2010 Final Report - DeNisco Ambassador

Final 2009-10 Report for John DeNisco (Ambassador)
Description of the Project
The CDHS Ambassador collaborates with CDHS College Relations Group staff and Buffalo
State College faculty to identify resources and professional expertise that will support CDHS
contractual activities. The Ambassador promotes CDHS partnership projects, makes School of
the Professions faculty aware of CDHS sponsor needs, assists them in the development of
possible faculty partnerships, and provides assistance in linking faculty resources to the specific
training needs of CDHS sponsors. In addition to serving as liaison between CDHS staff and the
faculties of School of the Professions, the Ambassador attends meetings, schedules CDHS staff
attendance at college department meetings, and meets with department chairs to promote
partnerships between faculty and CDHS staff as specified by the CDHS Senior Ambassador.
Tasks to Be Completed and Completion Dates:
1.) To continue contacting departments and department chairs from the School of the Professions
during the 2009-2010 academic year to promote partnership projects with faculty from the
School of the Professions.
Results – I contacted the chairs of every department in the School of the Professions in several
ways. They were:
 Chair meetings (for the school) – announcements were made periodically throughout the
school to announce various events and project opportunities for members of their
respective departments.
 Email – I emailed department chairs with the RFPs and the Compendium of Abstracts
during each academic semester. In addition, emails were sent each time a project(s)
was/were announced by the Director of the College Relations Department
2.) To contact and setup up meetings with new faculty within the School of the Professions and
encourage them to participate in the partnership projects (either in a group setting or in a one
to one setting) by explaining the benefits (scholarly) of that participation
Results – I contacted members of the School of the Professions during the 2009-10 academic
year via email, @ school meetings and sent both the RFP and Compendium e-files.
 Put two members of the faculty in the Business Department in touch with Gail Daniels to
discuss opportunities for setting up partnerships with CDHS and introduced the Center’s
web site, RFPs & Compendium of Abstracts for 2009-10. I believe both faculty were
awarded partnership projects (Uma Gupta & Theodore Davis.
 Discussed RFPs and the Compendium of Abstracts with the entire Business Department
at a department meeting.
 Setup up meeting with the Criminal Justice Department with Bill Licata & Barry White
in spring 2010
3) To work with the College Relations staff to explore new ways and enhance current ways to
keep the partnership projects program functioning at a high level.
1. Attend meetings with College Relations Group to discuss ways to get more faculty from
the School of the Professions involved with Partner Projects.
2. Attended events sponsored by College Relations