Design registration for booster fans - form

Booster fans
15 July 2015
About this form
This form is to be used to apply for design registration for booster fans used in underground coal mines.
Clause 177 of the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulation 2014 and Part 5.3 of the Work Health and Safety
Regulation 2011 sets outs requirements for the design registration of specific plant used in mines.
A Plant registration guide (design and item registration) for applicants has been developed by the NSW
Department of Industry, Division of Resources and Energy, Mine Safety to help with the application process.
In this form, words have the same meaning as that defined in the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Act 2013 and
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and their respective Regulations.
1. Type of registration
A reference to the alteration of a design is a reference to an alteration that may affect health and safety (clause
244(2) of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011).
Is this an alteration of an existing plant design registration?
If yes, please provide existing NSW plant design registration number:
2. Applicant details
The person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) that designs an item of plant or a person who has
management or control of an item of plant may register the design of an item of plant.
Applicant type (tick one box only)
Body corporate
Is the applicant the:
Person with management or control of item of plant
Body corporate PCBU (if applicable)
Registered name
Registered business (trading) name, if applicable. (If the organisation is a trustee for a trust, include the name of
the trust). Attach a certificate or other written evidence of the registration of the business name to the application.
Plant design registration – Booster fans
Individual PCBU or a contact person for body corporate PCBU
First name
Other given name (if applicable)
Last name
Email address*
Daytime contact number*
Mobile number
* The primary means of correspondence will be via email. Contact person for body corporate PCBU must provide a generic email address so
that through organisational changes in your company the department can maintain contact.
Street address (must NOT be a PO Box)
Body corporate to provide their registered business address. Individuals to provide their residential address.
Unit/street/property number
Street address
Country (if other than Australia)
Postal address
Same as the street address above.
Unit/street/property number
Street address
Country (if other than Australia)
3. Plant details
Representational drawings of the design must be attached to the application. The drawings and other documents
submitted with the application must be submitted in English and be capable of being kept in electronic form.
Description of plant
If known, name of manufacturer
and their factory address
Representational drawing information, if there is more than one drawing, please provide details on a separate
piece of paper and attach to this application.
Title of representation drawing
Drawing number
(please ensure the drawing
number is identical to that on the
representational drawing)
Revision number
I have submitted copies of all the representational drawings.
2 NSW Mine Safety
Plant design registration – Booster fans
4. Specific information
The following documents (or documents containing the following information) must be provided for assessment
with the application. Tick the boxes to confirm these documents are attached to the application.
Specify the type of booster fan
Specify the maximum volumetric capacity of the booster fan
Specify the maximum inlet pressure (kPa)
Specify the maximum dynamic pressure (kPa)
Specify the type of fan speed (rpm), flow (m3/hr) and pressure control(description) 
All other documents as required by clauses 187 and 195 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011.
3 NSW Mine Safety
Plant design registration – Booster fans
5. Designer’s statement
Details of the designer
First name
Other given name (if applicable)
Last name
Email address*
Daytime contact number*
Mobile number
Street address (must NOT be a PO Box)
Unit/street/property number
Street address
Country (if other than Australia)
Postal address
Same as the street address above.
Unit/street/property number
Street address
Country (if other than Australia)
Plant details
Are the plant details specified in sections 3 and 4 of this application form correct?
Does the plant design comply with the Registration of Booster Fans Design Order 2015?
4 NSW Mine Safety
Plant design registration – Booster fans
Specify all published technical
standard(s) and engineering
principle(s) used in the design
(full title including the number
and year).
Note: Additional pages may be
attached to this application.
Designer’s statement
I declare that:
I designed the plant; and
I have complied with the standards in the Registration of Booster Fans Design Order 2015; and
I have complied with the designer’s obligations under section 22 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and
clause 177 of the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulation 2014 in relation to the plant design; and
the plant design was produced in accordance with the Registration of Booster Fans Design Order 2015, the
published technical standard(s) and engineering principle(s) listed above in this designer’s statement.
Note: Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under section 268 of the Work Health and Safety
Act 2011, and Part 5A of the Crimes Act 1900.
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Plant design registration – Booster fans
6. Design verifier’s statement
If more than one person assisted or was involved with this design verification, each design verifier must
separately complete and submit this design verifier’s statement.
Details of design verifier
First name
Other given name (if applicable)
Last name
Organisation or company name
Daytime contact telephone
Mobile number
Business address
Unit/street/property number
Street address
Country (if other than Australia)
Postal address
Same as the business address above.
Unit/street/property number
Street address
Country (if other than Australia)
Design verifier’s qualifications
Qualifications or skills and
design experience relevant to
this design
(include professional association
membership if applicable)
Details of the design verifier’s employer (if applicable)
Registered name
Registered business (trading) name, if applicable. (If the organisation is a trustee for a trust, include the name of
the trust). Attach a certificate or other written evidence of the registration of the business name to the application.
6 NSW Mine Safety
Plant design registration – Booster fans
Business address
Unit/street/property number
Street address
Country (if other than Australia)
Postal address
Same as the business address above.
Unit/street/property number
Street address
Country (if other than Australia)
Engagement of designer and design verifier
Were the designer and design verifier engaged by the same organisation?
If yes, a copy of the certification of the quality management system used for the design must be submitted with
the application. If a copy of the certificate has been provided previously, enter the certificate number and expiry
date below:
Certificate number
Expiry date
Plant details
Are the plant details specified in sections 3 and 4 of this application form correct?
Design verifier’s statement
I declare that:
I carried out the verification of the plant design; and
I am eligible to verify this plant design under the provisions of Division 3 of Part 5.3 of the Work Health and
Safety Regulation 2011; and
the plant design was produced in accordance with the Registration of Booster Fans Design Order 2015, the
published technical standard(s) and engineering principle(s) listed above in the designer’s statement at
section 5 of this application form; and
I was not involved in the production of the design; and
I have documented the process used to verify the design and the results of that verification process.
Note: Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under section 268 of the Work Health and Safety
Act 2011, and Part 5A of the Crimes Act 1900.
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Plant design registration – Booster fans
7. Documents supporting this application
If you require more space to list the supporting documents please attach another copy of this page to your
Document Issue
8. Applicant’s declaration
I declare that:
an equivalent registration granted by a corresponding regulator under a corresponding work health and safety
law is not held; and
the information supplied in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge; and
I confirm that the design verifier was not involved in the production of the design; and
none of the information supplied by me in this application or any documents attached or submitted in support
of this application is false or misleading; and
in making this application, I have not failed to provide material information relating to the matters addressed
above; and
I consent to the Department making enquiries and exchanging information with WorkCover NSW and other
work health and safety regulators in other states regarding any matter relevant to this application.
Note: Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under section 268 of the Work Health and Safety
Act 2011, and Part 5A of the Crimes Act 1900.
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Plant design registration – Booster fans
9. Checklist
To avoid delays in processing your application and to confirm that your form is ready for submission, use this
1. Type of registration
Is this an alteration of an existing NSW plant design registration? If YES, have you stated the NSW plant
design registration number on the form?
2. Applicant details
Have you completed all the relevant fields in the applicant details?
Have you attached the certificate or other written evidence of the registration of the business name?
3. Plant details
Have you completed all the fields for plant details?
Have you attached all representational drawings?
Have you checked that the drawing number(s) (including revision number(s)) on the drawing(s) provided are
correct and match the drawing number(s) on the representational drawing(s)?
4. Specific information
Have you checked that all of the additional information has been attached to the application and listed in the
documents list at section 7 of the form?
5. Designer’s statement
Has the designer completed all fields in section 5 of the form?
Has the designer signed and dated the statement?
6. Design verifier’s statement
Has the design verifier completed all fields in section 6 of the form?
Has the design verifier documented the process used to verify the design? Note: this document is not
required to be submitted with the application but must be available, if requested.
Did more than one person participate in the design verification? If so, ensure a design verifier’s statement is
provided by each person.
Has the design verifier signed and dated the statement?
7. Documents supporting this application
Has all supporting documentation been listed and referenced in the table?
Has all supporting documentation been provided in electronic format? It is a condition of application that all
documentation is provided electronically.
8. Applicant’s declaration
Has the applicant signed and dated the applicant declaration of the form?
If you have been able to tick all of the sections above you may proceed with your submission.
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Plant design registration – Booster fans
Lodging your application
Submit your completed application and all associated documentation to Mine Safety Registration and Licensing
Unit. Applications can only be accepted by email.
If you have any queries or need assistance submitting your supporting documentation by email please contact the
Mine Safety Registration and Licensing Unit on 02 4931 6666 or at
© State of New South Wales through the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development 2015. You may copy, distribute and otherwise freely
deal with this publication for any purpose, provided that you attribute the NSW Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development as the owner.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing (February 2016). However,
because of advances in knowledge, users are reminded of the need to ensure that information upon which they rely is up to date and to check currency of
the information with the appropriate officer of the NSW Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development or the user’s independent advisor.
Privacy statement: Information from this form is collected for the purpose of managing registration of plant designs under the Work Health and Safety
(Mines) Act 2013, Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulation 2014, Work Health and Safety Act 2011, and Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011.
The supply of this information is required by law. If you choose not to provide the requested information we may not be able to process your application.
Information will be stored and managed in accordance with the provisions under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. It will not be
given to any other third party except as authorised by law. You may access or correct your personal information by contacting Governance & Information
Request Unit on (02) 9995 0911 or Further information regarding privacy can be obtained from the NSW Department of
Industry, Skills and Regional Development website at
10 NSW Mine Safety