Storytelling – přímá řeč AUTOR – Mgr. Jana Pikalová OČEKÁVANÝ VÝSTUP – doplnit do textu přímou řeč na základě porozumění textu FORMA VZDĚLÁVACÍHO MATERIÁLU – pracovní list pro učitele a žáka POMŮCKY – papír, kopírka OBSAH – 1. Originální text 2. Pracovní list pro žáka – originální text s vynechanou přímou řečí a očíslovaná přímá řeč k doplnění 3. Řešení – vyplněný pracovní list INSTRUKCE – 1. Žáci dostanou pracovní list. 2. Jejich úkolem je doplnit do textu číslo přímé řeči z nabídky. ZPŮSOB PRÁCE – individuální, ve dvojicích, ve skupinách ZDROJ – More! 2 – Student’s Book, Cambridge University Press, 2008, str. 23 Originální text Storytelling It was Friday afternoon. Everyone was tired. “OK,” Miss Cross said. “Close your books. Who wants to tell an interesting story?” Five or six hands went up in the air. “Let’s start with Sara,” said Miss Cross. “My family – that’s me, my mum, my dad and my eight – year – old brother Michael, went to Australia in July,” she said. “We went to North Queensland. It was really beautiful and we had a great time swimming in the sea and playing on the beach.” “Boring!” said Andrew Wilson. “Sh!” said Miss Cross. Sara went on. “One day, my brother was near the sea on his own. When he came back, he had a beautiful shell in his hand. He showed it to us.” “So what?” said Andrew Wilson. “Well, I saved my brother’s life.” “I don’t believe you,” shouted Kevin Biggins. “Quiet! Let Sara tell her story,” Miss Cross said. “My brother told us there was a strange blue and yellow thing inside the shell. He started to put his fingers inside. He wanted to pull it out. Then I remembered about the Blue Ring Octopus.” “The what?” said Andrew Wilson. “The Blue Ring Octopus – I read about it before we went. It lives in the sea, near Australia and Japan. It’s small, but it’s really poisonous. It can kill you with one bite. I hit my brother’s hand and the shell fell onto the sand. Then we saw a small blue and yellow octopus come out of the shell. Of course, we didn’t touch it.” “We don’t believe you,” said lots of the students. “There’s no octopus that’s dangerous,” said Andrew Wilson. “There’s one way to find out,” said Miss Cross. “Let’s check on the Internet!” Pracovní list pro žáka Storytelling It was Friday afternoon. Everyone was tired. “OK,” Miss Cross said. “Close your books. Who wants to tell an interesting story?” Five or six hands went up in the air. “.....,” said Miss Cross. “.....,” she said. “.....” “.....!” said Andrew Wilson. “.....!” said Miss Cross. Sara went on. “.....” “.....?” said Andrew Wilson. “.....” “.....,” shouted Kevin Biggins. “.....,” Miss Cross said. “.....” “.....?” said Andrew Wilson. “.....” “.....,” said lots of the students. “.....,” said Andrew Wilson. “.....,” said Miss Cross. “.....” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Sh! There’s no octopus that’s dangerous We don’t believe you Let’s check on the Internet! The what? One day, my brother was near the sea on his own. When he came back, he had a beautiful shell in his hand. He showed it to us. So what? The Blue Ring Octopus – I read about it before we went. It lives in the sea, near Australia and Japan. It’s small, but it’s really poisonous. It can kill you with one bite. I hit my brother’s hand and the shell fell onto the sand. Then we saw a small blue and yellow octopus come out of the shell. Of course, we didn’t touch it. I don’t believe you We went to North Queensland. It was really beautiful and we had a great time swimming in the sea and playing on the beach. My brother told us there was a strange blue and yellow thing inside the shell. He started to put his fingers inside. He wanted to pull it out. Then I remembered about the Blue Ring Octopus. Let’s start with Sara Well, I saved my brother’s life. Quiet! Let Sara tell her story My family – that’s me, my mum, my dad and my eight – year – old brother Michael, went to Australia in July. There’s one way to find out Boring! Řešení Storytelling It was Friday afternoon. Everyone was tired. “OK,” Miss Cross said. “Close your books. Who wants to tell an interesting story?” Five or six hands went up in the air. “12,” said Miss Cross. “15,” she said. “10” “17!” said Andrew Wilson. “1!” said Miss Cross. Sara went on. “6” “7?” said Andrew Wilson. “13” “9,” shouted Kevin Biggins. “14,” Miss Cross said. “11” “5?” said Andrew Wilson. “8” “3,” said lots of the students. “2,” said Andrew Wilson. “16,” said Miss Cross. “4”