My Personal Health STAR Project Instructions Step 1: Brainstorm ways that you address each of the 5 types of health. No less than 5 in each category. (5 Physical, 5 Mental, 5Emotional, 5 Social, 5 Spiritual) Use the organizer below 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 1. 2. 3. 4 5. Step 2: Write a SMART Goal for EACH aspect of health: Write a goal to improve one specific behavior from each aspect of health. Make sure they are SMART goals by using the criteria on the back PHYSICAL: MENTAL: EMOTIONAL: SOCIAL: SPIRITUAL: Step 3: Create a PREZI/ POSTER visually represent your personal health triangle. No less than 3 pictures in each category—5 for an A. (5 Physical, 5 Emotional/Mental, 5 Social, 5 Spiritual). Each picture should represent a behavior that you do to stay healthy. Pictures can be drawn, clipped from magazines, personal photos, clip art, etc. Label each picture with the behavior it represents (ex: Apple=Eating 5 fruits/veg every day). Each section should also have the SMART goal for that aspect of health written. Show in images, words, symbols, etc. the steps you take in your life to maintain or improve your physical, emotional/mental, spiritual, and social health. –Be Creative My Personal Health STAR Project Instructions Physical S.M.A.R.T Goal SMART GOALS: Choose a goal relating to a HEALTH BEHAVIOR and complete the SMART GOAL process below: My Behavior I want to change/improve: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ S pecific: What specific behavior do you want to focus on? _______________________________ Who is going to support you:______________________ What is the outcome of your goal:________________________________ Why is it important for you to achieve this goal:_____________________ M easureable: What will you be measuring?________________________________ How will you check your progress along the way _______________________________ How will you know that you have completed your goal?___________________________ A ction Oriented: What specific actions are you going to do to make this goal a reality? I will______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ R ealistic: This goal is with in my reach because:_____________________________ _________________________________________________________ Do I have the appropriate resources (time, energy, money) and personal attributes to achieve this goal? ___ Yes ___ No Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ T imely: I will begin working on this goal:__________________________________ I will achieve this goal by this date:___________________ I will check my progress on the following three dates to ensure success. _____________ _____________ _____________ My SMART goal: I will__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Goal Quality Check—Is my goal… Specific: □ Measureable: □ Action-Oriented: □ Realistic: □ and have a Time-Frame: □ My Personal Health STAR Project Instructions Mental S.M.A.R.T Goal SMART GOALS: Choose a goal relating to a HEALTH BEHAVIOR and complete the SMART GOAL process below: My Behavior I want to change/improve: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ S pecific: What specific behavior do you want to focus on? _______________________________ Who is going to support you:______________________ What is the outcome of your goal:________________________________ Why is it important for you to achieve this goal:_____________________ M easureable: What will you be measuring?________________________________ How will you check your progress along the way _______________________________ How will you know that you have completed your goal?___________________________ A ction Oriented: What specific actions are you going to do to make this goal a reality? I will______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ R ealistic: This goal is with in my reach because:_____________________________ _________________________________________________________ Do I have the appropriate resources (time, energy, money) and personal attributes to achieve this goal? ___ Yes ___ No Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ T imely: I will begin working on this goal:__________________________________ I will achieve this goal by this date:___________________ I will check my progress on the following three dates to ensure success. _____________ _____________ _____________ My SMART goal: I will__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Goal Quality Check—Is my goal… Specific: □ Measureable: □ Action-Oriented: □ Realistic: □ and have a Time-Frame: □ My Personal Health STAR Project Instructions Emotional S.M.A.R.T Goal SMART GOALS: Choose a goal relating to a HEALTH BEHAVIOR and complete the SMART GOAL process below: My Behavior I want to change/improve: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ S pecific: What specific behavior do you want to focus on? _______________________________ Who is going to support you:______________________ What is the outcome of your goal:________________________________ Why is it important for you to achieve this goal:_____________________ M easureable: What will you be measuring?________________________________ How will you check your progress along the way _______________________________ How will you know that you have completed your goal?___________________________ A ction Oriented: What specific actions are you going to do to make this goal a reality? I will______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ R ealistic: This goal is with in my reach because:_____________________________ _________________________________________________________ Do I have the appropriate resources (time, energy, money) and personal attributes to achieve this goal? ___ Yes ___ No Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ T imely: I will begin working on this goal:__________________________________ I will achieve this goal by this date:___________________ I will check my progress on the following three dates to ensure success. _____________ _____________ _____________ My SMART goal: I will__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Goal Quality Check—Is my goal… Specific: □ Measureable: □ Action-Oriented: □ Realistic: □ and have a Time-Frame: □ My Personal Health STAR Project Instructions Social S.M.A.R.T Goal SMART GOALS: Choose a goal relating to a HEALTH BEHAVIOR and complete the SMART GOAL process below: My Behavior I want to change/improve: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ S pecific: What specific behavior do you want to focus on? _______________________________ Who is going to support you:______________________ What is the outcome of your goal:________________________________ Why is it important for you to achieve this goal:_____________________ M easureable: What will you be measuring?________________________________ How will you check your progress along the way _______________________________ How will you know that you have completed your goal?___________________________ A ction Oriented: What specific actions are you going to do to make this goal a reality? I will______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ R ealistic: This goal is with in my reach because:_____________________________ _________________________________________________________ Do I have the appropriate resources (time, energy, money) and personal attributes to achieve this goal? ___ Yes ___ No Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ T imely: I will begin working on this goal:__________________________________ I will achieve this goal by this date:___________________ I will check my progress on the following three dates to ensure success. _____________ _____________ _____________ My SMART goal: I will__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Goal Quality Check—Is my goal… Specific: □ Measureable: □ Action-Oriented: □ Realistic: □ and have a Time-Frame: □ My Personal Health STAR Project Instructions Spiritual S.M.A.R.T Goal SMART GOALS: Choose a goal relating to a HEALTH BEHAVIOR and complete the SMART GOAL process below: My Behavior I want to change/improve: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ S pecific: What specific behavior do you want to focus on? _______________________________ Who is going to support you:______________________ What is the outcome of your goal:________________________________ Why is it important for you to achieve this goal:_____________________ M easureable: What will you be measuring?________________________________ How will you check your progress along the way _______________________________ How will you know that you have completed your goal?___________________________ A ction Oriented: What specific actions are you going to do to make this goal a reality? I will______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ R ealistic: This goal is with in my reach because:_____________________________ _________________________________________________________ Do I have the appropriate resources (time, energy, money) and personal attributes to achieve this goal? ___ Yes ___ No Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ T imely: I will begin working on this goal:__________________________________ I will achieve this goal by this date:___________________ I will check my progress on the following three dates to ensure success. _____________ _____________ _____________ My SMART goal: I will__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Goal Quality Check—Is my goal… Specific: □ Measureable: □ Action-Oriented: □ Realistic: □ and have a Time-Frame: □