Project Title: Creation of a Geant4 Muon Tomography Package for Imaging of Nuclear Fuel in Dry Cask Storage (13-5376) Principal Investigator: Prof. Lefteri H. Tsoukalas, 765-496-9696, 1. Introduction Monitoring spent nuclear fuel stored in dense shielded dry casks using cosmic ray muons has the potential to allow for non-destructive assessment of nuclear material accountancy with the aim to independently verify and identify weapons grade material, such as fuel pellets, fuel rods and fuel assemblies stored within those sealed dense dry casks. Cosmic ray muons are charged particles, having approximately 200 times the mass of electron, generated naturally in the atmosphere, and rain down upon the earth. Energetic muons have the unique ability to penetrate high density materials allowing the distribution of material within the object to be inferred from muon measurements. High energy cosmic rays continuously entering Earth’s atmosphere generate a cascade of secondary rays and relativistic particles. Of those that eventually reach the surface are cosmic ray muons. Cosmic ray muons are charged particles, generated naturally in the atmosphere, and rain down upon the earth at an approximate rate of 10.000 particles m-2 min-1 [1]. Energetic muons have the unique ability to penetrate high density materials allowing the distribution of material within the object to be inferred from muon measurements. The applicability of cosmic muons for a number of monitoring and imaging applications has been investigated over the years and includes applications to archaeology, volcano imaging, material identification and medical diagnosis. It is worth noting the pioneering work of L. Alvarez, which measured the cosmic ray muon flux attenuation to determine the presence and location of hidden chambers within the Egyptians pyramids [2] and that of E. P. George, which used a similar method to infer rock depth covering underground tunnels [4]. Innovative applications of cosmic ray muons have been proposed for medical examination of comatose patients towards bone density monitoring and determination of the molten nuclear fuel location in nuclear reactors having suffered from the effects of a severe accident similar to the one happened in Chernobyl and Fukushima [4]. More recently, cosmic ray muons have been shown to have the potential to allow for non-destructive assessment of nuclear material accountancy with the aim to independently verify and identify weapons grade material hidden in cargo containers [5] or fuel pellets, fuel rods and fuel assemblies stored within sealed dense dry casks [6]. The subsequent scattering and transmission of muons can provide a measurable signal about the structural and chemical composition of the stored materials [7]. In the U.S., we operate 104 commercial nuclear reactors, 69 Pressurized Water Reactors and 35 Boiling Water Reactors, at 64 sites in 31 states. Over the past five decades approximately 65000 metric tons of uranium (MTU) have been generated by the 100+ nuclear reactors in the U.S. A typical reactor generates 20 MTU per year. 75% is stored in used fuel pools while the rest 25% is under dry storage conditions. As of today, no permanent repository exists and all studies at Yucca Mountain have been suspended resulting in increased used fuel accumulation at reactor sites. The current number of dry cask storage containers in utilities is approximately 1200 and it is Fig. 1. Storage facilities in the U.S. anticipated that by 2020 more than 2400 casks will be in use by U.S. utilities. In this project, an effort is undertaken to exploit the passive nature of muons for spent nuclear fuel monitoring purposes. Monitoring nuclear waste and controlling nuclear material at its source is one of the main strategies to minimize the risks of nuclear proliferation and reduce potential homeland threats [7]. The reason to monitor nuclear waste stems from the need to investigate whether the stored content agrees with the declared content. It is well established that since the early 1950’s, when the first nuclear power plant began to produce electricity, vast numbers of drums, containers and dry casks house, frequently unknown, waste that include spent nuclear fuel, concrete and voids [8]. After the spent nuclear fuel has been placed inside the dry cask, the cask is welded, not allowing for visual inspection [6]. This new technique can prove to have significant advantages over the existing ones such as the utilization of the passive nature of muons, the lack of radiological sources and consequently the absence of any artificial radiological dose. Conventional methods for examining the interior of materials e.g., x-rays, are limited by the fact that they cannot penetrate very dense well-shielded objects while more sophisticated techniques such as the penetrating neutrons or the recently developed proton radiography necessitate the use of an expensive accelerator [9]. A Brief Introduction to Cosmic Ray Muons Cosmic ray muons are charged particles, having approximately 200 times the mass of electron, generated naturally in the atmosphere, and rain down upon the earth at an approximate rate of 10,000 particles m-2 min-1 (Hagiwara, 2002). This rate is low enough, ~160 Hz, to allow for single event processing. Muon energy at sea level ranges from 0.1 GeV to 100 GeV with mean energy 3-4 GeV, the flux is greatest at the vertical and decreases with increasing zenith angle. When muons traverse matter they undergo multiple scattering events with the atomic nuclei due to Coulomb interactions. Theory (Bethe, 1953) predicts that the angular distribution of the outgoing muons has an approximately Gaussian distribution with zero mean and standard deviation (Schultz, 2003): ๐๐ = 13.6๐๐๐ ๐ฅ ๐ฅ √ (1 + 0.038 log ) ๐ฝ๐๐ ๐0 ๐0 ๐ ) ๐๐2 716.4 ( ๐ค๐๐กโ, ๐0 = ๐ (1) ๐ด ๐(๐ + 1) log 287 √๐ (2) where ρ is the material density, Z the atomic number of the material, ๐ฝ = ๐ข⁄๐ , A the mass number of the material. The dependency on atomic number has been shown to allow for material differentiation. A system that tracks the path of muons, including their deflection and energy loss, could serve as a unique way to identify and scan the contents of a sealed and shielded container. It is envisaged that the design of an inexpensive muon monitoring system will include placing two detector modules (Fig. 2) on mobile units Fig. 2. Dry cask and muon detectors which would allow for the detectors to move around the storage facility. From this setup the detectors could be maneuvered until they are positioned around the target cask. The detector could then be linked back to a central computing system and the gathered data could even be monitored remotely, where any significant deviations in scattering distribution would imply material diversion. Preliminary Calculations Muon monitoring takes advantage of the fact that the scattering angle, energy loss and range of a muon are functions of cask composition. The scattering angle and energy loss of a muon allows for the differentiation of material types (Table 1). Table 1. Characteristics of 3 GeV muons in various materials Material Energy loss, MeV/cm Range, m Scattering, mrad/cm Concrete 4.64 6.4 0.77 Iron 13.90 2.1 1.09 Lead 16.50 1.8 1.67 Uranium 28.51 1.1 1.72 It is interesting to note that muons will penetrate approximately 1 meter in high density materials such as Uranium or Lead. This new information can be used to not only identify the cask composition, e.g. iron vs uranium, but by calculating the most probable point of deflection and using imaging reconstruction techniques it becomes possible to determine where that material is physically located. Thus, information can be obtained not only about the composition of interrogated materials, but also about their geometries. As an example, consider a dry cask, 3 meters in diameter and 6 m length. Placement of position sensitive, e.g., drift wire, and energy sensitive, e.g., scintillator, detectors around the cask would provide the trajectory and energy of the incoming and outgoing particles. After passing through the initial detector, the muons pass through concrete, then uranium, exiting through another layer of concrete before hitting the final detector. The detector measurements are then processed to determine the muon energy loss and the scattering angles. These measurements are samples from independent, identically distributed random variables (Schultz, 2003). The scattering density is estimated as: 3 ๐๐๐๐ 3 ๐ 2 2 ๐๐ฅ_๐ + ๐๐ฆ_๐ 1 2 = ∑(๐๐ ⁄๐ฟ)๐ = ∑∑( ) 2๐ ๐ฟ ๐ ๐=1 ๐=1 ๐=1 (3) where L is the thickness of the i-th material, θx and θy are the projected scattering angles and N is the number of measurements. At the typical sea-level flux, about N=10,000 muons per minute pass through a detector having an area of 1.0x1.0=1.0 m2. For a dry cask, 20,000 measurements of scattering angles are obtained per minute. Random samples of muons were generated and two dry cask configurations were considered. The first one, “Case A”, requires the dry cask to be fullyloaded with fuel assemblies. In “Case B”, “one fuel assembly is missing” and, therefore, the thickness is reduced by ~20 cm. The process of generating random samples of muons was repeated 5,000 times and the results are shown in Fig. 2. The results indicate that reducing the amount of nuclear material Fig. 2. Scattering density distributions for two cases. in a dry cask leads to a meaningful change of its scattering distribution which indicates that the removal of a nuclear fuel assembly can be identified with a high level of confidence. Of course, there do exist additional factors yet to be considered. Measurement errors, less than perfect detector efficiency, and more complicated geometries are real-world considerations that will broaden the distributions and motivate the experimental study of muon radiography in order to identify its performance under real world conditions. Early efforts will be directed towards the development of an integrated mathematical framework to couple the muon scattering with the currently unutilized muon attenuation. Transport principles will be used to describe the stochastic nature of muon particles and provide a mathematical analysis for identification of the primary mechanisms and features of cosmic ray muon transport in dry casks. Building on this analysis, large scale, high-fidelity modeling studies will be performed using the Monte Carlo simulator GEANT4 (Agostinelli, 2003) a well-known and tested simulation tool Fig. 3. Geant4 simulations of dry casks fully loaded (left) and empty (right). developed at CERN for tracking muons and their paths through materials. Fig. 3 depicts preliminary dry cask simulations for 4 GeV monoenergetic muons incident upon a dry cask. One case considers a dry cask fully loaded with the fuel assemblies while the other is empty. A muon beam is initiated above the cask and scattering patterns are visualized. The fully loaded cask has a wider distribution of deflection angles than its counterpart making it feasible to separate these two cases, albeit extreme for visualization purposes, with minimal processing. The proposed effort will expand on preliminary results and establish accurate simulations including but not limited to i) test scenarios with missing fuel assemblies, ii) missing fuel rods, iii) measurements under differing levels of background radiation, iv) old and new fuel, and v) non-standard behavior including damaged or disfigured fuel elements. Detector positioning will be optimized appropriately to minimize measurement time and improve signal resolution. Significance: Currently, more than 2,000 casks have been installed in the U.S. only and projections by Electric Power Research Institute (Blue Ribbon Committee, 2012) show that eventually over 10,000 casks will be required by 2050. As worldwide nuclear capacity continues to increase it is essential to continue verifying international spent fuel declarations in proving that the diversion of plutonium has not occurred and help make the world safer. Project Scope This project focuses on advancing the mathematical framework, simulation, signal processing and imaging technology for spent nuclear fuel monitoring applications. It outlines the development of a simulation and analysis package to aid in the non-destructive assessment of sealed spent nuclear fuel dry casks using cosmic ray muons. The methodology we propose to develop will help the user to solve the inverse problem, i.e., determine presence, structure and geometry of spent nuclear fuel assemblies from muon transport measurements. Advantages of cosmic muon tomography include the utilization of the passive nature of muons, the lack of radiological sources and consequently the absence of any artificial radiological dose. Such a technique is in-line with the non-proliferation objectives of the Department of Energy (DoE), since using radiological sources for radiography could potentially pose the security risk in the case of source diversion. Project Objectives The project objectives are: ๏ท Identification of the principal mechanisms of muon-dry cask interaction ๏ท Development of a mathematical framework to allow for sound process description ๏ท Formulation, implementation and testing of Geant4 simulations ๏ท Development of intelligent algorithms for signal processing to provide information about the contents of spent nuclear fuel dry casks ๏ท Verification and validation of results through comparison with available experiments Once completed, the proposed muon tomography package for dry cask storage monitoring will enable a new approach towards efficient, inexpensive and potentially remote safeguarding of nuclear materials. Project Schedule The project schedule is shown below: References [1] Hagiwara et al., “Review of particle physics”, Physics Review D, Vol. 66, Issue 1, pp. 1-974, 2002. [2] Alvarez et al., “Search for hidden chambers in the pyramids”, Science, Volume 167, pp. 832839, 1970. [3] George, E. P., “Cosmic rays measure overburden of tunnel”, Commonwealth Engineer, pp. 455-457, 1955. [4] Perry, J. O., “Advanced applications of cosmic-ray muon radiography”, Thesis dissertation, The University of New Mexico, 2013. [5] Borozdin, K. N. et al., “Radiographic imaging with cosmic ray muons”, Nature, Vol. 422, p. 277, 2003. [6] Gustafsson, J., “Tomography of canisters for spent nuclear fuel using cosmic ray muons”, Diploma thesis, UU-NF 05#08, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2005. [7] Schultz, L. J., “Cosmic ray muon radiography”, Thesis dissertation, Portland State University, 2003. [8] Cox, L., “Cosmic ray muon scattering tomography for security applications”, National Nuclear Security Division, AWE, UK, 2010. [9] Morris, C. L. et al., “Tomographic Imaging with Cosmic Ray Muons. Science and Global Security, Vol. 16, Issue 1-2, pp. 37-53, 2008.