural Clinical Schools be an effective workforce
strategy? early indications of their positive impact on intern choice and rural career interest.
Medical Journal of Australia 2007, 187:3; 166-167.
74. Eley DS, Morrissey D. Challenge or opportunity: Can regional training hospitals capitalise on
the impending influx of interns? Medical Journal of Australia 2007 187:3; 196.
75. Eley D, Hunter K, Young L, Baker P, Hunter E, Hannah D. The tools and methodologies for
investigating the mental health needs of Indigenous consumers: it’s about communication.
Australasian Psychiatry 2006; 14: 33-37.
76. Eley DS, Hunter K. Building Service Capacity with a Regional District Mental Health Service:
recommendations from an Indigenous Mental Health Symposium. Rural and Remote Health
Journal, 2006, 6: 455
77. Eley DS, Baker P. Does recruitment lead to retention? – Rural Clinical School training
experiences and subsequent intern choices. Rural and Remote Health Journal, 2006 6:511.
78. Eley DS, Hegney D. Patterson E. Patient recruitment for a practice nurse study. Australian
Family Physician 2005, 34:11, pp 1-2.
79. Eley DS, Hegney D, Wollaston A, Fahey P, Miller P,McKay M, Wollaston J. Triage nurse
perceptions of the use, reliability and acceptability of the Toowoomba Adult Triage trauma
Tool (TATTT). Accident and Emergency Nursing 2004, 13: 1, pp 54-60.
80. Baker P, Eley DS, Lasserre K. Tradition and technology: teaching rural medicine using an
Internet Discussion Board. Rural and Remote Health Journal. 2005, 5: 435.
81. Eley DS. Kirk D. Gender and Citizenship Potential in Adolescent Students. Proceedings of
the 39th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference (Ed. M. Katsikitis), 2004, pp 9498. 29 September 30- 3 October, Sydney Australia. (ISBN 0-909881-25-1)
82. Eley, D.S. Citizenship and volunteerism in young people: Perceptions and reflections of the
volunteer experience. Voluntary Action 2004, 5 (3) 27 – 45
83. Hegney D, Martin McDonald K, Patterson E, Price K, Rees S, & Eley DS. Consumer
perceptions of practice nurses. .Nichols, A (ed.) Recognising Rural and Remote Medicine,
Proceedings of the 3rd ACRRM Scientific Forum, Alice Springs, July 9-11, 2004
84. MacPhail A, Eley DS, Kirk D. Listening to young people’s voices: Youth sports leaders’ advice on
facilitating participation in sport. European Physical Education Review 2003, 9 (1) 57 – 73.
85. Eley DS, & Kirk, D. Developing citizenship through sport: The impact of a sport based volunteer
program on young sport leaders. Sport Education and Society 2002, 7(2); 151-166.
86. Sokolowski JH. Stover Eley D, Van Ravenswaay F. 1977. Incidence of oestrous for bitches
of seven purebred breeds. Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association. 171:6, 271273.
87. Stover, DG, Thatcher, WW, Head, HH, Collier, RJ and Wilcox, CJ (1978). Effects of selection
for milk-yield on prepartum and postpartum hormonal and physiological changes in jersey
cattle. Journal of Dairy Science (165-165).
88. Stover D, Sokolowski JH. 1978. Oestrous behaviour of the domestic cat. Feline Practice 8:4,
89. Doelger, SG, Head, HH, Collier, RJ, Stover, DG, Becker, HN and Wilcox, CJ (1979). Effect of
Reserpine On Mammary-Gland Development During Hormone Induced Lactation. Journal of
Dairy Science (201-201).
90. Stover, DG, Head, HH, Collier, RJ, Bachman, KC, Doelger, SG and Wilcox, CJ (1979).
Effects of reserpine on biochemical development of the mammary-gland and milk-yield during
hormone induced lactation. Journal of Dairy Science (197-198).
91. Thatcher, W. W., Wilcox, C. J., Collier, R. J., Eley, D. S. and Eley, R. M. (1979) Parturition
and postpartum performance. Symposium Proceedings American Dairy Science Association,
Wiley, New York.
92. Thatcher WW, Wilcox CJ, Bazer FW, Collier RJ, Eley RM, Eley DS, Bartol FF. 1979. Bovine
conceptus effects, pre-partum and potential carryover effects postpartum. BARC Symposium
Proceedings. III Animal Reproduction. Wiley, New York.
93. Thatcher WW, Wilcox CJ, Collier RJ, Eley DS, Eley RM. 1979. Parturition and postpartum
performance. Dairy Science Reproduction Symposium, American Dairy Science Association.
94. Thatcher WW, Wilcox CJ, Collier RJ, Eley DS, Head HH. 1980. Bovine conceptus-maternal
interactions during the pre- and postpartum periods. Journal of Dairy Science. 63:15301540.
95. Eley DS, Thatcher WW, Wilcox CJ, Collier RH, & Head HH. (1981) Periparturient endocrine
changes of the conceptus and maternal units in Jersey cows bred for milk yield. Journal of
Dairy Science. 64:296-311.
96. Eley DS, Thatcher WW, Head HH, Collier RJ, Wilcox CJ, & Call EP. (1981) Periparturient
and postpartum endocrine changes of conceptus and maternal units in Jersey cows bred for
milk yield. Journal of Dairy Science. 64: 312-320. [IF = 2.284; Citation = 18]
97. Eley DS, Else JG. (1985) Primate pest problems in Kenya hotels and lodges. International
Journal of Primatology, 3:21-26.
98. Eley, RM, Gould, KG, Eley, DS, Suleman, MA and Tarara, RP (1991) The effect of
clomiphene citrate upon periovulatory endometrial development in the baboon. Journal of
Medical Primatology, 20 2: 49-57.
1. MacPhail, A., Kirk, D. & Eley, D. Discovering the 'coaching self' through ethnography: Coach as
committed volunteer in Walford, G. (Ed.) 2003, Studies in educational ethnography volume 8.
Investigating educational policy through ethnography, 111-130. London: JAI.
1. NHMRC Centres for Research Excellence (CRC) [Application ID: APP1079421] Centre for
Research Excellence in Advanced Cardio-respiratory Therapies Improving OrgaN Support
(ACTIONS). CIA – Prof John Fraser et al. AIA – A/Prof Diann Eley et al
2. 2012: OLT Grant Innovation & Development: ID12-2193 Work-based assessment of
teamwork: an interprofessional approach.
Thistlethwaite, Eley, Roberts, Bogossian, Strong, Moran, Dunston, et al $225,000
3. 2010: ARC Linkage LP110100382 - Increasing the rural medical workforce: Investigating
personal traits to enhance our understanding and improve training of rural registrars.
Eley, Laurence, Wilkinson, Walters, Cloninger $197,938 ($156,270)
4. 2006: ARC Discovery Grant DP077-716: Nurse-led model for chronic disease
Eley, Patterson, Scuffham, Fahey, Del Mar, Hegney $525,000
5. 2012: GAMSAT Research Board Funding: GAMSAT – beyond predictive validity: an
exploration of acceptability, educational impact and political validity
Eley, Thistlethwaite, Roberts, Parker, Casey, Bartle, Kumar, Wilkinson. $99,726
6. 2011: UMAT Research Consortium Funding: UMAT: A definition and exploration of
fitness for purpose.
Eley, Thistlethwaite, Parker, Wilkinson, Farah, Morgan, Canny, Brazil. $99,912
7. 2010: MSOD Project Grant - Personality and students’ initial intention and decision to enter
rural practice early in their medical career
Jones, Humphreys, Corrigan, Griffin, Eley $66,000
8. 2010: GAMSAT Consortium Research Funding: EOI + Full Proposal - Extending
GAMSAT: Enhancing scope and validity
Eley, Wilkinson, Coates, Parker, Tedman, Broadley $99,525
9. 2008: The Secretariat, Health Promotion Queensland: Increasing physical activity in
Rural Communities (HPQ 00.01/19)
Eley RM, Brown W, Bush R, Eley DS $150,000
10. 2004: ARC Linkage Grant LP0560423: Recruit to Retain: From medical school to rural
practitioner. Young, Wilkinson, Eley, Hegney, Garside $52,097
1. Thistlethwaite J, Eley DS, Dallest K, Bainbridge l, Bogosisan F, Boud D, unston R, Drynan D, Forman D,
Fyfe S, Moran M, Roberts C, Sreong J, Dickie R. Work-based assessment of teamwork: an
interprofessional approach. OLT Project Grant (ID12-2193) ISBN:
2. Hawthorne L, To A, Eley DS. (2012) The early migration and career trajectories of international
medical students qualified in Australia. Full report with executive summary: Study
commissioned by the Medical Deans of Australia. ISBN978-0-646-90117-6
3. Eley DS, Moffatt J. A scoping study of Telemedicine services in Australia. ACRRM, June 2009,
Brisbane Qld.
4. Neville C, Eley D, Hangan C, Weir J, Quinn J, Meehan T. New Standards of Practices for
Australian Mental Health Nurses. Centre for Rural and Remote Area Health, The University of
Southern Queensland. May 2009 ISBN 9781921420054
5. Health Workforce Queensland. (2008). University of Queensland, RUSC Program and Rural
Medical Rotation Investigation - Final Report. Brisbane: HWQ.
6. Eley DS, Moffatt J. ACRRM Professional Development Program Survey Report. December
2008, ACRRM: Brisbane Qld.
7. Eley DS, O’Brien M. ACRRM Training for rural and remote procedural GPs program: Program
outcomes evaluation report. September 2007 Brisbane Qld.
8. Eley D, Hegney D, Boyes J. 2006. An analysis of the accommodation needs of adults with
intellectual disability in Toowoomba and surrounding areas. Centre for Rural and Remote Area
Health. ISBN 0 909756 87 2
9. Neville C, Eley D, Quinn J, Weir J, Hegney D, Hangan C, Grasby D. 2006. Mental Health
Nursing Standards and Clinical Indicators for Australia: A Review of Current Literature. Centre
for Rural and Remote Area Health. ISBN 0 909756 89 9
1. Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Senior Teaching Excellence Award
2. Dean’s Award for Innovation in Curriculum Development. School of Medicine Teaching
and Learning Innovations Conference
3. The University of Queensland 2013 Commendation for an Award for Teaching Excellence
Eley DS
4. UQ Faculty of Health Sciences Award for Teaching Excellence (ATE) Oct 2013
Eley DS
5. Carrick Awards for Australian University Teaching 2006 – Programs that Enhance Learning:
Innovation in curricula, learning and teaching. ‘An integrated package of innovative rural
medical education: enhancing student outcomes and increasing the rural medical workforce’.
Eley, Young, Baker, Wilkinson. $25,000
6. The University of Queensland Awards for Enhancement of Student Learning 2006
Programs that Enhance Learning: Innovation in curricula, learning and teaching. ‘An integrated
package of innovative rural medical education: enhancing student outcomes and increasing the
rural medical workforce’.
Eley, Young, Baker, Wilkinson. $20,000
7. The University of Queensland Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student
Learning February 2006‘Enabling students to discover the nature and essence of effective
rural medical practice through a peer based learning process using modern information
Eley, Baker.
8. The University of Queensland Awards for Enhancement of Student Learning October 2005
Commendation Award - The UQ Rural Medicine Rotation Allied Health Project: Medical
Students as Resource Personnel for Rural Health Professionals’
Young, Eley, Waller, Baker, Hodgeson, Leverrit, Wood.
1. Campbell, N., Eley, DS, McAllister, L. Building recruitment and retention information for the remote allied
health workforce. Paper presented at the National Rural health Alliance Conference, Darwin May 24-27,
2. Davin L, Thistlethwaite J, Parker M, Eley DS, Bartle E. When you don’t like your patient or think they are
undeserving – the triaging of compassionate care. ANZAHPE, Newcastle, NSW, April, 2015
3. Eley DS, Leung J. The relationship between student personality profiles and the constructs of tolerance
of ambiguity and resilience as indicators of well-being. SSHPC, 8-10 April 2015 Melbourne
4. Eley DS, Leung J. The relationship between personality profiles and constructs of perfectionism.
SSHPC, 8-10 April 2015 Melbourne
5. Eley DS, Casey M, Parker M, Roberts C, Kumar K. An exploration of student perceptions of fairness and
relevance of the GAMSAT to entry into a medical degree. SSHPC, 8-10 April 2015 Melbourne
6. Eley DS, Casey M. Personality Profiles In Medical Students: Association With Tolerance Of Ambiguity
And Resilience. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA, 5-9 August
7. Kathy Dallest, Jill Thistlethwaite, Monica Moran, Christopher Roberts, Dawn Forman, Diann Eley, Fiona
Bogossian, Roger Dunston, Lesley Bainbridge, Donna Drynan. The ‘Individual Teamwork Observation
and Feedback Tool’ (iTOFT): development and delivery. ANZHAPE, 29 March - 1 April 2015, Newcastle
Town Hall, Newcastle, NSW
8. Eley DS, Bartle E, Kumar K, Parker M, Roberts C, Casey M. An exploration of the social validity,
acceptability, and educational impact of the GAMSAT. ANZHAPE, 29 March - 1 April 2015
Newcastle Town Hall, Newcastle, NSW
9. Davin L, Thistlethwaite J, Bartle E, Parker M, Eley DS. A hell of a way to learn...compassion in practice
19th National Pre-Vocational Medical Education Forum, Hunter Valley, NSW. Nov, 2014
10. Davin L, Thistlethwaite J, Bartle E, Parker M, Eley DS. ‘Thrown in the deep end’ - graduating University
of Queensland students’ transition to medical practice. ANZAPHE, Gold Coast, June 2014
11. Eley DS, Laurence C, Elliott T, Hill I, Synnott R, Kitchener S, Cloninger CR, Walters L. Predictors of
Australian rural general practice workforce outcomes. Rural Medicine Australia Conference, Sydney, 30
October – 1 November 2014.
12. Walters L, Dollard J, Laurence C, Synnott R, Kitchener S, Elliott T, Hill I, Eley D. Developing a
conceptual model for resilience in rural GP trainees in Australia. Rural Medicine Australia Conference,
Sydney, 30 October – 1 November 2014.
13. Campbell N, McAllister L, Eley DS. Looking into the rock pool: The construing of allied health
professionals in relation to personality, work location and career success. SARRAH National
Conference for Rural and Remote Allied Health Porfessionals, 17-20 September 2014, Kingscliff, NSW.
14. Ranmuthugala G, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S, Eley DS, Toombs M, Nicholson GC. Satisfaction with
current practice: Does rurality matter? RACGP Conference for General Practice. 9–11 October,
Adelaide, Australia
15. Eley DS. Building the 'teaching-research nexus' in a research-intensive university: the Clinician Scientist
Track at the University of Queensland. Quality in Postgraduate Research, 9-11 April 2014, Adelaide,
South Australia.
16. Thistlethwaite J, Dickie R, Dallast K, Eley DS. The development of work-based assessment (WBA) of
teamwork instruments – an interprofessional approach. All Together Better Health VII in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA, June 6-8, 2014
17. Eley D, Walters L, Laurence C, Elliot T, Cloninger RC. Congruence of Personality Trends by Strength Of
Intention And Eventual Choice. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,
Washington DC USA, 6-10 August 2014.
18. Eley D, Laurence C, Walters L, Elliot T, Cloninger RC. Assimilation of International Doctors into Rural
Communities: Considering Personality. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,
Washington DC USA, 6-10 August 2014.
19. Casey M, Wilkinson D, & Eley D (2014). Removing the interview for medical school selection is
associated with gender bias among enrolled students. Imagining Social Equity Conference. Inaugural
conference of the Melbourne University Social Equity Institute. Melbourne: Australia.
20. Casey M & Eley D (2014). Provision of quality clinical placements for increasing numbers of medical
students: evaluation of a regional multi-site model of clinical training schools. Transforming Healthcare
through Excellence in Assessment and Evaluation. Canadian Conference on Medical Education
(CCME). Ottawa: Canada. Abstract accepted.
21. Casey M, Wilkinson D, & Eley D (2014). Removing the interview for medical school selection selection is
associated with gender bias among enrolled students. 16th Ottawa Conference on Medical Education.
Ottawa: Canada. Abstract accepted.
22. Casey M, Tedman R, & Eley D (2014). Do medical students selected by interview demonstrate different
personal attributes to those selected without the use of interviews? Australian and New Zealand Health
Professional Educators' Annual Conference. Gold Coast: Australia. Abstract accepted.
23. Eley D, Laurence C, Walters L, Elliot T, Spring L, Kitchener S, Wilkinson D, Cloninger RC. Training
location and personality traits: a cross-sectional cohort study of GP Registrars in Australia. Rural
Medicine Australia 2013, 31 Oct – 2 Nov. Cairns
24. Eley D, Walters L, Laurence C, Synnott R, Wilkinson D, Cloninger RC. The Relationship between
Resilience and Personality Traits in Australian Rural and Urban Physicians. Annual Convention of the
American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2013
25. Brooks KD, Pratt R, Eley D, Zink T. management of professional boundaries between patients and
medical students and physicians in rural primary care. STFM Annual Spring Conference. Baltimore
Maryland. May 2013
26. Eley V, Donovan K, Walters E, Brijball R, Eley DS. The antenatal anaesthetic interview assists maternal
decision-making but does not increase anxiety level or risk perception in pregnant women who are
obese. International Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia 2013, 22,;S1 May 2013 Abstracts of the Free
Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Obstetric Anaesthetists' Association, Bournemouth, 23
and 24 May 2013
27. Bartle E, Casey M, Eley D. Developing critical appraisal skills: Engaging medical students with the
literature to write, review and publish journal articles. ANZAHPE (Australian and New Zealand Health
Professional Educators Annual Conference), 24-27 June 2013, Melbourne
28. Davin L, Thistlethwaite J, Bartle E, Parker M, Eley DS. Developing the compassionate practitioner: how
do medical students and junior doctors learn to show they care? ANZAHPE Rotorua NZ, June 2012
29. Eley DS & Eley RM. Why Did I Become A Nurse? Personality Traits and Reasons for Entering Nursing.
Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Orland FL, August 2012.
30. Eley DS & Eley RM. Personality Traits of Australian Medical and Nursing Students: Does SelfTranscendence Differ? Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Orland FL,
August 2012.
31. Brooks K, Eley DS, Zink T. Temperament and character profiles of medical students in a large rural
longitudinal integrated clerkship program. Rendez-vous, Thunder Bay Ontario, CA. 9-14 October 2012
32. Brooks K, Eley DS, Zink T. Toward a global understanding of students who are attracted to rural primary
care longitudinal integrated clerkships. Rendez-vous, Thunder Bay Ontario, CA. 9-14 October 2012
33. Eley D, Walters L, Laurence C, Kitchener S, Elliott T, Spring L, Harte J, Synnott R, Cowie M, Wilkinson
D, Cloninger CR. Does Temperament and Character of rural pathway GP registrars affect the training
organisations responsibilities? Rendez-vous Conference, Thunder Bay Northern Ontario October 2012
34. Eley DS, Laurence C, Walters L, Synnott R, Kitchener S, Wilkinson D. et al. Enhancing our
understanding of training GP Registrars: A longitudinal comparison among three Regional Training
Providers. General Practice Education and Training Convention 2012 5-6 September, Seibel Albert Park,
Melbourne Victoria
35. Lucy S Chipchase, Shelley Allen, Diann Eley, Lindy McAllister, Jenny Strong. The value, or not, of
interprofessional supervision in the clinical context. The 2012 APA Business & Leadership Symposium,
19-21 July 2012, Adelaide
36. Hegney D, Patterson E, Eley D, Mahomed R, Young J. The perceptions of a nurse-led model of care in
primary health care provision in Australia. RCNA Community and Primary Health Care Nursing
Conference, Perth, 17-19 October, 2012.
37. Hegney D, Patterson E, Eley D, Mahomed R, Young J. The perceptions of a nurse-led model of care in
primary health care provision in Australia. ICN/CII/CIE 2013 25th Conference, Melbourne – 18-25th May,
38. Eley DS, Laurence C, Walters L, Synnott R, Kitchener S, Wilkinson D. et al. The relationship between
levels of resilience, temperament and character traits in rural and urban GP registrars. Rural Medicine
Australia 2012, October 26-28; Freemantle, WA.
39. Brooks K, Zink T, Eley D. Management of Professional Boundaries between Patients and Medical
Students and Physicians in Rural Primary Care. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference.
New Orleans, LA. April 2011.
40. Brooks K, Pratt R, Eley D, Zink T. Management of Professional Boundaries between Patients and
Medical Students and Physicians in Rural Primary Care. International Consortium of Longitudinal
Integrated Clerkships Conference. University of South Dakota. Yankton, SD. September 2011
41. D Eley, C Laurence, L Walters, L Young, M Coombs, L Black, S Kitchener, R Cloninger & D
Wilkinson. Understanding the role of personality in the retention of rural registrars. GPET (General
Practice Education and Training) Convention, 7-8 September 2011, Canberra
42. D Eley, C Laurence, L Walters, L Young, M Coombs, L Black, S Kitchener, R Cloninger & D Wilkinson.
The role of personality in the retention of rural registrars. Primary Health Care Research Conference,
13-15 July, Brisbane.
43. Robyn L Synnott, Diann Eley, Paul Scuffham, Paul Fahey, Elizabeth Patterson, Chris Del Mar, Peter
Baker and Desley Hegney. 2011. A Practice Nurse-Led Model of Care for Managing Chronic Disease in
Australian General Practice. Findings from a 3 year Project. Presented at 12th Annual Interdisciplinary
Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education, Trinity College
Dublin, 9-10th November 2011.
44. Eley DS. Comparing Temperament and Character Traits in Australian Doctors and Nurses. 2010 Annual
APA Convention, 12-15 August 2010, San Diego CA, USA
45. Eley RM, Eley DS. Behavioural and Cultural Barriers to Physical Activity in Rural Queensland, Australia
2010 Annual APA Convention, 12-15 August 2010, San Diego CA, USA
46. Eley RM, Eley DS, Rogers Clark C. Psychological support for Queensland’s rural breast cancer patients.
2010 Annual APA Convention, 12-15 August 2010, San Diego CA, USA
47. Eley DS. Comparing Temperament and Character Traits in Australian Doctors and Nurses. Bringing it all
together, The Rural Medicine Australia 2010 Conference 22-24 October, Hobart TAZ
48. Eley DS. Research Roadmap for Rural GPs. Bringing it all together, The Rural Medicine Australia 2010
Conference 22-24 October, Hobart TAZ
49. Eley DS, Eley RM, Rogers-Clark C. The Influence of Temperament and Character Traits on Nurse
Retention. 2009 American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, CA, August 2009. Accepted
50. Baker PG, Eley DS. Making Rural Clinical School training relevant to medical students through a
discussion board. 2009 WONCA Rural Health World Conference, Crete, Greece. June 12-14 2009
51. Ritchie C, Eley D, Groves M, Chenery H. Exploration of Student Attitudes Towards Interprofessional
Learning. ANZAME 2009, Launceston, Tazmania (July 3-5 2009).
52. Eley D, Young L, Shrapnel M, Wilkinson D, Baker P, Hegney D. Medical Students and rural GPs:
Congruent views on the reality of recruitment into rural medicine. 31st Annual Rural Health Conference,
May 7 – 10, 2008, New Orleans Louisiana USA
53. Eley D, Young L, Shrapnel M. Rural temperament and character: A new perspective on recruitment and
retention of rural doctors. 31st Annual Rural Health Conference, May 7 – 10, 2008, New Orleans
Louisiana USA
54. Eley D, Young L. Temperament and character: a new approach to selecting medical students and
increasing the rural workforce. 31st Annual Rural Health Conference, May 7 – 10, 2008, New Orleans
Louisiana USA
55. Eley D, Young L. Temperament and character traits of rural doctors in Australia. 2008 Annual
Conference of the American Psychological Association, August 14-17 2008 Boston MA USA
56. Eley D, Young L. Comparison of Temperament and Character Traits in Australian Rural and Urban
Doctors. 2008 Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, August 14-17 2008
Boston MA USA
57. Eley D, Chater B, Baker P. Rural Community Based Clinical Education: The Effect on Subsequent
Workforce Choice. International Conference Community Engaged Medical Education in the North
(ICEMEN), Jun 9 – 14 2008, Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Ontario CA.
58. Young J, Eley D, Fahey P, Hegney D. Nurse-led collaborative care model: The use of clinical protocols
to manage chronic disease in general practice, clinical nurse leaders. In Clinical Nurse Leaders 2008:
Passionate About Practice Conference, 23-24 June 2008, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
59. Eley D, Young L, Baker P, Wilkinson D. Developing a rural workforce through medical education:
“Necessity is the mother of innovation”. 2007 ANZAME Conference, September 12-15 2007, Canberra
60. Eley D, Baker P. Early indications of the positive impact of Rural Clinical Schools on intern choice and
rural career interest. The Second Recruitment and Retention in the Health Workforce Conference 2007.
12 – 14 November, Gold Coast, QLD.
61. Eley D, Young L, Shrapnel M. Rural temperament and character: a new perspective on retention of rural
doctors. The Second Recruitment and Retention in the Health Workforce Conference 2007. 12 – 14
November, Gold Coast, QLD.
62. Hegney, D., Patterson, E., Del Mar, C., Synnott, R., Young, J., Mohamed, R., Eley, D., Scuffham, P.,
Fahey, P. 2007. The feasibility, acceptability and cost-effectiveness of nurse-led models of chronic
disease in general practice. 5th Australian Nurse Practitioner Conference, 11-13 October, Hobart.
63. Mahomed, R., Patterson, E., St John, W., Hegney, D., Del Mar, C., Scuffham, P., Eley, D., Fahey, P., &
Baker, P. Patient satisfaction with practice nurse-led chronic disease management in general practice.
5th Australian Nurse Practitioner Conference, 11-13th October, 2007, Hobart.
64. Eley D, Baker P, Chater B. The rural medicine rotation: Increasing rural recruitment through quality
undergraduate experiences. 7th WONCA Rural Health Conference: Transforming Rural Practice through
Education. September 8-10, 2006; Universitiy of Washington, Seattle Washington.
65. Eley D, Baker P, Chater B. Find ‘em, Hook ‘em and Keep’em: Addressing the shortage of rural doctors
in Australia through decentralised medical education. 7th WONCA Rural Health Conference:
Transforming Rural Practice through Education. September 8-10, 2006; University of Washington,
Seattle Washington.
66. Baker P, Eley D, Longnecker R. Sharing narratives online: An international self-organising curriculum in
rural health. 7th WONCA Rural Health Conference: Transforming Rural Practice through Education.
September 8-10, 2006; University of Washington, Seattle Washington.
67. Eley D, Young L, Baker P, Chater B. The Rural Clinical Division: A student journey to rural medicine.
ACRRM 4th Scientific Forum: Practicing Rural and Remote Medicine – Moving Forward. 16-19
November, 2006, University of Adelaide.
68. Eley, D & Kirk, D. (2004) Gender and Citizenship Potential in Adolescent Students. The 39 th Australian
Psychological Society Conference, Sydney Australia, 29 Sep – 3 Oct 2004
69. Eley, D.S. (2003) Developing Citizenship through Sport. Invited symposium on, ‘The Impact of
Participatory Youth Programmes on Youth and Communities’. The 111th Annual Conference of the
American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario Canada, 7th – 10th August 2003.
Newspaper articles
1. Eley DS. Healers can always ask Y. The Weekend Australian Professional Health; At the
Coalface, pp12, February 20-21 2010.
2. Eley DS. Is it learning or lifestyle? The Weekend Australian Professional Health; At the
Coalface, pp12, October 30-31 2010.
Published poetry
1. Eley DS. The Wannabe. Triathlon and Multi Sport Magazine January 2009; Vol.12; No1, pp 20.
2. Eley DS. The Country Doctor. Rural Pulse: Magazine of the Rural Doctors Association of
Australia (RDAA) Summer 2009/2010 pp32.
3. Eley DS. Gloria. Speed Poets 2010, Vol 10.8
4. Eley DS. Respect your ride. Triathlon and Multi Sport Magazine May 2010; Vol.13; No 5; pp 15.
5. Eley DS. My special time. Brave New Words: Speed Poets 2011.
6. Eley DS. Begin again. Speed Poets 2013, Vol 13.3