Formative Assessmen1

Formative Assessment
Before Engagement:
Is ocean exploration important? Why? Why not? (Some answers might include. Yes, people
should explore the ocean because there might be important sea life, unwater wreckage, gold,
plants that cure diseases and other thoughtful answers. No, people should not explore the ocean
because, it is dangerous, and/or there is nothing important to find.)
During Engagement:
What are the similarities and differences between ocean exploration and space exploration?
(Some answers may include but are not limited to the following)
Require humans to leave their natural habitats
In space vs. the ocean
Can be dangerous
Cost- Its less costly to explore the ocean
Could possibly house human life
Life is known to exist in the ocean
Relatively unknown
Ocean has plant life that could help with
human diseases.
Can benefit human beings
After Engagement:
Why should people explore the ocean? (Some answers may include the six reason for ocean
exploration. It may also include the following: airplane wreckage, crisis in the ocean, biological
cures and to build colonies for human beings)
Before Exploration:
Do you think humans should build colonies in the ocean? Why/Why not? (Some possible answers
might include. Yes, humans should build colonies in the ocean because we are running out of
room and the land. It might be interested to live among the sea life. No, humans should not
build colonies in the ocean. It would be expensive and possible dangerous to build a colony in
the ocean.
What geological features might one find on the ocean floor? (Answers may include but are not
limited to seamounts, ridges, atolls, hills, continental shelf, continental slope, abyssal plain,
abyssal hill, trench, and rifts)
During Exploration
What features did you find in your exploration?(Answers may include to seamounts, ridges,
atolls, hills, continental shelf, continental slope, abyssal plain, abyssal hill, trench, and rifts)
How could you tell one feature from the other? (Some answers may include differences in color,
shades, shape or previous markings)
After Exploration:
What is one feature that you observed? (Some answers may include but not limited to seamounts,
ridges, atolls, hills, continental shelf, continental slope, abyssal plain, abyssal hill, trench, and
Before Explanation:
How do you think the feature formed? (Some reasons may include plate tectonic activities such
as subduction, divergent boundaries, weathering erosion, current movement and deposition of
During Explanation:
What are other seafloor features? (Some answers may include but not limited to seamounts,
ridges, atolls, hills, continental shelf, continental slope, abyssal plain, abyssal hill, trench, and
After Explanation:
How are most of the ocean topographic features formed by plate tectonic activities or by other
geological processes like weathering? (Most ocean floor features are formed by plate tectonic
activities but continue to change because of geological activities)
Before Elaboration:
What processes caused your feature to form?(Answers should include a combination of things
such as subduction from plate tectonic and geological processes such as chemical weathering)
During Elaboration:
Are the processes continual or limited to a certain period of time? Which usually occurs first
plate tectonics or geological processes? (Most processes are gradual and evolve. For example
seamounts are initially formed from subduction but over time it will be exposed to weathering
After Elaboration:
What might happen to your feature over time? (Over time the features will change for example a
seamount might undergo weathering and turn into a guyot)
Before Evaluation:
How has the ocean floor changed over time? (Answers may include that the ocean floor has
evolved from a flat smooth surface to one with many topographic features of great depths and
During Evaluation:
What are the similarities and differences between the ocean’s topographic features and the
features on the land? (Some answers may include. Both oceans and land have mountains,
valleys, canyons, plains, hills and trenches. However, oceanic features are made of basaltic
rock and found underwater. Oceanic feature are eroded by salt water and have less deposition
in some places. Land features are typically dryer with more uplifting actions than oceanic
After Evaluation:
What are the similarities and differences between the formation of oceanic features and the
formation of features on the land?