2015 medi 502 syllabus - Experimental Medicine Program

Updated: December 10, 2014
MEDI 502 is an interdivisional laboratory research course that is required of all new graduate
students in the Experimental Medicine Program. The format of this course creates a unique
opportunity for graduate students to become acquainted with research topics and techniques
outside the scope of their own laboratory or of the Division within which the students are
enrolled. This benefits not only the students, but fosters interactions between faculty and
students in all Divisions of the Department of Medicine.
This is also a course in which the student must take most of the responsibility for arranging the
laboratory rotations and deciding on a grant proposal topic. The format allows a great deal of
flexibility, as well as responsibility, on the part of the student. The two main goals are to be able
to present a research seminar, and to prepare a research proposal, both of which are essential for
any future careers in biomedical research.
Laboratory rotations:
Period 1:
Period 2:
January 8 to February 13, 2015
February 16 to March 13, 2015
For each period, students must arrange research rotations in the laboratories of faculty members
in the Experimental Medicine Program, in two divisions that are distinct from the division in
which the student is working. At least one of the rotations should be outside of the site at which
the student is working. The time allotted to each research rotation has generally been at least 4
full workdays over each period, but any arrangement can be made between the individual student
and faculty. In no case should the amount of time be less than four days, but the upper limit will
depend on the student and supervisor's interests and time availability. During this time, the
student will be exposed to the theory and techniques being used in one or more projects of the
host laboratory. It is expected that the student will interact with multiple members of the host
laboratory, and wherever possible, participate in experimental procedures.
Introductory Meeting: There will be an introductory meeting of the class on Tuesday, January
8, 2015, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, at the Eye Care Centre Auditorium, 2550 Willow Street. The Course
Coordinators will discuss course objectives and deadlines and present two lectures covering the
elements of a good scientific presentation, and how to write a grant proposal.
Research Validation: Dr. Robert Kay will present this lecture on Tuesday, January 20th at 3:00 5:00 pm at the Eye Care Centre Auditorium.
Seminar presentations: Seminar presentations by students based on either or both laboratory
rotations. These presentations will be limited to 20 minutes, typically 15 minutes for the formal
presentation and 5 minutes for a spirited question and answer session.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Thursday, January 8
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Eye Care Centre Auditorium
Tuesday, January 20
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Eye Care Centre Auditorium
Tuesday, February 17
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Eye Care Centre Auditorium
Thursday, February 19
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Eye Care Centre Auditorium
Tuesday, February 24
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Eye Care Centre Auditorium
Thursday, February 26
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Eye Care Centre Auditorium
Tuesday, March 3
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Eye Care Centre Auditorium
Thursday, March 5
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Eye Care Centre Auditorium
Tuesday, March 10
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Eye Care Centre Auditorium
Thursday, March 12
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Eye Care Centre Auditorium
Thursday, March 26
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Diamond Healthcare Centre
10th floor -10206 (PIZZA)
Grant proposal: A formal, CIHR-style grant proposal will form a major part of the mark. The
student will complete this using CIHR’s forms for research and budget modules and Common
CV for CV module. Design of this proposal should be done in consultation with faculty
members from the host labs, and should incorporate elements of the work that the student was
exposed to during the laboratory rotations, but can also incorporate some of the student's own
research interests. A technical abstract will be due midnight March 6, 2015. This will be
reviewed by the Course Coordinators to help direct development of the proposal. Electronic
submission of proposals will be due midnight Wed. April 29, 2015 (last day of exam week). On
the last meeting day (Mar 26) another presentation describing the design and preparation of the
grant proposals will be given by the course coordinator and the floor will be open to discussion.
Assessment of the student's performance:
Evaluations by the principle investigators in both host laboratories (20%).
Evaluation of the seminar presentation (25%), by the class and course co-ordinators.
Grant proposal (45%).
Attendance (10%) ≤1 absence=10%, 2 absences=7%, 3 absences=4%, >3 absences=0)
BONUS discussion points (maximum of 3%).
Updated: December 10, 2014
Cardiac Imaging
Principal Investigator: Dr. G.B. John Mancini
Eunice Yeoh, VGH Research Pavillion
The Cardiac Imaging Research Laboratory is dedicated to determining the structure and function
of arterial beds for the purpose of evaluating effectiveness of therapies designed to promote
vascular health. The laboratory is a pioneer in the application of digital imaging methods to
coronary arteriograms and cardiac ventriculograms. The laboratory has also expanded to
facilitate quantitation of carotid atherosclerosis and endothelial function using brachial
ultrasound techniques and is currently involved in mult-centre trials using cardiac computed
tomography. The largest ongoing projects are world-wide clinical trials requiring our laboratory
to undertake computerized image analyses. These trials are investigating the optimal initial
approach for management of coronary disease (i.e. percutaneous coronary intervention versus
drug treatment) and whether prognosis can be improved by stenting previously occluded
coronary arteries. These trials are funded by the NIH, MRC and the VA Clinical Trials Program.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Keith R. Walley, M.D. (University of Manitoba, 1981)
The focus of this laboratory is to:
Investigate the mechanism of decreased cardiac function during severe infections.
Investigate the mechanism of impaired oxygen consumption during severe infections.
Understand the mechanisms that lead to organ dysfunction (lung and gut) during severe
Techniques in use include isolation and culture of cardiac myocytes and leukocytes,
ELISA, RT-PCR, caspase activity assays, EMSA, morphometric analysis of tissue
samples, and 3D deconvolution microscopy.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Dr. Darren E. R. Warburton
Internet address:
The Cardiovascular Physiology and Rehabilitation Laboratory evaluates the effects of
improvements in cardiovascular function on the health status and Quality of Life of children,
adolescents, adults, the elderly and patients with chronic disease and/or disability (including
individuals with heart disease, organ transplantation, and spinal cord injury). We also specialize
in the evaluation and training of high performance able-bodied and disabled athletes.
Our facility houses a mass spectrometer (Amis 2000), an applanation tonometer, a transcranial
Doppler system, a stand-alone 2-D Doppler cardiac ultrasound (Sonos 2500 Hewlett-Parkard),
two impedance cardiography systems, a beat-by-beat blood pressure monitor (Finapres,
Ohmeda), a near-infrared spectrophotometer (Niro 300, Hammamatsu), two cardiac stress testing
systems (including two 12 lead ECG and treadmill systems), two metabolic carts (including a
portable metabolic cart), a telemetric electrocardiography (3-lead) system, several pulse
oximeters, heart rate variability analysis equipment, eight interactive video game training
systems (GameBikeTM, Cateye), ten Monark rehabilitation cycle ergometers, three
electronically braked cycle (arm and leg) ergometers, and an automated defibrillator. This
equipment allows for the complete evaluation of left ventricular function, diffusion capacity,
oxygen kinetics, endothelial function, heart rate variability, and cerebral and skeletal muscle
oxygenation and blood flow during resting and/or exercise conditions.
Principal Investigator: Dr Angela M Devlin, PhD
Division of Endocrinology, Department of Paediatrics, Child & Family Research Institute
604.875.2000 x 5378
My laboratory is focused on investigating:
the interactions of dietary factors with epigenetic processes and development of
cardiometabolic risk factors (eg obesity)
the molecular mechanisms contributing to vascular dysfunction associated with obesity,
metabolic programming and risk for cardiovascular disease
Techniques include: genotyping, gene expression, immunoblots, DNA methylation analysis
(Pyrosequencing), chromatin immunoprecipitation, cell culture.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Molecular Markers of Skin Cancer and Skin Inflammation
Principal Investigator: Youwen Zhou, MD, Ph D, Assistant Professor
MD. 1995, University of Toronto, Ph.D. 1990, State University of New York
Molecular Medicine Lab (MML) & Chieng Genomics Centre
Department of Dermatology and Skin Science
Phone: 604-875-4747
Email: youwen.zhou@ubc.ca
The MML Lab aims to translate the latest advances in biomarker research into clinical applications. The
experimental approaches used include expression genomics, next generation sequencing, molecular genetics
techniques, and retroviral mediated gene transfer.
Current projects include:
(1). Pathogenic significance and therapeutic targeting of extracellular matrix molecules in
metastatic melanoma
(2). Novel diagnostic and prognostic markers for cutaneous T cell lymphoma
(3). Mutation identification of hereditary primary hyperhidrosis
(4). Novel anti-inflammatory agents for chronic inflammatory skin diseases
Principal Investigator: Dr. Kevin McElwee, Ph.D. (University of Dundee, 1996)
604 875-4111 ext. 63908
604 875-4376
The following projects are the main focus of this laboratory:
The mechanisms of hair loss involved in alopecia areata and scarring alopecias
(suspected autoimmune alopecias).
Immune privilege in hair follicles and its functional role.
The relationship of skin cancer to hair follicle biology.
The role of chemokines in the development and growth of basal cell carcinomas.
Updated: December 10, 2014
IMMUNOLOGY - Cellular Immunology/Gene Expression Profiling Laboratory
Principal Investigator: Dr. Cheryl D. Helgason, Ph.D.
Cancer Endocrinology Dept., B.C. Cancer Research Center
Phone: 604-877-6098 ext. 3007
Fax: 604-877-6011 E-mail: chelgaso@bccancer.bc.ca
The primary research area in this laboratory involves examining the role of dendritic cells (DC)
and regulatory T (Tr) cells in initiation and control of cellular immune responses. We utilize both
transgenic and knock-out mouse models of disease to understand what role these two cell types
play in the initiation and progression of autoimmunity and prostate cancer. Techniques utilized in
these studies include isolation of lymphoid tissues, magnetic purification of sub-populations of
immune cells, flow cytometry, cell culture, and various types of functional analyses (i.e. T cell
proliferation assays). A second area of investigation involves the use of serial analysis of gene
expression (SAGE) and Affymetrix array analysis to determine gene expression profiles during
mouse embryonic development and during the in vitro differentiation of murine embryonic stem
(ES) cells respectively. The first project involves the dissection of selected tissues from mouse
embryos at critical stages during organ/tissue development. The second involves the culture and
differentiation of ES cells. Data analysis requires the use of a number of bioinformatic tools (i.e.
GeneSpring; DiscoverySpace) to generate lists of candidate genes that may be involved in the
biological processes of interest (i.e. pancreas organogenesis). Validation studies involve
techniques such as quantititative RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, and ultimately inhibition and/or
over-expression studies.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Ted Steiner (M.D. Duke Univ., 1992)
Phone: 604-875-4111 x 68492
Fax: 604-875-4013 E-mail: tsteiner@mail.ubc.ca
Areas of active research include basic mechanisms of flagellin regulation by Toll-like receptor 5
and downstream signaling pathways; Role of anti-flagellin immune responses in colitis; Effects
of stress signals on TLR responses in intestinal epithelial cells.
Principal Investigator: Zakaria Hmama, PhD
UBC-Division of Infectious Diseases
D458, Heather Pavilion East, 2733 Heather St. Email: hmama@mail.ubc.ca
Research in this lab is concerned with molecular and subcellular mechanisms of Tuberculosis
pathogenesis with a particular focus on intracellular persistence of M. tuberculosis in the
macrophage and down-modulation of antigen presentation.
Methodologies & Techniques: Cloning, Transformation, Transfection, Protein Expression and
Purification, SDS-PAGE/WB, FACS, Confocal, ELISA.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Pascal Lavoie, MD PhD FRCPC
Child & Family Research Institute
Phone: 604-875-2000 x7318 (office) 604-875-2000 x6705 (lab) Fax: 604-875-3106
E-mail: plavoie@cw.bc.ca
This laboratory studies on innate and adaptive immune defenses in neonates, particularly those
born early in gestation. One main project focuses on understanding why newborns are highly
susceptible to infections. This is achieved specifically by investigating mechanisms for
inflammatory Toll-like receptor-mediated hypo-responses in babies born prematurely, using cell
immunology, flow cytometry and molecular biology techniques (Q-PCR gene expression,
western blots). Toll-like receptors are family of molecules playing a critical role in first-line
innate immune defenses, particularly in neonates.
A second main project focuses on neonatal invariant Natural Killer T cells and their unique
phenotype expressed in neonatal life. T lymphocytes play a central role in adaptive immune
defenses by "orchestrating" the activity of other cells such as the antibody-producing B
lymphocytes, or by killing virally-infected cells directly. NKT cells are of main interest because
of their potential in regulating excessive inflammatory responses from other innate (i.e. first line)
immune cell types. At the moment, our efforts in this area are focused on understanding how
NKT cells emerge in neonates, with particular emphasis on receptor regulating proliferation and
maintenance of this highly specialized immunological compartment.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Paul Keown
Phone: 604-875-5555 ext. 62042
The clinical immunology laboratory is located at the Vancouver General Hospital and serves as a
central laboratory for the number of UBC programs, including bone marrow transplantation,
solid organ transplantation, autoimmunity and genetic disorders. It comprises four principal
1) Histocompatibility and immunogenetics (HLA typing, donor-recipient cross-matching,
paternity testing, gene polymorphism using robotics DNA extraction, PCR, automated
gene sequencing, fragment analysis, liquid bead-based reverse SSOP (Sequence Specific
Oligonucleotide Probe)
2) Immunologic monitoring (T-cells, B-cells and antibody monitoring using Flow
cytometry and solid-phase Luminex assay)
3) Immunotherapeutics (clinical trial-oriented research that involves
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of immunosuppressive drugs)
4) Autoimmunity (auto-antibody detection using ELISA technique)
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Dr. Megan Levings
604-875-4111 ext 66742
Research in my laboratory is focused on a novel subset of CD4+ T cells, termed T regulatory (Tr)
cells, which control immune homeostasis. Current work is focused on determining how Tr cells
differ from normal CD4+ T cells at both the biochemical and molecular phenotype, and
elucidating their role in transplantation tolerance, cancer and infectious diseases. An immediate
goal is to identify novel Tr-specific molecules which may reveal their mechanism of action
and/or be used as a tool to isolate and track Tr cells more efficiently. A long term goal is to a)
develop methods to generate Tr cells in vitro for use as a cellular therapy to replace standard
immunosuppression in the context of organ transplantation; and b) identify ways to deplete Tr
cells in order to increase the immune response to cancer and chronic infectious diseases.
Principal Investigator: Dr C. James Lim, PhD
Assistant Professor, UBC Department of Pediatrics
Scientist, Child and Family Research Institute
Email: cjlim@mail.ubc.ca
Phone: 604 875 2000 ext. 4795
Research Interest:
Integrins in cell adhesion and migration, protein-protein interactions, protein phosphorylation
and kinase signaling.
My lab research is aimed at understanding the molecular mechanisms governing cell adhesion
and motility, in particular those involving white blood cell function in normal as well as in
pathologic outcomes, including cancer and autoimmunity. Circulating white blood cells represent
the immune system’s frontline defence against infection. The successful and accurate targeting
of white blood cells to inflamed tissues is facilitated by cell adhesion receptor proteins expressed
on the surface of these cells. However, aberrant function of these receptor proteins and the
cellular signals that regulate them can lead to diseases of the immune system, including
leukemia, lymphoma and autoimmunity. Ongoing research is focused on understanding the
differences in cellular signalling between healthy and diseased cells in order to explore and
evaluate novel signalling targets for therapeutic intervention in blood diseases. My laboratory
employs a multi-disciplinary approach that encompasses cell biology, protein biochemistry,
molecular biology and immunology.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Dr. Alice Mui
604-875-5555 ext 62242
The cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a key regulator of both innate and acquired immunity with
activities ranging from co-stimulation of thymocytes, mast cells and B-cells to inhibition of
macrophage, NK, dendritic and T-cell function. Produced by activated B-cells, keratinocytes,
monocytes and macrophages, IL-10 was initially detected as a Th2 cell product that inhibited the
proliferation, development and function of Th1 cells. The molecular cloning of IL-10 and
subsequent studies utilizing recombinant cytokine revealed that although IL-10 exerted direct
effects on T-cells, its major site of action was the activated macrophage. Research interests in
my lab focus on the IL-10 regulation of macrophage and T cell activation, IL-10 induced gene
expression, and the role of STAT transcription factors in signal transduction.
INFECTIOUS DISEASES DIVISION - Bioinformatics Studies of Bacterial Genomes.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Artem Cherkasov
Phone: 604-875-4111 x 68541
My group's research is focused on bioinformatics and molecular modeling methods and
techniques for studying genomes and proteomes of pathogenic organisms.
Studies are currently underway on:
Development of new bioinformatics methods for identification of pathogenic virulence
factor proteins.
'In silico' development of new antimicrobial drugs.
Development of reliability analysis approach for the area of structural genomics.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Neil E. Reiner A.B. (Oberlin College, 1970), M.D. (Case-Western
Reserve University, 1974)
Areas of active research include the regulation of macrophage activation, monocyte gene
expression, and the role of protein kinases and phosphoproteins in signal transduction for
monocyte activation, phagosome biogenesis.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Dr. Yossef Av-Gay
Research interests are molecular genetics of tuberculosis, identification and validation of new
molecular targets for drug therapy. We focus our research on the metabolism of bacterial
pathogens inside their hosts. In my lab, we employ advanced approaches such as gene knockouts
and biochemical analysis of proteins to search for new drug targets against TB.
DNA Damage and Repair
Principal Investigator: Peggy L. Olive, Ph.D. (Biochemistry, McMaster, 1976)
A major goal of this lab is the development of methods to measure DNA damage and repair to
use as indicators of tumor and normal cell response to ionizing radiation and cytotoxic drugs.
The comet assay, a single cell gel electrophoresis method, was developed in this lab to detect a
variety of types of DNA damage in individual cells. DNA repair complexes are also being
measured using both flow cytometry and quantitative image cytometry. Retention of DNA repair
complexes for long times after treatment is associated with a variety of DNA repair deficiencies,
genomic instability, and cell death. DNA damage is being correlated with clonogenic cell
survival and other endpoints using cultured cell lines, multicell tumor spheroids in culture,
tumors in mice, and clinical biopsies.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jan Ehses
Department of Surgery, Division of General Surgery
604-875-2000 x4910
Research in my laboratory is focused on immunometabolism; how the immune system can
regulate whole body metabolism and therefore impact on the progression of diseases such as
obesity and diabetes. Obesity and type 2 diabetes affect greater than 300 million people
worldwide. It is now appreciated that both obesity and type 2 diabetes are chronic inflammatory
diseases. We use rodent models of disease and genetic knockout mice, and perform both
complex in vivo phenotyping of disease progression in addition to in vitro work on the cross-talk
of macrophages and cytokines with endocrine cells of the pancreatic islet. Novel findings will
also be evaluated in human islets. Currently, work in the lab is focused on 3 main topics: 1)
Elucidation of the role of regulatory macrophages in islet inflammation and type 2 diabetes; 2)
The role of inflammation as a mediator of alpha cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes (specifically,
alpha cell gp130 receptor signaling); 3) The role of TLR2 and TLR4 in beta cell dysfunction and
type 2 diabetes. Our long-term goal is to identify novel immunomodulatory therapies that will be
beneficial for the treatment of obesity and diabetes.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Ed Conway
Ed Conway, Centre for Blood Research, Life Sciences Centre, UBC
604-822 4252
Email: ed.conway@ubc.ca
Major research projects in my lab:
 To biochemically characterize novel interactions between the complement activation and
coagulation systems.
 To assess the physiologic role of the mesenchymal cell surface glycoprotein, CD248, in
models of inflammation and cell proliferation.
Investigative approaches utilize a wide range of technologies, including molecular and cellular
biology, biochemistry, and transgenic mouse models.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Investigator: Dr. Kelly McNagny, PhD. (U. of Alabama at Birmingham) Postdoc. (European
Molecular Biology Laboratory)
Phone: 822 7824
Email: Kelly@brc.ubc.ca
We are interested in the mechanisms governing hematopoietic cell differentiation and their
homing and migration. Recently we have focused on the CD34 family of adhesion / antiadhesion molecules. Deletion and overexpression of these molecules in cell culture or in mice
suggests that they normally act as “molecular Teflon” to prevent in appropriate cell adhesion.
We are now exploring the elements that govern the expression, and distribution of these
In addition, we are developing an number of new transgenic mouse lines that should allow the
assessment of homing and differentiation of hematopoietic cells in real time in vivo.
Investigator: Dr. John Schrader Ph.D., M.B.B.S. (University of Adelaide, 1969), B.Med.Sc.
(Hons., University of Melbourne, 1972), Ph.D. (University of Melbourne, 1975)
Dr. Schrader's laboratory is studying two key classes of molecules produced by the cells of the
immune system, cytokines and antibodies. One series of studies are investigating the molecular
mechanism through which cytokines exert their effects on the growth and differentiation of cells.
This work may lead to new approaches to the management of diseases such as leukemia, asthma
and arthritis. Another series are generating monoclonal antibodies or engineered fragments of
antibodies, with the aim of using them as therapeutic agents or as novel research tools. The
experimental approaches integrate cellular, biochemical and molecular techniques.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Investigator: Dr. Sandra E. Dunn, Ph.D.
Laboratory for Oncogenomic Research, Dept. of Paediatrics, BCRICWH
604-875-2000 ext 6015
The proposed research is directed at improving the treatment of women and children with cancer
by developing targeted therapies to reduce relapse. Our studies indicate that tumor-initiating
cells (TIC) may be at the root of this problem. TIC are resistant to traditional chemotherapeutic
agents and re-initiate tumor formation. Importantly, we discovered that YB-1 imparts drug
resistance by inducing a cassette of TIC genes and causes recalcitrance to agents commonly used
in the clinic such as Paclitaxel, Herceptin and Temozolomide.
We plan to explore the precise mechanisms whereby YB-1 conveys resistance using antibody
signaling arrays, chromatin-immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing, coupled with
molecular and cellular biology approaches. Building on our observation that p90 ribosomal S6
kinase (RSK) phosphorylates and thereby activates YB-1 we propose to develop RSK inhibitors.
We recently synthesized the RSK inhibitor, BI-D1870, and show that it potently inhibits YB-1
phosphorylation (IC50=60 nM) yet we need to further optimize the compound in order to
improve cellular delivery. Further, we are exploring the possibility that there are off-patent
drugs that inhibit RSK to expedite the delivery of new treatment options to patients. Beyond YB1, we will validate the potential for polo-like kinase-1 (PLK1) because we find it is essential for
the growth of a wide range of cancer types following a large small interfering RNA (siRNA)
screen. Notably, blocking PLK1 with either siRNA or a small molecule suppresses tumor
growth by ~90%. Small molecules toward PLK have advanced through Phase I clinical trials in
adults with limited side-effects therefore these agents may be available in the near future to
children with cancer. Our plan is to inhibit PLK1 in models of pediatric GBM in vitro, in mice
as well as by treating primary tumor explants from patients.
We will extend our preliminary data showing that PLK/RSK and YB-1 facilitate G2/M cell cycle
progression by forming a complex that is essential for spindle pole assembly. Our goal is to
eliminate tumor cells that have previously gone "under the radar" of conventional therapies as a
means of reducing relapse.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Investigator: Dr. Joel Oger, M.D. (France, 1970), C.E.S. Neurologie (France, 1976) FRCPC
(Canada 1983)
Research in Dr. Oger's lab focuses on in vitro techniques of cellular immunity applied to
neurological diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, HTLV-1 Associated Myelopathy and
Myasthenia Gravis. Blood lymphocytes are isolated and set up in different functional assays
including: IgG and Acetylcholine receptor antibody secretion following pokeweed mitogen
stimulation, suppression of DNA synthesis or of B cell function, induction of suppression by
mitogens or autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction. These results are correlated with
enumeration of lymphocyte subpopulations with special emphasis on T suppressor/inducers, T
helper/inducers and activation of T lymphocytes. Using fluorescent activated cell sorter we also
do cell enumeration.
Further work is on-going on antibody measurements and the auto-immune diseases they
generate: Acetycholine receptor antibodies (Myasthenia gravis) neutralizing antibodies to
interferon in treated MS patients, Antibodies to MuSK in AchrAb negative myasthenia gravis
and anti-Aquaporine-4 antibodies in Neuromyelitis Optica.
Investigator: Yu Tian Wang, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair in Stroke Research, Department
of Medicine, Division of Neurology and Brain Res. Center
Research interests:
Glutamate and GABAA receptors are two principal neurotransmitter receptors, which mediate
excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission, respectively, in the brain and these receptors
play a crucial role in both brain function and dysfunction. My colleagues and I are interested in
understanding molecular mechanisms responsible for the intracellular trafficking and plasma
membrane targeting of these receptors, and investigating the manner by which these mechanisms
may be altered in CNS disease processes. The goal is, ultimately, to be able to treat central
nervous disorders, such as cerebral ischemia and epilepsy, by designing new therapeutics which
specifically target these receptors and their pathways.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Dr. Steven Pelech B.Sc. (Hons., UBC ‘79), Ph.D. (UBC ’82)
Phone: 604-218-2019
E-mail: spelech@mail.ubc.ca
Dr. Pelech’s laboratory focuses on the role of protein kinases in the regulation of cell cycle
progression and apoptosis. In eukaryotes, essentially all cellular functions are tightly regulated
by complex networks of protein kinases and other interacting proteins. At least 518 protein
kinases are encoded by the human genome, but less than a third of these are well characterized.
The importance of a thorough understanding of the architecture and operation of protein kinase
cascades is being recognized with the discovery that as many as 400 human diseases, including
cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and neurological disorders, are linked with defective signal
transduction. At the same time, there has been a strong trend for researchers world-wide to
correlate many normal and pathological cellular processes with a relatively small number of
protein kinases. His laboratory has been developing methodologies to track the phosphorylation
states and expression levels of hundreds of distinct protein kinases and their substrates
simultaneously. One technique involves Western blotting with panels of mixed antibodies for
different protein kinases and phospho-sites. The model systems with which these analyses are
being conducted include: 1) meiotic maturation of seastar and frog oocytes; 2) mitogenic and
stress stimulation of human tumour cells; and 3) brain and spinal cord preparations from patients
that have died from ALS, Alzheimers disease, and multiple sclerosis. The techniques used in Dr.
Pelech's laboratory include those for enzyme purification and characterization (e.g. column
chromatography, enzyme assays, gel electrophoresis), gene cloning, sequencing and expression
in bacteria, immunological analyses (e.g. Western blotting, immunoprecipitation, ELISA,
immunocytochemistry), and cell biology (e.g. cell culture, cell microinjection).
Principal Investigator: Dr. Vincent Duronio (Ph.D., U. Western Ontario, 1984)
Phone: 604-875-4707 Fax: 604-875-4497 E-mail:vduronio@mail.ubc.ca
Dr. Duronio's lab is interested in the signal transduction mechanisms that regulate cell
proliferation, cell survival and cell death. In response to a variety of factors, there are specific
signals that are transmitted to regulate cellular responses. We use a number of different cellular
model systems, mainly human and murine cell lines, as well as blood cells isolated from donors.
Past research focused on signalling events related to the PI 3-kinase pathway regulating protein
kinase B, which has lead to a major focus on regulation of apoptosis. In recent years, several
projects have investigated function of BCL-2 family proteins, with either pro-survival or prodeath functions. However, we have also made discoveries suggesting that the function of these
proteins can impinge on other cellular processes. One key example is the involvement of MCL-1
in DNA damage response, in which we are investigating how the protein functions in controlling
response to chemotherapy agents. Finally, one separate project has studied how macrophages
survive in response to oxidized LDL, which has important relevance in atherosclerosis. In an
animal model, we have shown that loss of a kinase that we showed was activated by oxLDL,
resulted in less atherosclerosis. This finding indicates that the kinase may serve as a potential
therapeutic target for atherosclerosis.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Scott Tebbutt, Ph.D.
604-682-2344 ext. 63051
In asthmatic individuals, airway narrowing represents the early phase of the asthmatic response
to allergen inhalation challenge; early phase onset can be detected within ten minutes of allergen
inhalation, reaches a maximum within thirty minutes, and typically resolves within three
hours. In 50-60% of allergic asthmatic adults, the early response is followed by the late phase
asthmatic response, which usually starts between three and four hours after allergen inhalation
challenge, and is characterized by cellular inflammation of the airway, increased lung tissue
permeability, and mucus secretion. Despite tremendous interest, the pathways leading to the late
response are not completely understood.
To more clearly delineate the specific biological pathways involved, we are studying molecular
changes in the peripheral blood of asthmatic individuals who are experiencing these
responses. Understanding these pathways is important for evaluating allergic diseases such as
In contrast to the more transient isolated early response, development of the late response is
associated with the hallmark inflammatory features of chronic allergic disease.
Principal Investigator: Dr. James C. Hogg
We are interested in the role that latent adenovirus (Ad) infections play in the pathogenesis of
obstructive lung disease. We have demonstrate that the DNA of adenovirus E1A is found more
often in lungs of patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) (1) than in controls
without airways obstruction and that this viral gene is expressed in human lungs (2). In a guinea
pig model of latent Ad infection we have shown that presence of this virus enhances the
inflammatory response in the lung to cigarette smoke exposure (3) and in lung epithelial cells in
vitro that Ad E1A, a transactivator of host genes, enhances the expression of key inflammatory
mediators in response to inflammatory stimuli such as LPS (4-6) and ambient particulate matter
(7). This up-regulation is associated with the activation of the transcription factor NF-B (6-8).
We have applied the in situ PCR technique to identify lung epithelial cells carrying Ad E1A
DNA and are currently investigating the integration of the Ad E1A gene into chromosomes in
human lungs, as well as investigating the molecular mechanism by which E1A regulates the
inflammatory mediator expression using the guinea pig model and lung epithelial cells in culture.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigators: Dr. Stephen Lam M.D. (University of Toronto, 1974), FRCPC
(Internal Medicine and Respiratory Medicine, 1978)/ Dr. Calum MacAulay
We are interested in the role of early detection and chemoprevention as a lung cancer control
strategy. Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in North America. We have
developed methods to identify individuals harbouring early lung cancer and pre-invasive lesions
using image analysis of sputum cells and an autofluorescence endoscopic method to localize
these lesions in high risk individuals. We are also testing the role of spiral CT to detect early
lung cancer. Clinical trials are being conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of
chemopreventive agents such as botanical agents to prevent lung cancer. Intermediate endpoint
biomarkers such as image analysis of bronchial biopsies are used in these Phase II clinical trials.
Optical imaging methods such as confocal microendoscopy and optical coherent tomography are
being developed as non-biopsy methods to determine the pathology grade.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jeremy Road B.Sc. (University of Regina, 1975), M.D.
(University of Saskatchewan, 1977)
E-mail: jeremy.road@vch.ca
Dr. Road's research interests include studies on the action of the respiratory muscles and on the
control of breathing. Studies of respiratory muscle function have focused on the diaphragm.
Muscle injury in the respiratory muscles is a newly identified problem of major significance to
breathing. The histochemistry and biochemistry of the inspiratory muscles is being assessed in
conditions including fatigue and injury, immobilization, denervation and exposure to a variety of
drugs. How respiratory muscle fatigue is sensed is under study using single fibre afferent nerve
recordings. Clinical studies are ongoing to parallel these basic physiological studies.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Biology and Regulation of Normal and Malignant Stem Cells
Principal Investigator: Dr. Connie J. Eaves B.Sc. (Biology & Chemistry, Queens University,
1964), M.Sc. (Genetics, Queens University, 1966), Ph.D. (University of Manchester, UK, 1969)
Phone: 604-877-6070
Fax: 604-877-0712 E-mail: ceaves@bccrc.ca
Experiments in this laboratory and elsewhere have established the existence in adults (both
mouse and man) of primitive hematopoietic stem cells capable of regenerating all myeloid and
lymphoid lineages following the transplantation of these cells into marrow-ablated or suppressed
recipients. A major part of our work continues to focus on the development, validation and use of
quantitative assays that are specific for these stem cells using syngeneic (mouse – to - mouse)
and xenogeneic (e.g., human – to – mouse) transplantation strategies. One goal is to define how
the proliferation and differentiation of these cells can be regulated and proactively manipulated
by extrinsic factors. This offers an important approach for therapeutic application as well as for
identifying the intracellular signaling dynamics and downstream molecular targets that determine
whether a stem cell will begin to execute the differentiation programs for which it has acquired
competence (activation of stem cell fate decisions) or whether it will divide and retain this
competence without activating it (self-renewal decisions). We are also attempting to elucidate
the mechanisms by which extrinsic factors control hematopoietic stem cell engraftment changes
during cell cycle transit. Factors with these activities are being identified and their mechanisms
of action studied using purified stem cells, defined culture systems, gene transfer strategies, and
genome-wide gene expression (SAGE and microarray) analysis. Our recent development of a
method for purifying adult murine hematopoietic stem cells to homogeneity has allowed us to
define their unique cell cycle dynamics and independence of self-renewal control from speed of
cell cycle entry. We are now extending these advances to other sources of murine and human
hematopoietic stem cells and hope ultimately to identify a stable stem cell-specific phenotype
signature. A second goal is to similarly characterize the abnormalities of human chronic myeloid
leukemic stem cells and to develop new models of this disease in mice, sheep and goats
reconstituted with human leukemic stem cells or genetically modified (oncogene-transduced)
human and murine stem cells, and to develop stem cell-based gene therapies using procedures
we have optimized for transducing them at high frequency. These studies are being carried out in
collaboration with other senior scientists in the Terry Fox Lab and investigators at Harvard/MIT
in Boston, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in N. York, the University of Nevada at Reno
and the Shanghai Institute of Medical Genetics in China. A 3rd initiative is focused on extending
these approaches to the study of human breast cancer. Quantitative assays for normal and
malignant human breast epithelial stem cells are being developed and used to purify these cells,
to identify their distinguishing features and to define their normal and perturbed mechanisms of
growth regulation using clonal tracking, gene expression and gene manipulation strategies. The
objective is to provide a basis for analyzing molecular and genetic determinants of breast cancer
at the level of the breast cancer stem cell and thereby develop more rational, patient-targeted
therapies. We also characterize the process by which hematopoietic stem cells develop from
human embryonic stem (ES) cells. These studies have started with a systematic comparative
analysis of the gene expression profile of 8 different human ES lines by microarray and SAGE
and will now be extended to analysis of defined stages of derivative cells using optimized
methods currently under development for generating and isolating these subpopulations.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Xiaoyan Jiang, MD, Ph.D.
Research interest
 Molecular and cellular mechanisms of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in the
development of leukemia
 Gene regulation
 Leukemic stem cell biology
 Proteomics
Dr. Jiang’s research interests are focused on elucidating the molecular pathway
perturbations that cause and sustain human leukemia. The ultimate objective is to
identify new, rationally designed, molecularly targeted therapies that will be more
effective and less toxic than those presently available. Currently, she is pursuing this
interest through two lines of investigation. One is a more basic investigation of the
molecular mechanisms by which AHI-1, a novel oncogene and signaling molecule, may
contribute to the pathogenesis of a number of human leukemias and lymphomas. By
analyzing perturbations in primary human cells and in overexpression and knockdown
models, her research group has recently identified a novel AHI-1-BCR-ABL-JAK2
interaction complex that modulates BCR-ABL transforming activity and tyrosine kinase
inhibitor response of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) stem/progenitor cells.
Understanding the functions of this interaction complex could lead to the development of
new molecularly targeted therapies.
The second line of investigation is a translational research effort in human CML where
the goals are to develop new predictive tests for identifying CML patients who are
unlikely to respond to BCR-ABL-targeted therapies, and so may be considered
immediately for more aggressive therapies, and to identify new agents or combinations of
agents that can effectively eradicate CML stem/progenitor cells.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Dr. R. Keith Humphries B.Sc. (Hons, Physics, University of Alberta,
1970), M.Sc. (Biophysics, University of Toronto, 1972), M.D. (University of British Columbia,
1975), Ph.D. (Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia, 1980)
My research concentrates on the characterization of genes that underly the self-renewal and
differentiation capacity of normal versus leukemic hematopoietic stem cells. Most recently, we
have focused on the Hox homeobox family of transcription factors as candidate intrinsic
regulators of normal primitive hematopoietic cells and participants in leukemic transformation.
Expression profiling has documented differential expression of Hox genes in primitive
hematopoietic subpopulations and retroviral gene transfer has been used to engineer the
overexpression of Hox genes and leukemia associated Hox fusion genes (eg. NUP98-HOXD13)
with marked effects on hematopoiesis in mouse transplantation and embryonic stem cell models.
Among the striking functions of these wild type and variant Hox genes are their potent ability to
enhance hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal. For example we have recently shown that a fusion
of NUP98 and the homeodomain only portion of HOXA10 can trigger over 10,000-fold
expansions of HSC in 10-14 days of in-vitro culture.
We have also identified the Hox co-factor, Meis1 as an extremely potent collaborating gene with
Hox and NUP98-Hox fusions in triggering leukemic transformation. Our studies are now
directed at harnessing Hox transcription factors to achieve controlled safe ex-vivo expansion of
HSC that may be useful for stem-cell based therapies. We are also employing a number of
methods to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms and pathways underlying Hox and cofactor involvement stem cell function. These studies include efforts to identify the cellular origin
of Leukemic stem cells, direct gene targets, protein partners and cooperating pathways. Major
technologies used in the lab include FACS-based cell purification; retro and lentiviral gene
transfer; ES cell gene targeting and ES in-vitro differentiation; expression profiling; microRNA
analysis; genome wide transcription factor binding profiling; and mouse hematopoietic assays.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Dr. Peter M. Lansdorp M.D. (Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1976),
Ph.D. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1985)
Phone: 604-877-6070, extension 3026
The research focus in the Lansdorp Lab is on 1) the role of chromatin differences between sister
chromatids in cell proliferation and development 2) the role of chromosome ends (telomeres) in
the biology of normal and malignant cells and 3) the role of guanine-rich DNA in cell biology
and genome instability.
The Lansdorp laboratory described that the function of purified “candidate” stem cells is
developmentally controlled and that purified primitive hematopoietic cells divide
asymmetrically. Subsequently his laboratory found that the length of telomere repeats in
hematopoietic cells decreases with proliferation in vitro and with age in vivo. This led to the
development of quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization (Q-FISH) techniques (using
directly labeled peptide nucleic acid probes) to measure the length of telomere repeats in
chromosomes and cells. The role of telomeres and telomerase in human (patho-) physiology is a
main research focus in the Lansdorp laboratory. Based on his work in telomere biology, Dr.
Lansdorp became interested in genetic factors that regulate telomere length. This work led to
studies in C.elegans and the surprising finding that worms lacking the dog-1 helicase gene show
deletions throughout their genome that invariably start at poly-guanine tracts. Based on this work
his laboratory cloned the Regulator of telomere Length (Rtel) gene in the mouse. The precise role
of guanine-rich DNA and RTEL at telomeres continues to be a major research focus. The other
current interest in the Lansdorp laboratory is related the possibility that (stem) cell fate is
regulated in part by chromatin differences between sister chromatids as predicted by the “silent
sister” hypothesis. For such studies the Lansdorp lab has developed novel methods to identify
sister chromatids and follow their mitotic segregation in vitro and in vivo.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Steroid Receptors
Principal Investigator: Dr. Xuesen Dong, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Jack Bell Research Centre
2660 Oak St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V6H 3Z6
Prostate Research Facility:
Research Interst:
The primary interest of Dr. Dong’s research is to understand how steroid receptors regulate gene
expression and apply this knowledge to prevent cancer progression. Upon binding to steroid
hormones, steroid receptors regulate gene expression through dynamic recruitments of coregulators to promote tumor growth. Dr. Dong has identified two such co-regulators (previously
identified as RNA splicing factors, called PSF and p54nrb) that function as inhibitors of
androgen and progesterone receptors. Since androgen receptor plays a key role in promoting
prostate tumor growth, Dr. Dong is currently investigating the mechanisms on how these RNA
splicing factors repress AR functions. Information obtained from these studies would help
develop strategies that target on androgen receptor to prevent prostate cancer from progression to
the hormone-refractory/castration-resistant state.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Michael E. Cox, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist, The Prostate Centre at Vancouver General Hospital
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Jack Bell Research Centre
2660 Oak St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V6H 3Z6
604 875-4818 or 875-4111 ext. 68369
604 875-5654
Research Interest
Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy and the third leading cause of
cancer-related deaths in men. With support from Canadian Cancer Society and the Terry Fox
Foundation, we are also examining how prostate tumors adapt to respond to growth factors
during development of castration-resistant PCa (CRPC). Activation of insulin-like growth factor
(IGF) signaling and subsequent activation of downstream kinase signaling is implicated as key
adaptive responses that facilitate CRPC progression. We are testing the hypothesis that by
comparing gain- and loss-of-function models with adaptive changes observed in post-treated
human PCa specimens, we will elucidate functionally relevant activated components of IGF-1
signaling that can, in turn, be targeted to delay AI progression. We are assessing the use of small
molecule, antibody and antisense therapeutic modalities targeting the IGF axis to assess how
these agents alone or in combination with conventional chemotherapeutic agents impact growth
and survival signaling in androgen-dependent and CRPC model. The overall objective is to
identify and analyze prognostically relevant targets for IGF axis disruption and to determine how
targeting these key growth and survival signaling cascades can be used to optimize combinatorial
regimens for CRPC.
While the cause of prostate cancer is unknown, recurring translocation of the promoter of the
androgen-responsive gene, TMPRSS2, in frame with members of the Ets family of transcription
factors; primarily ETV1 and ERG, have been found to frequently occur in PCa
patients. Furthermore, these translocations are suggested to predict poorer prognosis especially
when in conjunction with amplification of the translocated locus or mutations of the tumor
suppressor, PTEN. However, how ETV1 and ERG expression impact disease initiation and/or
progression remain undefined. We have developed a panel of lineage-matched non-transformed
and ERG transformed prostatic epithelial cell lines. With Cancer Research Society, Inc. and
CIHR support, we are testing the hypothesis that aberrant ERG expression consistently
reprograms gene expression patterns in prostatic epithelial cells causing them to grow faster and
independent of substrate binding, and enhances their metastatic potential of prostate epithelial
cells. We are assessing how ERG induces epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, regulate invasive
behavior and impacts androgen receptor signaling and identifying common chronic adaptive
gene expression changes in prostatic epithelial cells transformed by ERG. These studies will set
the benchmark for understanding how ERG causes prostate cancer and identify diagnostic and
therapeutic targets for treating patients with these translocations.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Dr. Caigan Du, B.Sc. (Jiangxi University, China, 1984), M.Phil
(University of Wales, Swansea, UK, 1990), Ph.D. (University of Wales, Swansea, UK, 1995)
Phone: 604-875-4111 ext 63793
E-mail: caigan.du@ubc.ca
The focus in the lab is on revealing the cellular and molecular mechanisms of
ischemia/hypothermia-induced kidney donor tissue injury prior to transplantation, and the role of
donor-derived factors in generating kidney transplant inflammation and tissue remodeling after
transplantation. We are also interested in development of new drug therapy for enhancing
survival of kidney and other organ transplants and suppressing tumor development.
Macrophage Phenotype and Function
Investigator: Dr. Laura Sly, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
Phone: 604-875-3654
E-mail: laurasly@mail.ubc.ca
Inflammation is a fundamental biological process which our bodies use to protect us from
infectious diseases and restore health after an injury. Inflammation can be divided into 3 phases:
recognition, response, and resolution. Macrophages play a critical role in all three phases of the
inflammatory response. They recognize and respond to infectious insults driving the innate
immune response and directing the acquired immune response. They also play and
equally critical role in the resolution phase of inflammation dampening down
inflammatory responses and promoting tissue remodeling. Unfortunately, when macrophage
responses is not properly regulated, macrophages can contribute to inflammatory diseases, like
inflammatory bowel disease.
The goals of our research are to understand the role of macrophages in inflammation and the
molecular mechanisms that underlie macrophage responses. This, in turn, will allow us to
identify and validate novel strategies and targets that may be useful to treat inflammatory
diseases. The main projects in our laboratory include developing anti-inflammatory, regulatory
macrophages (Mregs) for clinical use as a cell-based therapy to treat inflammatory diseases
and identification of molecular mechanisms that lead to intestinal inflammation in genetic
models of intestinal inflammation. Our laboratory works with mouse models of human disease
and primary human tissue samples and we use a combination of genetic, biochemical, and
immunological research techniques to address our scientific questions.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Childhood Cancer and Blood Research Program
Principal Investigator: Dr. Gregor Reid (PhD, UBC, 1996)
604-875-2000 ext 4692 E-mail: grogreid@mail.ubc.ca
The central hypothesis of Dr. Reid’s research is that appropriate stimulation of the immune
system will provide an effective strategy for the treatment and prevention of childhood cancers.
His research, therefore, seeks to understand the influence of the immune system during cancer
progression and to use this knowledge to develop approaches to induce therapeutic anti-cancer
immune activity. In addition to evaluating the impact of immune responses on established
disease, the Reid lab seeks to identify the influence of the immune system before cancer is
detected. To achieve these goals they use a range of experimental systems, including transgenic
mice, adoptive transfer models, human xenograft models, and ex vivo and in vitro analysis of
patient samples and human cell lines. It is hoped this broad approach will expedite the
development of effective new treatments for children with cancer.
Principal Investigator: Dr. CA Maxwell
Chris Maxwell, Child & Family Research Institute
604-875-2000 x 4691 E-mail: cmaxwell@cfri.ubc.ca
Interactions between various microtubule-associated proteins promote the nucleation of
microtubules for the assembly of the mitotic spindle, permitting the alignment of genetic material
and its equivalent segregation to daughter cells. Our past research has identified proteins that
work together during cell division and shown that these proteins are also vital for differentiation.
Our ongoing projects include:
During mitotic spindle assembly and exit, microtubule organization and genome stability
are determined by genetic and molecular interactions between gene/proteins. Using
established technologies and phosphorylation mutants among other reagents, the interplay
between these gene/proteins will be investigated to better understand division and the
generation of genomic instability.
Epithelial specialization, terminal differentiation and apicobasal polarity are reliant, in
part, upon cytoskeletal reorganization and turnover of microtubule nucleating factors.
These results provide a new perspective on differentiation and cancer risk associated with
BRCA1 mutation. Using established technologies and reagents, we will investigate
microtubule reorganization during differentiation and interrogate the mechanism(s) of
tumorigenesis for mammary tumors.
Many classical cancer therapies, as well as radiation, target cell division and/or
microtubules. We will focus on testing, modifying and optimizing the effectiveness of a
novel, promising cancer therapy that disrupts microtubule organization. By genetic and/or
chemical alteration of partner proteins, we hope to broaden the clinical options to treat
aggressive adult and childhood tumors.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Dr. Catherine Pallen, Ph.D.
Childhood Cancer and Blood Research Program, Child & Family Research Institute
Phone: 604-875-2439
E-mail: cpallen@mail.ubc.ca
Research in my laboratory investigates the cellular and physiological functions of protein
tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). In particular, we are studying the molecular mechanisms of action
of receptor-type PTP alpha (PTP ) in signaling pathways and processes that are perturbed in
human diseases and disorders. These include pathways that regulate normal cell migration and
pediatric cancer cell migration, invasion, and metastasis; pathways that regulate mast cell
activation and are implicated in allergic diseases such as asthma; and pathways that regulate
oligodendrocyte differentiation and are implicated in myelination-related diseases such as
multiple sclerosis. Our studies employ PTP knockout mice in models of disease, and cells
derived from these mice in a variety of molecular and cellular assays.
Centre for Hip Health and Mobility
Physical Activity and Bone Health Research Group
Principal Investigators: Dr. Heather McKay and Dr. Heather Macdonald
Dr. Heather McKay: 604-875-5346
Dr. Heather Macdonald: 604-875-4111- ext. 21784
heather.mckay@hiphealth.ca or heather.macdonald@ubc.ca
The Centre's first major commitment is to enhance the prevention, detection and treatment of
bone and joint problems affecting the hip. Research carried out at the Centre covers the lifespan,
from primary prevention programs for children to early detection of disease in adults,
intervention programs for the at-risk elderly and improved surgical treatments.
We aim to prevent falls and hip fractures through early intervention with programs for youths
and seniors, educate and train highly skilled scientists and clinicians, detect osteoarthritis at an
early stage, treat bone and joint problems with more effective surgical solutions, including
minimally invasive surgeries, evaluate the impact, effectiveness and costs of novel interventions,
translate research that is relevant, effective and sustainable into programs, practices and policies
through knowledge integration.
More specifically Dr. McKay's Physical Activity and Bone Health Research Group targets the
relationship between physical activity and bone health across the lifespan including children and
older populations who are at high risk for osteoporosis, falls and fracture. The research projects
contain a methodological component and utilize state of the art modalities such as dual energy
X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), peripheral QCT (pQCT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
the new technology of high-resolution peripheral QCT (HR-pQCT)to assess bone health and the
bone response to exercise.
Updated: December 10, 2014
Principal Investigator: Dr. Teresa Liu-Ambrose, PT (University of British Columbia, 1994),
M.Sc. (UBC, 1998), Ph.D. (UBC, 2004), PDF (UBC, 2006)
Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, University of British Columbia
604-875-4111 loc.69059
The Vancouver Falls Prevention Clinic is a partnership among family doctors, specialists and
health professionals with the goal of, reducing fractures, preventing falls, and, ultimately,
improving patient quality of life. The clinic was established in 2004 by the Centre for Hip Health
and Mobility in collaboration with the University of British Columbia, and the Vancouver
Coastal Health Research Institute. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths in seniors,
and 30% of individuals aged 65 years and over will experience at least one fall each year.
Although falls constitute a well-recognized public health concern, there is a need for additional
research into the effectiveness of different interventions to cost effectively reduce falls in frail
senior populations.
Additional to providing a unique and valuable clinical service, the Falls Prevention Clinic
provides opportunities to various research groups who are investigating falls in seniors. The
Action Seniors! study is investigating the effects of a home activity program on quality of life,
muscular strength, balance, cognitive and daily function, and number of falls in men and women
over the age of 70 years. Most studies have shown that falls are reduced with physical activity
programs that include strength and balance training. However, it is unknown whether persons
who have had a fall that caused them to be injured can benefit from this type of physical activity,
and whether these programs are cost effective for our health care system.
During clinical visits, patients undergo a thorough Falls Risk assessment using innovative
measures such as the Physiological Profile Assessment (PPA). This evidence-based tool, which
incorporates various tests and activities designed to assess strength, balance, vision,
proprioception and reaction time, is reliable at predicting future falls with up to 75% accuracy.
Further, a variety of questionnaires and clinical screens are administered to assess patients’ state
of independent living, cognitive health and quality of life. Immediately afterwards, patients
receive a comprehensive geriatric assessment. In the literature such an assessment is consistently
found to reduce future falls by up to 60%.