
Monday, 25 November 2013
07:00 Onwards: REGISTRATIONS
07:30 - 08:00:
Mahogany Hall: Professor Peter NELIGAN
Grand Salon – A: Professor Alexander DAGUM
Grand Salon – B: Professor DamienGRINSELL
Grand Salon – C: Professor GregoryEVANS
Boardroom – 2: Professor G BALAKRISHNAN
Mahogany Hall: MC1a
Master’s Class : Gaith SHUBAILAT
Topic: Rhinoplasty
Chairperson: Shrirang PANDIT
Co-Chairperson: Anil TIBREWALA
Co-Chairperson: Sandeep JAIN
Grand Salon – A: MC1b
Master’s Class 1: Atul SHAH
Topic: Hand 1: Tendon transfer
Master’s Class 2: Mukund THATTE
Topic: Hand 2: Congenital hand
Chairperson: P V JOSHI
Co-Chairperson: KG BHASKAR
Co-Chairperson: Jayanto TAPADAR
Grand Salon – B: MC1c
Master’s Class 1: Sami KHAN
Topic: Breast reconstruction
Master’s Class 2: Balwant ARORA
Topic: Breast reconstruction
Chairperson: Prabha YADAV
Co-Chairperson: GS KALRA
Co-Chairperson: Dushyant JAISWAL
Grand Salon – C: MC 1d
Master’s Class: David CHIU
Topic: Nerve Conduits
Chairperson: Padam BHANDARI
Co-Chairperson: Bharatendu SWAIN
Co-Chairperson: Sudhir SINGH
Boardroom – 2: MC 1e
Master’s Class 1: Mohan RANGASWAMY
Topic: Abdominoplasty- 1
Master’s Class 2: Sanjay Parashar
Scientific Program: APSICON 2013
Day 1, 25 November 2013
Topic: Abdominoplasty- 2
Chairperson: SS CHATTERJEE
Co-Chairperson: Anil NIRALE
Co-Chairperson: Shirish CHOUDHARY
Grand Ballroom
09:00 - 09:40
09:40 - 10:20
Presidential keynote address
Speaker: Julia TERZIS
Topic: Pan facial reanimation
Chairperson: Mathangi RAMAKRISHNAN
Co-Chairperson: Gautam BISWAS
Co-Chairperson: FM TRIPATHI
Gillies Oration
Speaker: Raja SABAPATHY
Topic: Salvaging complex limb injuries: Factors determining
outcome and lessons learnt
Chairperson: Ashok GUPTA
Co-Chairperson: Ramesh SHARMA
Co Chairperson: Atul K SHAH
10:20 - 10:40
SN Sharma Lecture
Speaker: Alexander DAGUM
Topic: Evidence based cleft care in the 21st century: What
constitutes best practices
Chairperson: Sam C BOSE
Co-Chairperson: Jyotsana MURTHY
Co-Chairperson: Subodh SINGH
10:40 - 11:00
Presidential Invitation Lecture
Speaker: Graeme SOUTHWICK
Topic: Practice management - Golden rules produce golden
Chairperson: Sheila ROHATAGI
Co-Chairperson: Lakshmi SALEEM
Co-Chairperson: Rakesh KALRA
11:00 to 11:30
Tea (E-Poster / E-Papers - Boardroom Foyer)
11:30 - 11:50
Plastic Surgeon of the Year
Topic: Random thoughts from a long journey
Chairperson: CP SAWHNEY
Co-Chairperson: Siva Rami REDDY
Co-Chairperson: Bijoy METHIL
Scientific Program: APSICON 2013
Day 1, 25 November 2013
11:50 -12:15
Presidential Invitation Lecture
Speaker: Mohammad JAWAD
Topic: Huts and Oscars
Chairperson: Malti GUPTA
Co-Chairperson: Bharat RAM
Co-Chairperson: Kalpesh GAJIWALA
12:15 - 12:45
Presidential Invitation Lecture
Speaker: Taky KUBOTA
Topic 1: Nuclear holocaust and saving lives
Topic 2: Mental care of the breast cancer patients
Chairperson: Swarna ARORA
Co-Chairperson: R MURUGESAN
Co-Chairperson: Rajiv AGARWAL
Speaker: Nikhil PANSE
Topic: Free style perforator based propeller flaps: Simple
solutions for upper extremity reconstruction.
Chairperson: Arun CHOUDHARY
Co-Chairperson: Sanjeev DESHPANDE
Co-Chairperson: Anil GARG
12:45 - 13:00
13:00 to 14:00
Lunch(E-Poster / E-Papers - Boardroom Foyer)
Peet Prize
Chairperson: Raja SABAPATHY
Co-Chairperson: Ravi MAHAJAN
Co-Chairperson: BG TILAK
PP 1: Mohit Sharma
Anatomic basis for selecting the site of fibula flap.
PP 2: Nikhil Panse
The distally based split vastus lateralis myocutaneous flap.
14:00 - 15:30
PP 3: Parag Sahasrabudhe
Prospective long term study of patency and other aspects of
functionality of 505 arteriovenous fistulas in patients with
chronic renal failure.
PP 4: Sachin Chavre
Islanded nasolabial flap used in the reconstruction of the oral
cavity: A new perspective.
PP 5: Vijayaraghavan
Bipolar transfer of functioning Biceps Femoris muscle.
PP 6: Uday Bhat
Precision carving of costal cartilage graft for contour fill in
aesthetic and reconstructive rhinoplasty.
15:30 - 16:00
MM Mukherjee Oration
Speaker: Sasanka CHATTERJEE
Scientific Program: APSICON 2013
Day 1, 25 November 2013
Topic: Training in Plastic Surgery
Chairperson: Ashok GUPTA
Co-Chairperson: Ramesh SHARMA
Co-Chairperson: Atul K SHAH
16:00 to 16:30
16:30 - 17:00
High Tea(E-Poster / E-Papers - Boardroom Foyer)
AC Ganguli Lecture
Speaker: Somes C GUHA
Topic: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in wound healing: Current
Chairperson: Siti Roy CHOUDHARY
Co-Chairperson: Satish KALE
Co-Chairperson: Vithal LAHANE
RN Sharma Symposium
Convener: Subramania IYER
Topic: Abdomino- Perineal Reconstruction
Co-Chairperson: PK SHARMA
Co-Chairperson: Samir KUMTA
Speaker 1: Gregory EVANS
Topic: Complex abdominal wall reconstruction (5+2)
17:00 - 18:30
Speaker 2: Damien GRINSELL
Topic: Radical abdomino-perineal reconstruction with IGA MC
MC flap with vascularized fascia late (5+2)
Speaker 3: Ashok GUPTA
Topic: Complex pelvic – perineal reconstruction(5+2)
Speaker 4: Sami KHAN
Topic: Component separation and recurrent abdominal wall
hernia (3+1)
Speaker 5: Ramesh SHARMA
Topic: Perineal reconstruction(3+1)
Speaker 6: Charudutta CHOUDHARY
Topic: Abdomino – perineal Reconstruction in oncological
Closing Remarks: Subramania IYER
20:00 Onwards
Presidential Dinner (Banquet)
Scientific Program: APSICON 2013
Day 1, 25 November 2013
Grand Salon
KN 1a: Aesthetic I – Fat grafting
Chairperson: Arun Kumar SINGH
Co-Chairperson: Ananta KULKARNI
Co-Chairperson: Sumit SINGHAL
Keynote Lecture (10 + 2)
Speaker: Mohan RANGASWAMY
Topic: Structural fat grafting with activated platelet rich
plasma technique and experience in diverse indications
Free Papers
FP 1 (5+2): Volumetric assessment of facial defects for
augmentation by autologous fat transfer. Shilpi BHADANI
FP 2 (5+2): Autologous fat grafting: Minimally invasive
technique for aesthetic correction of depressed facio maxillary
fractures. Sameer Vora, Sushant Choudhary, M V
Chandramouli, Kapil Agrawal, Prof. Vinita Puri
FP 3 (5+2): Development of an automated device for point-ofcare isolation of stromal vascular fraction cells from adipose
tissue lipoaspirate. Anish Sen Majumdar, Swathi SundarRaj,
Nancy Priya, Abhijeet Deshmukh, Murali Cherat
FP 4 (3+1): Isolation of adipose derived stem cells. Saurabh
FP 5 (3+1): Correction of parry rhomberg deformity by
multiplanar grafting of fat with activated platelet rich matrix:
A simple elegant solution for a difficult problem. Mohan
FP 6 (3+1): Role of high resolution ultrasound in accessing
free fat graft on a long term basis. Somashekar G, A K Singh,
Vijay Kumar, P K Srivastava
FP 7 (3+1): Fat grafting in Parry-Romberg syndrome.
Neelamma, Smitha Segu
12:15 - 13:00
KN 1c: Burns I
Chairperson: R BHARAT
Co-Chairperson: Prakash CHAJJALANI
Co-Chairperson: Khursheed AHMAD
Keynote Lecture (10 + 2)
Speaker: Umesh SHAH
Topic: Chemical Burns
Scientific Program: APSICON 2013
Day 1, 25 November 2013
FP 1 (5+2): Improving the outcomes in Post Burn Sequalae
using Reconstructive microsurgery. Aditya Aggarwal, R K
Khazanchi, Sanjay Mahendru, Vimalendu Brajesh, Sukhdeep
Singh, Hardeep Singh
FP 2 (5+2): Predictive factors of difficult intubation in post
burn contracture neck a study of 30 consecutive cases. Vijay
kumar.N, Rajesh Powar, Arvind.L, Avinash
FP 3 (5+2): A prospective study of fungal colonization in burn
patients in a large burn unit of India. Umesh Bansal, Rajeev
Ahuja, Prabhat Shrivastava
FP 4 (3+1): Incidence and outcome of burns in pregnancy.
Neelamma, Smitha Degu
FP 5 (3+1):Correction of PBC of finger with distraction
histiogenesis technique. Sanjay kumar, Sharadendu Sharma,
Harish Sharma
FP 6 (3+1): The study on the effect of sodium hypochlorite on
burn wounds. Prerna Nembang, R. P. Narayan
13:00 to 14:00
14:00 - 15:00
Lunch(E-Poster / E-Papers - Boardroom Foyer)
KN 1E (a): Head and Neck Reconstruction-I
Chairperson: LP SADHOTRA
Co-Chairperson: Syed ILYAS
Co-Chairperson: Anup DHIR
Keynote lecture (10 + 2)
Speaker: V. Bhattacharya
Topic: Bifurcated flaps for facial reconstruction
FP 1 (5+2): Basal Cell Carcinoma of Face- Variations and Their
Management. V. Bhattacharya
FP 2 (5+2): Jejunum free flap for hypopharyngeal
reconstruction. Experience of 34 consecutive cases. Vinay
Kant Shankhdhar, Prabha Yadav, Dushyant Jaiswal
FP 3 (5+2): Comparative study of role of 3D CT reconstruction
vs conventional radiography in management of maxillofacial
fractures. Sanjeev Uppal, Sheerin Shah, Ramneesh Garg
FP 4 (3+1): Epidemiological study of 700 cases of maxillofacial
trauma and concomitant systemic injuries. Mayuresh M
deshpande, Ajay Singhal, R.K. Jain
Scientific Program: APSICON 2013
Day 1, 25 November 2013
FP 5 (3+1): Dilemma of decision: An algorithm for the
treatment of Ameloblastoma. Hemant Saraiya
FP 6 (3+1): Choice of recipient vessels in post radiotherapy
and vessel depleted neck. Vinay Kant Shankhdhar, Prabha
Yadav, Dushyant Jaiswal
FP 7 (3+1): Reconstruction of late presenting eyelid eye brow
and forehead composite tissue loss. Philip Philip Puthumana
FP 8 (3+1): Oblique branch of ALT flap: clinical implications in
head and neck reconstruction. Prashant Puranik, Prabha S
Yadav, Vinay kant Shankhdhar, Dushyant Jaiswal, Rajendra
Gujjulannavar, Anurag Pandey
FP 9 (3+1):Anatomical study of facial artery perforator and its
application in the treatment of submucosal fibrosis of oral
cavity. Santhosh, T.M. Balakrishnan
FP 10 (3+1): Reconstruction of mandibular defect by
vascularised free fibula. Prashant Baranwal, K S Jaiswal
15:00 - 16:00
KN 1G(a): Hand 1
Keynote lecture(10 + 2)
Speaker: Col. PS Bhandari
Topic: Rehabilitation of patients with brachial plexus injuries:
A changed scenario from despair to hope.
Chairperson: Col. PS BHANDARI
Co-Chairperson: Chanjiv SINGH
Co-Chairperson: Uday BHAT
FP 1 (5+2): Healing of injured tendon: A clinical and
experimental study. Prof. F M Tripathi, Bharat Rattan, Prof. O
P Sharma, Prof. N C Aryya, Mayank Tripathi
FP 2 (5+2): Dorsal approach, a newer method of neurotization
for abduction of shoulder in brachial plexus injury. Prof.
A.K.Choudhury, Asso. Prof. B. B. Nayak , Asst.Prof. P.R.Singh
FP 3 (5+2): Results of early microsurgical reconstruction in
obstetric brachial plexus palsy. Prem S Bhandari, LP Sadhotra,
P Bhargava, MK Mukherjee, AS Bath, Manmohan Singh
FP 4 (3+1): Clinical study of modified Saha's procedure in
brachial plexus palsy. R. Saravanan, T.M. Balakrishnan
FP 5 (3+1): Restoration of supination in brachial plexus birth
palsy. Raja Shanmuga Krishnan, Hari Venkatramani, Praveen
Bhardwaj, Raja Sabapathy
Scientific Program: APSICON 2013
Day 1, 25 November 2013
FP 6 (3+1): Rare case of lipoma extending into Guyon’s canal
causing ulnar neuropathy. Laxminarayan Bhandari P,
Sreelesh LS, Thushara KR, Sreekumar NC
FP 7 (3+1): Pedicled thoracoumbilical flap for forearm and
elbow defects. R. Sridhar
FP 8 (3+1): Various flaps for reconstruction of devastating
defects around elbow joint. Swapna Athavale, Shankarappa,
Smitha Segu, Manjunath Peddi
FP 9 (3+1):Abdominal flaps in the management of upper limb
trauma- our experience. Anil. R, Subramai. S.A
16:00 to 16:30
High Tea(E-Poster / E-Papers - Boardroom Foyer)
16:30 - 17:30
KN 1I (a): Body contouring and Breast
Chairperson: PV SUDHAKAR
Co-Chairperson: Rajesh PAWAR
Co-Chairperson: Aditya Aggarwal
Keynote Lecture(10 + 2)
Speaker1: Dr Milind S Wagh
Topic: Optimizing results in abdominoplasties
Speaker 2: Aditya Aggarwal
Topic: Refinements to the Deep/Superficial Inferior Epigastric
Perforator (DIEP/SIEP) flaps for breast reconstruction.
FP 1 (5+2): Review of 20 sequential liposuctions in unmarried
women. Medha Bhave
FP 2 (5+2): Skin sparing mastectomy with preservation of
nipple-areola complex and immediate breast reconstruction
in patients with breast cancer: a prospective study. Debarati
FP 3 (3+1): Our experiences of breast reconstruction with
latissimus muscle flap. Sunil kumar K. S., Ashok B. C.
FP 4 (3+1): Latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap for whole
breast reconstruction and cover purpose-Our institutional
experience. Dr Raghuvirsingh Solanki, Dushyant Jaiswal
FP 5 (3+1): An initial experience of 5 cases of whole breast
reconstruction with Free Gracilis Myocutaneous flap with
vertical paddle and extended fat harvest. Dushyant Jaiswal,
Prabha Yadav, Vinaykant Shankhdhar, Rajendra G
Scientific Program: APSICON 2013
Day 1, 25 November 2013
FP 6 (3+1): Thoraco-acromial vessel; An alternative vessel in
free flap breast reconstruction. Prashant Puranik, Prabha S
Yadav, Vinay kant Shankhdhar, Dushyant Jaiswal, Rajendra
Gujjulannavar, Raghuvir Singh Solanki
FP 7 (3+1): Liposuction in treatment of lipohypertrophy in
patients on antiretroviral drugs. Kaustubh Prabhune, Sheetal
Londhe, Amit Jadhav
FP 8 (3+1): Gynaecomastia: A systematic approach to
maximize safe and predictable outcomes. Yasmin Firdose,
Anantheswar Y. N, Ashok B. C., Srikanth V.
FP 9 (3+1): Gynaecomastia Surgery: A Rewarding aesthetic
procedure. UtpalaMulawkar
Rajeev AHUJA
Shrirang PANDIT
CoKetu Patel
20:00 Onwards
Presidential Dinner (Banquet)
Mahogany Hall
11:30 - 12:15
KN 1b: Microsurgery I
Co-Chairperson: Arunesh GUPTA
Co-Chairperson: Kapil AGRAWAL
Keynote Lecture(10 + 2)
Topic: Reconstruction of massive post traumatic diaphyseal
defects of femur with a combination of allograft and
vascularised fibula graft (Capanna technique)
FP 1 (5+2): Analysis of the radial free forearm flap with
respect to its anatomy, usage, donor site morbidity, tolerance
of radiation and long term follow up. Anjana Malhotra, Pinaki
Roy, Suryashish Sengupta, A.K.Malhotra
Scientific Program: APSICON 2013
Day 1, 25 November 2013
FP 2 (5+2): Prefabrication and prelamination as a means to
customize in free flap based reconstruction. Aditya Aggarwal
R K Khazanchi, Sanjay Mahendru, Vimalendu Brajesh
FP 3 (5+2): Computed tomographic angiography of the
proximal lateral leg perforators as a guide to harvest of a
chimeric peroneal artery perforator flap. Adhish basu, Gautam
FP 4 (3+1): The chimeric radial artery perforator flap: A novel
idea for monitoring buried free flaps in the head and neck.
Adhish Basu, Gautam Biswas
FP 5 (3+1): Use of free anterolateral thigh flap as a work horse
flap in large defects reconstructive surgery. Satyajit Sahu,
Prof. A.K Choudhury Asso. Prof. B.B Nayak, Asst. Prof. P.R.
FP 6 (3+1): Upper limb preservation by flow through free
fibula osteocutaneous flap in sarcoma reconstruction.
Balasundaram, T.M.Balakrishnan
12:15 - 13:00
KN 1d: Lower Extremity Reconstruction
Chairperson: GS Kalra
Co-Chairperson: Yogesh BHATT
Co-Chairperson: Ashok KOUL
FP 1 (5+2): Use of Reverse Sural artery fasciocutaneous flap in
post oncosurgical defects of ankle and heel. Hemant Saraiya
FP 2 (5+2): A comparative study of distally based peroneus
brevis and reverse sural artery flaps for moderate size defects
of lower third leg. Ashish ghuge, Ramesh K T,
Yogishwarappa, Shankarappa
FP 3 (5+2): Variations of flap for exposed hardware in lower
limb. Deepak kumar Sahu, Prof. V.bhattacharya
FP 4 (3+1): Ergonomics of perforator flaps in lower limb.
Ganesh Babu, T. M. Balakrishnan
FP 5 (3+1): Leg ulcer management in old salvaged free flap.
Srinjoy Saha, Ashok Kumar Gupta
FP 6 (3+1): Reverse flaps for lower third defects of the leg
ankle and the foot defects. Ashish Khare, R K Jain
FP 7 (3+1): Salvaging a partially necrosed sural island flap.
Vijay Yashpal Bhatia, Nibedita Parida
Scientific Program: APSICON 2013
Day 1, 25 November 2013
FP 8 (3+1): Experience with peroneus brevis muscle flaps for
reconstruction of distal leg and ankle defects. Raja Shanmuga
Krishnan, BabuBajantri, SanjaiRamkumar, RavindraBharathi,
Raja Sabapathy
FP 9 (3+1): Inferiorly based thigh flap for reconstruction of
defects around knee joint. Md. Sohaib Akhtar, A. H. Khan,
Fahud Khurram
FP 10 (3+1): Gracilis free flap: A versatile free flap in foot and
ankle reconstruction: Analysis of 525 cases. Senthil Kumaran,
Hari Venkataramani, Ravindra Bharathi, S. Raja Sabapathy
13:00 to 14:00
Lunch(E-Poster / E-Papers - Boardroom Foyer)
14:00 - 15:00
KN 1F (a): Cleft Lip and Palate
Chairperson: Vijay DHAVALBHAKTA
Co-Chairperson: Alok GARG
Co-Chairperson: Mahinoor DESAI
Keynote Lecture(10 + 2)
Speaker : Jyotsna MURTHY
Topic: Growth and speech outcome during mixed dentition of
radomised controlled trial of two techniques for unilateral
complete cleft lip and palate.
FP 1 (5+2): Reconstruction of cleft lip nose deformity –A New
technique (Modified Potter’s V-Y advancement with
mucochondral flaps). Vithal Lahane, Kalpana lahane, Rajesh
FP 2 (5+2): The indian parents perspective of cleft lip and
palate children: A tertiary hospital based study. Neha
Chauhan, Karoon Agrawal
FP 3 (5+2): My experience in preventing palatal fistula and
fistula management. N.Panchavarnam
FP 4 (3+1): Cleft of lip / palate and defects of cervical spinesAre they correlated? Diksha Kaushal, Dr R.K.Srivastava
FP 5 (3+1): Presurgical nasoalveolar moulding for correction
of cleft lip nasal deformity: experience from a North Indian
Centre. Prem Shanker,Brijesh Mishra, Vijay Kumar,
Veerendra Prasad, Prof. A K Singh
FP 6 (3+1): Rehabilitation of the cleft cripple- salvage surgery
in severely damaged cleft. Anil Sunkara, Altaf Hussain, Jyotsna
FP 7 (3+1): Oropalatal dysplasia a case report. Sanjay Kumar,
Karoon Agrawal
Scientific Program: APSICON 2013
Day 1, 25 November 2013
15:00 - 16:00
KN 1H (a): Breast
Chairperson: Nimmi LALWANI
Co-Chairperson: Ujwala KARAD
Co-Chairperson: Sumita SHANKAR
Keynote Lectures (10 + 2)
Speaker1: Sheila ROHATGI
Topic: In pursuit of the ideal surgical technique for gigantic
Speaker 2: Sandeep SHARMA
Topic: Decision making and planning in mastopexy
Speaker 3: Sumita SHANKAR
Topic: Breast reduction
FP 1 (5+2): Aesthetic breast reduction and mastopexy :
Finding a perfect mix of techniques for a superior result.
Milind S Wagh, Varun Dixit
FP 2 (5+2): Liposuction as the sole modality for complete
correction of gynaecomastia. Varun Dixit, Milind Wagh
FP 3 (3+1): An innovative scarless approach in gynecomastia
surgery: Trans-nipple removal of fibro-glandular tissue. Raj
Kumar Mishra
FP 4 (3+1): Periareolar breast Augmentation. Sandeep
16:00 to 16:30
High Tea(E-Poster / E-Papers - Boardroom Foyer)
KN 1J (a): Craniofacial and Ear Reconstruction
Chairperson: BG TILAK
Co-Chairperson: Samik BHATTACHARYA
Co-Chairperson: Parag S. Telang
16:30 - 17:30
Keynote Lecture(10 + 2)
Speaker: Padam BHANDARI
Topic: Technicalities in achieving refinements in ear
FP 1 (5+2): Autologous ear reconstruction: The Firmin
technique and present state of the art. Parag S. Telang
FP 2 (5+2): The “ Projection” concept : A novel method to
improve results in autologous ear reconstruction. Parag S.
FP 3 (5+2): Cranioplasty by autologous bone in patients after
Scientific Program: APSICON 2013
Day 1, 25 November 2013
decompressive craniectomy. Manish Jain, Prof. Vijay kumar,
Prof. Arun kumar singh, Divya Narayan Upadhyay
FP 4 (5+2): Growing skull fracture, a rare complication of skull
fracture in pediatric patients. Nehete Sushil Ramesh, Nitin
FP 5 (5+2): Scalp reconstruction : Minor changes major gains.
Karthik Vishwanath
FP 6 (3+1):
A review of auricular reconstruction using autogenous costal
cartilage. Purushotham.T.S., Peddi Manjunath, Shankarappa.
FP 7 (3+1): Microtia-reconstruction using 2 piece autogenous
cartilagenous framework - 8 years retrospective analysis.
Sreekar Nandyala, V. Siva Rami Reddy
FP 8 (3+1): Growing skull fracture repair by porous
polyethylene sheet. Ankur Bhatnagar
Presidential Dinner (Banquet)
Presidential Dinner (Banquet)
20:00 Onwards
(All Joint Sessions)
KN / FP / Meetings
MP / MC / KN / FP /
Scientific Program: APSICON 2013
Day 1, 25 November 2013
Hall GS - A
(Grand Salon - Section A)
MP / MC / KN / FP / Meetings
Hall GS - B
(Grand Salon - Section B)
MP / MC / KN / FP / Meetings
Hall GS - C
(Grand Salon - Section C)
MP / MC / KN / FP / Meetings
Board Room 1
Board Room 2
(MP /MC)
(Ground + 1st Floor)
(MP /MC)