Contents of bulletins 2002-2013

Contents of Bulletins: 2002-2013
Autumn 2002
Barbara Castle - obituary
William Miller – Mayor of Plymouth
West London history day:
Brentford Labour councillors
Hammersmith Socialist Society
Ealing Council
Brent: ‘History of Labour in Brent’
Essex Conference:
Tom Driberg
Spring 2003
1897 engineers’ strike in Chiswick
Day School on labour and culture in London:
Wimbledon: ‘Labour in Wimbledon’
Labour and freemasonry
Poplar & Woolwich: ‘Labour in Poplar and Woolwich’
The trades union badge
Music and the labour movement
Report of labour conference in the north-west
Frank Allaun, John Platts-Mill - obituaries
Book reviews:
“Short history of the Labour Party in Brent”,
“Labour’s grassroots”
Summer 2003
Battersea Women’s Circle
Women & Labour - Labour Heritage AGM
Winter 2003
Councillor George Haley
List of local Labour Party histories compiled by archivist
Essex conference:
Farm workers in Essex
Co-operative movement in Essex
Noel Conrad and the Thaxted Movement
W.E.A: ‘100 years of the WEA in Essex’
Preparations for centenary in 2006
Robert Tressell festival
Book reviews:
“Signs of co-operation in Brent and Harrow”,
“Chris Morris: an autobiography”
Spring 2004
West London Labour History Day
Walter Padley and the Acton bye-election of 1943
Serpius Stepniak
Co-operation in Brent
1897 engineers’ strike in Chiswick
Southall 1979 – 25 years on
Labour Heritage AGM:
Labour and race
Hartley Shawcross
Who will greet the King?
Book reviews – “Bumper book of British lefties”
Autumn 2004
Plans for centenary in 2006
Woolfs in Southall, Strike: 1964/65
1909 Fulwell tram strike
Conrad Noel and the Thaxted Movement
50th anniversary of Liberation
Summer 2005
Labour Heritage AGM:
Commemoration of 25 years after the Labour Government of 1945
The Communist Party in the 1930s
Book review “Hammer of the left”
Winter 2005
Labour’s centenary
Essex Conference:
1945 In Essex
Chelmsford bye-election
West London Labour History Day:
Army Bureau of Current Affairs
Bye-elections in World War 2
Labour in South West Middlesex
Book reviews – “Labour’s grassroots”
Harold Smith – obituary
Spring 2006
Labour’s centenary
Ealing during the General strike 1926
Wartime bye-elections
Book reviews- “New Dawn”, “A history of Witham”
Winter 2006
Labour in Chiswick 1906
Suez crisis and Labour 1956
Essex Conference:
National Union of Agricultural Workers in Essex
1926 General strike
Book review “Bill Miller”
Spring 2007
John Burns
Jimmy Moses (Plymouth councillor)
Labour Heritage AGM:
Indian independence
Book reviews – ‘Ness Edwards’ ,’ Grunwicks DVD’
Labour in Worthing
Winter 2007
Essex Conference:
The co-operative movement
Witham Labour Party
Vision of Nye Bevan
National United Order of the Gardeners Friendly Society
Leah Manning – a celebration
Tom Norris
Book reviews : ‘The Women’s Labour League’
‘Labour inside the gate’, ‘Labour in the city’
Spring 2008
Witham Labour League of Youth
Railway Clerks Association
Labour Heritage AGM:
Robert Owen
50 years of the NHS
W. London labour history day:
John Wilkes
Dingle Foot in Ipswich
Book reviews –“Chartism” by Malcolm Chase
Ruth Frow - obituary
Autumn 2008
Little Moscow and Moscow Row (Cornwall)
Socialist Fellowship 1908-2008
New Lanark and Letchworth
Book review – “Ernest Millington autobiography)
Spring 2009
Essex Conference:
Robert Owen
Votes for women
W.London labour history day:
John Wheatley
The Putney debates
Twickenham bye-elections
Dick Stopes & the Ipswich bye-election 1938
Red Battersea – a DVD
Autumn 2009
1929/1931 Labour government
Labour Party & the community in Brentford in 1930s & 1940s
Book reviews: ‘The Newer Eve’, ‘Marching to the Fault Line’
Florence Davy, Ian Grimwood
Spring 2010
Essex Conference
Tom Paine
America and Independence
1929-31 Labour government
W.London Labour History Day
Firestone strike 1933
Trico – strike for Equal Pay 1976
United Glass Bottles, Charlton, strike 1960
Book reviews: ‘Foundation of the British Labour Party’
‘Labour in the East’ [Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex]
Autumn 2010
Michael Foot
Witham 1925-95: Labour Party life in a small town
London 1880-1914: Labour Party roots in a large town
1989 unofficial strikes on London Underground
Fabian archive
Obituaries: John Smithurst, George Barnsby.
Spring 2011
Essex Conference
Labour Party & Socialism – Jim Mortimer
Employment & trade union rights
Michael Foot and his legacy
Splits in the Liberal Party from 19th century onwards.
W.London Labour History Day
Harold Wilson & the technological social revolution
William Morris and the warrior maid
Fascism in a London suburb in 1933 – support & opposition
1938 West Fulham by-election
Book reviews:
‘ Keir Hardie – Labour’s greatest hero’
‘ Speak for Britain – new history of the Labour Party’
‘George Massey & the Bristol Post Office workers, 1930-76’
Autumn 2011
Stormy Medland & the Plymouth Dockyard
Radical Trades Unionism – Gregor Gall
T.U.C. Library – Chris Coates
The Chartists’ First Petition – 1839
Book reviews: Striking a Light – the Bryant & May Matchwomen
New Labour – a review of the literature
Obituary: Ray Challoner
Spring 2012
Labour Heritage at Thirty
Essex Conference
History of Co-operation & formation of Co-ops in Essex
The Chartist Movement
Alfred Barnes
Development of Working Class adult education
W.London Labour History day
The Bryant & May Matchwomen’s strike – Louise Raw
Ramsay MacDonal & Labour’s Irish policy – Ivan Gibbons
Labour Relations & London Transport – Martin Eady
Obituary - Janey O’Neill Buchan
‘Vintage Red’ by John Kotz
‘Atlee: a life in politics
Autumn 2012
The Twin Pillars of the Derbyshire Miners
Thirty years of Labour Heritage
Labour in London – why the delay?
Bishopsgate Institute visit
History of the Durham Miners’ Gala
Labour Movement in Westmoreland
Lord Morris of Aberavon – 50 years in politics
In the corridors of power – D.Lipsey
Tommy Sheridan, from hero to zero – G.Gall
Tam Dalyell autobiography
Britain’s 1929-31 Labour Government – C.Wrigley
Beatrice Webb diaries 1931
The Great Recession & the Great Depression
Socialist History Society meeting – Chartism
Spring 2013
Jacky McDonald Smith 1941-2004 - Richard Hawkins
Hugh Low -, interviewed by Martin Eady
Ealing Trades Council – International Women’s Day
Essex Conference
The Levellers in Essex in 17th C. – Stan Newens
The 1945-51 Labour Government – Francis Beckett
Origins of labour movement in S.E.Essex – Nigel Smith
Review: Biography of Bert Ramelson – Seifert & Sibley
June 2013
Emily Wilding Davison – 1872 – 1913
Beveridge & the Welfare State – David Piachaud
Aneurin Bevan, Clem Atlee & the welfare state – Francis Beckett
Hounslow Trades Union Council 1966-91
- Jim Mortimer
Hilda Smith
Oral labour histories – Britain at Work 1945-95
Sylvia Pankhurst – Socialist History Society meeting
Autumn 2013
The Dublin lock-out - Ivan Gibbons
The Yangtse Incident 1949, Harry Pollitt & Devon protests – Jonathan Wood
Labour & the 1983 election – Peter Rowlands
Trico Equal pay strike 1976 – Sally Groves
Review: William Cuffay, Chartist leader – M.Hoyles