IBB-5: Charter Amendment Guidelines

Cobb County School District
Form IBB-5
Empowering Dreams for the Future
1. Denied Petition:
If the initial charter petition is denied, the petitioner must submit a new petition which will
again undergo the complete review and approval process as provided in Administrative
Rule IBB-R (Charter Schools).
2. Approved Petition:
If the initial charter petition is approved by the Cobb County Board of Education (Board)
and has been submitted to the Georgia Board of Education for approval or has been
approved by the Georgia Board of Education the petitioner may request
changes/amendments to the initial petition.
Changes/amendments should be submitted, both electronic and hard copies are required, to
the Director, Alternative Education, Cobb County School District and must comply with the
following guidelines in order to be considered:
1. A written summary of changes shall serve as the Cover Page for the amendment
2. The amendment proposal shall consist of a copy of the charter petition as approved by the
Board with the proposed amendments indicated as follows:
a. Language to be deleted should have a line drawn through it and remain in BLACK font;
b. Proposed new language should be underlined and in RED font.
The following is an example illustrating the required guidelines for charter petition
The format for changes should be as follows: Additions should be UNDERLINED IN RED. Deletions
should remain in BLACK INK WITH A STRIKEOUT, for example:
The Governing Board of the School has chosen to partner with (ADDITIONS UNDERLINED IN RED) →
Imagine Schools, Inc. (DELETION in BLACK) → Chancellor Beacon Academies (CBA) for educational
management services as the two groups share a common mission of enhancing student achievement through a
strong emphasis in reading and mathematics supported by data driven decision making and assessment. The
Governing Board has agreed to partner with (ADDITIONS UNDERLINED IN RED) → Imagine Schools, Inc.
(DELETION IN BLACK) → Chancellor Beacon Academies to help develop this application and, ultimately,
manage the Charter School.
The Core/Encore Program provides a schedule that incorporates more time for the core subjects of reading,
mathematics, science, and social studies supports research-based practices linking time-on-task and student
achievement. (DELETION IN BLACK) → Chancellor Beacon Academies (ADDITION UNDERLINED IN
RED) → Imagine Schools, Inc. offers extended instruction in the Core subjects and an Encore of enriching
experiences (ADDITION UNDERLINED IN RED) → throughout the school day (DELETION IN BLACK) →
at the end of each school day.