Expt (1) Concentration determination by colorimetry Objective 1. To estimate the concentration of a given sample of KMnO4 solution by eye inspection 2. To determinate the concentration of the same sample by a colorimeter Theory (A) Human eye as a colorimeter Our eyes are able to differentiate various wavelengths and intensities of the visible spectrum. By providing a range of samples of known concentration of a coloured solution, say test tubes 1, 2, 3, …to10, we can estimate the concentration of a given unknown solution (X) by eye-matching it to the provided range of samples and decide which one of the sample range has the same colour intensity as X. Let the chosen one be test tube 7, then we can say the concentration of solution X is close to that of test tube 7. The method has lots of drawbacks. Nevertheless, this is the basic principle of colorimetry. For more accurate detection, instruments should be used. (B) Graphical determination of concentration by colorimetry The same situation as mentioned in (A) can be solved more accurately by a colorimeter. A calibration graph is drawn by plotting intensity (absorbance) measured with solutions 1 to 10 against concentration. By measuring the intensity of solution X, we can deduce its concentration from the calibration graph, which is not a straight line, as shown below: Intensity Intensity of X Comc. of X Concentration Colorimeter ME 28 is used in the experiment. Other commercial colorimeters can also be used, but they are more sophisticated and expensive. Expt 1 Concentration determination by colorimetry Page 2 Safety Wear safety spectacles and avoid skin contact with the chemicals. Use the minimum quantity of materials required. Dispose of chemical waste and excess materials according to your teacher’s instruction. EYE PROTECTION MUST BE WORN Materials and Apparatus Chemicals and consumables Qty Equipment Qty 4 x 10-3M KMnO4 25 cm3 Colorimeter ME 28 with connector 1 Solution X 15 cm3 Digital multimeter 1 Disposable cuvette (12.5 x 12.5 x 45 mm) 2 Plastic dropper (large) 4 10 cm3 pipette 2 Test tube 10 250 cm3 beaker 1 Glass rod 1 Wash bottle with distilled water 1 Tweezers 1 Experimental procedures (1) Concentration estimation by eye inspection 1. With the help of a pipette, transfer 10 cm3 4 x 10-3 M KMnO4 solution in test tube 1 to another test tube. Add an equal volume of distilled water and stir well. Label it as test tube 2. 2. Transfer 10 cm3 solution in test tube 2 to test tube 3, add an equal volume of distilled water and stir well. 3. Transfer 10 cm3 solution in test tube 3 to test tube 4, add an equal volume of distilled water and stir well. 4. Repeat procedure (3) four times until test tubes 5, 6, 7 and 8 are prepared. Prepared solution concentrations are outlined below. Expt 1 Concentration determination by colorimetry Page 3 Test tube Concentration of KMnO4/ x 10-4mol dm-3 1 40.00 2 20.00 3 10.00 4 5.00 5 2.5 6 1.25 7 0.625 8 0.3125 5. Arrange the 8 test tubes in a single row in a test tube rack or hold them in an upright position using adhesive tape as shown below: 6. Place the test tube containing solution X close to the array of test tubes and decide which one has nearly the same colour intensity as solution X. Concentration of X is assumed to be equal to that of the solution in this test tube. (2) Concentration determination by colorimetry (A) Set full-scale (i.e. 100 mV) 1. Connect ME 28 to a DMM and select the DC 200 mV range 2. Switch on ME 28 and select the 520 nm (green) light source 3. Fill a clean cuvette 3/4 full with distilled water 4 . Lower the cuvette with the help of a pair of tweezers into the sample tube cavity, ensuring the clear sides of the tube are used for the optical experiment. 5. Turn the knob until a display of 100 is shown 6. Fix the position of the knob. The setup is ready for experiment.. Expt 1 Concentration determination by colorimetry Page 4 (B) Concentration determination 1. Using a plastic dropper, add 40 drops of solution in test tube 1 to an empty and clean cuvette. Place it into the sample cavity of ME 28 and record the steady voltage reading. 2. Remove the cuvette by a pair of tweezers. Empty and clean it. Transfer 40 drops of solution in test tube 2 to this clean curvtte. Place it into the sample cavity of ME 28 and record the steady voltage reading. 3. Repeat procedure (2) until solutions in test tube 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are used respectively for the experiment. Results Test tube Concentration of KMnO4/ x 10-4mol dm-3 DMM reading (pre-set blank sample at 100 mV) 1 40.00 4.7 2 20.00 9.5 3 10.00 17.4 4 5.00 39.5 5 2.5 68.1 6 1.25 85.3 7 0.625 93.1 8 0.3125 96.4 DMM reading of solution X = __________________ Concentration of X deduced from the calibration graph = ________________ Treatment of data Activate the Microsoft “Excel” spreadsheet software. Input concentration and DMM reading data. Plot the scatter diagram. Result (calibration graph) Intensity vs concentration 120 100 Intensity 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 Concentration / mol dm-3 Expt 1 Concentration determination by colorimetry Page 5 Why the “DMM Display” technique? Two reasons: (1) Low-cost and supplier-free availability are advantages of instruments using this technique over commercial models. In addition, skills required to assemble the set, i.e. homemade, are not very demanding. Electronic hobbyists are capable of finishing the assembly with local resources. (2) The technique is especially useful at school level. Teachers found school chemistry practical have the following problems (i) Some commercial instruments for tertiary education are designed for specific teaching topics. As such, their terminal display usually incorporate units specific to the topic, like absorbance for optical spectroscopy (colorimeter being the most typical example). Teachers face the dilemma whether or not they have to teach variable dimensions on top of experimental details. (ii) Things should be made easy for school students, as opposed to their undergraduate counterparts. Sophisticated appearance of commercial models makes students less confident of their procedure dexterity. Personal error may be due to such situations. Equipment based on the technique treat this as one of the design rationale. Instruments do not just look simple, their operations are also straight forward. In addition, they carry no display units and can be used by any levels of student. Questions for discussion 1. Briefly explain whether or not it is a scientific method to use eye inspection to estimate concentration of solutions when a colorimeter is not available. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ In the absence of scientific instruments, eye inspection is a practical trial-and-error scientific method. 2. Name one experimental method to determine concentration of solutions in addition to colorimetry. Is the suggested method better than colorimetry? ____________________________________________________________________ Method of titration. Titration technique can only detect concentrations of metallic and non-metallic ions up to 10-4M because after all end point detection has to depend on human eye. Colorimetry or Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy techniques are able to detect 10-5 M or less. Expt 1 Concentration determination by colorimetry Page 6 3. The following is about Beer’s law. (i) Can we calculate a value of concentration other than the value obtained by reading the calibration graph? _____________________________________________________________ Yes (ii) What is required for such calculation? _____________________________________________________________ A mathematical relationship (equation) between concentration and intensity of transmitted light is required. (iii) What kind of mathematical function does the graph likely to represent, bearing in mind that all natural phenomena follow such a functional change? _____________________________________________________________ Exponential variation (iv) Try to plot another graph, using the proposed function of intensity instead of numerical values of intensity. It is advisable to consider only positive values (v) Does it look like a straight line graph passing through the origin? Do we need to discard some points and why? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Having discarded readings of high (relatively) concentrations, the graph appears to be a straight line through the origin. (vi) Propose one experimental condition that controls the linearity of the graph. _____________________________________________________________ Concentration considered should be very dilute. (vii) For the same experimental run, calibrated and un-calibrated colorimeters have different values of intensity. How would you, using simple mathematics, ensure that the un-calibrated data can still be used, in case you forget to calibrate the meter? ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Consider (I/Io) instead of I alone, where Io is the blank sample intensity. For calibrated colorimeters, Io is set equal to 100. For un-calibrated colorimeters, Io is the reading of the blank sample. Expt 1 Concentration determination by colorimetry (viii) Page 7 Finally propose a mathematical function that is directly proportional to solution concentration. _____________________________________________________________ -ln(I/Io). A negative sign is adopted because the ratio I/Io is less than 1. The quantitative variable that relates transmission intensity and solution concentration I I is –ln( ), or conc. = A [-ln( )] where A is a proportional constant and Io is the Io Io I intensity of the blank sample. The variable –ln( ) is called absorbance. Thus for a Io dilute solution and a constant transmitted light path (i.e. using the same cuvette dimensions), absorbance is proportional to concentration. This is called Beer’s law. Commercial colorimeters use absorbance as measurement unit. Conclusion _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________