OCTOBER BINGO CARD NAME: I verify that I have read ______ of

NAME: ________________________________________
TITLE: _________________________________________
AUTHOR: ______________________________________
I verify that I have read _______ of the ________
pages in my book.
Student Signature
Another Angle?- Retell an important scene from another character’s point of view. Minimum ½ page.
A Top 7 List- List the top 7 most important events in complete sentences. Start your list with #7 (the least important item) and end with #1 (the most important item). Include
the event and its importance.
Become Me For a Moment- Choose 2 characters and write poems describing how to be those characters. The first word is Become and every line begins with a strong verb.
Minimum 8 lines.
Dearest Diary- Pick a character and write his/her diary entry. It must sound like the character does in the book and describe an event that has occurred in the book. Minimum
½ page. Be descriptive.
Extra!- Write a 350 word news story about one event in the book. Include the who what, when, where and how.
First Half of the Alphabet- Write 13 sentences using 13 strong verbs to illustrate what is going on in your book. The 13 sentences must begin with the first 13 letters of the
alphabet. Choose descriptive verbs!
Fun Character?- Make a recipe card describing a character. List the ingredients necessary (characteristics like looks and behavior) with kitchen measurements (cup, tsp, etc.) and
then explain how to combine the ingredients to illustrate how you feel about this character and why. Try to use cooking verbs.
Going Gangbusters- Describe your book using the unspecific verb get in all of its variations (got, getting, gotten, etc.) instead of descriptive verbs. Minimum ½ page.
Have I Told You- Start and end your poem with the line Have I told you that you’re ______ (fill in with an adjective). In the middle share specific details that illustrate why you
chose the adjective. Minimum 2. Write the poems to a character, the setting, or an event.
Hello- Describe the setting(s) as if you are a tour guide leading a tour of it. Explain where you are and make your reader want to go there too! Minimum ½ page.
Imperative- Imperative (adj.): of vital importance, crucial; necessary. Write two passages that begin & end with crucial information from your book. Format: “The imperative
thing about ___ is ___. Detail #1 (complete sentence). Detail #2 (complete sentence). Detail #3 (complete sentence), but the imperative thing about ___ is ___
Last Half of the Alphabet- Write 13 sentences using 13 strong verbs to illustrate what is going on in your book. The 13 sentences must begin with the last 13 letters of the
alphabet. Choose descriptive verbs!
Plotting Out- Create a 5-song playlist for your IPod with a detailed two-sentence explanation for each song. The songs must reflect important scenes or characters.
Polaroid Page- Create four polaroids (hand-drawn or printed from the internet- NO using photos from the movie!) that your character would have taken and write a twosentence explanation of the photos in that character’s voice. Include what it is a picture of and why it was taken.
Prepositional Phrase- Write an eight to ten line poem with each line beginning with a different prepositional phrase (about, before, despite, through, under, etc.). No repeats!
“The?” = NO!- Write an 8-10 sentence summary of the book without using the word “the”.
This Room Looks Fabulous!- Describe the main character’s bedroom or favorite secret place. Use descriptive verbs to also explain why. Make sure the décor matches actual
details from the book and inferences you made.
Three So Much Depends Upon- Write 3 sixteen-word poems from different characters’ points of view. It can be about the characters or setting. The poems must begin with “So
much depends upon _____… and continue with 12 words that explain why so much depends on it.
Tri-Ku- Write 3 riddles in Haiku format (5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables). Each riddle must describe a character or setting without naming it.
TV or Not TV- Write the script for a commercial advertising your book. What can you say to make someone want to read it? Minimum ½ page or about a 1 minute if read aloud
in an advertiser’s voice.
Two-Voice- Choose 2 characters and make a Venn Diagram to show the similarities and differences. Use it to write a poem in both character’s voices as if they are talking back
and forth about their similarities and differences.
Verb-ing- Write an 8-10 sentence summary using only action verbs (NO am, is, are, was or were!). Underline each.
Word Choice- Write two poems following this pattern: Line 1- First name of character, Line 2- 2 descriptive words describing the character, Line 3- 3 descriptive words
describing the setting, Line 4- 4 specific words identifying the character’s main goal, Line 5- 5 words to describe an event important to the character, Line 6- 6 important nouns
related to the character, and Line 7- 7 word prediction for the rest of the book.
You’ve Got Mail- Write an email to one character as another character and then have that character respond back. Each email should be at least ½ page and related to events
in the book.
You Won’t Even Believe This- Make a list poem with the line “You won’t believe this!” at the beginning, middle, and end. Each line should be a separate event. Minimum 12