japan exchange information: momoyama gakuin university

Partner Institution: Momoyama Gakuin is located in Osaka,
Language of Instruction: The main language of instruction is
Japanese, though there is also a good selection of courses taught
in English.
What can I study? For a full listing of courses taught in English,
please see Momoyama Gakuin’s website at the bottom of this
document. Momoyama Gakuin offers many programmes of study
for students who speak proficient Japanese. The following are
examples of modules taken by York St John students whilst on
exchange at the University:
Japanese Language
Art and Society
Japanese Society and Social Institutions
Japanese Film
World of Anime
Colour Perception
Introduction to Japanese Culture & Society
Overview of the Currency Exchange
Bright & Gloomy Sides of the Post-war Japanese Economy
History of American Literature
Comparing Cultures from around the world
The World of Modern East Asia
Module offerings and availability vary on a yearly basis. When
preparing for study at any institution you will need to check that
year’s current module offerings on the institution’s website.
Term Dates: The first term runs from the middle of September to
the end of January and the second term runs from March to August.
Is a visa necessary for exchange in Japan? YES.
o Exchange students do require a visa to enter Japan. There
is no visa fee, however, students need to travel to the
Japanese Embassy in London with their application form and
supporting documents. More information can be found here:
o http://www.uk.emb-japan.go.jp/en/visa/visa-gen.html
What are the estimated costs for exchange at Momoyama?
o The exchange agreement with Momoyama does not include
accommodation, so students will need to pay for their
accommodation whilst on exchange. Accommodation is
provided by Momoyama and costs approximately 240,000
Japanese yen per semester (excluding utilities, 2012/3).
Students may also need to purchase cutlery, and other small
household items if these have not been left behind by
previous residents.
o There will be a semester fee of approximately 30,000 yen to
cover Airport pickup, bedding, the orientation programme,
WIFI and excursions.
o There is a Mandatory National Health insurance fee of 1800
Japanese yen per month.
Travel and Health Insurance? YES.
o It is necessary to have travel and health insurance before
leaving on your exchange. York St John University provides
Travel and Health insurance. In addition students are
obliged to enrol in the National Health Insurance system
upon arrival in Japan which is approximately £12 per month.
o Students going to Japan on exchange are required to have a
chest x-ray before travelling, and the cost for this is usually
Momoyama Gakuin’s website can be found here: