Student Complaints Complaint Submission Form

Regulation 26: Student Complaints
Complaint Submission Form
Regulation 26 and the accompanying guidance for students can be found at and it is strongly recommended that you
familiarise yourself with this information if you wish to submit a formal complaint.
If you require this form in another format, please notify the Student Appeals,
Complaints and Conduct team via email on, or call 01782
Complaint forms can be filled in electronically and submitted by email. Any evidence
provided in support of your complaint can also be scanned and submitted by email.
Personal and Programme Information
Family Name / Surname:
Name by which you are normally known, if different from the above:
Student Number:
Programme of Study:
Year of Study:
Address to which any paper correspondence should be sent:
Keele University email address:
Alternative email address, if Keele email is no longer accessible:
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Nature of Complaint
Please note that Regulation 26 covers complaints from students who are taught at Keele or
at a partner institution relating to:
a) Any University Policy, Procedure or Regulation
b) Academic and non-academic services (excluding academic judgement)
c) Academic and non-academic facilities
d) The conduct or actions of a member or members of staff
e) Misinformation regarding academic programmes, University services and facilities
This procedure does NOT cover complaints relating to:
a) Academic judgement, examination board decisions and appeals
b) Appeals against disciplinary decisions
c) Any external commercial business operating on University premises
d) Keele University Students’ Union
e) Other student members of the University
Please check the relevant box/boxes to indicate the nature of your complaint (click on
the box in Word to place a check inside it):
☐ Actions of an academic staff member
☐ Actions of a non-academic / support / technical staff member
☐ Issues with facilities within School / University
☐ Issues with learning resources provided e.g. handouts, reading lists, KLE
☐ Issues relating to reasonable adjustments provided
☐ Other - please state briefly (you will describe the complaint in full in a later section of
this form):
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Your Complaint
If your complaint involves more than one issue, please number them and relate each issue to the preferred outcome you are seeking and the
supporting evidence. Please remember to give details of all relevant names, dates, documents etc.
Please list the specific issues which you
would like investigated:
Your preferred outcome:
Please list the evidence you wish to
submit (please number the attached
evidence clearly):
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What you have done so far in relation to the issues
It is expected that before a formal complaint is submitted you will have tried to resolve your
complaint via Early Resolution. If this is not the case, you should do so before submitting a
formal complaint. Details on how to do this can be found at: If you are not able to do this (e.g. the nature of the
complaint is complex or serious), please indicate why below.
Have you tried to resolve your complaint
through early resolution? (Please underline /
Yes / No
If you have answered No, please explain
why you have not done so:
If you have answered Yes, when did you do
this? (Please give an exact date if possible)
If you have answered Yes, please indicate
the person (and School/service) who dealt
with the matter, and describe what was done
to resolve the issues:
Whether you answered Yes or No above,
please explain any other steps you have
taken so far to resolve the issues described
in your complaint:
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Next steps
Before submitting this form:
Please ensure that you have read and understood Regulation 26 and the
accompanying guidance for students, which can be found at
Please ensure that you have attached / enclosed any relevant evidence. If you do not
have the evidence when you submit this form, please explain what it is and when you
will be able to provide it in the relevant field in Section C.
This form and accompanying evidence can be submitted by email to If submission of a paper copy is more appropriate, please send it
Student Complaints
Planning and Academic Administration
Tawney Building
Keele University
Once your form has been received, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt from a
member of the Student Complaints team by email. You will then receive further email and
written confirmation of how your complaint will be dealt with by the University. Therefore, we
recommend that you check your email inbox on a regular basis.
I confirm that I have read and understood Regulation 26: Complaints Procedures
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