SLD Library -Leadership

Spiritual Life
Development Library
USA Western Territory
The 3 Colors of Community: How the 7 Communal Qualities
of Healthy Small Groups Can Help You Overcome the 7
Deadly Sins –Christian A. Schwarz
The 3 Colors of Community presents an altogether new way
of approaching small groups. Rather than being preoccupied
with the technical aspects of small group ministry, this book
focuses on the qualities that are fundamental for any sort of
Christian community, be it a family, a prayer meeting, a
Bible study group, a task force, or a choir. Based on
comprehensive research, The 3 Colors of Community
portrays seven qualities that all healthy communities have
in common. Applying these principles not only generates
enthusiastic responses from the participants, but also
sustainable effects in their lives.
The 3 Colors of Ministry: A Trinitarian Approach to Identifying
and Developing Your Spiritual Gifts –Christian A. Schwarz
Would you like to use your spiritual gifts to their full
potential? The 3 Colors of Ministry presents a holistic
approach to identifying and developing your spiritual gifts. It
is based on the three dimensions of God's nature, for which
the author has chosen the colors of green, red and blue. In
addition to emphasizing the critical importance of using
your gifts in an authentically Trinitarian way, this book
shows you where you most need to focus your energies in
order to bring this kind of balance to your Christian service.
The natural result will be increased effectiveness. A gift test
is included with this resource.
The 3 Colors of Leadership: How Anyone Can Learn the Art of
Empowering Other People –Christian A. Schwarz
The 3 Colors of Leadership presents an exciting new way of
looking at leadership. Whether you are an established leader in
a high-profile position or an emerging leader who is still unsure
whether God wants you to take over more leadership
responsibility, the training described in this book will empower
you in such a way that you will be able to empower others.
Based on world-wide research among tens of thousands of
leaders, The 3 Colors of Leadership portrays six fundamental
leadership principles that anyone can learn:
A state-of-the-art online test (which every book owner can take
for free) will help you develop your personalized training plan.
The 3 Colors of Your Spirituality: 9 Spiritual Styles: How do
you most naturally connect with God? –Christian A. Schwarz
The author argues that too many churches do not
encourage congregants to discover their spiritual style. In
this book, Schwarz identifies nine different styles:
 Sensory - Enjoying the works of God
 Rational - Understanding the nature of God
 Doctrinal - Thinking correctly about God
 Scripture-driven - Applying the Word of God
 Sharing - Passing on the grace of God
 Ascetic - Developing discipline for God
 Enthusiastic - Celebrating the power of God
 Mystical - Resting in the presence of God
 Sacramental - Expressing the incarnation of God
This book includes a self-test to help participants identify
their spiritual style.
Conflict Style Assessment: A Guide to Identifying &
Correcting Your Negative Habits of Handling Conflict –Jim
Van Yperen
The Bible tells us that we are to respond to conflict using
the truth with love. Unfortunately, we all tend to overemphasize one aspect of this equation. Passive and evasive
people tend to emphasize love at the expense of truth.
Aggressive and defensive people tend to speak the truth at
the expense of love. All four responses are wrong! This
assessment will help you determine what your conflict style
is and how you respond to conflict. Not only will this help
you understand yourself better, it is a valuable tool to
learning why others respond the way they do. Once we
understand ourselves, we can then ask God to help us “fill in
the blanks,” so that we can respond in a more godly
fronting Dysfunction -Charles R. Ridley & Steven J. Goodwin
Few of us are as healthy as we ought to be. In essence,
where there are people, there is the potential for
dysfunction. Unfortunately, even though it is pervasive and
exacts a high cost, many Christian leaders do not
understand this phenomenon. Yet, they regularly are forced
to grapple with dysfunction in their various spheres of
ministry and on levels ranging from individuals to factions,
whole congregations, and denominations.
We have a twofold purpose in this Leadership File: First, we
want to help leaders understand the nature of human
dysfunction. Second, we want to equip them to confront
The church has been sent by Jesus Christ to bind up the
brokenhearted, and it has been empowered with the keys
of the kingdom. These marching orders compel religious
leaders to deliberately confront dysfunction and promote
individual and corporate health.
Do Something: Make Your Life Count –Miles McPherson
With powerful true stories, illustrations from the life of
Christ, and specific activities for readers to engage, DO
Something is a hopeful and practical book that shows how
to live out faith in a way that improves people's lives. With
transparency and humility, Miles McPherson shares his own
shortcomings as a young pastor trying to connect with
people in need. Stressing the importance of hurting with
people before you can do something for them, McPherson
takes readers through the 5 P's of making their lives count:
preparation, purpose, pain, power, and passion. By putting
into practice the principles found in this book, readers will
experience spiritual fulfillment as they see that they can
make a real difference in the lives of those around them.
Kindle: $9.39 Nook: $10.49
Focused Living: Living a Life That Counts –Terry R.Welsey
Somewhere between your day planner and your list of
unfinished projects lies the reality of daily life. It is time to
refocus, to discover afresh the unique call of God on your
This workbook will help church leaders discover their past,
capture God's vision for their future, and live intentionally to
implement their calling.
The Focused Living Retreat is designed to provide
encouragement, greater insight into one's personal
development, and the opportunity to discover God's unique
calling for each life in a deeper and more personal way than
ever before.
Focusing Worship –Jeff Merry
This resource is designed to empower worship leaders and
worship teams as they seek to lead their people to God
through authentic worship. As you work through each
chapter you will develop a clearer understanding of
worship. You will discover the role each person plays in
making worship meaningful, practical ways to build an
effective worship team, creative ideas to help you improve
your worship experience and how we can bring joy to the
heart of God through authentic worship. This kit contains
four CDs and a notebook. It is especially helpful for churches
that do not have a worship leader as paid staff but rely on
member volunteers to coordinate worship in the church.
Healing the Heart of Your Church –Dr. Kenneth Quick
Frequently, there are problems rooted in a church’s history
and pattern of behaving that derail any leadership attempt
to lead the church to significant church growth. The
frustrated pastor usually has no clue where that brick wall
came or how to remove it.
The premise of this book is that the Lord of the Church does
not let much else happen corporately (dynamic spiritual
growth, God’s kind of love demonstrated in relationships,
revival or renewal, to name a few) until these wrongs are
righted and the wounds receive attention.
The author shares his story of how the Lord helped him lead
his church through the corporate healing process. He gives
biblical guidelines on why this is necessary and how you can
do it too. Healing topics include Past Shame, Sinful
reactivity, Splits, Pastors who abuse, and Churches that
abuse pastors.
Insight Inventory: Understanding Yourself and Others –
Patrick Handley PH.D.
This NEW Edition coordinates with the NEW Focused Living
Kit DVD Curriculum.
The INSIGHT Inventory was designed as an easy-to-use,
statistically valid personality assessment which can be used
to help participants learn more about themselves and
improve teamwork, leadership, and communications.
The accompanying training video is fast-paced and fun-towatch as well as educative. Employees don't just read about
their results, but are instead guided through a step-by-step
process that helps them understand and apply the
information. The instructions in their booklets also give
users the opportunity to write their responses to a series of
questions, place check marks by particularly descriptive
terms, and discover practical ways to apply the information.
Moving from I to We: Recovering the Biblical Vision for
Stewarding the Church –Dr. Paul R. Ford
If you think you’re frustrated with church leadership in
America, imagine how God must feel. Dr. Paul R. Ford
illumines key Scripture passages to exhort readers to go
back to the Spirit-led form of leadership God intends for the
accomplishment of his kingdom work. By proving that
leadership in the body of Christ is to be a series of functions
to be fulfilled by a group of people, not just key leaders,
Ford inspires a collective sigh of relief and energizes us to
move forward God’s way. What a difference that would
Kindle: $8.49 Nook: $8.49
Paradigm Shift in the Church: How Natural Church
Development Can Transform Theological Thinking –Christian
A. Schwarz
This book presents the theological paradigm that is the
foundation of the practical tools and concepts behind
natural church development. Natural church development is
not just one church growth method among many, it is a
different theological paradigm altogether. It introduces a
different way of thinking for Christians. You may be
wondering, can we really experience something like a new
reformation in our days? Yes, in many churches around the
globe there are signs that this is far more than a vague
The Path of Revival: Restoring Our Nation, One Church at a
Time –Mark Barnard
Has America lost God's blessing?
As we survey the Church in America, we see a nation full of
local churches in dire need of corporate revival. Many are
unaware of their need. Our nation's decaying culture spirals
down in concert with weak churches, leaving them isolated
and irrelevant as true change agents. Unless these churches
gain new spiritual vibrancy, nothing will stop the
secularization that suffocates Christ's bride ... if we long to
see this nation blessed and influence the world for Christ,
we must avoid the fate suffered by the churches in Europe.
They could never regain their spiritual footing. Now they are
irrelevant in their cultures. We still have time, but probably
not long.
Soul Shift: the Measure of a Life Transformed –Steve DeNeff
& David Drury
Learn seven key shifts that God's Spirit causes in the hearts,
minds, and behaviors of Christians that will empower and
unite your church for growth and ministry. SoulShift will
move you and your church from performance-driven
religion to life-transforming relationship . . . for the rest of
your lives!
Kindle: $9.99 Nook: $9.99
Small Groups, Big Impact: Connecting People to God and One
Another in Thriving Groups –Jim Egli and Dwight Marable
Why do some small groups thrive and grow while others
struggle and falter?
The authors have surveyed over 3000 group leaders in more
than 200 churches. Their findings will place practical,
applicable principles into the hands of small group leaders
and pastors. This book also includes access to additional
resources from the author's website.
Spiritual Mentoring: A Guide for Seeking and Giving Direction
–Keith R. Anderson & Randy D. Reese
As we seek God together we come to know him more
deeply. Mentors are ordinary Christians who are willing to
enter into a faith relationship with another person who
wants to grow. Likewise, those who are mentored are
simply followers of Jesus who long for guidance in their
spiritual journey. In this book Anderson and Reese show you
how to mentor and be mentored as they introduce the work
of a different classical spiritual writers, including Augustine,
Aelred of Rievaulx, John of the Cross, Julian of Norwich,
Ignatius of Loyola, Teresa of Avila, and Madame Jeanne
Guyon. If you want to learn how to help younger Christians
grow while stretching your own faith, or if you want to tap
into the experience of a Christian friend who is farther along
the road of faith, this is the book that will get you started.
Kindle: $8.32
Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership: Seeking God in
the Crucible of Ministry –Ruth Haley Barton
"I'm tired of helping others enjoy God." "I just want to enjoy
God for myself." With this painful admission, Ruth Haley
Barton invites us to an honest exploration of what happens
when spiritual leaders lose track of their souls. Weaving
together contemporary illustrations with penetrating insight
from the life of Moses, Strengthening the Soul of Your
Leadership explores topics such as
responding to the dynamics of calling
facing the loneliness of leadership
leading from your authentic self
cultivating spiritual community
reenvisioning the promised land
discerning God's will together
Kindle: $8.21 Nook: $9.99
Transform One: One Life, One Church, One Community:
Utilizing the I, We, They, All-Of-Us Process –Contributors
include Jack Stephenson, Phil Maynard, Terry Walling, &
David Wetzler
Transform One is a comprehensive church transformation
process built around personal, corporate and community
transformation. We refer to it as the I-WE-THEY Process.
We have developed this video driven curriculum to help
leaders experience personal transformation and lead selfexamined lives so they might be better equipped to lead the
church through corporate transformation.
The kit includes facilitator notes, eight DVD's, a PowerPoint
CD, samples of all books, workbooks and assessment tools
used in the process (a total of ten books and assessments in
Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity –Eugene
H. Peterson
Eugene Peterson issues a provocative call for pastors to
abandon their preoccupation with image and standing,
administration, success, and economic viability, and to
return to the three basic acts critical to the pastoral
ministry: praying, reading Scripture, and giving spiritual
Kindle: $9.99
Replenish: Leading from a Healthy Soul –Lance Witt
Every leader functions on two stages--the front stage or
public world, and the back stage or private world. One
cannot lead successfully front stage when one is completely
depleted back stage. In a time when pastors are leaving the
ministry in record numbers due to cynicism, disillusionment,
weariness, and personal scandals, there is an urgent need
for soul care in the private lives of leaders. Replenish helps
leaders focus on the back stage, the interior life, in order to
remain spiritually healthy. In a caring, encouraging tone, it
will show pastors how to prioritize matters of the soul,
develop healthy spiritual practices address problems that
lead to burnout, create a healthy rhythm in their lives,
improve their people skills and the spiritual climate of their
team, develop better systems in their churches, discover
how to lead an unhurried life. For the many ministry leaders
who feel alone, in over their heads, or simply worn out, this
book will offer welcome relief and a healthy way forward.
Kindle: $9.99 Nook: $10.49