Spring 1 Newsletter - Wrenthorpe Primary School

3M Class Information Sheet
Spring term 1
Topic: ‘Signs and Symbols’
Welcome back, I hope that you had a lovely break over the Christmas period. I will start by introducing our
Spring 1 topic – ‘Signs and Symbols’. In this Religious Education based topic we will learn about:
The ‘Signs and Symbols’ that can be found all around us, for example familiar logos, and signs
that instruct us
Events, people and objects that are significant to us
The meaning of ‘Signs and Symbols’ for Christians, Muslims and Hindus
We will read a range of religious stories that feature signs and symbols
We will discuss some of the beliefs that underpin these symbols and respond sensitively to
the special objects/artefacts of these faiths.
The topic will also tie in the following subject areas:
ICT: This half-term, we will continue to develop
our skills at using Microsoft Word. We will use
the laptops/this software for the purpose of:
Creating a collage of symbols familiar to
Researching and presenting findings on
the origin of our surnames
We had an excellent time using the app
‘Toontastic’ on the iPads last half term! During
the next 5 weeks we will have the opportunity
to practise using the app ‘Lightbot’.
Literacy: In Literacy we are going to explore a range of poetry
forms. Our inspire morning (more information to come) will be
based on this work. Aside from poetry, we will complement
our topic work through learning about and creating
explanation texts and leaflets for religious ‘Signs and Symbols’
Art: Religious ‘Signs and Symbols’ is an excellent stimulus for
us to create some art-work this half-term.
We will complete some intricate Rangoli patterns and will then
design our own. We will draw some of the symbols that we
can see around us, and may be fortunate enough to have the
opportunity to sketch some symbolic artefacts.
In Science we will have lots of fun learning about ‘light’ with Mrs Rosenberg!
For our reading journal with Mrs Hale, we will continue to read ‘Charlotte’s Web’ by E. B. White.
Homework needs to be completed in children’s homework books. Homework will continue to be given out on
a Monday and be handed in on a Friday. Children are aware that if it is not returned by this time, then they will
lose their Friday playtime. Please see me with any issues regarding homework.
 Reading: Children must read every day at home, and this should be shown with a signature in the
child’s Reading Record. Some children are still not reading at home and this limits your child’s ability
to progress with their reading and comprehension.
 Spelling: Spellings will be given out on a Wednesday, to be tested the Wednesday after. Please make
sure that your child is taking the time to learn their spellings as it is crucial that children are able to
spell the words that they are being given.
 Homework will continue to alternate between English and Maths tasks.
This half-term children will be participating in a series of indoor dance sessions on Monday afternoons. P.E will
continue to take place on a Thursday afternoon too, and this half-term we will be improving our netball and
tennis skills.
Last half-term there was a huge improvement in the number of children remembering to bring their P.E kit,
please keep this up!
A reminder of the required kit for P.E: a white t-shirt, navy or black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, and trainers. It
may also be advisable that for this time of year, children also have something that can be worn on top of their
white t-shirt, for example a zip-up fleece or hooded jacket.
To avoid clothing going missing, please label your child’s PE kit, school uniform and outer-wear where possible.
As I am sure you are aware, in Key Stage 2 children are able to make purchases of healthy snacks at playtime
from the tuck-shop. Please be advised that the cost of each item is no more than 20p. Children who choose to
bring money for the tuck-shop must accept full responsibility for its safe-keeping. I would advise that children
keep money in a purse or wallet in either their book-bag or other bag in school. It is not acceptable for children
to come into the classroom on a morning with money in their hands which they may then lose, or be tempted
to fiddle with!
Our weekly library session will continue to take place on Tuesday afternoons, so please ensure your child has
their library book in school ready to be changed (if necessary). Children are allowed to keep the same library
book for a maximum of 2 weeks.
Please be advised that children are allowed to bring a water bottle to school to keep in the classroom. Bottles
must contain water only. Please ensure your child’s bottle is labelled to avoid loss.
Please ensure that your child is in school by 8:50 each day. It is important that your child is here at this time for
If there is anything you would like to discuss with me, I am available at the start and end of the school day. If
you prefer you are welcome to make an appointment to see me via the school office. Thank you for your
continued support.
Miss K McMahon