Hold down the Control button, and click on the name of the certificate guide that you wish to view. Criminal Justice Drafting and Design Technology - General Drafting and Design Technology – Structural Drafting and Design Technology – 3D Solid Modeling Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic Engineering Technician Industrial Electronics Technology – Industrial Control Technician Industrial Electronics Technology – Electrical and Instrumentation Industrial Systems Technology – Machine Tool Technology Industrial Systems Technology – Multi-Skilled Industrial Systems Technology – Machine Tool Technology Industrial Systems Technology – Welding Practical Nursing Salon and Spa Management - Cosmetology Salon and Spa Management – Therapeutic Massage Salon and Spa Management - Esthetics Updated July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Certificate Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) SPH 107 (3 hours) MTH 100 or numerically higher (3 hours) CIS 146 (3 hours) CRJ 100 (3 hours) CRJ 110 (3 hours) CRJ Electives by Advisement (21 hours) Courses Taken Hours Earned WKO 106 (3 hours) Total Hours Required for Certificate: 42 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Updated July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Certificate Drafting and Design Technology General Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) SPH 107 (3 hours) MTH 116 or other 100-level math course (3 hours) CIS 146 (3 hours) DDT 104 (3 hours) DDT 111 (3 hours) DDT 113 (3 hours) DDT 117 (3 hours) DDT 124 (3 hours) DDT 127 (3 hours) DDT 128 (3 hours) DDT 220 or 225 (3 hours) INT 119 (3 hours) WKO 106 (3 hours) Courses Taken Hours Earned Total Hours Required for Certificate: 42 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Updated July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Certificate Drafting and Design Technology Structural Drafting Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) SPH 107 (3 hours) MTH 116 or other 100-level math course (3 hours) CIS 146 (3 hours) DDT 104 (3 hours) DDT 111 (3 hours) DDT 113 (3 hours) DDT 124 (3 hours) DDT 127 (3 hours) DDT 128 (3 hours) DDT 225 (3hours) DDT 231 (3 hours) INT 119 (3 hours) WKO 106 (3 hours) Courses Taken Hours Earned Total Hours Required for Certificate: 42 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Updated July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Certificate Drafting and Design Technology Three Dimensional Solid Modeling Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) SPH 107 (3 hours) MTH 116 or other 100-level math course (3 hours) CIS 146 (3 hours) DDT 104 (3 hours) DDT 111 (3 hours) DDT 113 (3 hours) DDT 117 (3 hours) DDT 124 (3 hours) DDT 127 (3 hours) DDT 128 (3hours) DDT 144 (3 hours) DDT 233 (3 hours) INT 119 (3 hours) WKO 106 (3 hours) Courses Taken Hours Earned Total Hours Required for Certificate: 45 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Updated July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Certificate Emergency Medical Services Paramedic Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) MTH 100 (3 hours) BIO 201 (4 hours) BIO 202 (4 hours) EMS 106 (2 hrs) EMS 240 (3 hrs) EMS 241 (3 hrs) EMS 242 (3 hrs) EMS 243 (1 hr) EMS 244 (1 hr) EMS 245 (3 hrs) EMS 246 (3 hrs) EMS 247 (2 hrs) EMS 248 (3 hrs) EMS 253 (2 hrs) EMS 254 (2 hrs) EMS 255 (5 hrs) EMS 256 (1 hr) WKO 106 (3 hrs) Courses Taken Hours Earned Total Hours Required for Certificate: 50 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Updated July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Certificate Engineering Technician Electrical Mechanical Engineering Technician Courses CIS 146 (3 hours) DDT Sequence (6 hours) Courses Taken Hours Earned EGR 101 (3 hours) ENG 101 (3 hours) ENT 106 (3 hours) ENT 140 (3 hours) ILT 160 (3 hours) ILT 161 (3 hours) INT 119 (3 hours) MTH 100 (3 hours) MTH 103 (3 hours) PHS 121 (4 hours)* SPH 107 (3 hours) WKO 106 (3 hours) *PHS 121 required for those interested in working in nuclear power industry. Other PHY, PHS, or CHM classes may be substituted if the student intends to work in another industry. Total Hours Required for Certificate: 46 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Updated July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Certificate Industrial Electronics Technology Industrial Control Technician Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) SPH 107 (3 hours) MTH – Any 100-level math course (3 hours) CIS 146 (3 hours) ILT 109 (3 hours) ILT 160 (3 hours) ILT 161 (3 hours) ILT 162 (3 hours) ILT 163 (3 hours) ILT 166 (3 hours) ILT 194 (3 hours) ILT 197 (3 hours) WKO 106 (3 hours) Courses Taken Hours Earned Total Hours Required for Certificate: 39 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Updated July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Certificate Industrial Systems Technology Electrical and Instrumentation Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) SPH 107 (3 hours) MTH 100 or numerically higher (3 hours) CIS elective (3 hours) INT 117 (3 hours) INT 118 (3 hours) INT 119 (3 hours) INT 126 (3 hours) INT 220 (3 hours) ILT 109 ( 3 hours) ILT 118 (3 hours) ILT 160 (3 hours) ILT 161 (3 hours) ILT 195 (3 hours) ILT 197 (3 hours) WKO 106 (3 hours) Courses Taken Hours Earned Total Hours Required for Certificate: 48 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Updated July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Certificate Industrial Systems Technology Machine Tool Technology Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) SPH 107 (3 hours) MTH 100 or numerically higher (3 hours) CIS elective (3 hours) INT 117 (3 hours) INT 119 (3 hours) WKO 106 (3 hours) Machine Tool Technology Electives by Advisement (24 hours) Courses Taken Hours Earned Total Hours Required for Certificate: 45 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Updated July 2014 Certificate Industrial Systems Technology Multi-Skilled Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) SPH 107 (3 hours) MTH 100 or numerically higher (3 hours) CIS elective (3 hours) INT 117 (3 hours) INT 118 (3 hours) INT 119 (3 hours) INT 126 (3 hours) INT 220 (3 hours) ILT 109 ( 3 hours) ILT 118 (3 hours) ILT 160 (3 hours) ILT 161 (3 hours) ILT 195 (3 hours) ILT 197 (3 hours) WKO 106 (3 hours) Courses Taken Hours Earned Total Hours Required for Certificate: 48 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Updated July 2014 Certificate Industrial Systems Technology Welding Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) SPH 107 (3 hours) MTH 100 or numerically higher (3 hours) CIS elective (3 hours) INT 117 (3 hours) INT 119 (3 hours) WKO 106 (3 hours) Welding electives by advisement (24 hours) Courses Taken Hours Earned Total Hours Required for Certificate: 45 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Certificate Updated July 2014 Nursing Practical Nurse Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) MTH 116 (3 hours) BIO 201 (4 hours) BIO 202 (4 hours) NUR 102 (6 hours) NUR 103 (1 hour) NUR 104 (1 hr) NUR 105 (8 hours) NUR 106 (5 hours) NUR 107 (8 hours) NUR 108 (3 hours) NUR 109 (3 hours) Courses Taken Hours Earned Total Hours Required for Certificate: 49 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Certificate Updated July 2014 Salon and Spa Management Cosmetology Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) SPH 107 (3 hours) MTH 116 (3 hours) CIS 146 (3 hours) WKO 106 (3 hours) SAL 133 (3 hours) COS 111 (3 hours) COS 112 (3 hours) COS 113 (3 hours) COS 114 (3 hours) COS 115 (3 hours) COS 116 (3 hours) COS 117 (3 hours) COS 118 (3 hours) COS 123 (3 hours) COS 143 (3 hours) COS 144 (3 hours) COS 190 (3 hours) Courses Taken Hours Earned Total Hours Required for Certificate: 54 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Certificate Updated July 2014 Salon and Spa Management Therapeutic Massage Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) SPH 107 (3 hours) MTH 116 (3 hours) CIS 146 (3 hours) WKO 106 (3 hours) SAL 133 (3 hours) MSG 101 (2 hours) MSG 102 (3 hours) MSG 103 (3 hours) MSG 104 (3 hours) MSG 105 (2 hours) MSG 200 (1 hour) MSG 201 (2 hours) MSG 202 (3 hours) MSG 203 (3 hours) MSG 204 (3 hours) MSG 205 (2 hours) MSG 206 (1 hour) EMS 103 (1 hour) Electives (7 hours) Choose from BUS, COS, HED, or CIS Courses Taken Hours Earned Total Hours Required for Certificate: 54 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Northeast Alabama Community College Steps to Program Completion Certificate Updated July 2014 Salon and Spa Management Revised 8/7/14 per Curriculum Committee Esthetics Courses ENG 101 (3 hours) SPH 107 (3 hours) MTH 116 (3 hours) CIS 146 (3 hours) WKO 106 (3 hours) COS 117 (3 hours) COS 118 (3 hours) COS 127 (3 hours) COS 134 (3 hours) COS 135 (3 hours) COS 163 (3 hours) COS 164 (3 hours) COS 165 (3 hours) COS 168 (3 hours) COS 190 (3 hours) COS 191 (3 hours) SAL 133 (3 hours) SAL 201 (3 hours) Courses Taken Hours Earned Total Hours Required for Certificate: 54 Student Name: Student Number: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Updated July 2014