CAPSTONE ESSAY AND PROJECT RUBRIC Student Name: EXCEPTIONAL/ ACCOMPLISHED (3 pts) ACCEPTABLE/ PROFICIENT (2 pts) MINIMAL/ EMERGING (1 pt) ANALYTIC ARGUMENT – Includes criteria for developing a coherent and substantiated professional position across the Capstone essay / project CONCEPTUAL A well-constructed and salient Adequate position statement or Vague or disjointed position FRAMEWORK position statement or project project rationale statement or project rationale Use of knowledge across areas rationale Sections of the Capstone Each section of the Capstone to establish and build a coherent Purposeful chain of analytical seem unrelated to the central clearly relates to the central professional position. reasoning builds across the focus focus Capstone PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE AREAS Demonstrates understanding of: (1) learners, (2) learning contexts, (3) curriculum, and (4) assessment. (1) LEARNER: Synthesizes nuanced perspectives of learners Discussion of learner interacts with other areas (2) LEARNING CONTEXT: Synthesizes the multiple dimensions of the learning context Discussion of learning context interacts with other areas (3) CURRICULUM: Synthesizes a complex perspective of curriculum Discussion of curriculum interacts with other areas (4) ASSESSMENT: Synthesizes multiple nuanced aspects of assessment Discussion of assessment interacts with other areas Clear articulation of the learner Some evidence of the complexities or pluralities of learners Clear articulation of the learning context Some evidence of the complexities or interactions within the learning context Clear articulation of curriculum and its features Some evidence of the complexities and shaping of curriculum Clear articulation of assessment and its scope Some evidence of assessment as a system across multiple processes or levels Vague description or position on who the learner is Discussion of the learner seems one-dimensional Vague description or position on the learning context Discussion of the learning context seems onedimensional Vague description or position on what curriculum entails Discussion of curriculum seems one-dimensional Vague description or position on what assessment entails Discussion of assessment seems one-dimensional Note to Reviewers: Score 3 of the 4 professional knowledge areas based on emphasis in the capstone. Leave the fourth area blank. SYNTHESIS OF THEORY Ties theory in 3-4 professional Ties theory in 2-3 of the Few ties between theoretical AND PRACTICE knowledge areas to professional knowledge areas knowledge and practice. implications for the practice. to implications for the practice. Ties made lack clarity or Cohesive position extends Establishes a cohesive position coherence. through synthesis of practice. across the knowledge areas 1 Rev 5/14 EXCEPTIONAL/ ACCOMPLISHED (3 pts) SUPPORTIVE EVIDENCE Position / claims are well substantiated with authoritative examples and citations. A variety of reputable, wellestablished sources are used for evidence and support. ACCEPTABLE/ PROFICIENT (2 pts) Most positions / claims are substantiated with authoritative examples and citations Some use of sources may not effectively support the argument. MINIMAL/ EMERGING (1 pt) Position / claims lack support due to insufficient examples or citations Sources of support used lack authority or credibility DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION – Includes criteria for relating the findings of the Capstone essay / project to the field of education or personal practice IMPLICATIONS Articulates important questions Articulates important questions Lacks sufficient questions Relevance of the Capstone for and implications for the field and implications for the field of and/or implications for the the field of education of education that are closely education field of education tied to the argument of the Relevance and implications of Implications are not clearly essay / project. the main argument of the essay articulated or connected to the Limitations are explored. / project is not fully explored. essay / project. FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS Identifies important questions or directions for continued professional development, including potential plans. Future considerations tied explicitly to findings of the essay / project. Identifies questions or directions for continued professional development. Relevance and implications of ideas are minimally explored in light of the findings of the essay / project. FINAL PRODUCT – Includes criteria for the written presentation of the final Capstone essay / project. WRITING CONVENTIONS Active voice and careful Minimal problems with voice Basic elements of good writing. editing or editing Effective use of transitions and Adequate transitions and headings headings Judicious use of quotations Minimal problems with quotations Minimal difficulties with APA conventions Difficulties with APA conventions Length Requirements 300 word abstract Abstract does not represent Abstract and paper length. appropriately summarizes the well all aspects of the essay/project. essay/project. 15-20 pages of text Inadequate length TOTAL POINTS: (27-30: High Pass, 18-26.99: Pass, 0-17.99: Remediation Required) Lacks sufficient questions and/or directions for professional development. Implications for professional development are not clearly articulated or connected to the essay / project. Significant problems with voice or editing (grammar, spelling, etc.) Significant problems with transitions and headings Over-reliance on quotations Significant lack of attention to APA conventions Inadequate abstract. Inadequate length COMMENTS: 2 Rev 5/14