CIPP Improvement Activity Worksheet

CIPP Improvement Activity Worksheet
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
9 & 10
1, 2, 3, & 5
Measurable Improvement Activity:
Action Steps to Implement the Activity:
In order to become commensurate with the
state average of rate for disproportionality,
the district will decrease the number of
discipline referrals that result in Out of
School (OSS) suspensions.
1. Continue Discipline Task Force efforts to examine discipline
data and monitor progress of district efforts to implement
alternatives to out of school suspension.
2. Develop and implement RCS Autism Action Plan and
continue district autism PD offerings for staff.
3. Continue EC Program Lead Positions to offer additional
support to elementary and middle schools.
4. Continue to expand PBIS efforts.
5. Provide PD for research based behavioral interventions and
Behavioral Foundations.
6. Expand Social Skills Curriculum PD for Behavior Support
self-contained classrooms.
7. Continue Non-violent Crisis Intervention Training.
8. Continue PD and staff support for Functional Behavioral
9. Initiate district exploration phase efforts for Multi-Tiered
System of Supports (MTSS).
10. Continue day treatment referrals for students who
demonstrate potential need for these services.
11. Continue behavioral support services through Bridges
Program for SWD meeting eligibility criteria for program
In order to increase proficiency rate for
SWD on statewide assessments, EC
teachers will participate in PD offerings
for best practices and research based
instructional interventions, practices and/or
1. Provide required Reading and Math Foundations course
offerings for EC teachers and continue recommended offerings
for general education teachers.
2. Collaborate with district Director of Research and Testing to
conduct data talks with EC staff regarding analysis of
performance data and instructional implications for SWD.
3. Continue Thinking Maps PD.
4. Continue of Transmath efforts for Middle Schools.
5. Continue to provide PD for EC staff regarding interpreting
Reading 3 D data in order to assist with instructional planning.
6. Monitor reading progress of 3rd grade SWD and provide
support for EC teachers to assist with instructional implications
based upon review of data.
7. Provide co-teaching staff development.
8. Provide school level writing training for EC teachers.
Specify how the implementation of the
activity will be documented:
Discipline Task Force Minutes of Meeting;
PBIS Data; Risk/Ratio Data; Day Treatment
Referral Data; Powerschool data; FBA Fidelity
Checks; Rosters of Attendance; SET
Evaluations; PBIS District Plan; AU Action
Plan; MTSS Problem Solving Notes;
Homebound Policy Recommendations; FBA
Rubric; Code of Conduct Crosswalk.
Enrollment logs for professional development;
NC SIP; EVAAS data; Transmath data;
3rd Grade Tracking data.
1, 2, 3, 8, 13
& 14
In order to decrease the dropout rate for
SWD, the district will increase by 1% the
graduation rate.
1, 2, & 3
Continue to increase the number of EC and
general education staff trained in
researched based reading and math best
practices through professional
development offerings provided
throughout the school year.
3, 6 & 7
Continue to increase the number of
opportunities for professional learning
communities (PLC) amongst preschool
teachers in the area of math and early
8, 13, 14
Increase the number of referrals to UMAR
and Centerpoint in order to assist with
obtaining post-secondary training and
other types of employment for SWD.
6, 7, 8. 12
Implement district efforts to provide
opportunities for parents of SWD to be
active participants when developing plans
for services as well as assisting in
improving outcomes for SWD.
1. Provide targeted skills instruction through Academic Skills
courses at high schools.
2. Continue Discipline Task Force to examine discipline data
and continue to explore alternatives to out of school suspension.
3. Continue to provide additional high school EC staff support
which will include training of HS Teachers by Semester.
4. Continue use of BRIDGIT as an instructional support for
5. Continue to expand PBIS efforts.
6. Implement Transition Lead position and provide professional
development for transition and post- secondary outcomes for
7. Create database to assist with matching transition needs of
SWD to applicable areas of service (name, phone, e-mail,
address, etc.)
1. Continue to provide staff development in targeted research
based math programs including Transmath and Math
2. Continue to provide staff development in targeted research
based reading programs including Reading 3D and Reading
Foundations and Intel training.
3. Continue Thinking Maps PD.
1. Conduct Monthly PLC meetings.
2. Collaborate with K-8 Lead Math Instructional Coach.
3. Continue to implement research based math practices
including Number World in preschool classrooms.
4. Continue to implement research based reading practices
including Letterland in preschool classrooms.
Enrollment logs for professional development;
HS schedules; PBIS data; transition data;
1. Provide referral packets for UMAR and Centerpoint to parents
of SWD beginning with the 8th grade school year when
2. Continue referral process at high school when appropriate.
3. Invite community agencies (UMAR and Centerpoint) to
attend open houses, step up nights, order to share pertinent
information with parents and students.
1. Develop and implement RCS Autism Action Plan and
continue district autism PD offerings for staff.
2. Design and implement activities at school level to assist
students and staff with gaining sensitivity and awareness of
issues impacting individuals with disabilities.
3. Continue PD and staff support with progress monitoring
4. Implement efforts to improve home- school communication
particularly for students transitioning from one level to the next
(i.e., preschool to K, elementary to middle, middle to high).
UMAR and Centerpoint Referral Data.
Enrollment logs for professional development;
SEA System; NC SIP; EVAAS data; Transmath
Enrollment logs for PLCs; review and analysis
of classroom progress data charts.
Enrollment logs for professional development;
Autism Action Plan; Meeting Rosters of
5. Solicit feedback from parents regarding relevant issues of
interest related to families of children with disabilities.
6. Explore developing parent support teams to assist parents of
SWD with various relevant issues (i.e., personal testimonies,
overcoming obstacles.)
7. Continue with parent steering committee efforts.
8. Develop list of available community resources for parents of
SWD to consult regarding relevant issues.
11, 12
In order to be compliant with federal and
state regulations regarding child find effort
efforts, the district will implement policies
and procedures to assist with meeting
expected targets in these areas.
1. Continue to provide district support to school based SSMT
teams regarding best practices
2. Provide district support to schools as needed to assist with
adhering to 90 day timeline.
3. Initiate efforts with local medical community in order to share
pertinent information regarding process for evaluation and
identification of SWD (eligibility guidelines) including
development of packet/presentation for MD offices regarding
referrals for EC including what to look for (milestones) and
services offered.
4. Provide information to parents regarding child find procedures
(ECAC) and develop teacher component to parent component.
5. Explore implementation plan for MTSS (build/modify
implementation plan for MTSS).
RCS EC Strategic Plan; Enrollment logs for
professional development; Brochures.