FLYING BULL PRIMARY & NURSERY SCHOOL Flying Bull Lane, Portsmouth PO2 7BJ Headteacher: Mr. D. Hewett–Dale Office Manager: Mrs J. France Flying Bull Newsletter Number 113 Telephone: (023) 9269 4313 Fax: (023) 9265 0289 September 2013 Dear Parent / Carer Welcome back after the summer break. I hope you had a great time with your children, at least we had some good weather this year! I have listed as many dates as I have available up until half term we will do our best to let you know of any new dates as they come up. The Dates for September / October Tuesday 10th 2 – 3 p.m. Wednesday 11th a.m. Thursday 12th Monday 23rd Monday 30th Tuesday 1st October Wednesday 16th October Monday 21st October Wednesday 23rd October Friday 25th October Friday 25th October Saturday 26th October City Boys school Roadshow for Y6 boys in school hall Triple P parents course for 6 weeks in Community Room Year 3 on visit to All Saints Church Year 1 trip to HMS Victory 4W on visit to Portchester Castle 4W on visit to Portchester Castle Whole school to watch performance of Dick Whittington in the hall 2C on visit to Portchester Castle 2R on visit to Portchester Castle School Photographer – all pupils Break up for half term Family Photo Sessions – more details to follow Attendance At the end of the year, our whole school attendance was 94.4%. It is disappointing that we did not hit the 95% target. However, the number of children achieving 100% and above 95% has increased. This means it is a small number of regular pupils who are affecting the school attendance figure. Please remember that the government have changed the rules on holidays in term time. We are not allowed to authorise any holidays and taking your child out for a holiday can result in a fixed penalty fine. Some families went on holiday without informing us last year, but it did come to our attention after. These fixed penalty fines can be given even after the holiday. School starting time Please remember that the school starts at 8.45, with teachers in their classes or on duty from 8.35 for children who arrive just before. Children should be on site before 8.30, unless they are attending the Breakfast Club, which is in our new meeting room next to the main entrance or if they come by one of the Local Authority taxis. No children should be waiting in our welcome area before this time. Starting School September 2014 / Secondary Transfers Parents of children who are due to start school in September 2014 can now make their application for a place. You can apply by going to either on line on the Portsmouth City Council website or by using a paper application form available from the office. If you have any problems making your application please do not hesitate to come in to the school office and we will be happy to help you. Please make sure you make your application as soon as possible as there is a danger of not getting a place if you leave it too late. If your child is now in Year 6 and will be transferring to Secondary school next September then you also need to make your application for your chosen school this can also be done on line using the same email address or pick up a paper form from the office, once again if you have any queries do not wait but come to the office and we will do our best to help you. School Meals School meals must be paid for at the time of booking. If you would like to order a school meal for your child please come to the school office. Meals are £2 per day for a 2 course meal. We are no longer able to order meals without payment in advance. School Uniform We still hold a stock of school jumpers, cardigans and polo shirts at the school office, some sizes are limited stock Book bags are also available at £2 each. On the subject of uniform, most children have returned to school looking extremely smart in school uniform/school colours. There are a few that have not. Please ensure your child is in the correct clothing. I also need to remind you that children should not be wearing jewellery apart from STUD EARRINGS and a WATCH. We are discussing changing our uniform for September 2014, and one change that has been definitely decided is that children will be expected to wear black shoes from September 2014. This is just to give you a heads up should you be thinking about replacing your child’s footwear in the near future. Free Activities for those in receipt of Free School Meals This is a great opportunity for children who receive free school meals to take part in 3 months of free Swimming or dance lessons. There are three venues where these courses will be taking place: Mountbatten Centre – Swimming & Dance lessons Eastney Swimming Pool – Swimming lessons Charter Academy – Swimming lessons. After the initial 3 months there is the option to continue at half price. If you are interested please collect an application form from the school office. Ladies is English your second language - have you recently arrived in this country? If the answer is Yes and you would like to join a group where you can meet and socialise with others, improve your English or receive support to improve your chances of finding work there are several clubs available for Ladies only. Job Club every Monday 1pm – 4 p.m. at the Learning Place Derby Road Cross Cultural Women’s Group Wednesdays 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. at Friendship House Improve your English skills for Everyday Life – Landport Community Centre Mondays 10 a.m. – 12 noon For further details please contact Marshada 02392 841692 or 07961 086246 or email Finally, do not forget to check out our newly revamped website on Thank you for all your help and support. Yours sincerely Mr D. P. Hewett-Dale Headteacher